Khadu gymnastics - a complete, easy workout for the whole body

Features of gymnastics

What are the main advantages and distinctive features of Hadou gymnastics that distinguish it from a number of other complexes?

  • Firstly, it suits absolutely everyone. Whatever your level of physical fitness, the Hadu complex completely eliminates stretching or other damage to muscles that are unaccustomed to the load.
  • Secondly, Hadu will save your valuable time. Basic exercises take about half an hour to forty minutes; there is also a blitz complex for only 18 minutes. On the busiest day, you can easily find a “window” for simple and quite exciting exercises. By the way, due to the short duration of the classes, they do not have time to get bored - therefore, there is much less temptation to be lazy and then give up the exercises altogether.
  • Thirdly, you don’t have to worry about special equipment or expensive fitness memberships. Khadu exercises use exclusively the resources of your own body. However, there are many detailed videos of performing exercises - after watching, you will definitely perform them absolutely correctly.

By the way, if you are interested in such rejuvenation techniques, we recommend reading the article: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

It’s not for nothing that Hadou’s gymnastics are called “unique.” We are accustomed to the fact that any training complex that fully develops all muscle groups involves working with weights - dumbbells, exercise machines, barbells, etc.

But the gymnastics in question is based on something completely different - in all four exercises of the basic complex, you only imitate the movements of athletes or animals, tensing the corresponding muscles. Maximum effort here gives the same effect as in sports training - those muscles that you didn’t know existed begin to work. However, since the workout takes place without the use of additional weights, the body receives exactly the load for which it is truly ready.

Basic exercises

So what exactly does Hadou gymnastics look like? Let's make a reservation right away - there are many of its varieties, for example, a special training complex for the face. However, the “base” recommended for daily performance includes only four exercises that comprehensively develop the main muscle groups - we will look at them in more detail.

"Barbell". At the first stage, you will imitate the sports stance of a weightlifter lifting significant weight. The initial stance looks appropriate - feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders turned and lowered. The back needs to be bent back, and the chest should be pushed forward as much as possible - professional athletes lift weights from this position, since the likelihood of a back injury is minimal here.

The body itself remains static - “Weightlifter” only strengthens the back muscles and also develops proper breathing. Tightening all your muscles, take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, then exhale with pursed lips. The tension of every muscle in the body should reach its maximum. The approach is repeated ten to twelve times.

"Barbell bench press". The starting stance is the same here. But there are more movements - imagining that you are holding a real barbell with your hands, you must do a slow, concentrated press ten times in a row. The posture changes - the chest “goes” back, the back arches like a wheel, the shoulders lean forward strongly.

"Belly breathing." In order to strengthen the abdominal muscles and upper abs, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with exercise equipment - the third exercise of Hadu serves as a clear confirmation. Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, lower your shoulders, tilt your head so that you can see your own stomach. Inhale slowly through your nose - your stomach should rise, as if swelling. Then you need to exhale just as slowly with your lips - until the very end, absolutely all the air should leave your lungs. The stomach is pulled towards the spine, its muscles tense as much as possible. It is recommended to perform at least fifteen approaches.

"Gorilla". The three listed exercises imitated sports activities - but the last one takes the behavior of an ordinary gorilla as a model. Having taken the starting position, bend your head, tighten your abdominal muscles, then begin to make swinging movements with your back, alternately transferring your weight from one leg to another. Side bends should be carried out as deeply as possible - you will feel how your lower rib touches the pelvic bone. You need to inhale when bending over, exhale when transferring the center of gravity to the other side. Rocking movements engage the obliques, rectus abdominis, back, hips, legs - in a word, the positive effect goes throughout the body. You need to repeat fifteen to twenty times.

It is very important to remember that each of the four exercises must lead to a feeling of muscle fatigue. It is then that the effect will be quick and noticeable - since the body will begin to burn calories, tighten up, and lose weight. Thoughtless light movements without any effort will be simply meaningless - the body will not receive any force load.

Basic exercises Hadu

As a result of these actions, the back muscles are developed and breathing is trained. Such exercises include both therapeutic and morning exercises Hadu.

