Nastya Monday: green peas against meat and more

Green peas vs Meat

— Green peas contain a lot of protein, so they can serve as an excellent alternative to meat products. You can eat very little peas, but you will feel as if you had dined on a piece of meat. And the energy will increase just as much! This is especially important for vegetarians and people who fast - green peas are quite capable of saturating their body with protein. With this product you can prepare a huge number of very satisfying dishes, which greatly expands, for example, the rather meager menu of people observing fasting.

The essence of the diet

The basic principle of this system: once a day you need to eat a dish made from peas: porridge, cream soup, salad, or others. The menu can be varied: for example, today you ate porridge for breakfast. Tomorrow - pea soup for lunch. The day after tomorrow - salad with vegetables and green peas.

During the pea diet, you can eat porridge from other cereals, vegetables - fresh and thermally processed, vegetable soups, fruits, berries, dairy products with low fat content. Meat is not recommended, since peas contain a sufficient amount of vegetable proteins that satisfy the body's need for protein.

You also need to drink a lot: unsweetened herbal teas, juices, mineral and regular drinking water, sometimes coffee without sugar. The amount of clean water per day is 1.5-2 liters.

The diet strictly prohibits: fried foods, sweets, baked goods, smoked foods and alcohol. Recommended daily calorie content is 1300-1500 kcal. For greater efficiency, feasible physical activity will not hurt: swimming, walking, jogging.

Green peas vs Cottage cheese

— Of course, green peas can serve as an alternative to cottage cheese. People who play sports eat a lot of cottage cheese. But still, it’s simply impossible to eat this product all the time! And green peas can diversify the diet of athletes without depleting it of proteins. I learned from my football player friends that they often resort to this replacement and make delicious puree from green peas! To do this, you just need to beat the peas with a blender, add olive oil and any spices and herbs. No need to heat it up.

Canned pea dishes

Those who want to lose excess weight without resorting to physical activity in the gym should add dishes containing canned peas to their diet. Based on this preservation, there are various dietary recipes, for example, soups and salads are especially popular, because they are included in the menu of almost every weight loss program.

Diet salad

Preparing this light salad does not require expensive ingredients or the housewife’s time, so you can safely add the dish to your diet. It is better to season the salad with olive oil, and if desired, you can add an egg for greater nutrition. Find out how to prepare a salad with canned peas and white cabbage.

  • salt - a pinch;
  • fresh carrots – 1 pc.;
  • canned peas – 50 g;
  • olive oil - to taste;
  • cabbage – 200 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.
  1. Boil the egg until tender, cool.
  2. Wash the head of cabbage, remove bad leaves, and chop the rest.
  3. Grate the peeled carrots. Do the same with a cooled egg.
  4. Mix the chopped products, add canned peas to them.
  5. Salt the salad, pour olive oil on top, stir.

Green pea soup

If you are on a diet and your body lacks carbohydrates, microelements, and vitamins, then the soup prepared according to this recipe will suit you. It is not recommended to add potatoes to such hot dishes due to their high calorie content and salt, because it retains water and prevents weight loss. Find out how to prepare a diet soup with green peas, a bowl of which you can eat even at night without harming your figure.

  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • green peas – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cabbage – 0.25 heads.
  1. Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
  2. Cut the vegetables: onion into half rings, tomatoes into slices, cabbage into thin strips, pepper into strips. Grate the carrots.
  3. Place the vegetables prepared for adding into a saucepan and boil over high heat.
  4. Pour canned peas into the dish, you can add a bouillon cube for taste.
  5. Boil the ingredients until soft, keeping the heat to low.
  6. Let the first one brew a little and you can use it.

Green Peas vs Bread

- Bread differs from bread. And if we are talking about bread that is bought in a supermarket (a loaf can sit there for 3-4 days and not go stale at all - this alone should make the buyer suspicious), then this bread should obviously be replaced with green peas: it is also a source of fiber , vitamin B, folic acid and various beneficial minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron). In this case, I am definitely against bread. It’s even more advisable to bake a flatbread from green peas and whole grain flour (you can add a little cottage cheese to it). It's very healthy and tasty!

Permitted and prohibited products

The pea diet allows you to eat vegetables (fresh or after heat treatment), cereals, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.

Meat is not recommended (peas contain vegetable proteins that can provide the body with the required amount of protein). Prohibited products:

When answering the question whether you can always eat peas when losing weight, you need to take into account the contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes in the digestive tract,
  • acute nephritis,
  • tendency to flatulence,
  • gout,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period.

To understand whether you can eat canned peas on a diet, you need to remember that 100 g of the product contains only 55 kcal. Its benefits for the body are obvious:

  • normalizes the digestion process,
  • reduces cholesterol levels,
  • removes heavy metal salts from the body,
  • strengthens the heart muscle,
  • removes kidney stones,
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels,
  • speeds up metabolism,
  • prevents the development of neoplasms,
  • prevents bleeding gums.

The product can be used to prepare dietary salads and soups. Do not consume concentrated soups or cereals purchased in the store. Fast food contains a lot of salt, flavorings, modified starch and other harmful substances.

