How to make healthy PP chips at home

Regular store-bought chips are clearly not a healthy food product. The calorie content per 100 grams alone can terrify anyone losing weight. There are as many as 630 calories per 100 grams of chips, so it is extremely difficult to fit such a product into your diet, because such a portion can easily replace both breakfast and lunch! But adherents of proper nutrition quickly found a way out of this situation. Today you can make natural chips at home from completely different products. As for the choice of low-calorie chips, it is so large that it makes your eyes wide open!

PP chips can be divided into three main categories:

  • Fruit chips. This includes all natural chips made from a variety of fruits. You can decide for yourself which fruit you want to make pp chips from at home, since the choice of fruit is great. There are apples, pears, bananas, kiwis, peaches, apricots, oranges and even strawberries. These natural chips will be an excellent addition to a healthy diet. These low-calorie chips are prepared without adding sugar, so as not to increase their calorie content, so it is better to use ripe and sweet fruits. To add sweetness, you can use natural sweeteners or spices. Such pp chips will be an excellent replacement for sweets and other unhealthy sweets on a healthy diet.
  • Vegetable chips. They are very popular and are used as snacks for beer. A huge advantage of these vegetable chips is that they can easily replace bread, which is very important if you are on a diet. Now you can serve vegetable chips with soup and not worry about your figure.
  • Meat chips. First of all, this dish is a great opportunity to add more protein to your diet, which is important if you are counting your nutrition. These chips are made from lean meats. It is best to use chicken fillet or lean beef. Also, these pp chips are an excellent snack for beer if you decide to relax a little.

If you're on a vegan diet or just fasting, this is another reason to make your own chips. The fact is that ready-made chips contain not only a lot of harmful additives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other things. You can also find milk, egg powder and even fish in the composition, but all these ingredients cannot be called vegan. Be sure to carefully read the ingredients of ready-made chips before purchasing, or even better, make healthy and tasty chips at home.

Well, another big plus of these pp chips is that they can be safely given to children who so love everything harmful, but tasty!

Coconut chips

Fans of exotic dishes can always add these natural chips to their diet. True, you need to be careful when consuming such chips, because coconut itself is a fairly high-calorie fruit. There are about 350 calories per 100 grams, and you won’t be able to just eat such chips to your heart’s content, especially if you follow the KBZHU. But such natural chips are well suited for a proper and healthy snack. You can also add them to breakfast - add them to porridge or muesli.

You can make this dish quickly and easily with your own hands. All you need is coconut meat. To correctly calculate the calorie content of a ready-made dish, do not forget to weigh the pulp first. All you need to do is cut the coconut into thin slices. Then you need to carefully arrange everything on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for 40 minutes. The temperature should be about 120 degrees!

Carrot chips.


  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Curry - 1/2 - tsp.
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.


Cut the washed and peeled carrots into thin circles or slices. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with curry and black pepper. Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 135°C, then turn the slices over to the other side and leave for another 15-20 minutes until the carrots are a nice shade of brown. Don't forget to keep an eye on the chips - they can easily burn.

Fruit chips

Here is another type of very popular chips that you can safely include in your diet if you eat properly. Fruit chips are an excellent snack alternative; they are easy and convenient to take with you, as well as add to various recipes. Let's look at the most popular types of fruit pp chips.

Apple chips at home - recipe

This is perhaps one of the most popular types of this dish. Apples are an excellent dietary fruit that contains a minimum of calories but maximum benefits. In addition, apples are an excellent source of fiber, which is so necessary when losing weight. There are only about 45 calories per 100 grams of apples, so these natural chips can be safely included in your diet. These chips are very easy to prepare. All you need are apples and some spices. Since we are preparing this dish, we will use cinnamon instead of sugar. If you still want to add a little sweetness, you can use a little powdered sugar. Apples should be thoroughly washed, wiped and cut into thin slices. The thinner the slice, the faster your low-calorie chips will bake. It is important to remember that you do not need to peel the apples! Place the mugs in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of no more than 120 degrees. They will need to be turned over during cooking. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with cinnamon! This dish can be stored for 2 months.

PP burgers and hamburgers - dietary recipes

How to make banana chips at home

Another simple pp recipe that you can safely prepare at home. To make this, you only need two simple ingredients - bananas and lemon juice. For greater simplicity, you need to use this combination - 1-2 lemons are enough for 4 ripe bananas. You need to cut the bananas into circles (about 2-3 mm each, no more). Now place them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place in the oven preheated to 150 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 120 degrees and cook for another 15 minutes. The next stage is to reduce it to 90 degrees and cook for about an hour.

