Presidential menu What dishes are preferred by current and former heads of state?


The Presidential Diet is one of the most healthy, effective and delicious programs used for weight loss. Follow it to lose weight, improve your health and restore your metabolism. The power supply system consists of several phases and has a total duration of one month. As a result, your well-being will noticeably improve and your health will improve. What's what, how to lose weight correctly and what kind of results you can get in the end, further.

The author of the presidential diet is Dr. Agatston, a famous American nutritionist. It is to him that we must owe a menu for tasty and, no less important, effective weight loss, which the Clintons themselves adhere to. Sometimes the diet is also called the beach diet.

There are several reasons for the popularity of the presidential menu - it helps to lose weight, has a powerful healing effect on the body, protects blood vessels, the heart, and other internal organs. Please note that the system is “general life”, that is, to achieve lasting results it will be necessary or simply very desirable to follow it constantly (minor adjustments and concessions are allowed in the future). The main advantages of the beach diet:

  1. A varied, tasty diet;
  2. Slow but sure and lasting weight loss without compromising health;
  3. Flexible diet;
  4. Lack of acute hunger;
  5. Decrease in cholesterol and insulin levels in the blood.

Contraindications are minimal - you cannot eat according to the method only if you have serious health problems, especially in the acute stage. The achieved results, subject to changes in taste habits, can be maintained for a long time in the future.

Presidential Diet, Phase 1. General Rules

Today, one of the most delicious, healthy, and most importantly effective diets is considered to be the unique development of the American cardiologist Arthur Agatston.
Most often, this diet can be found under another name - the “South Beach Diet”. But after the Clinton family became its fans, a second name was strictly assigned to the diet - Presidential. The diet has proven itself not only as an excellent means of losing excess weight, but also as a prevention of atherosclerotic vascular lesions and heart disease. You can evaluate its effectiveness by looking at Hillary and Bill, who have become prettier recently.

It is important to note that the presidential diet is for life. However, following a diet will not make your life tasteless and bland. The diet is very varied; you only need to avoid sugars and some types of fats. For a smooth transition to the new menu, the diet requires two weeks of preparation - this is phase 1 of the presidential diet, which guarantees getting rid of 3-6 kilograms of fat. of metabolism occurs , the body weanes itself from the constant supply of sugar, and addiction goes away.

It is very difficult to adapt the presidential diet to the Russian market due to restrictions on products, but it is possible. For example, purchasing low-fat varieties of cheese in the West is not difficult, but in Russia they have to be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese.

In the first phase, you only need to give up sweets and all sugar-containing products (ice cream, cakes). It is necessary to carefully study the composition of products in stores and exclude everything that contains code names for sugars:

  • glucose syrup;
  • dextrose;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

The first phase prohibits the consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks (even weak and bitter ones). All cereals, potatoes, flour, bread and pasta are prohibited. You should not eat starch-containing ready-made meals. Fatty foods are taboo.

After the first phase, you can return to many of the above foods, but the first two weeks of the presidential diet require a complete abandonment of them. You may not even notice these strict restrictions, because... six meals a day are provided from a variety of products.

Presidential Diet Requirements

Do you want to lose extra pounds without starving and eating delicious food? The presidential diet, also called the lifelong diet, will come to the rescue.

This technique was developed by American cardiologist from Florida Arthur Agatston; it helps you lose fat without harming your health.

People all over the world, including President Clinton and his family, have successfully tried the Presidential Diet. Which is why, in fact, the technique received such a “trump” name.

The main feature of the presidential method is maintaining a carbohydrate-fat balance in the daily menu. The basis of nutrition during the active weight loss stage of this diet are protein foods: lean meat, lean fish (salmon, flounder, pike perch), seafood and seaweed, cheese, nuts.

After all, it is known that when the intake of carbohydrate foods is limited, the body begins to actively burn its own fat reserves, due to which the figure is transformed.

A distinctive feature of the presidential diet is three-phase nutrition. The first phase is preparatory. It lasts two weeks.

