Maggi diet: reviews of those who have lost weight, before and after photos, as well as the secrets of this nutrition system

Greetings, my dear readers! Continuing the topic of effective weight loss systems, today I will introduce you to another popular diet. This is the Maggi diet - reviews and results with photos will tell you the best about its effectiveness. I'll tell you what you can eat and what you can't. But first things first.

By the way, especially for you, I wrote recipes for delicious dishes for this diet in a separate article “Maggi diet - menu for every day.” I have prepared an egg and curd meal option for you to choose from.

Origin of the diet

In general, it would be more correct to call the Maggi diet the “Meiji diet” (a diminutive form of the name “Margaret”). Yes, yes, we are talking about that famous lady - Margaret Thatcher. Among her documents in the Palace of Westminster, historians found a typewritten sheet with a certain menu. This find attracted special attention.

It turns out that such a menu is a fasting nutrition program that was developed specifically for the “iron lady”. It was compiled by specialists from the Mayo Clinic (USA). The typewritten document contained a warning: “Do not stay on the diet for more than 2 weeks.” And a small clarification note that on days when there is meat in the diet, you can drink whiskey. And at the end of the sheet there was another warning: “no alcohol on other days.”

By the way, this nutrition plan can be called one of the first low-carbohydrate protein diets. But there is one “but”. The fact is that the original version of the unloading system was passed on by word of mouth. Everyone contributed. Therefore, the modern Maggi diet is somewhat different from the original. But they have a lot in common.

Permitted and prohibited products

The Maggi diet features a wide variety of foods that can be consumed for weight loss. To lose weight, you should include vegetables and greens in the menu. Food is consumed baked, raw and frozen. So, a woman can take a vegetable mixture out of the refrigerator and steam it. During the process, only water is allowed to be used. The use of broth is prohibited.

Fruits are also allowed for consumption. They can be cooked in the same ways as vegetables or eaten raw. The diet includes grapefruit or orange. They can be replaced with each other. A similar rule does not apply to other products. You can combine pineapple, apples, watermelon, kiwi, pears and cherries with each other. This set helps burn fat and has a corrective effect on your figure. Almost all fruits and berries are allowed. Only bananas, grapes and figs are prohibited.

Fermented milk products are also actively used during weight loss. For the Maggi diet, cottage cheese and cheese of a certain fat content are used. For the first product, the value of the indicator should not exceed 9%. For the second it is limited to 20%. At the last stage of weight loss, yogurt is introduced into the diet.

You can eat fish and low-fat seafood. Most often, when losing weight, shrimp, pike perch, pollock, hake or cod are consumed. This helps prevent the formation of fat. Eggs are also actively used during the Maggi diet.

Poultry meat is consumed. You can eat chicken or turkey. These are lean varieties of meat. It is recommended to remove the skin before use. It doesn't go into food. Animal meat is also allowed for consumption. The menu is allowed to include beef or veal. They are boiled, stewed or baked. Consumption of meat by-products is also acceptable.

Flour is not completely excluded from the menu. It is acceptable to eat bread, rye bread, toast and unsweetened diet crackers. Coffee and tea have a good tonic effect on the body. However, they can be included in the menu only if the drinks are consumed without the addition of milk, cream and sugar. In rare cases, it is acceptable to drink 1 glass of diet cola. The following can be used as seasonings when preparing dishes:

  • salt;
  • ginger;
  • pepper;
  • gelatin;
  • garlic;
  • onion.

Agave syrup or stevia are used as sweeteners. When cooking, it is better to use a minimum amount of seasonings. The fact is that too spicy a dish can provoke hunger.

The Maggi diet prohibits the consumption of a whole list of foods. If a woman wants to lose weight using the method, she needs to give up:

  • milk, jam and honey;
  • confectionery, butter and vegetable oil, pasta;
  • alcohol, canned food, sauces and mayonnaise;
  • pasta and baked goods, sugar and fructose;
  • mushrooms, lentils, beans, beans and potatoes.