You can also add various spices and additives to these pp chips. Those with a sweet tooth can sprinkle natural chips with cinnamon or even powdered sugar. But it’s better not to do this, because banana chips themselves are high in calories. There are about 500 calories per 100 grams!

Homemade strawberry chips

Fans of these berries can make themselves the same convenient strawberry preparations, which can not only be used instead of a snack, but even added to baked goods.

For this recipe you only need one strawberry. Wash, dry and cut into thin slices. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees, for about 90 minutes. Then we take it out and transfer it to parchment. Leave at room temperature for another 90 minutes.

Homemade orange chips

A simple and delicious recipe that is sure to lift your spirits! These natural chips contain a lot of useful substances and a lot of fiber, and are prepared very simply and quickly. All you need are some great oranges! Wash them thoroughly and cut into slices. The thinner the mugs, the faster the chips will cook. For those who like sweet orange chips, you can always prepare sugar syrup in which you can dip the slices before placing them on a baking sheet. To prepare the syrup, use plain water and any natural sweetener. Simply dip the orange slices in sweet water and then place on a baking sheet. Bake at 150 degrees for 60-90 minutes.

Recipes for preparing snacks in the oven

There are several options for preparing diet chips in the oven. Basically, they differ in the type of vegetables used. You can use your imagination and improve the recipe as you wish, without compromising your figure.


To prepare dietary potato chips you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes (4 pcs.);
  • greens (2 tbsp);
  • salt (1 tsp);

How to cook:

  1. Peel and thinly slice the potatoes. The width of the slices should not exceed 2 mm. If an ordinary knife cannot do this job, an ordinary grater can help the housewife.
  2. Next, you need to mix spices, salt, herbs in a plate, then add potato slices to them.
  3. While it “sours” in the plate, the oven needs to be preheated to 200 degrees. Place the potato slices on a silicone mat so that they do not touch each other.
  4. The next step is roasting the vegetable itself. However, it is worth noting that the baking sheet should be placed either at the very bottom of the oven or at the top. The cooking time for this delicacy will be 10-12 minutes.

From carrots

Carrot chips are another tasty alternative to slices from a crinkly bag. Carrots need to be peeled, washed and cut into thin slices.

The pieces will need to be dried, laid out on parchment paper and coated with sunflower oil. If desired, carrots can be sprinkled with spices.

Bake the chips for 20 minutes at a temperature of 165 degrees. At the end of the specified time, the slices must be turned over and left in the oven again for a third of an hour. However, now the baking temperature should be 145 degrees.

From beets

If there are no carrots in the house, but there are beets, you can also make delicious chips from them. The cooking principle is no different from the previous recipe.

From green beans

Wash the beans and cut into thin slices. Dry thoroughly on a paper towel, and then place the pieces on a baking sheet. You need to bake the beans for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

From zucchini

Zucchini snacks are a tasty and healthy dish. The recipe for these diet chips is very simple! To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • zucchini;
  • protein;
  • black pepper;
  • cheese (optional);
  • bread crumbs.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse and dry the zucchini. Thinly slice the zucchini into round slices. Mix egg white, black pepper, grated cheese.
  2. The resulting slurry must be thoroughly mixed and pieces of zucchini added to it. For extra crunch, the vegetable slices can be rolled in bread crumbs.
  3. Bake zucchini pieces in an oven heated to 230 degrees. The cooking time for the chips will be 8-10 minutes.

Eggplant snacks

To prepare eggplant chips you will need the following products:

  • eggplants (2 pcs.);
  • water (40 g);
  • paprika (20 g);
  • apple cider vinegar (30 g);
  • maple syrup (15 g);
  • sunflower oil (15 g);
  • dried garlic (20 g);
  • salt (optional).

How to cook:

  1. Wash the eggplants, peel and cut into thin slices. Place the slices on a paper towel and sprinkle them with salt. Cover them again with the same paper, place a cutting board on top and leave the eggplant for 1-2 hours. This will remove all the bitterness from the vegetable. After the specified time has passed, rinse the slices to remove any juice and dry them.
  2. Combine apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, maple syrup, water, garlic, paprika and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and dip the eggplant pieces in the resulting paste. Next, you need to place the vegetable slices on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper.
  3. Before putting into the oven, the eggplant pieces should sit for 7-10 minutes. Bake the slices for 20-35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Important! To prevent snacks from burning, you need to periodically look into the oven and turn them over.