As a rule, up to 6-7 unnecessary kilograms escape during this period. Now you need to eat 6 times a day in small portions. You can create the menu at your own discretion, trying to eat more healthy and low-fat foods.

You definitely need to give up:

  • semi-finished products;
  • sweet and confectionery products;
  • products containing white flour;
  • fruits and berries;
  • croup;
  • fatty meat, lard;
  • milk, cheese and other dairy and fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • potatoes, corn, carrots;
  • fast food products and various high-calorie foods.

For liquids, give preference to clean water. Do not add sugar or other high-calorie additives to tea and coffee.

The second phase lasts until you see the desired number on the scale. If you have lost weight to the required weight already in the first phase, then skip this one and go straight to the third phase.

During the second stage of the presidential diet, you can gradually return to the diet:

  1. buckwheat, rice (preferably brown), oatmeal;
  2. fatty milk and sour milk;
  3. berries and fruits (just don’t eat bananas and watermelon yet);
  4. potatoes;
  5. hard pasta and bread made from coarse flour.

Try to eat smaller meals and not overeat.

When the scales please you, move on to the third phase, which it is advisable to stick to for as long as possible.

Now you can eat whatever you want, but as rarely as possible allow yourself processed foods, fatty and fried foods, any foods and drinks where there is room for sugar. At all phases of the presidential diet, sports and an active lifestyle are encouraged.



The first phase lasts 2 weeks, and can be extended for another week if necessary. During this period you need to eat with the same frequency as before, however, you can add different goodies (fruits, cereals, bread, good wine, etc.). New products should be introduced gradually.

In the second phase, you can eat porridge, but not everything in a row. It is better to give preference to rolled oats and buckwheat porridge, and it is strongly recommended to avoid instant porridges.

Semolina porridge is prohibited, and potatoes and rice can only be consumed as an exception. A serving of any product should not exceed 150 grams in ready-made form.

A similar approach applies to bread products. Coarse and whole grain varieties are allowed, but products made from regular flour and premium flour are prohibited. Starch and sugar are prohibited; it is recommended to limit salt intake.

The menu should include fruits and berries every day, despite their high fructose content. It is recommended to dilute juices with water. It is better to limit the water regime to drinking plain water and tea. Among teas, it is better to give preference to green tea, and always without added sugar. On holidays you can drink a small amount of natural dry wine. Bitter beer is prohibited due to its high sugar content.

The third stage is a kind of nutrition program for life. Thanks to the new menu, you can maintain your weight and protect your heart and blood vessels. Meals become four times a day and contain virtually no prohibited foods. At this stage, after passing through the first and second phases, sugar loses its taste value for you, which eliminates cravings for sweets.

Among baked goods, preference is best given to products made from wholemeal flour with the addition of cereals and bran. Meals should still be low in animal fats. It is not recommended to eat ready-made meals or semi-finished products (sausages, dumplings, etc.). Salt can be added to dishes, but in moderation. You need to drink as much water as your body requires. Sugar is still banned, but sweeteners are allowed.


There are three phases in the presidential menu, as we wrote above. This:

  1. Two-week first, during which you can lose up to 7 kg. This stage is considered the most stringent and is aimed at restoring metabolism. Gradually, your addiction to sweets will go away, and you will begin to eat right. You will have to choose your products wisely. All hidden and obvious sugars are prohibited; fats and carbohydrates will have to be limited. You will have to give up cereals, fruits, potatoes, corn, other orange, yellow, red vegetables, flour, alcohol, and dairy products altogether. Many of these strict taboos only apply during the first phase - in the second and third phases, favorite foods can be amnestied. Leaf salads, other greens, and permitted vegetables are consumed unlimitedly. You will also bet on low-fat meats, fish, cottage cheese and other fermented milk. Dress salads with olive oil and lemon juice. It is advisable to bake, boil, stew, or steam products. Meals per day – 6.
  2. During the second phase, you will need to eat frequently. Return bread (but not much - 1-2 slices), cereals, fruits, good wine. In this case, the weight per week should be no less than 0.5-1 kg - if this figure is not there, you have relaxed too much, and you will have to return to the first phase again.
  3. Phase 3 is not needed for weight loss, but for consolidating results, getting full pleasure from a new diet and a healthy lifestyle. It will be enough to eat 4 times, white rice, wheat bread, pasta, potatoes, cakes, cookies are still prohibited, but it will be much easier to do without them. Porridge – only whole grains (not “parched”), bread can be consumed, but not during every meal, the amount of salt will need to be limited. It is useful to drink juices, mineral water, herbal infusions, and green tea. Wine without fanaticism is also welcome, the main thing is to drink high-quality, dry drinks up to three times a week.

