Buckwheat-kefir diet: reviews and results, expert opinion, before and after photos

What do the doctor's say?

While reviews of the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet excite the public, doctors urge caution. Such a program requires a reduction in dietary diversity, and this is always very, very harmful to human health. Even if a person really needs to lose weight, the best results are achieved by a combination of reasonable nutrition and physical activity. Buckwheat and kefir, both individually and together, have a positive effect on human health, but a diet is only safe when the body receives the maximum of useful compounds, and these cannot be provided with just two foods and water.

In order for the diet period to be harmless, you need to review the diet and introduce specialized supplements into the diet so that the body receives everything it needs. The human body needs minerals, vitamins, and microelements. Amino acids are necessary and important. Buckwheat contains vegetable protein, but it does not cover all the body's needs. Animal protein is important.

The benefits and harms of the buckwheat diet

Like any other method of losing weight, this diet has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of the buckwheat diet:

  1. The most important advantage is the removal of toxic substances and cleansing of toxins. This product can improve metabolism. This is a great option after long holiday feasts. After abusing fatty foods and drinking alcohol, the human body needs to be cleansed.
  2. Eating buckwheat helps remove excess water from body tissues. This helps avoid swelling. This property promotes rapid weight loss in the initial stages.
  3. The condition of the skin largely depends on the condition of the intestines, therefore, with the help of this diet, issues with skin problems are resolved.
  4. An important advantage of buckwheat is its rich composition of microelements, minerals and amino acids.


  1. Like every other diet that is based on only one product, the buckwheat diet deprives the body of some of the substances it needs.
  2. It is not always possible to endure the monotony of the diet, so this type of nutrition is suitable only for those who love this product. If a person does not often eat buckwheat because he does not like its taste, then it is better for him to refuse this diet.

What happens if you don't follow the rules?

Reviews of the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet indicate that people who followed such a strict diet were satisfied with the results. There is, however, information about those for whom such nutrition has become a source of problems. Nutritionists report contraindications to dietary restrictions. If a person does not pay attention to such restrictions, for him personally the results of the diet will certainly be negative. If from the very beginning a person feels unwell, if they are worried about weakness, and at times dizziness, they will have to stop eating buckwheat and kefir. No matter how attractive the results, the harm will be greater.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss for 7 days

Effective weight loss on a buckwheat diet

Thanks to a weight loss diet based on buckwheat porridge, you can lose from 5 to 10 extra kg in just a week, depending on your initial weight.

In addition to effective weight loss, the beneficial properties of buckwheat porridge are manifested as follows: • improvement of the immune system; • normalization of blood pressure; • stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood; • strengthening the cardiovascular system; • strengthening hair and nails; • improvement of skin condition; • cleansing the body of harmful substances.

The essence of the buckwheat diet for weight loss is to consume no more than half a kilogram of steamed buckwheat every day. Despite the fact that this method of losing weight is a mono-diet, you can diversify its menu with a liter of low-fat kefir, fruits and vegetables that do not contain starch.

Basic rules Every meal should contain a small portion of buckwheat. The break between the current and subsequent doses is 2 hours. Also, for a quick effect of losing weight and normalizing the body’s functioning, it is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of purified water without gas per day.

Of course, like every diet, the method for losing weight with buckwheat has its limitations. It is imperative to exclude salt, sugar and alcohol-containing products from the diet.

Before starting the process of losing weight using the buckwheat diet, let’s get acquainted with the basic mandatory rules for its compliance, in addition to the above:

Every day you should eat 500 grams of steamed buckwheat porridge, divided into 4-5 equal portions;

The last meal should not be later than 19:00;

Before each meal, it is recommended to drink a cup of herbal tea, as it restores the functioning of the nervous system. This factor is extremely important when following a diet, so that nervous breakdowns do not occur due to a lack of usual nutrition;

Don't forget about healthy sleep. After all, an organism subjected to this kind of dietary restrictions needs rest. Therefore, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours;

