Rosehip decoction: how to prepare, recipes, how to take, benefits and contraindications

Rose hip decoction
Good afternoon, dear readers! Rosehip or wild rose is simply a storehouse of vitamins to maintain the body, especially in the autumn-winter period. Its medicinal properties are recognized not only by traditional medicine, but also by official medicine.

Almost the entire bush is considered medicinal - the branches, roots, leaves, and of course, the fruits. The berries can be picked in September-October, when they are fully ripe.

Then dry it, and in winter you can prepare a very healing decoction to boost immunity. You can prepare the fruits yourself, buy them at a pharmacy or in a store in the dried fruits section.

I recommend reading:

Rosehip: composition, application, medicinal and beneficial properties and harm

Rosehip decoction: benefits

A drink made from rose hips tones, invigorates and supports even a very weakened body. Actively used for prevention, treatment and restoration of strength.

1. To restore liver function in case of cholecystitis and after removal of the gallbladder.

2. Stimulates the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

3. Normalizes blood pressure and heart muscle function.

4. Increases hemoglobin levels, promotes the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

5. Helps reduce salt deposits and pain during gout.

6. In diabetes mellitus, it normalizes the production of insulin by the pancreas.

7. A good prophylactic for vitamin deficiencies and maintaining immunity.

8. A good prophylactic for fighting colds and antifungal infections.

9. Activates physical and mental activity.

10. Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and helps reduce weight.

Rosehip decoction during pregnancy

Rosehip decoction during pregnancy and breastfeeding

1. During this important period for a woman, her body especially needs vitamins and additional support for immunity. It is during this period, when taking chemical drugs is highly undesirable, that rosehip decoction can help as a prophylactic and for the treatment of colds.

2. The drink helps relieve swelling in late pregnancy. If a woman has no contraindications and her attending physician allows it, then she can drink the decoction according to the following regimen: take it for a week, then take a week off.

3. The drink helps restore strength after childbirth, strengthens the body, fills it with vitamins, and gives vigor and strength.

4. If the child does not have allergies, then rosehip can be taken while breastfeeding. It is better to start taking 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increase the amount and monitor the baby’s reaction.

5. Any warm drink enhances milk lactation, and rosehip decoction will also fill it with vitamins and protect against mastitis.

6. Rosehip tea has a mild laxative effect, which is very useful for both women and small children.

Healthy recipes

1. Vitamin tea made from rose hips and dried fruits

You need: 10-15 dry rose hips and a large handful of any dried fruits, pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of natural honey. Cover the pan with a lid and let the drink brew.

2. Rosehip syrup during pregnancy

You need to: pour 20-25 fruits with 0.5 liters of water and add a glass of white sugar. Bring to a boil, let it brew, filter and refrigerate.

Rosehip decoction for children

Rosehip decoction for children

It is recommended to introduce rosehip decoction into the child’s diet with 1 teaspoon per day, take a short break for 1-2 days and look at the baby’s body’s reaction; if an allergic reaction is not observed, then you can gradually increase the dose.

But, if a rash suddenly appears or problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise, then immediately stop taking the drink.

You can try introducing rosehip decoction into your child’s diet no earlier than 8 months. The recommended daily intake for children is no more than 100 ml. for 2-3 doses per day. Since the decoction has a slight diuretic effect, it is better not to give it to the child before bedtime.

Rosehip decoction and blood pressure

A decoction of the fruit is simply a storehouse of vitamins that have a positive effect on blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. But you need to know how to take it correctly so as not to harm your health.

1. A decoction of rose hips in water lowers blood pressure.

2. Rosehip tincture with the addition of alcohol or vodka helps to increase blood pressure, especially with hypotension.

To get a lasting result, you need to take the tincture or decoction for 2-3 weeks, ¼ cup a day before meals, then take a short break and you can continue taking it. The main thing is not to confuse which cooking method is right for you.

How and how much to use rosehip infusion?

Taking rosehip infusion depends on the desired objectives of its use. This is mainly the treatment of respiratory diseases, strengthening the immune system, as a choleretic agent and for weight loss.

  • Treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases - 100 ml 3 times a day. It is also taken to boost immunity.
  • As a choleretic agent - in the morning 30 minutes before meals, 200 ml warm.
  • For weight loss - ½ glass per 30 minutes. before meals.
  • To improve iron absorption, you need to drink 200 ml at night.

The total amount of infusion in 24 hours should not exceed 200 ml for adults, 100 ml for children. This volume must be diluted with water before use. The course of treatment lasts no more than 8 weeks. You definitely need to take a break from taking rose hips for 2 weeks.

Medicinal recipes from rose hips to strengthen blood vessels

1. You need to: take equal quantities of rose hips, cranberries, hawthorns, and chokeberries. 3 tbsp. pour 250 ml of mixture of the listed berries into spoons. boiling water Let it brew for about an hour, filter and take ½ cup an hour before meals.

2. Need to: take 5 pcs. rose hips, mint or lemon balm leaves, 2 pcs. prunes and a little lemon zest. Pour hot water, let it brew for 30 minutes and you can drink medicinal and delicious tea.

How to prepare rosehip decoction correctly?