We remind you that there are no strict restrictions in terms of the menu - you can use any of the permitted products. You will eat approximately as follows. Of course, you can’t eat everything at once; choose 2-3 items. If you are not satisfied with weight loss, then you are eating too much and you need to reduce your overall caloric intake.

First phase

  • Breakfast options – eggs, tea, coffee, tomato juice, fillet;
  • Lunch – cottage cheese or cheese, the portion should be modest;
  • Lunch - salads with restrictions (tomatoes, cucumbers are best, you can make Caesar, but without croutons), meat, fish, vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack stew, vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese;
  • Dinner – fish, meat, salads, vegetables;
  • Before bed – a little low-fat cottage cheese.

Second phase

  • Breakfast may include kefir, coffee, apple, pear, milk, orange, oatmeal, tomato juice, egg, slice of bread;
  • Lunch – salad, fish, meat, bread, soup;
  • Afternoon snack – salad, cottage cheese, pear, yogurt, cheese, apple, nuts, cottage cheese;
  • Dinner – fish, vegetables, salad, chicken, bread;
  • Before bed – berries, cottage cheese, apple, dark chocolate.

We remind you that you should not overeat, otherwise you simply will not lose weight.

Be sure to read: Fasting according to the method of G. P. Malakhov - a path to health or a danger to life?

Third phase

  • Breakfast - coffee, nuts, egg, oatmeal, bread, omelet, yogurt, berries, zucchini pancakes;
  • Lunch – soup, meat, bread, tomatoes, salad, melon, ham;
  • Dinner – fish, vegetables, salad, meat, potatoes;
  • Before bed – kefir, berries, nuts.


This nutrition system allows you to keep your weight in a comfortable range for you. All organs and systems will function at the proper level: thinking will be clear, blood vessels will be clean and free of cholesterol plaques , the heart will be rhythmic, the liver and pancreas will be free of slagging and congestion.

This effect is achieved through minimal consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates and harmful fats, as well as through the consumption of foods that are healthy for the body. Fish enriches the body with omega-3-saturated acids; berries, fruits and vegetables - antioxidants , vitamins , minerals and beneficial microelements.

Authorized Products

You can eat lean meats, turkey, chicken breast, and fish. You can boil or steam the meat, but just don’t fry it. It is allowed to eat low-fat cheeses, eggs, nuts and cottage cheese.

Greens and vegetables are unlimited in quantity. Salads can be seasoned not only with olive oil, but also with sunflower oil. All dairy products must be strictly low-fat. You need to prepare the dishes yourself; public catering is unlikely to take care of your health.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
feta cheese (made from cow's milk)17,920,10,0260
mozzarella cheese18,024,00,0240
parmesan cheese33,028,00,0392
ricotta cheese11,013,03,0174
cheddar cheese23,032,00,0392
curd tofu8,14,20,673
chicken thigh17,315,30,0211
chicken fillet23,11,20,0110
chicken eggs12,710,90,7157
olive oil0,099,80,0898
cocoa powder24,217,531,9374
lemon juice0,90,13,016
* data is per 100 g of product

An example of a weekly diet for the second phase of the presidential diet

Monday Friday

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat or 1% kefir; small apple; coffee Tea. Lunch: orange. Lunch: Caesar salad. Afternoon snack: about 100 g of cottage cheese; tomato or cucumber. Dinner: boiled fish and stew of any vegetables. Second dinner: cottage cheese with some nuts added.

