Calorie content and nutritional value of bananas: how many calories are in 100 grams, in 1 piece, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU)

The recognizable aromatic fruit, which can be found in any supermarket or market, comes from Southeast Asia. Its pulp is easily digestible, but the relatively high calorie content of banana is rejected by many in weight loss diets. In this article we will answer some questions, for example, how many calories are in a banana, whether these fruits can be used in weight loss diets. Let's talk in more detail about the nutritional value of the product and how many calories are in one medium banana. Let's compare how many kcal are in a banana per 100 grams without peel and per kilogram. And also - how many calories are in 100 grams of banana, based on the size and weight of the fruit.

Nutritional value of bananas (BJU)

In dietetics, one of the most important characteristics of the nutritional value of products is their ability to saturate the body with energy. It is determined by the amount of energy that a person receives when releasing food components during the process of digestion and assimilation. The abbreviation BZHU, or nutritional value, consists of three main elements, the content of which determines the energy value of the product. These are proteins-fats-carbohydrates.

The basis for calculating BZHU is 100 g of product (packaged or individually). In addition to the three elements, the energy value of the products is indicated in kJ, where 1 kcal is equal to 4.16 kJ, and also in kcal. Based on the BZHU, the daily calorie intake required for normal functioning and active human activity is calculated.

If we talk about banana BJU, then 100 g of ripe fruit pulp contains:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21.8 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.7 g.

When calculating BZHU, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the product.
The percentage of calorie content of a banana in 1 piece is proteins, fats, carbohydrates:

  • proteins - 1.5%;
  • fats - 0.5%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 30%.

In addition to the importance of the question of how many kilocalories are in a banana, we also note the presence of 42 mg of magnesium and about 350 mg of potassium. Thanks to the combination of these elements, fruits quickly restore energy and vitality as a snack between meals. Considering the average calorie content in 1 piece of banana, it should be noted that it is able to compensate for the daily requirement of magnesium and potassium. Which, in turn, can be used to prevent myocardial infarction.

Another 100 g contains:

  • vitamin A, provitamin A - approximately 2% of the daily requirement;
  • beta-carotene is found more in red platano varieties, that is, vegetable varieties of the fruit;
  • B vitamins, very important for muscle function, cholesterol removal and preventing the development of diabetes;
  • vitamin C - about 11% of the daily requirement;
  • vitamins E, PP;
  • manganese - 14% of daily intake, important for immunity and good mood;
  • the amino acid tryptophan, used by the body in the production of serotonin;
  • zinc, selenium, fluorine, iron.

So, simple carbohydrates, sucrose, predominate in the pulp, and the proportion of complex carbohydrates does not exceed 8%. The remainder of the mass (>65%) is water.

What are the benefits of bananas?

Although banana is not the most dietary fruit (one ripe banana contains approximately 110 kcal), its benefits are difficult to overestimate. On average, 100 g of fruit contains 1.5 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, 21 g of carbohydrates, 1.7 g of dietary fiber and 74 g of water. The sweeter the banana, the more sugar it contains. Yellow bananas are ideal for breakfast, but for proper nutrition it is better to choose plantain varieties or include banana juice in your diet.

What benefits does tropical fruit bring to your health?

  • The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on brain activity and the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Potassium salts help remove fluid from tissues, which reduces swelling.
  • Banana is an excellent source of energy. It is recommended for use by athletes and people engaged in intellectual work.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels. Effective for atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases.
  • Pectin substances and fiber improve digestion. Eating unripe bananas reduces the risk of colon cancer. Banana pulp helps regenerate cells in the stomach lining and reduces pain from ulcers.
  • Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 help smokers eliminate the negative effects of nicotine on the body.
  • Bananas contain the protein tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, the happiness hormone. It improves the emotional background, helps prevent stress and improves mood.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, accelerates wound healing and regulates metabolism.

Calorie content 100 g without peel

Nutritionists answer the question of how many calories are in one banana, indicating the range of values: 66-111 kcal in peeled fruit (per 100 g). The average weight of a fruit imported to Russia is 200 g with peel, and the difference in the weight of individual fruits is from 150 to 250 g. The calorie content of 1 piece of banana without peel is calculated from the average weight of 140 g, and the peel weighs, respectively, 60 g.