Fresh rose hips must be dried in the oven over low heat with the door open. Before cooking, rinse the berries, chop them or pierce them with a needle.

Before drinking, filter the finished medicinal drink to remove seeds and needles that spill out of the fruit.

Rosehip is poured with boiling water and left for several hours. You can brew berries in a thermos. It is not recommended to boil the broth in a saucepan over a fire for a long time, as this will destroy all the beneficial components and vitamins.

Basic Rules:

1. The norm for brewing is 10 rose hips per 250 ml. hot water.

2. The water temperature is no higher than 80 degrees, until the first bubbles appear, then the heating of the water must be stopped.

3. Infuse the decoction for at least 8 hours. You can pour the fruits in the evening, and you can consume them in the morning.

4. The main thing is that the medicine is prepared from high-quality raw materials.

5. The shelf life of dry rose hips is no more than 2 years.

I recommend reading all the cooking methods:

How to brew rose hips correctly to preserve all the vitamins

Infusion of fresh rose hips

Fresh berries are also used to prepare the infusion. They contain the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements. That is why you can get great benefits from the drink. For 2 l. water will need 6 tbsp. l. rosehip berries. Rinse the fruits well, remove seeds and hairs, and mash. This can be done with a fork or passed through a meat grinder.

The resulting slurry is poured into 1 liter. water and let it brew for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, add another 1 liter. water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for another 30 minutes.

The second cooking method is slightly different. You need to prepare the slurry as in the first case and transfer it to a glass container. It would be better if it was a thermos with a glass flask. For 1 tsp. mashed berries take 1 tbsp. water with hot water. The optimal temperature is 60 C. The main thing is that the water is not hot, otherwise most of the beneficial substances will evaporate.

Infuse the resulting mixture for 40 minutes and strain. Pour the squeezed pulp with water (1 tsp per 500 ml of water) and boil for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and add to the infusion.

Rosehip infusion in a thermos (the benefits and harms depend on the method of preparation) can be stored for no more than a day. The more time passes from the moment of its preparation, the less nutrients there are in the drink.

How to take rosehip decoction

In order for the decoction to benefit the body, it must be taken correctly:

1. The course of taking the decoction should be 2-4 weeks, and the break between courses should be one month.

2. Drink the decoction 2-3 times a day, before meals, as the healthy drink whets the appetite.

3. Pregnant women should take the decoction carefully, since 10-15 rose hips contain the daily requirement of Vitamin C; do not overdo it with the dosage, so as not to increase the load on the liver.

How to brew dried rose hips in a thermos

To prepare an infusion of fruits you will need 1 liter. boiling water and 40 - 50 berries. Place the washed berries in a thermos and fill with water. The drink must infuse for 12 hours. Then crush the swollen berries in a small amount of infusion and strain.

Take half a glass of the finished drink before meals 3 times a day. The content of the concentrated infusion per dose should not exceed ¼ cup. You can also use the infusion without chopping the berries.

How long can the prepared rosehip decoction be stored?

1. Freshly prepared rosehip decoction can be stored for no more than a day. It is better to brew the amount that you can consume during the day. A spoiled and old drink will not do you any good and may harm your digestion.

2. Do not store the medicinal drink in a metal container; it is better to pour it into a glass jar with a tight lid.

3. Protect from oxygen.

4. Store in a dark and cool place.

Rosehip infusion for weight loss

Rose hips help in losing weight due to its ability to improve stomach function and speed up metabolic processes. In addition, the fruits and petals of wild roses have a mild diuretic property.

To prepare tea from rosehip flowers, you need to pour ½ cup of petals into 1 liter. boiling water and leave for 12 hours. The infusion should be drunk during the day in 3-4 doses. Drink within 30 minutes. before meals.

Rich in vitamins, wild rose decoction can bring both benefits and harm. Using a thermos to prepare a drink, you can preserve most of the nutrients.

All parts of rose hips help strengthen the human body and treat many diseases. Taking a medicinal drink for one disease benefits the entire body as a whole. Using natural medicines will help you stay healthy for a long time.

Author: Svetlana Mokeeva

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Rosehip decoction: harm and contraindications

Despite all the positive reviews from specialists and patients, rosehip decoction has some side effects and contraindications:

1. It is not recommended to take for gastritis, stomach ulcers and increased stomach acidity.

2. Rosehip decoction can provoke allergic reactions.

3. Take the decoction with caution if your tooth enamel is damaged.

4. Use is not recommended for thrombophlebitis and liver diseases.

5. Use with caution if your blood pressure is unstable.

Contraindications to the use of rosehip infusion

Rosehip infusion in a thermos (the benefits and harms for each are determined individually) contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Because of this, it should be taken with great caution by people with allergies. People suffering from thrombophlebitis, other blood diseases and diabetes mellitus should not drink it.

It should be consumed in small quantities for gastrointestinal diseases, especially gastritis with high acidity. This is due to the large amount of organic acids that make up rose hips. It is also worth consulting a doctor before taking it if you have liver disease or high blood pressure.

People suffering from blood pressure should take the infusion with caution. So, hypotensive patients need to use an alcohol infusion, but hypertensive patients, on the contrary, need to use a water infusion.

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