Tuesday, Saturday

Breakfast: oatmeal with low-fat milk; orange; coffee Tea. Lunch: boiled egg. Lunch: baked fish fillet; non-starchy vegetable salad; a piece of bread; tea. Afternoon snack: a glass of empty yogurt; pear or apple. Dinner: boiled lean meat; a slice of bread and a vegetable salad. Second dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp) and a slice of dark chocolate.

Wednesday, Sunday

Breakfast: boiled egg; a piece of bread and a glass of tomato juice. Lunch: up to 100 g of cottage cheese; Tea coffee. Lunch: boiled chicken fillet; salad of tomatoes and cucumbers; a couple of whole grain crackers. Afternoon snack: a piece of low-fat cheese and half an apple. Dinner: baked chicken breast and non-starchy vegetable salad; Cup of tea. Second dinner: baked or raw apple.


Breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt; pear. Lunch: cottage cheese with half a tomato; Tea coffee. Lunch: boiled turkey; a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat porridge; cucumber or tomato. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese accompanied by a handful of nuts and apple slices. Dinner: boiled fish fillet; vegetable side dish made from non-starchy products; slice of bread. Second dinner: about 70-80 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a mix of any berries.

Fully or partially limited products

All sweets (sweets, ice cream, cakes, etc.) and all sugar-containing products are prohibited.

It is worth paying attention to the composition of industrial products, focusing on hidden sugars (fructose, dextrose, sucrose, glucose syrup). For two weeks you should not eat berries, fruits and juices from them due to their high fructose content.

It is necessary to exclude all alcohol-containing drinks and products made from potatoes, flour, and cereals (including pasta and bakery products). Fatty foods are prohibited.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
oat groats12,36,159,5342
corn grits8,31,275,0337
pearl barley9,31,173,7320
Wheat groats11,51,362,0316
millet cereal11,53,369,3348
barley groats10,01,371,7324
barley grits10,41,366,3324
chocolate candies4,039,554,2569
chocolate covered fruits0,815,611,0179
yoghurt cake with cranberries2,510,135,4240
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Sample menu for the week


  • tomato juice (1 glass);
  • 1-2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • lean meat (2 pieces);
  • coffee with added skim milk.
  • low-fat cottage cheese (70-80 grams) with the addition of herbs and half a tomato.
  • salad of chicken breast, nuts, lettuce, garlic with the addition of citric acid and vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack
  • low-fat cottage cheese (120 grams);
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers (no more than 120 grams).
  • steamed sea fish;
  • garnish: broccoli or cauliflower;
  • salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, adding sweet pepper is allowed.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of lemon zest.


  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • low-fat cheese 1 piece;
  • a glass of vegetable juice (can be tomato);
  • tea without sugar.
  • cottage cheese or low-fat cheese (70-80 grams).
  • chicken breast and adding herbs and cucumbers as a garnish (it is preferable to grill or steam the breast).
Afternoon snack
  • oyster mushrooms with cabbage (can be replaced with champignons).
  • lean fish, and vegetables as a side dish;
  • cabbage salad.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of cocoa powder.


  • soft-boiled egg 1 pc.;
  • poultry or any lean meat (2 pieces);
  • tomato juice (1 glass);
  • coffee without sugar and without caffeine.
  • low-fat cheese or cottage cheese.
  • boiled lean fish;
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Afternoon snack
  • vegetable stew.
  • lean meat with champignons;
  • Vegetable Salad.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese and homemade cheese.


  • omelet from 2 eggs with skim milk with the addition of herbs;
  • a glass of vegetable juice;
  • tea without sugar, you can add sweetener.
  • low-fat cheese (70-80 grams);
  • half a tomato.
  • boiled lean meat, garnish with vegetable salad or any lettuce.
Afternoon snack
  • low-fat cottage cheese (half a glass), some chopped tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • boiled sea fish (pike perch, flounder, salmon), garnished with broccoli or cauliflower;
  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and peppers.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese.


