How Maya Plisetskaya ate. What do ballerinas eat? Diet from Maya Plisetskaya. Methodology of Maya Plisetskaya: opinion of nutritionists

The essence and principles of the diet

The essence of the diet is an almost complete rejection of animal protein. The diet allows you to get protein from lean fish only once a week. Other products based on pure protein are strictly prohibited from being used in any form. In order not to injure the body with a complete lack of protein food, the diet includes the consumption of spinach, lentils, asparagus and others.

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The diet of ballerina Maya Plisetskaya requires adherence to several basic principles, without which its effectiveness will not be observed. They are as follows:

  • You can't overeat. The number of calories consumed should be less than their expenditure;
  • Portions need to be divided. The prepared food should be divided into small portions in a saucer, which will be consumed 5-6 times during the day;
  • If your weight increases, you need to forget about foods such as sugar and fast carbohydrates forever;
  • Frequent and small meals;
  • It is allowed to repeat the diet only 3-4 times a year;
  • Products that contain protein are consumed once a week in one form;
  • You cannot combine cottage cheese, meat or fish together.

Plisetskaya’s diet gives shocking results for those losing weight who approach their body correctly, pay attention to the internal signals of the body, and can stop eating in time. If you follow all the rules, then in the first week of the diet you can lose up to 6 kg.

List of prohibited products

What foods should you not eat while following the Plisetskaya diet? These include:

  • everyone's favorite coffee;
  • all types of sweets;
  • tea and drinks such as cocoa;
  • fried food;
  • sauce and mayonnaise;
  • vegetables such as eggplants, potatoes and tomatoes;
  • all types of spices;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

Why did the ballerina establish a strict ban on coffee, because, as many believe, the natural ground drink only brings benefits for those who want to lose weight? Maya Plisetskaya believes that coffee has the ability to “flood” muscles, as a result of which excess fluid is retained in the body. If you have been doing this or that physical activity for a long time, then this effect will only increase. It is for this reason that in order to reduce volumes, it is recommended to eliminate caffeine in any form.

In addition, you need to stop eating foods that suppress metabolism and prevent the body from expending calories as needed - this includes fatty, sweet and fried foods. As for potato dishes, according to the ballerina, this vegetable is not absorbed by the body, and with frequent consumption of potatoes there is a risk of allergies. If you eat a couple of tomatoes and a small piece of bread, your body will react with high gas formation and bloating.

Pros and cons of the diet

There are many advantages of Maya Plisetskaya’s diet, but they are discovered only by those losing weight who cope with all the rules of the diet, without allowing themselves too much. Note:

  • No harmful products;
  • Saturation of the body with the necessary vitamins and components;
  • Available menu;
  • Removing harmful toxins through weight loss;
  • Ability to lose up to 10 kg of body weight;
  • The diet is easily tolerated at any adult age;
  • Lots of “allowed” products.

But there are also disadvantages of the diet that you also need to know about.

  • Frequent feeling of hunger;
  • Refusal of favorite foods;
  • Loss of mood due to hunger;
  • Low calorie diet.

It was not for nothing that Maya Plisetskaya introduced such dietary restrictions, because the main goal is to lose weight and not harm your health. Her technique fully achieves the goal, so those losing weight get quick results and do not destroy their health. And the desire to eat the forbidden delicacy again disappears immediately after the first noticeable results.

Maya Plisetskaya’s “Don’t Eat” Diet

The diet is based on the principles of modern proper nutrition. And Maya Plisetskaya herself always said: “We need to eat less.” The ballerina claimed that the main secrets of her slimness were:

  • Moderation in food . You could eat everything, but not enough so that you wouldn’t feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach after eating.
  • Regular physical activity. In Maya Mikhailovna’s life, constant rehearsals and performances were a good waste of calories, so it’s worth adding regular physical activity to your daily routine.
  • Frequent meals. The ballerina believed that it was important to eat in small portions, but often.


Even in her old age, the ballerina looked amazing: her special diet helped her achieve such results. The menu is strict, consists only of plant products, excluding foods that include starch. You can stay on this diet for only a short time – the duration of the diet is two weeks. But during this period of time you can lose weight from 5 to 10 kilograms. Some people who followed the famous ballerina's diet were able to lose more than 15 kg. But this result depends on the personal characteristics of the human body, the initial weight before losing weight.