Vegetable snacks

This recipe for making diet chips is suitable for any vegetables.

The following ingredients are required:

  • any vegetables (1 kg);
  • olive oil (3 tbsp);
  • Provençal herbs (package);
  • ground black pepper, dried garlic and red hot pepper (optional);
  • salt (pinch).

How to cook:

  1. Wash and dry the selected vegetable. If necessary, peel and cut it into thin pieces. Both a knife and a grater are suitable for this.
  2. Take a plastic container and place the chopped vegetable in it. Drizzle the slices with oil. Close the container and shake the vegetable pieces thoroughly so that the oil is evenly distributed over them.
  3. Next, you need to place the chopped vegetable on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper. Sprinkle the slices with salt and spices.
  4. Bake the pieces in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Check the oven periodically. When the vegetables are browned and a crust appears, the chips can be removed. Place the vegetable slices on paper to absorb excess fat. After this, they can already be enjoyed.

From apples

The apple needs to be washed and cut into thin slices. If desired, you can roll the fruit pieces in a mixture of cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. You need to bake apple slices in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Banana snacks

Peel the banana and cut it into slices. To prevent the fruit from darkening, brush it with lemon juice. Banana slices should be baked at a temperature of 100 degrees. Cooking time – 1.5 hours.

You can bake a banana with cinnamon. This dish can be served with Greek yogurt mixed with honey.


How to make potato chips at home

For those who are not ready to give up store-bought chips, you can make homemade potato chips. This dish can safely be considered PP, because we will not fry our chips in a large amount of vegetable oil. Actually, we will not fry our natural chips at all, but will cook them in the microwave without using vegetable oil. The only thing we will add to the potatoes is our favorite seasonings and salt. It is better to pre-mix all this in one container to make it easier to sprinkle the pp chips.

It is preferable to use young potatoes, then they will not need to be peeled. Be sure to rinse the potatoes thoroughly before cooking. Cut into thin slices, sprinkle with spices and place on a plate lined with parchment. Microwave until the chips turn golden brown. Since all microwaves are different, you need to control the cooking time yourself, periodically looking in and checking. It is very important not to overcook the chips.

You can also cook potato chips at home in the oven, although before doing this you will need to boil the potato slices a little. The process itself looks like this:

  • Wash and cut the potatoes into slices, lower them into boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then we quickly take it out.
  • Add your favorite spices and a spoonful of vegetable oil to the chips. You control the amount of oil yourself; you don’t have to put it in at all if you want to minimize the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • Place the chips on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes. The temperature is about 200 degrees. The chips will need to be turned over during cooking.

Main conclusions

Store-bought potato chips and dieting don't mix. As an alternative, you can try fruit and vegetable snacks that can easily be prepared at home:

  1. Potato snacks are not only high in calories, but also full of harmful substances.
  2. Their regular and especially excessive consumption can lead to obesity, atherosclerosis, allergies and even diabetes, and for those who already suffer from these diseases, chips can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. You can prepare healthy snacks at home.
  4. Any vegetables and fruits can be used as “raw materials”.
  5. Snacks can be baked in the oven or cooked in the microwave.
  6. You should not use salt, as it retains water in the body and dulls the taste of natural products.

Fruit and vegetable snacks are an ideal snack that will help fight hunger without compromising your figure.

Share your weight loss stories, favorite diets and diet chips recipes.

Vegetable chips

Another option for natural chips that can be included in the right menu. You can make vegetable chips from many vegetables. The most popular options are carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, zucchini and even cabbage. The main secret to cooking at home is choosing the perfect spices. Herbes de Provence combined with paprika, salt and pepper is a great option. You can also add a little vegetable oil to these chips. It can be applied with a special brush to already cut vegetables. So, it’s best to try pp chips from:

  • carrots. Take the carrots and wash them thoroughly. There is no need to remove the peel. Cut into oblong slices or circles, as you prefer. Try to cut as thin as possible. Place on a baking sheet and lightly grease with vegetable oil and sprinkle with spices. Place in the oven preheated to 160 degrees for 40 minutes. Be sure to turn the chips over during cooking.
  • beets. This is an ideal option for a pp menu. Beets contain a lot of fiber and have an excellent cleansing effect. Wash the beets thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Place on a baking sheet and lightly grease with vegetable oil, sprinkle with a mixture of herbs. It is best to take Provençal herbs. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Temperature 160 degrees. These natural chips also need to be turned during cooking.
  • pumpkins. Another dietary option. Cut the pumpkin into thin slices and place on a baking sheet. Now sprinkle with spices and put in the oven for 30 minutes. The oven must be preheated to 170 degrees.