  • soft-boiled eggs 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato juice 1 glass;
  • poultry meat (2 pieces);
  • Decaffeinated coffee with sweetener.
  • cottage cheese with low fat content.
  • salad of tomatoes, feta cheese, olives, herbs and onions.
Afternoon snack
  • low-fat cottage cheese with added herbs.
  • cucumber salad with vegetable oil;
  • Steamed chicken breast, garnished with vegetables.
Second dinner
  • low fat cottage cheese.


  • omelette (1-2 eggs);
  • lean meat or poultry (2 pieces);
  • tomato juice (1 glass);
  • Decaffeinated coffee with added sweetener and skim milk.
  • low-fat cottage cheese or cheese.
  • salad of tomatoes, garlic, chicken, lettuce, cheese (in vegetable oil).
Afternoon snack
  • low-fat cottage cheese (120 grams) with the addition of tomatoes.
  • steamed or grilled fish, garnished with vegetables;
  • cabbage salad.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese.


  • omelette with mushrooms and herbs;
  • vegetable juice (1 glass);
  • tea without sugar.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with added herbs.
  • Steamed broccoli or cauliflower, you can add low-fat sauce or vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack
  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of herbs and tomatoes.
  • grilled meat, garnished with vegetables;
  • salad of tomatoes, sweet peppers, herbs and cucumbers.
Second dinner
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

An example of a weekly diet for the first phase of the presidential diet


Breakfast: boiled egg; A glass of tomato juice; a piece of steamed or boiled beef. Lunch: a saucer of low-fat cottage cheese mixed with tomato slices and seasoned with herbs; tea. Lunch: boiled chicken fillet with ground walnuts, garlic, parsley and olive oil. Afternoon snack: salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Dinner: grilled flounder with steamed broccoli and a small salad of non-starchy vegetables. Second dinner: 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese with lemon zest.


Breakfast: casserole, the ingredients of which are cottage cheese, chicken egg, tomato; tea or coffee. Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese. Lunch: steamed skinless chicken breast; cucumber and lettuce leaves. Afternoon snack: cabbage stewed with mushrooms. Dinner: boiled green beans; cabbage and kelp salad. Second dinner: low-fat kefir (a glass) or a little cottage cheese.


Breakfast: boiled or fried chicken egg in a dry frying pan; a glass of tomato juice; boiled or baked beef fillet; coffee Tea. Lunch: a piece of hard cheese with minimal fat content (preferably not very salty). Lunch: boiled squid and cucumber-tomato salad. Afternoon snack: puree from any vegetables. Dinner: cabbage stewed with mushrooms and a portion of salad, which contains boiled beets, walnuts and garlic; tea. Second dinner: some cottage cheese with pieces of citrus.


Breakfast: omelet of two eggs, herbs and milk; A glass of tomato juice. Lunch: cottage cheese with tomato pieces. Lunch: salad of white cabbage and green onions; steamed or boiled beef. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese (you can, like for lunch, with tomatoes). Dinner: stewed flounder and cauliflower Second dinner: cottage cheese


Breakfast: omelette of one chicken egg, pieces of beef and tomato. Lunch: cottage cheese with any ground nuts; Tea coffee. Lunch: Greek salad. Afternoon snack: a piece of hard cheese and a tomato. Dinner: boiled shrimp and a couple of fresh cucumbers. Second dinner: a glass of kefir or a little cottage cheese.


Breakfast: cottage cheese baked with cheese and tomato; tea or coffee. Lunch: a piece of low-fat cheese and a couple of walnuts. Lunch: salad of boiled squid, feta cheese, tomatoes, herbs and garlic. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes. Dinner: steam chicken fillet; white cabbage salad with herbs. Second dinner: 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese; tea.


Breakfast: omelet of 1-2 chicken eggs and a handful of mushrooms; a glass of pumpkin juice. Lunch: cottage cheese with parsley. Lunch: kelp with steamed broccoli. Afternoon snack: salad of cottage cheese or low-fat cheese, tomato and several nuts. Dinner: a piece of boiled beef; tomato or broccoli. Second dinner: a small amount of cottage cheese with lemon zest or a glass of empty yogurt.

