Proper nutrition for joint cartilage

After 25-30 years, many processes in the body really undergo significant changes. On the skin side, this is manifested by loss of elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, and its color fades. This is due to many changes, in particular, to a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin - proteins that make up a kind of skin framework; reducing the amount of hyaluronic acid - a necessary component for maintaining optimal moisture content, ensuring the correct arrangement of collagen and elastin chains, timely regeneration and maintaining skin turgor.

The presence of a sufficient amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin gives it firmness and elasticity, and a decrease in their amount leads to the opposite result - the appearance of signs of aging.


- stress - due to the negative effect of the hormone cortisol on collagen; — excessive insolation (UV radiation) accelerates the destruction of collagen; - consuming large amounts of sugar increases the blood glucose level, which reacts with collagen and elastin, disrupting their structure and function; - hormonal imbalance; - unbalanced diet; - bad habits and addictions (nicotine, alcohol).

Thus, the first wrinkles can be noticed on the skin of the face as early as 25-30 years old.

Is it possible to turn back time and stop this process? Unfortunately no. Is it possible to slow down the aging of the skin and maintain its blooming appearance longer? With modern developments in technology, definitely YES!

The main principle of preserving and prolonging the youth of the skin is properly selected cosmetic care. The COLLAGEN collection of products was developed by the international laboratory LIBREDERM and is recommended for use by women 30+ with the first signs of skin aging. The products in this collection are aimed at maintaining a sufficient amount of collagen in the dermis and its functionality. Within 1.5 months of use, the elasticity and radiance of the skin returns, the number and depth of visible skin folds (wrinkles) are reduced.*

The collection is based on basic skin care products: COLLAGEN day cream to restore radiance and even skin color SPF15 and COLLAGEN night cream to reduce wrinkles and restore elasticity. The products in the COLLAGEN line contain the biomimetic molecule Palmitoyl glycine, which in its molecular structure is a lipoamino acid. The action of this innovative molecule is based on stimulating the production of your own collagen, improving microcirculation and protecting the collagen matrix.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid preparations

The obvious advantage of using the oral form of HA over other active substances is that overdose is practically impossible. In addition, these benefits provide much better health, significantly better appearance and significantly greater vitality. When combined with a proper diet, proper physical activity and adequate rest, facial skin becomes radiant.

Today, collagen and hyaluronan preparations for oral use are gradually gaining numerous fans around the world.

They received special recognition in clinics of plastic surgery, aesthetic anti-age medicine, and medi-spa.

In Ukraine, in recent years, similar dietary supplements have also begun to appear, oriented, however, for use in rheumatology and differing from foreign analogues in composition and mechanism of action. One of the few exceptions is the drug Collagenix, developed in 2006 by American scientists and containing the amount of HA and type II collagen necessary to maintain the level of skin hydration and elasticity. This combination slows down the aging process of the skin and helps reverse age-related changes, restores youthful facial skin by improving elasticity, rehydrating dry skin, smoothing and removing fine lines and reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles, and makes hair silky and full.

The drug "Collagenix" is produced in capsules of 450 mg. Standard dose: 1 capsule 2 times a day. The product should be taken between meals. Very large individuals or those with severe skin problems may require larger doses (4-6 capsules daily). Contraindications for use are pregnancy, breastfeeding, and individual intolerance to the drug.

Depending on the age and condition of the skin, hair and nails, there are different dosage regimens:

for preventive purposes, persons aged 20-25 years are recommended to take 1 capsule 2 times a day annually for 3 months; for people aged 25-35 years - twice a year for 2 months, 1 capsule 2 times a day; at the age of 35 -45 years - twice a year for 3 months, 1 capsule 2 times a day; after 45 years - twice a year for 4 months, 1 capsule 2 times a day; with significant visible age-related changes in the skin of the face and body, as well as poor hair condition, you can take it on an ongoing basis, 1 capsule 2 times a day.

The use of oral preparations of collagen and hyaluronan is perfectly combined with all types of salon and home care, helping to enhance and prolong the achieved result, and also helps reduce the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

The high level of safety of this product makes it attractive for long-term use in restorative and rejuvenating treatments that preserve youthful skin and hair.

COLLAGEN day cream to restore radiance and even skin tone SPF15

The COLLAGEN collection day cream also includes a collagen-elastin complex. It forms a breathable matrix on the skin, due to which transepidermal water loss is reduced, the skin is better saturated with moisture, becomes firm and elastic. An important component in the composition is a combination of UV filters, which protects the skin from sun rays, photoaging and the damaging effects of free radicals. The cream is an ideal skin care product for women 30+ and an excellent base for makeup.