Green peas vs hangover remedies

— Interesting fact: green peas are used to combat hangovers. I think this is correct and understandable. Firstly, peas contain a large amount of antioxidants that cleanse the body. Secondly, green peas are in brine, which does not contain preservatives (we are talking about high-quality green peas) and absorbs the beneficial substances of the product stored in it. And there are a lot of them in green peas!

“Thus, green peas are incredibly useful,” summarizes Nastya Ponedelnik. — It is rich in minerals, trace elements, vitamins. Thus, nutritionists say that green peas, like fresh herbs, contain a large amount of B vitamins - the so-called beauty vitamins that are beneficial for women. Where do you get them from in the cold season, when greens are much more expensive than in summer? Green peas will come to the rescue again. Also, again according to doctors, it is on the same level as seafood in terms of the presence of vitamin B12. Green peas lower cholesterol, improve immunity, and cleanse the body with antioxidants. This genus of legumes is indispensable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Canned peas practically do not lose the beneficial properties of a fresh plant and often (this is a sign of a quality product) contains only natural preservatives (sugar, salt, vinegar).

Well, detailed results of Roskachestvo’s study of canned green peas can be found HERE.

What are the benefits of peas?

  1. The list of vitamins and minerals that peas are rich in is huge. Not every product can boast such a list. Vitamins A, E, H (beauty vitamin), PP, group B (especially a lot of folic acid), beta-carotene. Among the minerals, macroelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur; trace elements: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, silicon, cobalt, nickel, tin, titanium, strontium, zirconium, aluminum.
  2. The caloric content of grains is 300 energy units per 100 g. This is quite enough for saturation.
  3. The composition of peas is very diverse: fiber, amino acids, vegetable fat, starch, beneficial enzymes, carbohydrates and saturated fatty acids. Therefore, peas are energy-intensive and nutritious.
  4. It is a suitable food for vegetarians and fasting people and is a successful substitute for meat. But unlike animal products, peas are easier to digest by the body.
  5. Peas supply the body with energy and increase performance. And natural sugar, which is contained in some of its types, stimulates brain activity and memory. Therefore, the product is useful both for those who engage in physical labor or are fond of sports, and for those who are engaged in mental work.
  6. Thanks to a large number of antioxidants, it is important for the beauty of skin and hair.
  7. With the systematic consumption of peas, the risk of developing cancer is reduced, and the processes of tissue and organ restoration are activated.
  8. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs, heartburn disappears.
  9. To supply the body with the daily norm of nicotinic acid, it is enough to eat only half a glass of green peas. Nicotinic acid (niacin) maintains the necessary level of cholesterol in the blood and prevents diseases such as asthma and atherosclerosis.
  10. If you eat peas constantly, you will strengthen your heart muscle and prevent heart attack and hypertension. It also prevents bile from accumulating and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  11. Some varieties of peas even have edible pods. Gnawing on them is not only tasty, but also healthy: they contain calcium, iron and chlorophyll.
  12. Patients with diabetes, tuberculosis and vitiligo are also recommended to include pea dishes in their diet more often.
  13. It accelerates fat metabolism and has a mild diuretic effect, so it is indispensable for weight loss.
  14. Often used in folk medicine.

Is it possible to eat peas while losing weight?

The main parameters that determine a ban on a specific product during a diet, or permission to consume it, are calorie content, dietary fat and glycemic index. Everything here is ambiguous, primarily in the matter of calorie content:

  • dry peas – 298 kcal;
  • fresh/frozen – 72 kcal.

At the same time, the glycemic index also fluctuates as the condition of the product changes:

  • for fresh peas the GI is 50 units;
  • for dried – 25 units.

These 2 nuances create contradictions in the reviews of nutritionists, so they advise consuming peas for weight loss with less activity than other vegetables. BZHU plays in defense of this representative of legumes - there is a lot of protein here (5.4 g), which can partially compensate for the deficiency of this element when giving up meat and fish, and fats are almost completely absent. Carbohydrates are 14.5 g. Additionally, it should be clarified that this is a nutritious product that can quickly fill you up, and the body will not experience a lack of strength during physical activity if weight loss is carried out with peas.

Is it possible to eat pea soup while losing weight?

A very healthy dish for anyone who is afraid of gaining weight is a simple (!) soup based on fresh or split peas, which is cooked with the addition of carrots and onions, but without the potatoes that most people are used to. Leave recipes with smoked meats and other meat additions for the “after weight loss” period, since they have an incredible calorie content. You can even spend a fasting day on the dietary version of soup, but it’s better to just introduce it into your diet as a lunch option.

Pea soup for weight loss will work for the benefit of your figure if you master the correct preparation:

  • It is advisable to avoid frying (carrots and onions as standard), but if absolutely necessary, it should be cooked with olive oil.
  • If you want to thicken the soup, but not interfere with weight loss, use... pea flour. You can buy ready-made or grind dry peas with a coffee grinder.
  • Isn't life good for you without animal protein? You can use broth instead of water, but when losing weight, it is cooked on a piece of chicken/turkey fillet.
  • To make the pea soup more filling, you can add a tablespoon of brown rice.
  • Try to chop the vegetables that complement the pea soup very finely.