Try to take contrast showers often, alternating hot water with cold. It will also invigorate your body so that it is always ready for the upcoming challenge of weight loss diets;

If you are likely to lose a large number of kilograms, in order to avoid stretch marks on the body, apply anti-cellulite creams to “problem areas”;

Also, when losing weight, any nutritionist will advise you to combine a diet with moderate physical activity. This will not only allow you to effectively lose weight, but also “tighten” your shape;

Despite the fact that buckwheat porridge itself is rich in useful substances, including a huge amount of iron, these substances are not enough for the body to function properly. Therefore, while following a diet, you should take a complex of vitamins.

The buckwheat diet for weight loss is easily tolerated by the body, which is why it is so popular among those who want to effectively lose weight in a short time, and more specifically, in a week. If necessary, you can continue the above buckwheat diet for weight loss for another 7 days. Also, during the extension of the buckwheat diet, it is allowed to add vegetables and fruits to the main diet, which we will talk about in more detail in the next paragraph.

Is it possible to eat fruit? Based on the above information, the answer to the question is obvious - you can eat fruits. Let's figure out which ones will bring the greatest benefit to your body when following a buckwheat diet for weight loss.

So, the list of recommended ones includes the following fruits and berries: • green apples; • apricots; • plums; • kiwi; • citrus fruits; • peaches; • melon; • watermelon; • cherry. The most acceptable vegetables are carrots and cabbage.

During the period of following the buckwheat diet, do not under any circumstances eat bananas and grapes, as they are high in calories and will prevent you from losing the desired amount of kilograms.

Menu for every day Having understood the main ingredients, you can safely create a sample menu for every day. In this case, we provide you with a proper diet plan for a week for your reference:

Monday Breakfast: 200 g of steamed buckwheat porridge and a glass of low-fat kefir; Lunch: fruit salad washed down with unsweetened herbal tea; Dinner: buckwheat with stewed cabbage.

Tuesday porridge with prunes and dried apricots; citrus salad and carrot juice; a glass of kefir and buckwheat porridge.

Wednesday porridge with fruit; carrot salad; buckwheat with kefir.

Thursday carrot and cabbage salad, herbal tea; peaches and fresh apple; buckwheat and a glass of fermented baked milk.

Friday steam porridge, herbal tea; stewed vegetables and kefir; buckwheat and green apple.

Saturday steamed buckwheat, 200 ml low-fat kefir; salad of carrots, apples and dried fruits; big green apple and citrus juice.

Sunday herbal tea, apple and carrot salad; buckwheat with dried fruits; apple and kefir.

The right way out Upon completion of the diet, you should remember that in order to consolidate the results of losing weight, you should adhere to restrictions in the near future. Of course, even when leaving the diet, buckwheat porridge should be your main food product.

Gradually introduce vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and eggs into the menu. Just remember, the fat content in meat should be kept to a minimum, and vegetables should be completely free of starch.

At first, low-fat broths should predominate in the diet. It is recommended to prepare pancakes, cutlets and casseroles from buckwheat. You can also arrange fasting days on kefir.

Based on the above information, when leaving the buckwheat diet, you will not only maintain your desired weight, but also reduce it by a couple of extra pounds.

Contraindications Like any diet, a dietary restriction based on buckwheat porridge also has its contraindications. Therefore, before you begin to follow it, make sure that you do not have the following diseases: • all stages of diabetes; • hypertension; • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; • presence of gynecological diseases; • stomach ulcer; • intestinal dysfunction; • allergic reactions to one of the diet products; • presence of any kind of infections; • chronic exacerbations; • intolerance to one of the products.

Also, following a buckwheat diet for weight loss is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use this technique for menstrual irregularities.

How much can you lose? As stated earlier, if all the rules are strictly followed, you can lose up to 10 kilograms on a buckwheat diet for weight loss.

If effective results are obtained, this technique can always be repeated. After all, all the ingredients are easily available and very inexpensive.

