How much does a peeled banana weigh and the weight of a banana with peel?

Let's consider how much does a banana weigh and how to determine what its mass is. In truth, this indicator has an approximate value. This can be explained by the fact that each fruit of a given product is different.

In fact, the weight of a banana depends on its type, the time of its ripening, and also the place where it grows. This is why the specific gravity of a banana cannot be found. But in order to name the mass of the product, it is necessary to clarify several facts.

So, there are:

  1. Quite small fruits.
  2. Medium sized bananas. They can be found on sale more often, because among any supplier they are the most convenient value.
  3. Large fruits are considered festive.

Why know how much a banana weighs?

Culinary recipes amaze with their variety and value for proper nutrition. Many modern collections have a whole section of dishes that include banana. The list of ingredients, in addition to the name, contains the volume of necessary products, calculated in grams. There is a similar index in homemade cosmetics using exotic fruits.

Reference! The weight of dessert bananas exported to different countries ranges from 80 to 300 grams.

Many people mistakenly take the total weight of a banana as a basis, without thinking that without the peel, the mass of the pulp is significantly reduced. As a result of such an incident, the proportionality of the ingredients in the prepared dish is disrupted, which affects the taste of the dessert or salad. But the effect of the mask is not so effective due to the insufficient amount of vitamins or fruit acids in the cosmetic mixture.

Another compelling argument in favor of having knowledge about the mass of a banana lies in dietary nutrition. With a strict low-calorie diet, it is important to give the body the minimum that ensures the normal functioning of organs and systems. An excess will lead to inhibition of the weight loss process. Strict adherence to the recipe in combination with physical activity allows you to achieve your goal in a short time.

Weight of 1 banana

All bananas that can only be seen on store shelves should be conditionally divided according to parameters into three categories:

• small – length varies from 9 to 12 cm;

• medium – diameter 3-4 cm, length – 16-20 cm;

• large – length 25-30 cm with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

If the household has table scales, then all ingredients are simply weighed before adding. If this device is not available, you should not despair; you can determine the approximate weight of the fetus visually. To simplify calculations, the average options are always taken as a basis, and so is the case with bananas. The average exotic weighs 146-149 grams. This figure is rounded to 150 grams, and it is rational to use it to determine the weight of the pulp and peel separately.

Reference! All recommendations for determining the weight of peeled and peeled bananas are made taking into account standard products that are imported under license. There are low-quality fruits on the markets, many of which do not belong to dessert varieties. Their parameters may differ, as well as taste.

Calorie content depends on the type of banana

We are accustomed to seeing ordinary bananas on store shelves, and therefore few people think about the existence of other varieties. In fact, it is worth distinguishing between banana varieties.

Mini bananas with bright thin skin have another name - baby. This fruit is sold in large bunches. In taste and smell, mini-fruits are quite similar to regular ones. The main distinguishing feature is the lower calorie content. 1 piece of yellow sweet fruit, peeled, is identical to 80-90 kilocalories.

A rare green banana variety is the platano. It is distinguished by the minimal presence of sugar, so it is not surprising that the fruit has a somewhat sour taste. The platano variety has a caloric value of 60 kcal. By the way, platanos, like baby bananas, are mainly distributed abroad.

Calorie content

If the pulp of a medium-sized banana weighs 100 grams, then it becomes easier to determine its calorie content. The indicator is 96 kcal, of which 1.5 g is allocated to proteins, 0.5 g to fats, 21 g to carbohydrates .

Reference! 100 grams of pulp contains many substances beneficial to the body: manganese (0.27 mg); vitamins K, C, B, E; zinc (0.15 mg); iron (0.6 mg); fluoride (2.2 mcg); selenium (1 mcg).

Calorie content can be determined in a similar way for large and small fruits. But first you need to calculate how many medium-sized bananas are in 1 kg. Dividing 1000 g by 150 g, we get 6.6666. With rounding, we can say that a kilogram consists of six to seven exotic medium-sized fruits. If 3-4 pieces are purchased per 1 kg, then the size of the bananas is considered large. Conversely, more than 7 pieces in 1 kg means that the fruit belongs to small varieties, and accordingly their weight will be less than 150 grams.

Why do you need to know the calorie content of a banana?

The most common recipe according to which the chips are obtained by frying banana slices in palm oil with the addition of honey. Considering that the calorie content of palm oil is about 900 kcal, and thin banana slices absorb a significant amount of fat during frying, it becomes clear why the calorie content of banana chips is so high.

If the moderate calorie content of a fresh banana and its rich mineral and vitamin composition make it possible to include this product in the diet menu, then including chips in the menu of a person struggling with excess weight is unacceptable. In addition to being too high in energy value, banana chips may also contain harmful substances resulting from frying in palm oil.

But dried bananas can be consumed during a diet - as a treat . When dried, the banana lost moisture, decreased in size almost five times, acquired a richer taste, but retained almost all of its beneficial substances. And the calorie content of 1 dried banana is equal to the calorie content of a fresh banana.