Facts about hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is called the “key to the fountain of youth.” The name “hyaluronic acid” was given to this substance in 1934 by K. Meyer and J. W. Palmer, who first isolated it from the vitreous fluid that fills the inner chamber of the eye. Its name comes from the Greek word for glass (hyalos), which aptly describes its transparency and glassy appearance.

HA is a long-chain molecule consisting of alternating N units of acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid. N acetylglucosamine is formed by adding a side amino group and an acetyl group to the glucose molecule. This combination of units makes GA a member of the glycosaminoglycan family. Its molecular weight can vary from 50,000 to 4,000,000 Da.

Hyaluronate is an integral part of the connective tissue network in our body, produced by fibroblasts. In the skin, HA, together with water and protein complexes, fills the gaps in the connective tissue. It binds water in the intercellular space, thereby increasing tissue resistance to compression. The functions of HA include moisturizing and lubricating tissues, providing softening and resorption of sutures and other surface imperfections.

Many studies have linked abnormally low HA levels to premature aging and poor wound healing, as well as various connective tissue diseases. Loss of HA during aging is responsible for visible signs of aging, wrinkling of the skin, loss of elasticity in the skin and hair.

The moisturizing properties of HA are associated with its ability to absorb water in an amount exceeding its own weight by 3,000 times. One gram of HA absorbs 3 liters of water, making HA an exceptionally powerful hydrating mechanism. If you add only 2 mg of HA to 1 liter of water, you will get a dense gel-like mass. Nevertheless,

Hyaluronate is a brilliant logistician: it will never deliver too much fluid to where it is not needed, and will not leave “dry” areas of our body to die of thirst.

In addition to its critical role in hydration, HA also serves as a powerful antioxidant, scavenging free radicals and protecting skin from aging caused by overexposure to sunlight. Hyaluronan's powerful antioxidant properties help reduce physiological stress by neutralizing free radicals throughout the body.

On the other hand, hyaluronan is inevitably broken down and destroyed by the same free radicals with daily exposure to ultraviolet rays and environmental pollutants. Therefore, replenishing its reserves is extremely useful.

The less wear and tear on cells that hyaluronan provides means healthy, well-hydrated skin with improved tone and fewer wrinkles and age spots. Thus, the powerful rehydrating and antioxidant effects of HA help stop and even reverse the processes of premature aging.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can cause extensive damage to the DNA of cells and tissues. High concentrations of free radicals cause cell damage throughout the body by directly affecting cell membranes. This changes the permeability of the membrane, which allows toxins to enter the cells and also leads to the loss of important nutrients. Free radical damage to the skin leads to loss of skin tone, premature formation of wrinkles and age-related pigmentation. Damage to subcutaneous tissues by free radicals leads to collagen disorganization, leading to loss of elasticity, dryness and wrinkling of the skin.

How to level up

Having figured out why collagen is needed, you should find out methods for increasing it. Key methods include:

  • Including foods high in this protein in your daily diet. In this case, three types must be present, since each of them is necessary for different types of tissues - bone, muscle, cartilage, skin.
  • Supplements More often they are presented in the format of sports nutrition or medications. Must be prescribed by a specialist.
  • Subcutaneous injections. A temporary method used in cosmetology.
  • The use of cosmetics that contain a collagen component.

Products containing collagen

Various types of this protein are present in common foods:

  1. beef,
  2. Chicken,
  3. chicken egg shell membrane,
  4. Fish.

You can drink bone broth - this is the most effective option. You can also introduce more dishes with gelatin and drinks with peptides into your diet.


Collagen-containing preparations are sold in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies. It is optimal to buy vitamins with a collagen component - they are beneficial for the skin and hair. The price of the supplement depends on the dosage and exact composition.

You can use a mixture of protein, hyaluronic acid, minerals and vitamins. This gives a pronounced effect of rejuvenation and healing of the skin.

It is very important to choose the right medications based on your lifestyle and life and taking into account your genetic characteristics. Preparations with collagen are recommended to be used in conjunction with vitamin C. It promotes enhanced protein synthesis and regulates the balance of elastin in the dermis layer. The vitamin also helps generate natural collagen.

Cosmetic procedures

It is worth paying tribute to cosmetic procedures. They are aimed at increasing protein production in the body and replenishing it artificially. Such events include:

  • Injections with this protein,
  • Thermage,
  • Laser therapy.

Cosmetic products with a collagen component are also used together with vitamin A to stimulate the synthesis of “native” protein and elastin. However, you should understand: the skin absorbs collagen very poorly, but it creates a protective barrier on it and perfectly moisturizes.

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