Now it is more or less clear how calculations are made, how many calories are in 1 piece of banana - the greater the weight, the higher the calorie content. 60-65% of the pulp of the total weight of the fruit is taken into account. This rule only applies to fresh fruit. The energy value of dried candied fruits is measured differently. The calorie content of 1 banana comes mainly from carbohydrates (about 22%).

Calorie content of one banana and 100 grams

If we consider a banana from a nutritional point of view, its average calorie content is 90-95 Kcal per 100 grams. The exact value depends on factors such as variety and degree of ripening. Like most fruits, it is dominated by carbohydrates.

Thus, 1 kg of bananas contains 900-950 calories. One medium-sized banana contains 140-150 calories. One and a half kilograms can constitute a daily calorie diet. However, given the imbalance of dietary fat, a banana diet cannot be recommended. Even if you love them very much. After all, the net glucose content in a banana is 12%. Count how much pure sugar you eat with one fruit.

Let's look at the different varieties of this fruit and clarify the indicators for each of them.

Fresh without peel

One of the questions asked by those leading a healthy lifestyle is how to count calories: with or without skin. We will help you avoid slipping on this dangerous topic and reveal the secrets.

If you take ripe fruit of a standard size of 150 grams, then the calorie content of 1 banana without peel is the same 90-95 kilocalories. The weight of the skin is approximately 25% of the total, so when calculating, if you weigh food before consumption, subtract a quarter from the scale readings.

In all further sections we take a banana without peel. Thus, calorie content is calculated based on the net weight of the edible pulp.

Green unripe banana

To consume less calories, you can switch to eating unripe bananas. Finding them on sale is easy. You can distinguish unripe fruits by their dense peel, which has not yet cracked or formed dark spots and has retained a greenish tint. The calorie content of bananas that have not had time to ripen is less than standard and amounts to 55-65 Kcal per 100 g. You can safely assume the value of 60.

In an overripe banana with spots

As we have already said, the calorie content of a banana increases as it ripens. If you prefer very sweet fruits that are already soft and have acquired spots, then be prepared to limit yourself more.

100 grams of overripe fruit contains approximately 100-120 kcal. It is impossible to indicate the exact value, since the calorie content of a ripening fetus does not grow in leaps and bounds, but gradually. Just in case, we recommend that you count based on the maximum.

In the green plane tree

Recently, bananas of a special variety - green and hard - have begun to appear on domestic shelves. This does not mean that they did not have time to ripen. In front of you are completely ripe fruits, only of a different variety, known as “platano”.

In the countries where it grows, platano is used for preparing dishes by frying or stewing. They are also popular as livestock feed (raw, of course). But in our latitudes such subtleties are not so well known, so they are usually consumed as is, without processing.

In this case, the calorie content of platano is approximately 60 Kcal per 100 g.

Note that in some Spanish-speaking countries, platano is a common name for all varieties, so if you buy them from, say, Latin America, there may be misunderstandings. Please clarify that you mean the green variety – platano verde.

In mini banana baby

How not to be tempted by clusters of miniature fruits! Recently, the baby banana variety has gained serious popularity, despite its higher price.

The calorie content of mini bananas is 90 Kcal, which is approximately the same as regular varieties. In the same way, it depends on the degree of ripening: the riper, the higher the calorie content.

However, the undoubted advantage of the “babies” is that you can snack on one fruit and “kill the worm” by consuming less than in the case of a full-sized variety.

In dried banana

If the fruit is dried, its calorie content will increase sharply, since most of the water will leave the total mass. Water makes up a huge portion of the weight of fresh fruit.

Dried fruit, of course, contains the same amount of nutrients as fresh fruit. But it weighs noticeably less. Hence the difference: although 1 banana contains the same 130-150 Kcal, the figure for 100 grams will be an impressive 390-400 Kcal - more than, say, chocolate-covered marshmallows or Turkish delight.

In banana chips

The more you dry a fruit, the more calories it will have per unit mass. Chips are an extreme case of drying. Therefore, enormous significance awaits you now. The calorie content of banana chips is an incredible 400-500 Kcal, and in some cases even 560. This is even higher in calories than chocolate.

This terrible figure has another reason. The fact is that to make chips, banana pulp is fried in oil - palm, rapeseed, hemp or other. Therefore, in addition to the high content of usual carbohydrates, chips contain about 30% fat.

