Monastic tea: composition, benefits - How to prepare at home?

Monastic tea is an effective traditional medicine. Today, not knowing what monastery tea is, the composition and recipe for its preparation is a big mistake. You want to know how to prepare one of the most pleasant and effective traditional medicines of our time? Then you should learn how to prepare similar monastery tea at home. We will not only talk about the recipe for a wide variety of diseases, we will also give advice throughout the article.

Monastic tea has long been made by monks in monasteries

  • What is the general composition of this tea?
  • What diseases can monastic tea help against?
  • How is such a miraculous remedy prepared?
  • We drink and lose weight
  • Sweet tea vs sugar
  • Tea that fights parasites
  • Stomach tea
  • Collecting herbs and fighting addiction
  • Tea is good, but not always

What kind of tea is this?

Monastic tea, as is quite obvious, has long been made by monks in monasteries. It was prepared from herbs at the monastery itself, so it was always considered environmentally friendly and healthy. The knowledge of the monks allowed them to collect combinations of herbs that most effectively helped against certain ailments.

Nowadays, teas also help to cope with diseases, but more often exclusively restorative and tasty teas are common. Even though this tea is much more expensive, it is much healthier, juicier and more enjoyable than regular tea. In addition, nowadays you can make it yourself, significantly reducing the price level.

The knowledge of the monks allowed them to collect combinations of herbs that most effectively helped against certain ailments

Advice! Don't trust scammers. If you want to buy monastery tea, then go to the shop at the monastery itself, or better yet, make it at home so as not to overpay.


Unlike other herbal teas that abound on the Internet, monastery tea has a number of features, and it is thanks to them that it has become so popular.

It is declared not as a dietary supplement, but as a medicinal herbal tea (however, it is not sold in pharmacies). Not addictive. It is prepared according to ancient monastic recipes, which were kept in Orthodox churches for centuries, thanks to herbalists and folk healer monks. All proportions recorded in ancient sources are strictly observed.

More than 40 plants are used to prepare all types of teas produced under the “monastic” brand. Moreover, they are all collected by hand, mainly in the Caucasus mountains and are environmentally friendly raw materials.

Very pleasant taste and rich herbal aroma. Synergistic effect: herbs are selected in such a way that they enhance and support each other’s effects. Positive energy: gatherings are created in a place of prayer, by people who communicate with God daily.

Low prices for the entire range of products - $17.5 per package. You can place your order without leaving your home. Wide range of products - there are fees for the treatment of almost any disease. They also all have an immune-strengthening effect and improve overall health.

How to order:

  1. Leave a request on the official website.
  2. Wait for the operator to call and confirm your details.
  3. The tea is packaged and sent by parcel to a postal address or by courier.
  4. In a few business days you will receive and pay for your order.

Having studied such information, it becomes clear why it is so popular. But not everything is so rosy. There are several not-so-pleasant aspects that you should definitely consider before purchasing. But first, a maximum of completely impartial facts, so that at the end of the article there is material for criticism.

What is the general composition of this tea?

It has already been said above that the composition depends solely on what ailment it should help against. We will first look at monastery tea, the herbs of which mainly contain antioxidants with general strengthening properties.

Advice! Buy ingredients in pharmacies or specialized stores, as markets, fairs and shops are full of goods of dubious quality.

So, the composition of ordinary homemade tea from the monks:

  1. Elecampane plant , or more precisely, its root. Elecampane is famous for its liver and kidney cleansing properties; it perfectly removes toxins and strengthens the overall immune system.
  2. Tea leaves black or green . Of course, the composition must contain a base of ordinary tea, because even if it does not have any additives, it still tones the body and improves mood better than other herbs.
  3. St. John's wort . A rather dangerous plant in large quantities, which is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure. St. John's wort helps cope with depression, improves brain function, helps fight insomnia and significantly increases stress resistance.
  4. Rosehip , or more precisely, its fruits. They contain a large amount of mineral acids and vitamins that help strengthen the body and even fight skin aging.
  5. Oregano. It counteracts various infections, is a good antiseptic, and improves metabolism. Among other things, oregano is an excellent appetite stimulant and has a slight diuretic effect.