The diet of ballerina Maya Plisetskaya is suitable only for healthy people, because the diet is meager, and any restriction in any foods initially becomes stressful for the body. Before switching to such a diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist for advice, since the diet has a number of contraindications . If they are not taken into account, then such a diet will do more harm than good. It is prohibited to follow a diet:

  • pregnant women;
  • people under 18 years of age;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • people with neurological diseases;
  • those who have high blood pressure.

Menu table


Day of the weekEatingMenu
MondayBreakfastOatmeal on water, fruit
2 breakfast
DinnerVegetable broth with salad.
Afternoon snackFresh juice.
DinnerBoiled rice with fish.
TuesdayBreakfastBuckwheat with mopidor.
2 breakfastTomato juice.
DinnerPasta soup.
Afternoon snackCarrot.
DinnerVegetable salad, herbal tea.
WednesdayBreakfastVegetable stew, fruit.
2 breakfastApple
DinnerVegetarian soup, tea.
Afternoon snackNatural juice.
DinnerPearl barley.
ThursdayBreakfastAny porridge with water and banana.
2 breakfastVegetable salad.
DinnerBuckwheat soup with vegetables.
Afternoon snackA handful of berries, tea.
DinnerRice with mushrooms.
FridayBreakfastCorn grits porridge.
2 breakfastCompote.
DinnerBroccoli soup, salad.
Afternoon snackPeach.
DinnerStewed rice with grilled vegetables.
SaturdayBreakfastBarley porridge on water, raspberries.
2 breakfastJuice.
DinnerMushroom soup with herbs, tea.
Afternoon snackCucumber salad.
DinnerA glass of water + bread.
2 breakfastBread with cheese, tea.
DinnerVegetable salad, cheese.
Afternoon snackOrange.
DinnerBoiled rice without salt.

The menu can be changed depending on your personal preferences for the day. It is important to eat as many cereals, fruits and vegetables as possible. It is desirable that they be varied. You shouldn’t eat only oatmeal or buckwheat porridge in the morning for the entire 2 weeks. Variety is the key to satiating the body and quickly digesting food.

How to prepare dishes?

Maya Plisetskaya recommends cooking only on the grill, steam, oven or broth dishes. She shares the same opinion as the creators of other diets - frying and frying in oil should not be present during the diet. Such dishes only slow down metabolic processes, interfere with the absorption of food, and disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

Grilled or steamed food is the best option in the diet. In this case, the products retain their taste and beneficial properties, which is very important for the body during the dietary period. There are many options for dishes to prepare in such conditions, so the variety of the menu depends only on the person losing weight.

A ballerina's diet includes important microelements

Despite the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat foods, ballerinas and their diet take into account that the body will work for you (in every sense, including in maintaining weight), and not against it, only if it is regularly provided with the whole complex of substances, then eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, if you imagine the foods that ballerinas eat in the form of a pyramid, then at its base there will be nothing more than carbohydrates (in the form of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, bread, vegetables and fruits). They are the main source of energy in the diet of ballerinas during fairly intense physical activity, and therefore are present on the table at every meal. Next come protein foods, which are responsible for building strong muscles. In any diet for ballerinas, the best sources of protein are considered to be low-fat fish, white chicken, and dairy products with a fat content of no more than 2.5%. Fats, which are responsible for the elasticity of ligaments, although in small quantities, are also present in the ballerina’s diet every day. Vegetable oils as salad dressings every day and a piece of fatty sea fish a couple of times a week are welcome.

What can and cannot be done on a diet?

In order for Maya’s diet to give the desired result, you need to take into account all its nuances, as well as the lists of prohibited and permitted foods. A person's grocery basket should be filled with the following:

  • Oatmeal, brown rice;
  • Herb tea;
  • Lentils;
  • Leaf salad;
  • Carrots, beets, onions;
  • Berries and fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Cabbage.

The following list should be excluded from the diet during the diet:

  • Salt;
  • Quail eggs;
  • Store-bought sauces;
  • Dairy products;
  • Meat;
  • Flour products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Coffee;
  • Butter;
  • Spices, seasonings, seasonings.

It is advisable to eliminate these foods from your life completely, but if this is not possible, then at least for the duration of the diet. This will allow you to achieve results much faster.