The final result depends on the characteristics of the person: his height, initial weight and predisposition to physical activity.

When combined with active sports, the buckwheat diet involves losing weight up to 12 kg.

Recipes In this paragraph, we will consider the most popular recipes for the buckwheat diet, which include a lot of useful substances for the human body:

Buckwheat porridge Ingredients: 400 g of buckwheat, liter of purified water. clean the cereal from black grains and rinse thoroughly with water; boil water and pour it over the cereal; then cover the bowl with buckwheat and wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it overnight.

Steamed buckwheat casserole Ingredients: 300 g buckwheat, liter of water, 250 g oat flour, 200 ml low-fat natural yogurt, 150 g each of dried apricots and prunes. bring water to a boil and pour it over the buckwheat; chop dried fruits; turn the following ingredients into a homogeneous mass: buckwheat, dried fruits, oatmeal and yogurt; Place the resulting mass in a baking dish; cook in a steam oven for 25 minutes.

Buckwheat with vegetables Ingredients: half a kilo of buckwheat, onion, carrots, bell pepper, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a pinch of herbs. pour hot water over the cereal; boil; then continue to cook over low heat; peel and finely chop the onion; then peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater; cut the seeded pepper into strips; then add the vegetables to the almost finished porridge and cook over low heat for another 10 minutes; Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

The buckwheat diet for weight loss also includes dessert dishes:

Buckwheat pancakes Ingredients: 350 g of cereal, a glass of low-fat kefir, one medium-sized green apple, carrots. pour hot water over the cereal; peel carrots and apples; then grate them on a coarse grater; then add the grated ingredients and kefir to the buckwheat; mix all; place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet; cook in the oven for 20 minutes.

Buckwheat porridge with milk Ingredients: 200 g of cereal, liter of skim milk. rinse the cereal thoroughly with water; then fill it with 300 ml of hot water; cook until the cereal absorbs all the water; then pour in milk; cook until fully boiling.

Results On average, the results of losing weight on a buckwheat diet mean losing 7 kilograms. Again, it all depends on your endurance, willpower and desire for slimness.

Believe it or not?

Reviews about the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet are numerous and similar. People who adhered to this nutritional system almost unanimously assure: the diet allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of extra pounds. In just a week you can lose five or even ten hated kilos.

The most effective weight loss is observed if a person adheres to the strictest dietary restrictions. This means that kefir and buckwheat are allowed from foods, and water from drinks. There is absolutely nothing else in the diet. There are easier to follow options that are considered gentle and more beneficial for the body. By adhering to them, a person loses weight without risking his health.

Results and reviews of those who have lost weight

Reviews about the buckwheat and kefir diet are mostly positive. Those who lost weight noted rapid weight loss, good health and availability of food.

Alena, 25 years old: “I was very pleased with the results of the buckwheat and kefir diet - minus 7 kg in 10 days. I included more fruits in my diet and made salads without oil and mayonnaise. Yes, it gets boring to eat the same thing, but the result is worth it - I lost 7 cm in my waist and 5 in my hips.”

Elena, 30 years old : “This diet is one of the strongest for me, I usually suffer from constipation, but thanks to kefir I had bowel movements every day. I managed to lose 5 kg in a week, which really surprised me; it had never happened before. I still have a few extra pounds, so I plan to repeat the diet.”

Valentina, 45 years old : “I used the buckwheat diet in my youth and now I decided to try again. I like the option with kefir even more, since you can have snacks and not suffer from hunger. I only sat for five days and during that time I lost 4 kg.”

A diet on kefir and buckwheat for 7 days may seem boring. However, this is one of the healthiest and fastest ways to say goodbye to extra pounds. After a month, you can repeat it again, and to maintain weight, it’s good to do a fasting day once a week, using the same healthy products.

Why does this work?

