Banana fasting day for weight loss: reviews and results

An ambiguous, but simple and tasty fasting day on bananas and milk causes a lot of positive and negative controversy. What is good about this mini-diet and what can you expect as a result of it? Here are the questions to consider first.

Among all the options for fasting days, the short milk-banana diet, according to reviews, is easy and effective. In addition, these two products have a number of benefits that are beneficial not only for weight loss, but also for health.

What are the benefits of bananas?

These fruits have a huge range of beneficial properties for human health. Many people use the banana diet to gain weight, but it is also good for weight loss purposes. Only in this case is it necessary to control the amount of fruit eaten. There is even a special Japanese banana diet for weight loss.

Despite the fact that many consider these fruits to be high in calories and unsuitable for weight loss, they can be used as a one-day fast. The reasons for this are the following:

  • Banana pulp has a high content of iron compounds, which means it can increase hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Bananas are especially beneficial for women, as they balance hormonal balance by increasing the synthesis of estrogen-like hormones.
  • The amino acid composition of the product is characterized by a high tryptophan content. This amino acid is involved in the production of serotonin. The latter substance, in turn, improves the psychological background, normalizes sleep and improves mood.
  • Bananas contain a considerable amount of plant fiber (about 3%). Fiber is known to improve intestinal motility, cleanse and provide nutrition for beneficial microflora.
  • Yellow fruits are an excellent source of energy. They are especially useful for people who are actively involved in sports.

Benefits of banana

In addition to its pleasant taste, the presented fruit is beneficial for the following problems:

  1. If you have anemia. Bananas contain a sufficient amount of iron, which affects the production of hemoglobin.
  2. During menstruation. The fruit promotes estrogen production.
  3. Under stress. Bananas are enriched with vitamins C, E and B6, which calms the nervous system. This will allow you to achieve weight loss if overeating is caused by stress, because often we simply “eat up” our problems and difficulties with a large number of sweets. When eating bananas, the body will receive enough sugar and fewer calories, which is why the craving for all kinds of sweets and cakes will be significantly reduced.
  4. For gastrointestinal diseases. Bananas can be eaten raw by absolutely everyone: they will be useful for both healthy people and those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Bananas reduce the acidity of gastric juice, which is especially important for heartburn. Due to their high fiber and pectin content, bananas can improve the process.
  5. For diseases of the cardiovascular system. Bananas are cholesterol-free and rich in potassium and calcium, which have a positive effect on blood vessels.
  6. To combat heartburn. Bananas have natural acids that help relieve heartburn.
  7. For convulsions. Thanks to potassium and magnesium you will get rid of cramps.

In addition, bananas are useful:

  1. To improve attention. This was found out during experiments in which students participated. Students ate bananas in the morning and before lunch, which resulted in increased brain activity.
  2. As an energy drink. Athletes prefer to consume this fruit 60 minutes before the start of training.
  3. For pressure. Bananas contain a sufficient amount of sodium, which helps normalize blood pressure.
  4. For a good sleep. If you eat the fruit before bed, you will eventually forget about insomnia.
  5. To avoid a hangover. To avoid headaches and other unpleasant symptoms the morning after a fun holiday, make a cocktail: banana, tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. milk.
  6. For smokers. The product contains many vitamins, including A, C, B6, B12, which help the body fight cravings for nicatine.
  7. To combat heartburn. Bananas have natural acids that help relieve heartburn.
  8. To improve the skin. If you periodically use the presented product, you will not have to think about acne, flaking and dry skin.
  9. For muscle tissue. Thanks to potassium and many minerals, you will restore muscle tissue.

What are the benefits of milk?

  • Calcium, which is found in large quantities in milk (67 mcg/100 g), plays an important role in losing weight. When burning fat, this element is lost by the body in large quantities, so it is very important to replenish its reserves in a timely manner.
  • The milk drink is an additional source of vitamins A, E, D, group B and C. All these important coenzymes are necessary to maintain metabolism in the body.
  • When losing weight, a protein diet is a must. And milk is a source of complete proteins (globulin, albumin, casein) and several essential (that is, not synthesized in the human body) amino acids.
  • Warm milk drunk at night helps you relax better and fall asleep faster. When losing weight, a psychologically stable state and healthy sleep play a big role.

When losing weight, the caloric aspect is also important. Taking this indicator into account, you can choose the optimal type of drink for yourself with a certain fat content. The choice can be made between cow, goat, sheep, camel, soy, almond, and oat milk. And if we take into account more concentrated varieties in the form of condensed milk, cream, powdered milk, then the range expands significantly. Reference data on calorie content will help you navigate the energy value of different types of milk.