The good thing about these natural chips is that they are great to use instead of bread. You can serve vegetable chips with dietary soups!

Lavash chips


  • Thin lavash - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • Salt, dry garlic, paprika, pepper to taste


Cut the pita bread into small squares, place in a bag, add salt, spices and olive oil. Then, shaking the bag, mix everything thoroughly. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Add pita bread with spices and bake for 5-10 minutes at 180°C until it starts to crisp.

Homemade onion chips

Although onion chips can hardly be called a dietary dish, we tried to choose the most low-calorie recipe. Regular chips like this are fried in a huge amount of vegetable oil, and even in a batter made from flour or breadcrumbs. Of course, the calorie content of such a dish will be extremely high. But since we have a recipe, we will bake such natural chips in the oven!

In order to prepare pp batter, you will need to mix oatmeal with corn flour and add your favorite spices. If you don't have oat flour, you can grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.

Another important aspect is preparing the batter! For this, it is best to use plant milk, in this case soy and starch. For 100 grams of milk we need 35 grams of starch. Combine the ingredients and beat thoroughly.

Peel two onions and cut into rings. To prepare these chips, it is best to use large onions. The thickness of the ring should be about 10 mm.

Now take the chopped onion rings, dip them in the batter and then roll them in breading. Place on a baking sheet, you can grease the parchment a little with vegetable oil, and put in the oven for 15 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.

Premium chips without carbohydrates

Such a pretentious name was given to chips without carbohydrates because I like them the most. While they aren't the easiest to make, they are definitely worth it! These are keto cheese chips, just like most keto versions of chips. The secret of the recipe is that almond flour is used here, it creates an even crispier crust. Cheese and flour combined with hot spices create something incredible, exactly the kind of chips you want to snack on.

See more recipes for keto cheese chips at the link, including the simplest one (2 ingredients) and with flaxseed flour (link duplicated below).

With this recipe for chips without carbohydrates you get quite a lot, 50-60 pieces. The quantity depends on the thickness of the layer and how to cut it. Considering the calorie content, 6 people can easily eat the resulting amount.


  • 200 g grated hard cheese
  • 100 g almond flour
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • Salt and spices


Melt the cheese in the microwave (about a minute and a half) and add the remaining ingredients. Mix the dough well, it is best to knead it with your hands.

Place the dough on parchment, cover with another piece of parchment on top and roll out the dough into a thin layer. Cut the dough into triangles. A pizza cutter works great for this, but a regular knife will work just as well.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. When the edges start to darken, it's time to take it out.

Take them out and let them sit for a while to harden.

Nutritional and energy value

For the whole dish (6 servings)

  • K: 1374
  • B: 66.7
  • F: 114
  • U: 20.3

For 1 serving (1/6)

  • K: 229
  • B: 11.1
  • F: 19
  • U: 3.4

How to make meat chips

Looking to add more protein to your diet? Then why not try making beef chips? This is an ideal option for snacks during parties and feasts! These pp chips are not difficult to prepare, although they take quite a long time. For these chips you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg beef. We cut the meat into the thinnest slices. This way it marinates better and dries faster.
  • for the marinade you will need the following combination - 150 grams of soy sauce + 150 grams of Worcestershire sauce + a teaspoon of red pepper + a tablespoon of paprika + a teaspoon of dried onion + a teaspoon of dried garlic + a teaspoon of black pepper + a tablespoon of honey. If you want to add your favorite spices, feel free to do so.

The first stage of preparing pp chips involves long-term marinating. Dip each piece in the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. You can leave it overnight.

The next stage is drying. Now take out the marinated meat and place it on a paper napkin. Blot on both sides. It is better to repeat this procedure several times so that excess moisture and excess spices are completely removed.

The final stage is to dry it in the oven. Place the chopped pieces of meat in the oven for 3-4 hours. Temperature 90 degrees. It is best to place pp chips on a wire rack, then they will dry evenly.