Reviews containing photos about the results of the kefir-buckwheat diet clearly show how effectively people who adhere to this nutrition system lose weight. The effectiveness of this approach is due to the complete exclusion of quickly digestible carbohydrates from the diet of a person losing weight. These unhealthy foods include all flour and sweets, sugar - all of this is prohibited while losing weight. If possible, such foods should be removed from the diet and outside the weight loss program so that the achieved results are maintained for a long time. Pastries, cakes, cookies - all this is prohibited.

Opinions on the protein content of dietary foods vary. Some believe that it is worth excluding protein products of animal origin throughout the entire period of limited nutrition, while other nutritionists are convinced that without it there is absolutely no way. If possible, you should remove butter from your diet. Opinions vary regarding dietary meat and egg whites. Some doctors believe that such inclusion is strictly necessary if a limited diet is planned for the purpose of losing weight. Allowed foods include low-fat fish and seafood. Of course, they prefer low-calorie foods. The inclusion of such components makes the diet healthier and more balanced, although it will slightly slow down the fight against kilograms.

How does the diet work?

The secret of the effectiveness of the kefir-buckwheat diet is that it is this combination of products that normalizes the ratio of microelements in the body. Both buckwheat and kefir are definitely healthy foods for humans. They activate and normalize intestinal function, which has a positive effect on the entire body. Therefore, if you want to lose weight without harm, but with benefit, then you can safely choose this type of nutrition.

Such healthy buckwheat

Buckwheat is a storehouse of nutrients and beneficial substances and microelements. This is a fairly satisfying product that quickly provides relief from hunger. Therefore, its use will definitely have a positive effect on your body. Buckwheat is one of the foundations of the dietary menu. It contains quite a lot of protein and carbohydrates. It is impossible not to note the presence in this product of the most important vitamins B, P, iodine, potassium, iron, fiber and amino acids for humans. These substances help cleanse the body, its rapid recovery and full functioning. Many nutritionists confirm the benefits of buckwheat, especially in the fight against edema, liver diseases, high blood pressure, and anemia. Of course, buckwheat can also be an excellent basis for a weight loss menu.

About the benefits of kefir

Kefir is not inferior to buckwheat in terms of usefulness. It provides the body with protein, vitamins and calcium. This drink is also an integral element of dietary nutrition. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. A positive effect is observed even in people suffering from chronic diseases.

Kefir is an excellent product for cleansing the body. Its regular use will allow you to get rid of toxins without unnecessary problems and difficulties. And this, in turn, will speed up the renewal of the body and improve its functioning. In some cases, kefir can relieve allergies and liver problems. This product prevents putrefactive processes in the stomach, which significantly improves its functioning, as well as the functioning of the intestines. Those who constantly consume kefir improve their complexion and skin condition.

Thus, if you want to lose weight and improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, then the buckwheat with kefir diet will help you, reviews of which confirm its high effectiveness.

Cleansing and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract occurs due to the following factors:

  • Buckwheat kernels mechanically cleanse the intestines of food debris and other unnecessary and harmful particles;
  • Kefir removes these particles from the body;
  • At the same time, consuming buckwheat prevents exhaustion of the body, as it sufficiently saturates it. Kefir helps maintain a normal water-fat ratio.

Kefir: which one is healthy?

As can be concluded from reviews of the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet for weight loss for 7 days, the results of the program are largely determined by how correctly and responsibly a person buys a fresh and healthy product. When choosing fermented milk products in a store, you need to check the expiration date. It is recommended to take only kefir that can be stored for no more than five days. The main idea of ​​a limited diet is to improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, while simultaneously enriching the body with calcium. This is achievable if the diet contains a lot of fresh fermented milk product containing microorganisms. The maximum shelf life is achieved by special types of processing that are lethal to lactobacilli.

It is equally important to choose kefir with an adequate level of fat content. Studies have shown that proteins and calcium are better absorbed if the fat content of the fermented milk product is 2.5% or more. For dietary nutrition, this percentage is good, but low-fat gives more effective weight loss.

Kefir-buckwheat diet (every day menu with kefir)

A diet using buckwheat and kefir can be carried out according to the following basic programs:

  • Classical;
  • Gentle;
  • Strict.