The composition of the tea depends solely on what ailment it is supposed to help against.
But there are also basic components. It will not be a secret to anyone that the selected combination of ingredients allows each to enhance the beneficial effects of the other.
Be sure to check if you are allergic to any of them.

How to take for different diseases

Monastic tea drink is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases and conditions. If we are talking about strengthening the immune system, cleansing the body, eliminating minor ailments, increasing performance - that is, improving well-being and preventing diseases, it is correct to take tea about 30-40 minutes before meals. The duration of use is at least 3 weeks, although for truly significant help to the body it is recommended to drink it for 2-3 months.

How to drink tea if you have various diseases? It all depends on their character and stage. During an exacerbation of any chronic disease, tea or any similar product is not advisable. Here you need to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor and only after the acute symptoms have been relieved, consolidate the result using traditional methods.

Monastic tea can be brewed twice

So, for diabetes, prostatitis, rheumatism, you need to take monastery tea before meals. For smoking, alcohol addiction, and for cleansing blood vessels, the rules for use are similar. Waiting 30 minutes before eating is considered correct.

When there are diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, liver, osteochondrosis and mastopathy, the drink is brewed and consumed after meals, after about 1-1.5 hours. How many times a day should you drink tea to achieve a positive effect? 3-4 times a day, 200 ml. This dosage is considered optimal for prevention and treatment.

If the presence of parasites, in particular helminths, is confirmed in the body, the mode of drinking tea will be slightly different. The daily dose of tea will be 1 glass (250 ml), but should be consumed with 30-40 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. Within 5-7 days, you need to bring the volume of the drink to normal and continue taking it for another 2 weeks. Thus, the full course of treatment will be 21 days.

Monastery tea is often consumed for weight loss

To cleanse the body of toxins, normalize metabolism and stimulate the process of losing weight, drink tea half an hour before meals, always warm. There is an unspoken rule for the use of the most famous monastic collection.

  • They drink it before meals when it is necessary to eliminate problems with those human organs that are located below the waist.
  • After meals, tea is consumed to treat diseases of those organs located above the waist.

The same rules are followed when taking the drink prophylactically. Monastic tea can be brewed twice. The properties of the drink after repeated brewing decrease in intensity, but the extraction of valuable substances continues, as evidenced by the rich color and taste. If this option is used, repeated brewing is carried out immediately after the first one; contact of plant raw materials with air for a long period of time is not allowed.

What diseases can monastic tea help against?

There are a huge number of herbs growing on our land, so choosing the ideal collection for a particular disease is not difficult. Here is just a small list of ailments for which you can find a suitable recipe: problems with high sugar, spoiled appetite, insomnia, excess weight, bad habits, problems with the reproductive system, etc. Of course, this is not a complete list of diseases, but these are the most basic. And we will introduce you to a couple of recipes, but first you should learn how to prepare this herbal tea.

Tea can help solve problems with high sugar, poor appetite, insomnia, excess weight, bad habits, problems with the reproductive system, etc.

Advice! There are no tea recipes that help against all diseases at once, as well as tea preparations for incurable or difficult-to-treat diseases. Don't be fooled by this. All teas only help to cope with symptoms, relieve pain, improve tone, immunity, fight vitamin deficiency and other similar actions.

How did Monastery tea appear?

The first recipes for church tea belong to the creator, herbalist, and great healer, Archimandrite of the Holy Spiritual Monastery of Timashevsky, George. Holy Rus' reached out to him with requests for healing. The monks collected herbs growing in the vicinity of the temple with the rarest healing properties by hand. The drink, in addition to its medicinal qualities, was distinguished by:

  • cheerfulness;
  • sedative properties;
  • pleasant taste.