What is the essence of the Maggi diet?

This is a protein food system with an extremely low carbohydrate content. This diet is based on the biochemistry of the body. The menu is designed in such a way that chemical processes are activated, and the body itself begins to burn fat reserves.

The nutrition system is designed for 4 weeks. During this period you can lose from 10 kg to 28 kg of excess weight

Sitting on Maggi, you don't have to count calories. And worry about what if you ate something extra. In other words, it's a "full diet." You can eat eggs, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables and fruits. I like this diet better than mono diets.

Sample menu

In the classic version of the Maggi diet, the weight loss system is based on the consumption of chicken eggs. There is an opinion that including the product in the menu in such a volume is dangerous, and its intake can cause an increase in cholesterol in the body. However, experts say that its presence in food does not affect this blood indicator.

Compliance with the diet is carried out on the basis of a clearly developed weight loss scheme. For the first 2 weeks, breakfast is identical. In the morning you need to eat 1-2 eggs and half an orange or grapefruit. During the final 2 weeks, the permissible amount of food is distributed over the whole day and consumed in even portions.

Sample menu
Day of the weekEatingMenu
First week
DinnerMeat, lettuce
Dinner2 eggs, toast, orange, vegetable salad
WednesdayDinnerBread, tomatoes, cheese or cottage cheese
DinnerMeat, lettuce
DinnerLettuce leaves, minced meat
FridayDinner2 eggs, steamed vegetables
DinnerSalad + minced meat
DinnerSalad + minced meat
SundayDinnerChicken, tomatoes, grapefruit, boiled vegetables
DinnerSteamed vegetables
Second week
MondayDinnerSalad + minced meat
Dinner2 eggs, salad, orange
TuesdayDinnerSalad + minced meat
Dinner2 eggs, orange
WednesdayDinnerMeat and cucumbers
Dinner2 eggs, orange
ThursdayDinner2 eggs, boiled vegetables, cheese or cottage cheese
Dinner2 eggs
Dinner2 eggs or omelette
SaturdayDinnerMeat, tomatoes, orange
DinnerFruit salad
SundayDinnerGrapefruit, boiled vegetables, chicken
DinnerGrapefruit, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, chicken
Third week
MondayProducts for the whole dayFruit mix
WednesdayVegetables and fruits
ThursdayFish, boiled vegetables, fresh lettuce or cabbage
FridayMeat, boiled vegetables
Saturday1 type of fruit
Sunday1 type of fruit
Fourth week
MondayProducts for the whole dayOrange (grapefruit), toast, 2-4 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, canned tuna without oil, 200 g meat or ¼ chicken
Tuesday1 type of fruit, toast, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 200 g meat
WednesdayOrange, toast, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, a small portion of boiled vegetables, 1 tbsp cottage cheese. or cheese – 200 gr.
ThursdayOrange, toast, 3 tomatoes, cucumber, ½ chicken
FridayGrapefruit, 2 eggs, vegetable salad
SaturdayOrange, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, toast, 125 g feta cheese or cottage cheese, 1 cup yogurt, 2 chicken breasts
SundayOrange, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, toast, 1 tbsp. l cottage cheese, 1 can of canned tuna, a plate of boiled vegetables

Photos of people losing weight (before and after)

I want to share with you, friends, before and after photos of those who have already sat on Maggi. The result is impressive! Watch and be inspired.


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Take a close look at the girls' photos. Many people's tummy has tightened and their butt has shrunk. In addition to dieting, the girls say that they started going to the gym or doing fitness. So, comprehensively and gradually, they achieved amazing results.

Therefore, to achieve greater effect, do not forget about high-quality exercises, walks and moderate physical activity.

I myself started doing a “fat burning training” program. Oh, the biggest enemy is our laziness. I stand in front of the mirror and imagine what will happen if I don’t study today. I’m starting to imagine so strongly that I’ll weigh more, won’t fit into my favorite dress, and will stop wearing short skirts. It becomes so scary that laziness shuts up. And there is more than enough energy for training

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