In the ranking of the most effective one-day weight loss, the fasting option occupies a leading position.

Fasting day

It is advisable to conduct them regularly, for example on Sundays. On such days you can only eat buckwheat with kefir and drink water.

How much porridge can you eat during the “unloading”? Theoretically, the quantity is unlimited. For dietary nutrition during this period, it is imperative to use only whole grains, low-fat kefir and completely eliminate any additives: spices, butter, milk, sauce.

In the evening, pour 250 g of buckwheat with boiling water (2 cups), cover the container with a tight lid, wrap it with a blanket or towels. In the morning, divide the resulting porridge into 5-6 servings, which must be eaten during the day at regular intervals. Kefir for weight loss is consumed as a drink or mixed with buckwheat. Don't forget about water; you need to drink at least 2 liters a day.

Classic diet for 3 days

Experts call this diet light. The optimal period for losing weight is three days. It is in the short duration that “ease” lies, but errors during this period are unacceptable. Only kefir and buckwheat are consumed as food; they alternate during snacks.

The standard serving of drink is 1 glass, porridge – 3-5 spoons.

Three-day “Classic” menu:

In the morning on an empty stomach, be sure to drink 1 glass of still water. Eat porridge 3 times. A snack and afternoon snack are kefir, and before bed, experts advise drinking water.

An easy-to-follow diet, you don’t even need to count calories. It is also suitable for men. This weight loss option is used as a push diet, which gives a powerful signal to the body. It is carried out 2 times a month. If there are no contraindications or side effects, the duration of weight loss can be increased to 5 days.

Strict diet for 7 days

During a weekly diet, you can eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities, but the mandatory condition remains the same - you cannot add seasonings and spices to it. A nice addition is to add a small amount of greens, lettuce, cabbage, and apples to the diet.

Menu for these 7 days:

  • breakfast: boiled buckwheat;
  • snack: kefir (1 glass);
  • lunch: white cabbage salad, buckwheat soaked in kefir, you can add dried fruits or herbs;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • buckwheat porridge, lettuce leaves.

You need to start and end each day with a glass of regular purified water. Three times a week for lunch you can eat an apple and cabbage salad.

Gentle diet for 14 days

This option, as the name suggests, is less strict. Vegetables, mushrooms, lean meat, fruits, and eggs are allowed into the diet. Porridge can be prepared from either whole grain or buckwheat flour.

First week

DaysBreakfastSnackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1buckwheat flour with kefir, green tea or coffeekefironion soup, jellysour fruitporridge with coleslaw or baked vegetables
2porridge, green teamilk buckwheat soup, kefirgreeneryboiled egg, buckwheat
3, 4, 5These days, food consists only of buckwheat, kefir and apples. You can drink rosehip decoction.
6porridge with dried fruits, coffeekefirchicken broth with herbsapplecauliflower, buckwheat
7porridge with vegetables, green teavegetable okroshka with egg, jellynatural yogurtbuckwheat

Second week

DaysBreakfastSnackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
8buckwheat, cottage cheese, teakefirsome chicken breast, vegetable saladfruitsfresh vegetables, buckwheat
9, 10, 11It is recommended to drink only unsweetened tea, buckwheat with water or kefir.
12buckwheat porridge, rosehipkefirvegetable soup, jelly or coffeefresh vegetablesbuckwheat with a small portion of dried fruits or nuts
13porridge with dried fruits, green tealentil soup, jellyapple kefir cocktailbuckwheat with mushrooms and vegetables
14steamed buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, teachicken broth, boiled egg, teaapplebuckwheat with a small piece of boiled chicken

More details about Greek

A buckwheat-kefir diet for losing 10 kg in a week involves proper preparation of cereals. It cannot be boiled. To cook buckwheat, add water and leave for several hours. At the same time, all the beneficial compounds that the product is rich in are preserved. Before cooking, you need to sort out the buckwheat, removing all the black grains. Then you need to rinse it with running water and only then fill it with boiling water or kefir.