Tea recipes were kept in the strictest confidence. They are collected bit by bit from fragments of ancient manuscripts. The preparations have a useful composition intended for the treatment of each individual disease.

How is such a miraculous remedy prepared?

It is very important to know that this tea is prepared in the morning and only for the rest of the day. It can be said that this freshness gives the tea its medicinal properties. The cooking recipe is quite simple:

  • First you need to prepare all the ingredients. The proportions of the herbal composition of monastery tea are two tablespoons of each plant and two teaspoons of the tea you have chosen as the base per liter of spring or spring water. If there is none, then tap water must be boiled well.
  • After this, a water bath is prepared. To do this, take two pans of different volumes and fill them with water so that the bottom of the smaller one clearly stands on the bottom of the larger one.
  • Next, crushed elecampane root and rose hips are placed on low heat for 20 minutes, filled with cold water. The pan is closed with a lid.
  • After time, oregano, St. John's wort and your chosen base tea are added. The collection is cooked together for another hour on the lowest heat.
  • The brewed mixture is filtered through a fine sieve and used as tea leaves, diluted not with boiling water, but with hot water.

Advice! It is recommended to add honey or lemon to brewed tea. This not only changes the taste of the tea and helps to get rid of the monotony of the taste, but is also a very useful addition to the medicinal properties of the tea.

tea is prepared in the morning and only for the rest of the day.
We can say that this freshness gives the tea its medicinal properties. In cases where you make tea with other ingredients, the rule of proportions and addition of components does not change. All herbs, fruits, leaves, petals and crushed roots are added in two tablespoons along with a teaspoon of regular tea. The main ingredients will always be St. John's wort, rose hips and tea, so we will not describe them further.

You can simply brew tea every time, or you can pour hot water directly into a thermos. You need to prepare it every day, and drink at least three cups, preferably with every meal. A course of medicinal tea for a specific ailment should be carried out throughout the entire illness, and restorative tea can be drunk just like that, in case of loss of strength, weakness or in a bad mood.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Monastery tea is essentially a healthy and tasty drink made from herbs growing around the monastery. One of the most famous compositions: rose hips, St. John's wort, elecampane root, oregano herb and tea leaves. For brewing, it is best to use fermented Ivan tea, purchased or prepared independently, large-leaf or granulated, but any black or green tea is also suitable. The remaining components that make up the monastery tea can also be prepared yourself or purchased at the pharmacy.

Rose hips are available for picking in many regions; we used to dry them in the oven on a baking sheet, but now we dry them on trays in an electric dryer. You can grow oregano in your garden plots, but for now I buy it at the pharmacy, like elecampane root. I prepare St. John's wort myself, collecting it during the flowering period on a sunny day, cutting off the upper flowering and leaf parts by about 15 cm.

Then I simply tie the bundles together with threads in pairs and hang them to dry in a cool, dry place.

In addition to the listed herbs, monastery teas may also include others: currant leaf, linden blossom, mint, chamomile, etc.

You can brew monastery tea in different ways. In the ancient method, there is a sequence of adding ingredients to boiling water and a time for infusing them. I offer a simplified version, which is suitable when everything is already mixed together for convenience, and not stored separately. Simply pour boiling water over a portion of the collection in a thermos and let it brew overnight or simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. For 1 liter of boiling water - 3-5 tbsp. spoons of monastery tea.

To prepare the “monastery tea” mixture, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Measure out the required amount of St. John's wort. To do this, chop its bunches with scissors, but not finely, but 1.5-2 cm of the stem. The “part” value can be a glass, a tablespoon, or any other measuring utensil.

Add rose hips.

Elecampane root is sold already crushed, so it is very easy to take the required amount for collection.

Store-bought oregano is already quite chopped, and if it was dried in bunches, then cut it with scissors. It is not recommended to grind it with your hands, as this will evaporate the aroma and taste.

Stir the mixture and place it in suitable boxes or containers.

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