Basic diet rules for ballet dancers

The diet of ballerinas most often involves the strictest restrictions. No sweets, baked goods, semi-finished products, smoked meats or marinades.

Of course, there are lucky women who are not inclined to be overweight. They can afford to eat almost anything. The excess is burned off during classes. But even they are forced to scrupulously monitor every gram of their weight. What can we say about girls in whom every piece they eat is immediately deposited on their sides? There are always rumors among artists that some girls faint from hunger after rehearsals and performances.

  • Water. It should be consumed strictly 30 ml per day. per 1 kg. weight. As a rule, the total volume is about 2 liters per day. The liquid helps metabolic processes proceed normally and remove toxins from the body.
  • Fractional meals. Small portions of food, taken every 3 hours, allow food to be quickly digested and not stagnate in the body.
  • Balanced menu. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be present in food and consumed during the period of the day when they are best absorbed.
  • Separate meals. Proteins and carbohydrates should not be mixed in any way. Plant proteins are preferred, which are sufficient in legumes (in particular, soybeans).
  • Carbohydrates . The diet of ballerinas differs from the diet of gymnasts in that it is based on carbohydrate foods. They are the ones who provide energy to the body. After all, as you know, ballet dancers put enormous strain on their bodies throughout the day. Mastery is achieved through grueling training. This consumes a lot of energy that needs to be replenished. Carbohydrate foods - vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts - serve as an energy source for the body. However, flour and sweet foods are prohibited.
  • Calorie content. It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of foods, since if you exceed the daily calorie intake, the next day you will have to limit yourself to eating more than usual.
  • Salt . It has to be completely excluded from the diet, as it provokes weight gain.

These are just general nutritional rules that guide ballet dancers during training. However, there are individual diets that have been developed over years of practice and have brought certain results. For example, the diet of Maya Plisetskaya.

Dish recipes

Maya Plisetskaya not only developed a unique diet, she also created personal recipes for dishes allowed as part of proper nutrition. All dishes involve the use of familiar and available ingredients, so preparing them is not difficult.

Vegetable stew


    • Zucchini;
  1. Bell pepper;
  2. Onion;
  3. White cabbage;
  4. Carrot;
  5. Tomatoes;
  6. Greenery.

All prepared ingredients are crushed into small cubes. Water is poured into the bottom of a medium-sized saucepan, chopped ingredients and a little salt are added on top. The dish must be simmered for an hour, stirring occasionally.

Cereal soup


  • Lentils;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Salt;
  • Corn grits;
  • Greenery.

First you need to soak the lentils in cold water for a few minutes. Meanwhile, the carrots are peeled and grated. The lentils are placed in boiled water and the broth is prepared. Carrots and tomato paste are added to it. Stirs.

5 minutes after this, corn grits are poured into the pan, and everything is cooked together for 7-10 minutes. Salty. After a couple of minutes, the broth is removed from the heat, covered with chopped herbs on top and infused for 10-15 minutes.

All recipes are easy to prepare and do not require many ingredients. You can prepare soup or other dishes from products that are present in every refrigerator. The main thing is to clearly remember the list of prohibited foods that should be completely excluded from your diet.


Maya Plisetskaya’s “Don’t Eat” diet has contraindications, which means that even with a strong desire to lose weight, this technique is not used. Maya carefully studied the human body before creating this diet. It involves subtracting only harmful components from the diet, providing the body with good support and assistance in digestion. In order not to encounter unpleasant manifestations, Plisetskaya identifies the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Adolescence;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Disturbances in the digestive system;
  • Rehabilitation after injuries.

If you have such diseases or conditions, the diet is strictly prohibited. Plisetskaya understands that dietary restrictions may not always have a positive effect on the body of a sick person, and therefore strictly does not recommend exposing yourself to such danger. People with at least one disease from the list should consult their doctor about any diet.

Side effects

Serious restrictions in protein foods can cause side effects, and Maya Plisetskaya does not hide this. Diet sometimes provokes the following manifestations:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Prostration;
  • Loss of performance;
  • Impaired sleep quality;
  • Stomach pain.

These side effects are not dangerous to humans if they continue during the first days of the diet. There should be no such manifestations in the future. If they continue, the diet should be stopped.

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