You can't eat buckwheat with butter. Such filling of porridge will immediately negate all the benefits of the diet. Salt should not be used as a seasoning. It is known that such a food additive makes the appetite stronger. The best effect is achieved if you eat buckwheat without seasoning, without animal fat. In this form, the product is permitted in unlimited quantities.

How to cook buckwheat correctly: recipes

To lose weight, it is important to eat buckwheat not only with certain types of foods, but also to know how to prepare it correctly. Below we will describe the most effective buckwheat recipes for weight loss.

Buckwheat soaked in kefir overnight

If you stick to this type of diet for two weeks, you can lose up to 12 kilograms of weight. The higher your initial weight, the more extra pounds you will lose. The advantage of this method is that there is no feeling of hunger, since fasting is not provided.

Preparing the product will not take much time. First you need to thoroughly rinse the cereal from dust, debris and dirt. Then you should take 200 grams of the product and fill them with kefir in the amount of two glasses. This mixture should be left to infuse from evening until morning.

In the morning the porridge will be ready. The resulting amount of porridge must be divided into two servings: for breakfast and dinner. It is strictly forbidden to add salt or sugar to the porridge. Oil should also not be consumed.

For lunch, it is best to eat a light salad or soup made from lean fish or meat. While following this diet, you should drink as much fluid as possible.

Regular exercise will help not only enhance the effect of the diet, but also remove extra centimeters from the waist, abdomen, arms and hips. In this case, the load should be feasible, as the body is cleansed.

How to brew raw cereal with boiling water

Steaming buckwheat is considered the most effective. With this processing method, it retains the greatest number of useful properties. Before pouring boiling water over buckwheat, you need to sort it out and wash it. It is best to cook buckwheat in the evening. To do this, you need to fill it with boiling water so that the water exceeds the level of the cereal by about 2 centimeters. The container with cereal must be tightly closed. In the morning you can eat ready-made porridge.

How to cook with milk

Some people prefer buckwheat porridge cooked in milk, especially for small children. There are several options for preparing buckwheat with milk:

It is necessary to sort and wash the cereal, then soak it in water for several hours. Then drain the water and add milk in a ratio of 4 to one, respectively. Bring the porridge to a boil over low heat, then add sugar and butter and cover the pan with a lid.

Following the second method, you need to pour the washed cereal with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and cook over low heat until the water evaporates. Then milk is added to the porridge: to 1 part of porridge 4 parts of milk. The porridge is cooked for 10-20 minutes until fully cooked.

You should be aware that this type of preparation of porridge makes it more caloric.

Nuances of diet planning

Buckwheat-kefir diet for weight loss of 10 kg allows consumption of up to a liter of kefir per day. Large volumes are not recommended. To eliminate the risk of dehydration, you need to drink fluids, preferably water without additional additives. You can drink tea. Do not sweeten the drink.

All bread and any bakery products are strictly prohibited during the diet. Nutritionists admit that eating empty buckwheat for a week is extremely difficult, so it is worth considering the possibility of diluting the diet with various healthy foods.


As you can see from the reviews, the buckwheat-kefir diet for weight loss caused much fewer problems for those who ate a balanced diet. The following set of meals can be suggested as an approximate daily nutrition program.

Breakfast includes a plate of buckwheat and unsweetened tea. Serve the buckwheat with 125 g of dietary boiled meat or low-fat cottage cheese.

For lunch, buckwheat is prepared and served with a salad of fresh vegetables. Use a little olive or pumpkin oil as a dressing.

A glass of kefir is included for lunch.

For dinner, buckwheat is made and served with vegetable stew. For greater satiety, dinner is supplemented with a portion of boiled fish - 125 g.

Shortly before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir if you want to eat. If there is no feeling of hunger, do not eat or drink anything. In total, they eat 200 g of food per meal. Drink a little water shortly before meals to reduce your appetite.