Unloading on bananas

The idea of ​​unloading on bananas may seem strange, because almost every weight loss program recommends banishing this tropical fruit from the diet due to its high calorie content. In fact, the energy content of bananas is not that high - about 89 kcal per 100 g. And if you consider that there will be no fatty or sweet dishes on the menu that day, there is absolutely nothing to fear. The main problem with unloading is the high probability of failure. After sitting all day on buckwheat or kefir, by the evening you want to forget about good intentions and finally go >. There is no benefit from such an event. That is why fasting days on kefir, apples, cucumbers are not the best options. But sweet and satisfying bananas will be just right here. It will still be a jolt for the body, and it will be easier for you psychologically.

Fasting day on bananas and milk - menu

There are different options for carrying out such a short diet. It is not forbidden to supplement the daily diet with other dairy products or fruits (for example, apples). Let's first consider the classic fasting day with bananas and milk, reviews of which are given below.

Milk - bananas

This menu is strict and only includes two items. In this case, the full volume of fluid that a person should receive per day is replenished with water or tea without sugar. Eat 3 bananas per day and drink 500 ml of milk (preferably low-fat). This set of products is divided into three meals. Those whose digestive system responds adequately to this combination can prepare a banana milkshake. If you do not accept the nutritious drink, you can eat the fruit separately from the dairy component. For example:

  • Breakfast – banana, tea
  • Lunch – milk
  • Afternoon snack – milk
  • Dinner – banana, tea
  • Before bed - milk

Milk – banana – kefir

In this case, the menu includes a wider range of products. This option is suitable for those who find it difficult to tolerate strict fasting days. The diet consists of 500 ml of milk, 300 ml of kefir and 3 bananas. You can prepare kefir with banana for breakfast and dinner in the form of a smoothie. It is advisable to include milk in other meals.

In a milk-kefir-banana fasting day, kefir is sometimes replaced with natural yogurt. In any case, you just need to pay attention to the fat content of the fermented milk drink. With a high proportion of fat, calorie content increases and the unloading effect becomes less pronounced.

Read on the My Figure website:

How to get ready for a one-day fast

Milk – banana – cottage cheese

Another option for those who are not used to a modest menu. The advantage of a fasting day on bananas and cottage cheese with the parallel consumption of milk is the large replenishment of the body with calcium and protein. Since protein never turns into fat, there is no reason to worry about gaining excess “fat load”.

The menu for this unloading includes the same number of products as the first option, plus 200 g of cottage cheese. This amount can be divided into two times, adding lunch and dinner. The amount of calories will, of course, be different in all three cases.

Why are fasting days needed?

There is an opinion that a fasting day is such an unobtrusive and gentle way to lose weight. Unfortunately, this statement is somewhat incorrect. The fact is that one day spent on a limited nutritional regimen will not make a significant difference in your total kilograms in the long run. That is, the weight, having swung in the direction of decrease, will not remain so in the following days. Fasting days can help you in the battle with extra pounds only under certain conditions - if you unload on a regular basis, but for the remaining days, review your diet towards reducing calories and change your eating habits. However, weight loss is far from the only goal of fasting days, although during this time you can lose up to one kilogram. They are useful for other reasons:

  • A sharp short-term dietary restriction is a kind of shock for the body. At this time, he mobilizes his internal forces and thereby accelerates the action of various metabolic processes, consuming calories faster.
  • A fasting day is an opportunity to improve digestion. The load on the intestines, stomach and liver is expected to be minimal, so they will have time to recover to start working again without failures.
  • A day of minimal nutrition will help the body get rid of harmful waste and toxins, which will also have a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Another pleasant bonus of a fasting day is a minimum of cooking. That is, you get rid of the need to waste time standing at the stove, if, of course, your family supports you in this matter.

However, a fasting day is fraught with some dangers:

  • if your medical record contains notes about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys or diabetes;
  • if you are recovering from an illness or experiencing “critical” days;
  • If during previous experiments with diets you felt painful weakness, malaise, dizziness, then in all these cases you should definitely first consult with a therapist about the advisability of such a practice, and ideally, about the choice of product for a fasting day. If you don’t have any health contraindications, then we advise you to create a menu for that day based on bananas.

How many calories are in bananas and milk?