Note. In the second week of the presidential method, you should eat approximately the same.


Summer salad of parsley and green onions

Main components:

  • a bunch of parsley (2 pcs.);
  • green onions (4-5 stalks);
  • salt (to taste);
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon (1 pc.).

Peel the green onions, sort out the parsley, rinse well, chop finely, add salt to taste and let steep for 10 minutes. Peel and pit the lemon, cut into small pieces and season everything with vegetable oil, thoroughly mixing the resulting salad. Serve with cold boiled fish or meat.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • diet is good for health;
  • gradual reduction in sugar;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • variety of diet;
  • diet disciplines;
  • regular meals;
  • lack of hunger.
  • slow weight loss;
  • strict restrictions on the consumption of sugars and fats;
  • high risk of failure.

Important Terms

When preparing dishes yourself, it is important to remember all the restrictions and prohibitions: use flour and potatoes as rarely as possible, and also limit carrots and beets due to their high sugar content.

If possible, it is better to avoid noodles and cereals. You cannot add ready-made seasonings or bouillon cubes. First courses should not be too fatty; it will be better if they are vegetarian or fish with the addition of mushrooms, vegetables and herbs.

Soups must be low-fat; to do this, after cooking, place the pan in the refrigerator, and then remove the harmful fats that have frozen on top in the form of a film.

Advantages of the Presidential Diet

  1. The Presidential Diet has many benefits. As has been proven by scientific research, when followed, a decrease in blood sugar to normal levels is observed.
  2. The method suggests replacing saturated fats with vegetable oils. This helps reduce the risk of heart disease and other serious diseases.
  3. Small meals maintain a constant feeling of fullness. The president's diet, in general, sets the body up to function properly and helps normalize metabolic processes, thereby minimizing the likelihood of weight gain in the future.
  4. The technique provides for a varied and nutritious diet. If you create a menu correctly, you can provide the body with a complex of necessary components.

Comments from nutritionists

According to nutritionists, the presidential diet is one of the most effective and useful among all the variety, because it involves a complete change not only in the diet, but also in the lifestyle.

The first phase may seem difficult, because it is during these two weeks that healthy habits are formed: do not eat sweets, do not eat unhealthy fats, fast foods, etc. But the rich variety of permitted products compensates for this limitation, making your body not only fit, but also healthy.

Dysbacteriosis - a myth of the post-Soviet space

Epigraph (to the tune of Pinocchio) Who enters the house with a terrible word?
Who does every mom know? Whose question is often treated? Who has diarrhea brought to tears? And who treated him seriously??? Meet DYSBACTERIOSIS!!!!!! (terrible pause) Is this a familiar word? A Russian parent who has not heard it from his pediatrician can send his portrait to the “Happiest Parent of the Year” competition. A terrible illness that has struck all our children, has reached adults, is painful and indecent, but easily curable by regularly eating something, drinking something in the morning, and generally regularly transferring money to someone’s account, has come to our world.

Faced with the most grandiose deception of modern pediatrics, we consider it our duty to dot the i’s so as not to repeat the same thing countlessly in every second topic.