Alternative diet option

There are quite good reviews about the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet for weight loss for 7 days, the menu of which is extremely strict. Throughout this week, it is suggested to consume a liter of kefir every day with a fat content of no more than one percent, and eat a glass of steamed buckwheat. To prepare the cereal, wash it in the evening. 0.2 kg of product is combined with 0.4 liters of boiling water, the container is closed with a lid and wrapped in a blanket. You can steam the cereal in a thermos. The whole next day they eat only buckwheat and kefir. You can drink liquid between meals. The daily norm is one and a half liters. It is better to drink plain water without additives. Herbal infusions and decoctions are considered as an alternative. They can be prepared from chamomile inflorescences, mint leaves, calendula, and sage. Sequence decoctions are useful.

As reviews from those who have lost weight say, the results of the kefir-buckwheat diet were good only when people strictly adhered to a strictly limited diet. This means that salt and sugar are completely prohibited. Strict restriction involves giving up coffee and all types of tea. Each meal should be followed by a walk of at least half an hour. Dinner is eaten at six in the evening or earlier. The daily intake of buckwheat is divided into five or six servings. This avoids the feeling of hunger. This diet is intended for weekly nutrition, it can be extended for two weeks, but no more.

What is the buckwheat diet?

This diet has many names and variations (buckwheat-kefir, Pierre Dukan’s buckwheat diet, etc.), but the essence is always the same - buckwheat becomes the main product in the diet. Such a nutrition plan guarantees losing up to a kilogram every day, although it is fair to note that we are not talking about fat burning, but about overall weight loss (including muscle mass).

The basis of the diet was not chosen by chance and reviews of buckwheat for weight loss prove this perfectly. This cereal is the most optimal product because:

  • Contains a lot of protein;
  • Low in calories and not heavy on the stomach;
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals (Vitamin A, group B, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.);
  • Very simple.

The optimal period for the diet is 7 days, the maximum is two weeks. It is also extremely important to add the following foods to your diet:

  • 1% kefir (1 liter per day), it is advisable to drink a glass 20-30 minutes before meals. You can also drink buckwheat with kefir if it seems too dry;
  • Lots of clean water (at least 2-3 liters per day);
  • Greens (only as a snack to satisfy hunger).

Also, if necessary, you can add boiled chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese (or yogurt) and non-calorie vegetables and fruits, but in minimal quantities. This will help diversify your diet, provide the body with nutrients and improve digestion.

In general, select the “rigidity” of the diet based on personal tolerance. If necessary, add the indicated products, but if you are planning for the stated result of -1 kg in 1 day, then you need to limit yourself to only buckwheat, kefir, water and a couple of cups of green tea per day.

Is it possible or not?

As can be seen from the reviews of those who have lost weight containing “before” and “after” photos, the results of the buckwheat-kefir diet are truly impressive. True, only strong-willed and persistent people were able to achieve a noticeable result. Many people admit that they started losing weight, but could not withstand the limited diet. In addition, some believe that the results are weaker than in the case of a mono-diet, so the option under consideration does not fully justify itself.

But some are forbidden to find out for themselves whether such a nutritional system works or not - the health risks are too great. The restrictions in question are unacceptable for pregnant and lactating women. The buckwheat diet with kefir is not suitable for hypertensive patients and people prone to high blood pressure. It is inappropriate if a person suffers from increased gas formation, stomach or intestinal diseases. This diet is not suitable for diabetics.

Pros and cons of the buckwheat-kefir diet

This diet for weight loss has its own advantages:

  • Both buckwheat and kefir are inexpensive and available to everyone. Anyone can prepare buckwheat porridge according to the correct recipe;
  • Today no one can argue with the benefits of buckwheat, because it contains a lot of calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, and rutin. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, hematopoiesis and the general condition of the body;
  • Kefir is no less healthy than buckwheat. It is used for medicinal purposes for an impressive range of diseases. This product effectively cleanses the intestines, restores its normal functioning, prevents putrefactive processes in the stomach, and promotes the healthy functioning of the liver;
  • In general, a healthy person on a kefir-buckwheat diet will be able to lose up to ten kilograms in a week;
  • The diet is simple. You don’t have to diligently count the calories you eat, calculate meal times, or prepare difficult and expensive dishes;
  • This nutrition helps get rid of excess fluid.

