Fasting day. Menu based on cottage cheese, kefir, apples, fruits. Reviews and results

Fasting days for weight loss on kefir and cottage cheese

A fasting day on cottage cheese is a gentle way to cleanse the body, correct weight and achieve comprehensive health.
The method is quite effective for losing weight and is also pleasant and does not require much volitional effort (unlike a complete hunger strike or eating only fruits). Nutritionists recognize its effectiveness, calling such cottage cheese days a mini-diet. Among the advantages of the one-day cottage cheese diet is its versatility. This lactic acid product is suitable for almost all people, since it has no contraindications. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children and athletes, as well as people with fragile bones. The main thing is that cottage cheese contains all useful substances in their natural form and is easily digestible.

Cottage cheese can be combined with apples, dried fruits, honey or berries. It is often recommended to have a mini-diet based on cottage cheese and kefir. The benefits for the body from such a fasting event are enormous.

Are there any contraindications and harm?

Excessive abuse of fasting days, as well as strict diets, leads to metabolic disorders, slow metabolism, lack of vitamins, muscle dystrophy, which in turn can be harmful to health.
People with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, liver disease and bile ducts should be careful about fasting days.

Mini-diets are strictly contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

Consultation with a specialist is advisable.


A fasting day on cottage cheese has many advantages:

  1. Cottage cheese is a dietary product. It is easily digestible by people of different ages, so it can be eaten in large quantities (but in small portions).
  2. This lactic acid product is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, D, PP, E and beta-carotene), which have a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and others).
  3. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein (18%), so the low-fat product can be a component of a protein diet.
  4. Cottage cheese contains amino acids, in particular methionine, which promotes the breakdown of lipids. Therefore, such a fasting day on cottage cheese brings tangible benefits to the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Amino acids are also beneficial for the nervous system.
  5. Cottage cheese is useful for pathologies of the lungs and cardiovascular system. It strengthens bones and improves vision.
  6. Cottage cheese is an excellent diuretic, but for people with pathologies of the excretory organs and reproductive system, this is a minus, so it is better for them to refrain from the cottage cheese diet. The same should be done if a person feels an aversion to fermented milk products.

On oatmeal and kefir

This is exactly the fasting day that is carried out on the eve of an important event or event. As you know, oatmeal can improve intestinal function and, moreover, improve the external condition of the skin. So for breakfast you need to eat a portion of oatmeal with honey, repeat this meal for lunch, but without honey. The rest of the time, you can drink kefir in any quantity, but you cannot drink more than 300 ml at one time.


If you often arrange curd fasting days for yourself, dull hair will become shiny, bones and teeth will become stronger, the risk of developing osteoporosis will decrease, digestion will be normalized, the body and liver will be cleansed. Thanks to cottage cheese, blood vessels will be strengthened, because it removes cholesterol from the body, and vision will improve. The cleansing effect of this fermented milk product will affect the well-being and appearance of the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

It has been established that cottage cheese is effective for weight loss because it speeds up metabolic mechanisms and removes excess fluid from the body. Therefore, overweight people should try this mini-diet. You can get rid of 500 g to 1 kg per day (but you should choose a low-fat product).

But you shouldn’t get carried away and spend cottage cheese days more than 2 times a week either. And for the result to be more noticeable, you should do such fasting regularly and eat properly the day before (exclude salty, sweet foods, do not eat much the night before the curd day). In order for the cottage cheese mini-diet to bring benefits and not harm, it is important to be in a good mood, love this product and have no contraindications. Otherwise, reviews may be negative.

Alternative methods

To prevent unloading on cottage cheese from becoming torture, you can diversify the menu without much harm to the final result. Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits make unloading easy and pleasant.

Apple-curd unloading

A very tasty day of unloading is obtained with a cottage cheese and apple menu. You will need 400-500 g of cottage cheese and 6-8 apples. They need to be peeled, grated and combined with cottage cheese before the meal.

The choice of apples depends on your own preferences and health. Sour apples are not suitable for people with high stomach acidity, green ones are good for allergy sufferers, sweet ones are suitable for those who do not have problems with cardiovascular dystonia.

Here you will also find ways to spend a fasting day only on apples or other fruits.

With green tea

A green tea drink perfectly complements a curd day. It lowers cholesterol levels well, helps proteins to be better digested and absorbed, and removes toxins and waste.

To the usual daily amount of cottage cheese you need to add three cups of green tea. And it is better to drink tea from the morning until lunch, as the drink improves tone. You should also drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

With eggs

Eggs are very nutritious and rich in protein. Very good for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can eat 5-6 eggs per day. And supplement the diet with green tea and a cup of medium-fat cottage cheese. You can easily lose 1 kilogram of weight in one day.

With bananas

You need to buy 400 g of cottage cheese and 4 bananas. The entire volume of food is divided into 4 parts. Bananas, like cottage cheese, satisfy hunger, give a long feeling of fullness, and are also rich in phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

Bananas can be ground into porridge and combined with cottage cheese or simply cut into pieces.

With dried fruits

A very tasty and nutritious, vitamin-rich relief is obtained from cottage cheese and dried fruits. Any dried fruits should be taken in the amount of one handful, washed, chopped and mixed with cottage cheese. 600 g of cottage cheese is enough for a day.

You can supplement the menu with a decoction of herbs or rose hips.

With vegetables

Cottage cheese goes well with vegetables. You can use any to your taste, but not starchy ones. Vegetables adjust the intestines to active work.