Before recalculating the daily menu into numbers, it is worth finding out how many calories are contained in 100 g of these products. Banana pulp (without peel, of course) has a calorie content of 96 kcal. On average, one fruit weighs approximately 200 g. By simply subtracting the weight of the peel, we get the mass of the pulp of one banana. This is approximately 150 g. Thus, one copy contains 144 kcal.

The calorie content of milk depends on its fat content. If unloading is carried out for the sake of losing weight, then it is better to choose skim milk. Its calorie content is 30 kcal. Now you can calculate how many calories a daily menu consisting of three bananas and 500 ml of milk will have:

3 x 144 kcal + 5 x 30 kcal = 582 kcal

The resulting figure is quite small and is excellent for a fasting day. Even if you take regular milk with a fat content of 2.5% for your diet, the daily calorie content will be 702 kcal. This is also less than the daily requirement for a normal diet.

Recipe No. 2. Only bananas and water


  • bananas – 1.5 kg;
  • 2 liters of water.

Eat a banana when you feel hungry. You can snack on fruit 5-6 times a day, but you don’t have to eat it all if you don’t want to. It is prohibited to consume sugar, milk, sweet drinks and other foods.

This diet will help people with swelling get rid of 500 g to 1.5 kg of excess weight. The main thing is to “get out” of such a fasting day correctly: do not eat salty foods, smoked foods, pickled foods and sausages, since after a day of a salt-free diet, salt will be absorbed more intensely. Therefore, it is healthier to eat low-fat cottage cheese, seafood, fruits and vegetables after a banana diet.

Additional Tips

  1. During such unloading, it is not recommended to drink coffee, soda, or alcoholic drinks. From the liquid you should choose clean water, green or herbal tea, suitable for losing weight.
  2. To enhance the unloading effect and limit thoughts about food, it is advisable to increase physical activity and plan a full activity during the day.
  3. You should not overuse this menu. Even for weight loss purposes, once a week is enough. It is better to do the second unloading in these seven days on other products.
  4. To improve the taste and enhance the fat burning process, it is useful to add cinnamon, turmeric and/or ginger to the cocktail. At the same time, these spices will expand the positive properties of the meager menu.


  • Banana intolerance
  • Chronic intestinal diseases in the acute stage
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas and kidneys
  • For severe obesity

A fasting day on a banana is not only tasty, but also healthy. Especially suitable for sweet lovers. Remember one thing: a couple of fasting days is good and even very useful. But you shouldn’t turn this technique into a long-term diet. Going without protein for a long time can slow down your metabolism and negate your weight loss results.

Green banana flour reduces not only weight, but the risk of developing diabetes! Find out which dried fruits are good for weight loss and dieting. Features of using grapefruit for dietary nutrition.

Bananas Fasting day

Reviews and opinions

Sergey, 37 years old

I never thought it was possible to unload on bananas. I considered it a high-calorie sweet fruit, albeit a tasty one. My wife baked a few in the oven, and I added cottage cheese to the rest. I felt good all day and easily endured the fasting day. Bananas contain serotonin, the hormone of joy. A good, cheerful mood is guaranteed to you. Verified. I have been practicing unloading for three months.

Lyudmila, 42 years old

I monitor my health and, accordingly, my weight. I definitely spend fasting days every week. I would include bananas as my favorite foods for mono-diets. The very color of the fruit lifts my spirits, so I easily relieve myself of the load on them. I love an energy shake made with banana, orange, lemon and honey. Just a storehouse of vitamins. It has a good effect on the immune system, I practically don’t get sick. For me, the fruit is ideal because it does not cause allergies.

Alina, 22 years old

Fruits have a lot of nutrients, but I didn’t notice any weight loss effect. Maybe I ate more than normal. They suppress appetite well, but fasting days on cereals and kefir are more effective for me. I would supplement my diet with one banana because of its beneficial properties.

Properties of bananas for cleansing the body

They are high-calorie fruits (100 g = 96 kcal) and consist of carbohydrates and fats. Positive properties:

  1. Contains many vitamins (C, PP, E, B) and minerals.
  2. Consumption improves brain activity and cardiovascular activity.
  3. Eliminates acne and pimples thanks to its antioxidant properties.
  4. Strengthens the body's protective properties.
  5. Increases intestinal motility, you can forget about constipation.
  6. Affects hair and nail growth.
  7. Strengthens bones, gives peace and balance.
  8. The composition includes magnesium, which removes chronic fatigue and depression.
  9. Fruits increase the level of hemoglobin and iron.

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