Despite all the advantages, this diet also has certain disadvantages:

  • Scarcity. Surviving on buckwheat and kefir for a week is a real feat for those who value variety in food;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. No matter how rich buckwheat and kefir are in useful substances, you won’t be able to get everything your body needs from them. Therefore, following such a diet for more than two weeks is not recommended, so as not to disrupt the ratio of microelements;
  • Large amounts of buckwheat can have a laxative effect. Therefore, it is best to stick to a diet in your free time. It is also necessary to drink a lot of water so that the body does not suffer from dehydration.

No matter how wonderful the diet may seem to you, you can start it only after consulting a doctor. After all, the main component of beauty is health. And in order not to harm it, you should not resort to extreme or unsafe methods of losing weight. And your doctor will help you choose the best nutrition option to combat excess weight. Of course, a slim figure is wonderful, but risking your health for it is unwise. We wish you success in choosing the right diet!

Details and aspects of the program

As many people admit in their responses, by the second day buckwheat becomes frankly boring. If this does not happen by the evening of the second day, then on the third day a disgust for the product will definitely come. In their reviews, people share stories about how they convinced themselves to continue eating this cereal. To slightly change its taste, pour kefir over the porridge. It is healthy, quite tasty, and not at all as dry as buckwheat itself. Seasonings and salt cannot be used. By combining kefir with buckwheat, you can diversify your diet. This makes it easier to endure the restrictions associated with the diet format, without severe psychological discomfort.

The last meal is allowed four hours before bedtime and for a longer period of time. When dividing your daily diet into portions, you need to track their distribution over time. If a person goes to bed at midnight, dinner can be scheduled not for six in the evening, but a little later. If health problems are observed during dietary nutrition, you need to abandon the restrictions and return to a normal diet. In order for the effect achieved during the diet to last for a long time, restrictions are removed gradually, slowly. It is wise to adjust your daily diet to prevent the weight from returning.


Before you start losing weight, consult your doctor. Here it is important to take into account not only the duration of the diet and the way out of it, but also the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of contraindications. Are there any stones in the gall bladder, kidneys...

Quitting the diet

It is very important to know how to get out of a diet correctly. Otherwise, returning to your usual food will provoke the rapid appearance of extra pounds.

  • To prevent this from happening, exclude sweets, flour, and fatty foods from the diet, and limit the consumption of fast carbohydrates.
  • 1-2 times a week for breakfast continue to eat a portion of buckwheat with kefir, be sure to control the drinking regime.
  • For 2 weeks, you should try to leave a slight feeling of hunger after each meal.
  • Gradually, fish, lean veal, and berries are added to the menu.

Why is there no effect?

Among the reviews there are angry statements that the desired effect after a diet with buckwheat and kefir did not occur. This happens precisely because of the wrong way out of the diet. Or, when porridge is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, as a means of losing weight, and during the day a lot of other high-calorie foods are eaten, including fast food and soda. Floury, sweet and fatty foods not only slow down the process of burning fat deposits, but also provoke the accumulation of new ones.


With frequent and long-term diets, the intake of fats and carbohydrates from other foods occurs in insufficient quantities. Imbalance of BZHU can provoke intestinal disorders and stomach diseases. Also, during a strict dietary restriction, irritability, fatigue, and weakness occur.

It is not recommended to resort to the diet for people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypotension;
  • anemia;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • diabetes.

You should not start losing weight while you are pregnant and breastfeeding.

The products have a laxative effect. Therefore, it is better to take measures to combat excess weight, for example, during vacation, when there is no need to be away from home for a long time.

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