Pea puree for weight loss

Nutritionists call simple pea puree a good dish for those who want to shape their figure, which goes well with vegetable salads, eliminating the need to come up with something meaty for long-term saturation. Pea puree for weight loss is almost the same porridge, only at the final stage the boiled grains need to be crushed: you can use a blender or a special metal hole masher for pureeing. If desired, this dish can be frozen.

For the right pea puree that will help you lose weight, you need:

  • do without salt, but you can add black pepper;
  • pour dry peas with water before cooking for at least 3 hours;
  • choose a cast iron pan or just one with very thick walls;
  • do not add oil;
  • use dill (you can use seeds).

Green diet: essence, benefits, contraindications and reviews

The essence and benefits of a green diet

A diet of green vegetables and fruits is a cleansing mono-diet. You can only eat green foods or steamed or grilled foods.

When choosing vegetables and fruits, they rely primarily on leafy greens, seaweed, avocados, green apples, green grapes, kiwi or pears and pistachios.

Results and reviews

A green diet helps not only reduce the level of cortisone (stress hormone) and cleanse the liver, but also lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. Exiting the diet should be gradual - add familiar foods over three weeks.

Eat it or give it to the enemy? Research results on whether dinner affects weight

Contraindications for a green vegetable diet

You should not stick to the diet for more than two weeks. Despite healthy foods in the diet, the diet can negatively affect metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract. Before starting, be sure to consult your doctor. The main contraindications of the diet are pregnancy, breastfeeding and various types of chronic diseases.


Veronica, 22 years old When my friends ask if they can eat canned peas on a diet, I show them my photos before I went on the Favorite Diet. After passing it, I added this product to my daily diet, sometimes I spend fasting days only on peas. Looking at my figure, I can say that I am not in danger of gaining weight with canned peas.

Tatyana, 28 years old I ate canned peas while losing weight, and just a few days later I started having stomach problems - bloating and, I would say, too much gas. I can’t say for sure whether peas helped me lose weight, but I’m determined to see successful results from the process, so I’ll be looking for other diets.

Margarita, 23 years old I love vegetable soup, but I just can’t figure out how to make a bouillon cube myself, so I have to use regular chicken soup. I immediately cook a large pot of soup with canned peas and eat it whenever I want. I am satisfied with the results of this diet - even sometimes adding bread, I lost 14.5 kg in three months.


Victoria, 24 years old, Novorossiysk

The pea diet became a salvation, after it the weight dropped by 8 kg and now I use the product for fasting days. I ate soup, porridge and always drank green tea and water. I gave up sweets, sometimes I could eat a banana, but more often persimmon. My figure has changed beyond recognition and now I can say with confidence: obesity is no longer a threat.

Svetlana, 26 years old, Tyumen

I couldn’t use peas for a long time when losing weight. The diet is available, but problems have arisen. I tried not to overeat, but periodically attacks of bloating, discomfort and heaviness began to appear. I managed to lose 2 kg, but couldn’t continue.

Galina, 34 years old, Kemerovo

It turns out that the diet is suitable. Before, I never even thought that such a simple product could be beneficial for weight loss. I found out from a friend who lost 12 kg and decided to try (even though I only have 5 kg extra). Now I’ve been eating porridge, soups and purees (for lunch or dinner) for a week now and the result has appeared: I’ve lost a little more than 1.5 kg. More likely because I just can’t give up sweets.

During many diets, green peas are a must-have product, because by consuming canned peas when losing weight, you help the body restore metabolism and cleanse the intestines of toxins and other harmful components. Check out popular diets in which this representative of the legume family is the main dish, find out in what cases it is not recommended to eat peas during the diet.

Weight loss plans

There are two weight loss schemes - fasting days (they can be done 2-3 times a month) and full-fledged diets of varying durations.

Fasting day

Boil a glass of peas without salt and eat it throughout the day in fractional portions (count on 5-6 meals). You can drink 2 cups of green tea. Plain water - in unlimited quantities. Losses - up to one and a half kilograms.

You don’t have to eat this unfortunate glass of peas dry. Allowed for breakfast is 150 grams of pea porridge, for lunch - 200 ml of pea soup, for dinner - 150 grams of dietary salad. In between meals, if you feel hungry, you can eat fresh fruits (give preference to fat-burning citrus fruits). The result is minus 1 kg.


  • Strict express fasting for 3 and 5 days

The menu includes only dietary pea dishes in limited quantities: puree, porridge, soup, salad, etc. Calculate the calorie content of the diet: it should not exceed 1,200 kcal. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat kefir or cottage cheese are allowed in small quantities. Drinks include only green tea without additives. Every day of such a fast, if followed correctly, will help you lose 1 kg.

How much time can you devote to your weight loss? There are pea diets for 7, 10, 14, 21 days and even a month. Start small. If you like it, you can stand it, you can always extend it. But remember that hunger strikes for 21 and 30 days can lead to vitamin deficiency, so it is very important to correctly create a menu so that it is balanced. Typically, foods such as chicken breast, steamed fish, stewed vegetables, brown rice, and water-based oatmeal are allowed here. But the emphasis will still have to be on pea dishes.

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