No Carb Sausage Chips

Chips without carbohydrates can be made not only from cheese, but also from sausage. Only in this case it is better not to grate the main ingredient, but to bake it in whole pieces. So, if you love sausage even more than cheese, then why not try this recipe for making potato-free chips? Making them is no more difficult than cheese chips.


  • 100 g smoked sausage (30%)
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil (15 ml)


Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. Slice the sausage

thin slices and place them on parchment. Using a brush or napkin, spread with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes until crispy.

For even crispier sausage chips, microwave them for a couple of minutes.

Energy and nutritional value

For the whole dish (3 servings)

  • K: 431.3
  • B: 12
  • F: 41.7
  • U: 2

For 1 serving (1/3)

  • K: 143.8
  • B: 4
  • F: 13.9
  • U: 0.7

How to make seaweed chips at home

Fans of Japanese cuisine will be happy to try this simple recipe. You can also make PP chips from nori leaves. This is crushed seaweed that has been dried into a leaf form. The good thing about these chips is that you already have everything you need and you don’t need to prepare anything. In addition to nori leaves, you also need to take a little vegetable oil. It is best to use sesame oil; it will perfectly highlight the taste of pp chips. You also need to take a little salt, but very little, because nori leaves are salty on their own.

The cooking process itself is very simple:

  • Brush the nori sheet with sesame oil. To do this, it is best to have a special brush to apply just a little oil.
  • Sprinkle a little salt or other favorite spices.
  • Place in the oven for 2-3 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

All you have to do is cut the nori sheet into pieces and the pp chips are ready!

Where did the chips come from?

Chips were invented completely by accident. One day back in 1853, American entrepreneur Cornelius Vanderbil came to the restaurant of the Moon Lake House Hotel, which was located in New York, to have lunch. They ordered a portion of French fries. The capricious businessman was brought potatoes several times and he sent the order back several times, as if the root vegetable was cut too thick. And then it occurred to the cook to teach the obnoxious client a lesson, and he cut the potatoes into thin slices and fried them in oil. Sending the order to the client, he was prepared for the latter’s wrath, but to everyone’s surprise, Vanderbil liked the potatoes. This is how potato chips were born.

How to cook chicken chips - recipe

And here is another high-protein snack option. We will prepare these pp chips from chicken fillet, which is distinguished by its low calorie content. There are only 116 calories per 100 grams, so these chips can be safely included in your diet. By the way, this dish can be used not only as a snack. It's good to serve these low-calorie chips with vegetable and green salads instead of bread.

For this simple recipe you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 700 grams of chicken fillet. Wash and cut into thin slices.
  • Marinade - 100 grams of soy sauce + 100 grams of plain water + a teaspoon of dry herbs + a pinch of red pepper + a pinch of black pepper. Mix all the ingredients and get an excellent marinade.

Now we put our meat in the marinade and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Ideally, the meat should be marinated for 12 hours. Then we dry our meat with paper towels and place it on a wire rack in the oven. We will cook these pp chips at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4 hours.

Healthy crisps

Chips translates from English as “crispy”. As it turns out, crunchiness can be achieved not only with potatoes, but also with other vegetables. That is why we can safely say that chips are not only tasty, but also healthy!

As noted above, chips can be made not only from potatoes. Other vegetables and fruits are an excellent alternative to fatty potato slices.

Chips, as you might have guessed, are also dietary. What kind of diets are they suitable for? It depends on what exactly the crispy dish was made from. So you can focus on the following diets:

  • vegetable diet;
  • fruit diet;
  • fruit and milk diet;
  • protein-fruit diet;
  • blood type diet;
  • interval diet;
  • vegetarianism;
  • mono-diet.

Sauce for chips

If you have prepared pp chips, then you need to take care of the correct pp sauce. Unfortunately, all store-bought sauces contain a lot of calories, as well as harmful additives. Here are great options for pp sauces that you can safely serve with pp chips and not worry about your figure:

  • natural yogurt+avocado+greens+spices
  • feta cheese+natural yogurt+cucumber+greens
  • soft low-fat cottage cheese + natural yogurt + boiled yolk + spices
  • apple pulp+natural yogurt+curry
  • low-fat sour cream + chopped garlic clove + herbs + spices
  • natural yogurt + spoon of mustard + herbs + spices

Now that you know a lot of recipes for making pp chips, you can safely include them in your diet and lose weight at the same time!

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