On average, 100 g of fresh fruit contains 1.5 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and almost 21 g of carbohydrates (about 8.5% of the daily value for women and 6.5% for men). Its advantages include the absence of cholesterol, minimal fat content and high content of potassium, fiber, fructose, vitamins C and B6. Disadvantage: high calorie content and high sugar content.

How much does one banana weigh with and without peel?

Is it possible to find out how much a banana weighs? In fact, this weight may be approximate. Why? The thing is that all banana tree fruits are different. In most cases, it depends on the variety, the ripening period, as well as on the area where it grows and many other factors. This is the reason why you will not find the specific gravity of banana. However, to indicate the weight of a banana, several factors must be clarified. Conventionally, we can divide varietal bananas, which are standard food products. In most cases, they can be found on sale in supermarkets and other grocery stores.

  1. Small or small bananas.
  2. Medium bananas. They most often appear on sale, because among all suppliers they are considered the optimal varietal size.
  3. Large or large. These bananas are considered elite or festive.

According to existing standards, the ideal weight of a banana is 200 grams. For this reason, if you want to buy a high-quality and tasty fruit, you need to choose a banana approximately in this size. Now let's look at the weight of a banana in the peel, without it, and separately with the peel. Most likely this will allow you to stick to your diet. Or perhaps this will simply satisfy your curiosity.

  • A large banana with peel weighs 258 grams. Although each large banana will have a different weight, it is believed that the average size of a large banana is 250 grams.

An average banana with peel weighs 146 grams. If you round up the weight of all average bananas, then this weight is 150 grams.

  • A large banana without peel weighs 166 grams. You can also round up the total weight to 150 grams.

An average banana without peel weighs 90 grams. The average weight of a banana without peel is 100 grams.

  • The peel of a large banana weighs 92 grams. If you calculate the average weight of a large banana peel, it is 100 grams.

The peel of an average banana weighs 56 grams. Accordingly, the total average weight of an average banana peel is 50 grams.

These data are approximate how much a banana weighs with the peel, without it and separately the peel. Based on this, you can correctly calculate the number of calories in a particular banana. So, one large banana contains 144 kcal, 31.5 carbohydrates, 0.75 g fat. and proteins 2.25.

This information will allow you to accurately determine the mass of the banana. Although it is important to understand that these calculations will be relative, because how much a banana weighs depends on its variety and other factors.

Banana weight without peel

If someone still thinks that the weight of a banana with and without peel is not significantly different, then it is worth familiarizing yourself with the statistical indicators. They indicate that the weight of the peel is approximately 40% of the total weight of the fruit. This means that, without taking this fact into account, you can make a mistake with the proportion of banana in the recipe by almost half.

Reference! The weight of an average banana is 150 grams. Accordingly, a banana peel weighs 56 grams (for ease of calculation, the figure is rounded to 50 g).

Regular banana

The average fruit is 20 cm long and weighs about 200 grams with the peel. The skin of a ripe banana weighs approximately 80 grams, which is 40% of the total weight of the fruit. In this regard, it is generally accepted that the average weight of one banana without skin is 120 grams.

However, if the fruit is unripe, then its peel can weigh 100 grams, which is exactly half of the total weight.

Small bananas usually weigh no more than 100 grams. Such fruits are distinguished by thinner and lighter skin, the weight of which does not exceed 30% of the total weight. Thus, a peeled mini banana weighs on average 70 grams, and the weight of its skin varies from 25 to 35 grams.

By the way, the skins of small fruits are often used as fertilizer for indoor and greenhouse plants. This is due to its high content of nutrients and microelements, as well as its rapid decomposition in the ground.

How much pulp is in 1 kg of bananas?

Considering the weight of an average banana, you can calculate the mass of pulp from purchased 1 kg of fruit. Subtracting 40% for the peel, you get about 600 grams of a nutritious product. This indicator should be taken into account when drawing up a dietary menu or preparing culinary dishes.

Reference! One fruit of average pulp contains about 100 grams.

Having information about how much a banana weighs in its peeled form and with its peel, you can more accurately control the caloric content of your diet and calculate the amount of consumed vitamins and beneficial microelements contained in the pulp of the fruit.

Why do you need to know the weight?

The mass of a banana is interesting from a practical point of view, and for different areas of life at once:

  • Health - “mono” or complex fruit diets imply calculating the calorie content of each product, which is impossible without knowing the exact weight.
  • Cooking - preparing desserts (mousses, salads or pastries) requires adherence to an exact recipe, which indicates the mass of each ingredient, and not its individual quantity.
  • Baby food - when introducing complementary foods, young mothers are interested in the exact weight of the ingredients so that the prepared puree or porridge meets the baby’s needs.
  • Beauty - skin care masks are made from banana pulp; the preparation of some of them requires the use of an exact amount.

Delicious recipe! Containers for sowing seeds

Knowing how much one banana weighs is interesting from the point of view of expanding one’s horizons, because the fruits sold are presented in the same form as when they were cut - in bunches.

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