So, what you need to know about intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. The main thing is that dysbiosis... does not exist! There is no disease or condition that could be related to the concept, no need to look for it, no need to treat it.
  2. The lumen of the intestinal tube in a born child is sterile (just as the child himself is sterile). Within a short period of time, it, as it communicates with the external environment, is colonized by microorganisms that live in it throughout a person’s life.
  3. These microorganisms may be beneficial, taking part in the digestive process; neutral, of which the majority (they live and live - someone must live in the intestinal lumen) and harmful, causing intestinal diseases.
  4. The number of microorganisms in the intestines, as well as their ratio, is different for each person and depends on countless factors - whether a person lives in a city or a village, what he eats, how carefully he observes the rules of hygiene, whether he is healthy or sick at the moment, etc. d. There are no uniform standards for the content of microbes in the intestinal lumen. This is the first thing you need to understand. A person has the right to an individual microflora (c) (vlg_asb 2003)
  5. The lack of standards and large-scale research in this direction is primarily due to the fact that such research is not needed by clinical medicine and does not carry any semantic load! Nothing depends on the number and composition of microbial colonies. And this is the second conclusion of our conversation.
  6. Further, one should distinguish between the content of microorganisms in feces - in the intestinal lumen (which other doctors are so actively studying) and their content in the intestines themselves, that is, on the intestinal wall - where they may have at least some hypothetical significance. There is no convincing evidence that the amount of MO in the feces in any way corresponds to their ratio in the intestine. Thus, what we define is absolutely unclear. Let’s remember the third rule : “No, there has not been and cannot be an analysis for dysbacteriosis.” Any study that you are offered to undergo in this regard is meaningless, uninformative and aimed only at simulating treatment.
  7. You may ask, what about harmful bacteria? Don't they need to be defined either? Need to! They definitely need to be identified in the event of an intestinal infection. For cholera, salmonellosis, dysentery and other diseases, we look for the pathogen in the stool, identify it and study what drugs it is sensitive to. But only when sick.

So why is this same dysbacteriosis not treated only by the lazy?!!!

But there is no answer to this question. Partly because it is easiest to treat a non-existent disease - what did not exist will definitely pass. Partly because for some colleagues, reading an advertising brochure from another manufacturer is easier than reading a serious textbook (it also costs money, and is often written in English)... In some cases, because it is easier to attribute incomprehensible symptoms to some mythical but well-known problem - after all, what we are writing today does not exclude the existence of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, each of which has its own clinic, its own set of tests and its own treatment. But these are diseases. Healthy children do not need to be treated.

The level of deception has reached the point that in addition to meaningless medicines to treat a non-existent disease, we are even offered to buy food!!! “Buy from us constantly and you will not have dysbacteriosis!!!” We hope that after reading these words, you will always be skeptical of such advertising, no matter how convincing it is. What about antibiotics? Why, then, when taking them does the stomach often become upset?

A routine mistake, as well as a common conscientious misconception, is the opinion that when antibiotics are prescribed, a violation of the microbial balance in the large intestine necessarily occurs (I wonder, by the way, why no one thought of “treating the balance”, for example, in the lungs? What kind of business is disappearing! “Inhaled yogurt, enriched with natural waste from alpine fields!!!”(c)). Alas for the producers. As a rule, and in most cases, the use of antibiotics does not entail any disorders and does not require additional correction of the microbial balance.

But. For some drugs, temporary diarrhea is a side effect of use. For example, the popular antibiotic amoxiclav causes diarrhea in approximately 7-10% of cases. Thus, a temporary increase in frequency and thinning of stools should be considered not as an independent problem requiring correction, but as one of the effects of the drug. So how can you support your child’s body? What actions should I take? Maybe among the hundreds of products that are offered to us there is something really useful?.. So that only beneficial microbes live in my child’s intestines???

There is no need to do anything, absolutely nothing extraordinary. Feed your children tasty and varied food. Teach them to wash fruits and hands before eating. Teach basic hygiene rules and consider that your mission is completed.

Author - Valery Valerievich Samoilenko

Presidential diet: reviews and results

Don't expect stunning results right away. Everyone knows that with rapid weight loss, the body, after returning to a normal diet, quickly regains the lost kilograms, and sometimes the weight even exceeds the starting mark.

The first phase has a simple task - to teach not to eat things that are harmful to the body. For some it comes easily, but for others it is very difficult to say goodbye to sweets. Many people note that by the end of the first week they feel a surge of strength in the body and lightness after eating.

Stool normalizes, flatulence , sleep and exercise tolerance improves. For the most part, reviews of the presidential diet are positive - it is well tolerated and effective.

Presidential Diet Method

The Presidential Diet consists of three stages, the duration of the course depends on your patience and desire, although on average it is about a month. The first stage is always 2 weeks; there are no strict restrictions on the second and third.

There is also no clear menu that needs to be followed without violations or sidesteps. There is a list of products - from it you choose those that you plan to consume, and do not exceed the serving sizes.

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