Exercise "Weightlifter"

The legs in the starting position are shoulder-width apart, the knees are slightly bent, and the feet are parallel to each other. The shoulders need to be bent and turned, and the back should be arched to such an extent that a saddle is formed in the lumbar region. Then you need to take a deep breath of air through your nose, and then exhale through tightly compressed lips (as if extinguishing a candle). These actions must be performed smoothly, slowly and without jerking. Repeat 10-15 times.

Chest press

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Having accepted it, you need to perform a chest press on an imaginary barbell. Inhalation should be done while expanding the chest as much as possible. Repeat 7-10 times.

Abdominal breathing

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. You need to slouch a little. Inhale through the stomach with tense abdominal muscles. The chest remains motionless throughout the exercise. Exhale slowly through the lips, curled into a “pipe.” Repeat 20 times.

Gorilla Walk Exercise

In a normal standing position, you need to tense your abdominal muscles and slowly swing your body left and right alternately, shifting from one leg to the other. The best option is to touch the ribs and pelvis. Repeat 15-20 times.

How is such gymnastics useful?

What exactly are the benefits of simple short gymnastics for Had?

  • First of all, regular exercise quickly improves your overall well-being. Blood flow accelerates and metabolism normalizes. Having become accustomed to the fact that half of the muscles in our body are constantly inactive, we do not notice the lethargy and fatigue accumulating in them - and we understand the difference only by comparing the sensations.
  • Khada gymnastics cannot be considered a miraculous way to combat excess weight. However, the combination of exercises with a diet and a proper daily routine brings excellent results - but only a little time is spent.
  • Muscles develop while remaining the same in volume. This will especially please women who are often simply afraid to take up dumbbells - excess muscle does not go well with a feminine appearance.
  • A vigorous, well-developed body is a source of good health and positive mood. In addition, along with muscle development, general immunity is strengthened and skin condition improves.


What do those who have tried them say about Hadu exercises? For the most part, the reviews are positive.

I have health problems, in particular with my back, so I can’t work out in the gym, but I want to keep myself in shape. Hud's description of the gymnastics seemed attractive, but not very convincing - he did not believe in a good effect without real weights. However, after the first day of exercise I realized my mistake - if you do it correctly, as recommended, then the fatigue in the muscles is very strong. Now I train every other day - my body has become much stronger, the excess fat has disappeared. By the way, my back pain has become noticeably less.


After the second birth, I urgently needed to get my body in order - I gained ten extra pounds. But the issue with diets could still be solved somehow, but fitness was not worth dreaming about - with two children in your arms? Joint gymnastics really saved me - just about an hour of exercise three times a week, and the results are obvious. The muscles tightened, six kilos were already lost, the skin began to look much more attractive, younger.


I started training using the Hadou method with a basic complex, and over time I tried advanced exercises for different muscle groups. As a result, I created a unique individual program aimed at strengthening the abdomen, back, legs, and face. I don’t do it every day, because breaks are required—three or four times a week is enough. Of course, the fact that gymnastics rejuvenates and revives is an exaggeration; without an integrated approach and proper nutrition, there will be no stunning results. But combining exercise with taking care of your health in general, you really feel more energetic, five years younger.


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What is Hadoo?

Khadu is a gymnastics aimed at improving health and prolonging life. It is intended primarily for elderly and middle-aged people.

According to Hadou's philosophy, the human body consists of three main systems:

The first system (the base of the triangle) is the motor system. This includes muscles, skeleton, joints, ligaments and other structures that provide human mobility. Without movement there is no life. If the function of the musculoskeletal system is impaired, a person cannot obtain food or run away from danger.

The second system (middle of the triangle) is metabolism. It is necessary to provide the motor system. This includes blood to nourish the muscles, the heart, thermoregulation mechanisms, hormones, the digestive system (to provide the muscles with nutrients), and the respiratory system (to provide oxygen to the motor system).

The third system (vertex of the triangle) is the nervous system. It controls both the motor and metabolic systems.

The main one in this structure is the motor system. Nervous and endocrine are required only for its maintenance. From this follows Hadou's main idea: servicing systems cannot be more developed than the main system. Why? Because they develop just enough to be able to regulate the activity of bones, muscles and joints. It makes no sense for them to develop excessively. But by building muscles and strengthening joints, you can achieve simultaneous progression of other systems: nervous and metabolic.

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