You can add a kilogram of any vegetables to 300-400 g of cottage cheese. Don't forget about water and unsweetened tea.

With fiber

For the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is very useful to enrich the curd with bran. For half a kilo of cottage cheese 5 tsp. enough. And the berries will add flavor - 4 handfuls.

And don’t forget about simple drinking water. You should drink at least 2 liters between 4 meals.

Important! You should always pay attention to the shelf life of cottage cheese. It can be stored in the container for up to 6 days in the refrigerator. And it will live in the freezer for up to 3 weeks.

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Diet No. 1. Fasting day on cottage cheese and apples

An effective recipe for weight loss.


  • cottage cheese (600 g);
  • apples (1 kg);
  • drink plenty of fluids: tea without sugar, water, but not coffee.

Divide the cottage cheese into three servings, and between meals of fermented milk food, satisfy your hunger with apples and drink water and tea. You can't eat or drink anything else.

A milder version of the diet with cottage cheese, apples and kefir:

  • breakfast: 50 g cottage cheese with raisins, 2 green apples, 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir with cinnamon or chopped dill after 2 hours (if desired);
  • lunch: 2-3 ripe baked apples without sugar, honey and other additives, a glass of kefir, curd mass (80-90 g of cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, some berries);
  • afternoon snack: 2-3 apples, rosehip broth;
  • dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese with grated apple, a glass of kefir;
  • Before going to bed, drink 1 more tbsp. kefir with chopped herbs.

Apples are rich in iron, vitamins, pectin and fiber, which takes a long time to digest, blocking the feeling of hunger, and also cleanses the intestines well, which is useful for weight loss. The benefits of baked apples are almost as great as those of fresh ones.

Options for curd and kefir fasting days

There are several options for spending this day to benefit your figure and health, which will help diversify the diet for those who decide to eat this way for more than 1 day.

Option 1

This method involves consuming two products during the fasting day: cottage cheese in an amount of no more than 400 grams and one liter of kefir. You should drink still water throughout the day.

The diet can be supplemented with a handful of not very sweet berries. If you decide to follow this diet for 2 days, you can eat 1 teaspoon of natural honey in the morning.

Option 2

This version involves consuming the following products throughout the day:

  • cottage cheese in the amount of 200 grams;
  • kefir with zero fat content in the amount of 1 liter;
  • bran - 3 tbsp. spoons (one spoon before meals three times a day).

The effectiveness of such a fasting day will be enhanced by taking 3 tbsp the day before. spoons of bran. They need to be washed down with plenty of water. Eating bran will help you get rid of the feeling of hunger, and you will easily get through this day.

Option 3

With this type of unloading, the curd and kefir menu is supplemented with low-fat sour cream, while the amount of kefir is reduced. The daily menu consists of three servings of cottage cheese, 100 grams each, 2 glasses of kefir and 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream.

In addition to water, it is advisable to drink rose hip decoction throughout the day, of course, avoiding the consumption of sugar. A rosehip drink will saturate the body with the vitamins it needs.

Option 4

In my opinion, this is the most delicious version of a cottage cheese-kefir fasting day.

Ingredients for preparing 5 servings, which is the daily requirement:

  • cottage cheese - in the amount of 250 grams;
  • zero-fat kefir – 250 milliliters;
  • Fruits (any kind possible) – 400 grams.

To prepare such a weight loss cocktail, place all the products in a blender and bring them into a homogeneous state. You can add a little lemon juice to the mixture.

The mixture should be divided into 5 servings and eaten throughout the day at regular intervals. It is best to use a small spoon, so the body will feel full faster.

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Variation of the cottage cheese diet on kefir with bran

Prepare in advance for a fasting day on cottage cheese with bran and kefir. The day before, try to eat low-calorie foods, take 3 tablespoons of bran with plenty of water. On the day of the diet, in three doses, consume 1 liter of low-fat kefir with 200 g of cottage cheese. Every time before meals, eat 1 tbsp. l. bran and drink plenty of water.

From any fasting menu based on cottage cheese and kefir, you need to exclude salt, replace sugar with honey and drink at least 2 liters of liquid (still water, tea) so that breakdown products are removed from the body, otherwise your health will worsen.

Recipe No. 5: fermented milkshake

Those who have tried the kefir diet and like to consume fermented milk products in liquid form can prepare themselves a diet shake.

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • low-fat kefir - 250 ml;
  • apples or pears or citrus fruits, mango, peach/nectarine - 400 g;
  • optional - lemon juice.

Beat the fruits, cottage cheese and kefir in a blender. Eat the resulting mass in small portions in 5 meals. It is advisable to eat with a teaspoon to get full faster.


Reviews from people who have tested a one-day mini-diet using cottage cheese and kefir are positive. Many people add honey, prunes or raisins to cottage cheese. According to women and men who are losing weight, it tastes much better, and the result is noticeable when weighed the next day.

Reviews on the Internet indicate that such a cottage cheese diet is not associated with a strong feeling of hunger and the next day there is no desire to pounce on food, so the achieved result is maintained.

Those who spend such days regularly note not only weight loss, but also a feeling of lightness in the body, as well as improved skin and hair condition.

Many people praise the diet based on cottage cheese, apples and kefir as tasty, healthy and not at all burdensome. In addition, people note that such a diet is quite varied, and if hunger occurs, it can be quickly satisfied with an apple.

Having tried the cottage cheese mini-diet once, people decide to carry out fasting cottage cheese-kefir-apple days regularly.

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