The bright side is that the chips are very light. A hundred-gram pack can stretch for a long time. Therefore, you can use them, but, as they say, be careful.

In juice and smoothies

Good news for banana smoothie and juice lovers: these products have even lower calorie content than the raw fruit.

So, for average banana juice, the calorie content ranges from 47-48 Kcal. Although products from different manufacturers are available on the market, the preparation technology is not much different. The result, as you can see, is the same.

As for a banana smoothie, its calorie content depends on the method of preparation and averages 78-95 Kcal. As you can see, it is not so different from the original raw material. But, unlike fruit, smoothies have a different, more airy consistency. Therefore, you can consume it little by little, and a larger volume will create the impression that you have had a much more serious snack.

In conclusion, let’s say that bananas are good, tasty, nutritious and healthy. But you need to treat them carefully and not abuse them, use calculations or common sense.

How many calories are in fresh fruit (1 piece)?

As we said above, when calculating how many calories are in 1 banana, the average figure is given.
But if you consider that there are more than 100 varieties of edible fruits in this group, including vegetables (platano), then the indicator of how many calories are in one banana without peel may vary. When drawing up an appropriate diet, you need to decide on the variety, taking into account the difference in weight and size of the peeled pulp. Let's consider how many calories are in one banana, based on its size:

  1. In small - it differs from the variety called “mini”. To distinguish the fruit by size, a scale in cm is used - from 15 to 18 cm. How many calories are in one banana? Approximately 90 kcal.
  2. How many calories are in an average banana 18 to 20 cm long? This is the most common type of imported fruit. Its energy value reaches 111 kcal.
  3. In large ones - more than 20 cm long, the caloric value reaches 160 kcal.
  4. A mini banana is less than 15 cm long and has an energy value of 72 kcal. This is a special variety that can be found in abundance in markets in Thailand, India, and Burma. A cluster with dense fruit growth is characteristic.

How many calories are in half a banana? Calories can be easily calculated according to the above scheme, taking into account the weight of 1 fruit. Mango calories.

Thus, when determining how many calories are in an average banana, one must take into account the actual length of the fruit. The largest variety is considered to be “Saba” (also called Cardaba), but it can only be found in Asian countries.

Dried bananas

If we talk about dried fruit (also called “banana figs”), then 100 grams of such a product contains more calories compared to overripe, and even more so, greenish fruits. The calorie content of a dried banana is about 350 kcal.

The average weight of a peeled fruit measuring 20 cm after drying becomes only 30 grams. It turns out that one dried fruit contains 100 kcal. Dried fruits can only be eaten as a quick and easy snack. It is impossible to lose weight with their help, but they make you gain weight easily.

Bananas (especially dried) are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

How many kilocalories are there in a kilogram of product?

Let's make some rough calculations. We already know how many calories are in one medium-sized banana: from 66 to 111 kcal. If we take the average value of 88.5-89 kcal, then when recalculated per 1 kg of peeled fruit weight, we will find out how many calories are in a kilogram of bananas: up to 885-890 kcal.

Knowing the calorie content of 100 grams of banana, it is easy to calculate it per kilogram of product

Number of calories

Bananas are almost every person's favorite exotic fruit. For those who constantly watch their figure and try not to gain weight, how many calories are in a banana is very important. So, the average weight is 1 pc. is equal to approximately 200 g. From this number you need to subtract the weight of the peel, which is about 50 g. If the fruit is slightly unripe, then its energy value is almost 120 kcal.

If there are dark spots on the peel, this means that it is overripe, and its energy value has increased to 180 kcal.

The calorie content of one ripe banana without peel will be equal to that contained in 120 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Is there starch in banana fruit?

Many people are interested in the question of whether there is starch in bananas. Starch appears during the ripening stage. But as the fruit ripens, the starch content decreases and it is converted into sugar. If we consider the process of starch formation, it can be divided into three stages:

  1. In unripe fruit, starch is clearly visible, which can cause gas formation when consumed.
  2. There is practically no starch in a ripe fruit; it is converted into sugar. Therefore, the fruit is safe and perfectly absorbed by the body.
  3. The starch content in stale fruit is also insignificant. But provided that the fruit has passed the stage of ripening and has not rotted, being unripe.

A small amount of starch is indicated by a sweet taste. Unripe fruits with a large proportion of starch are almost tasteless and grass-like.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) reflects the effect of food entering the human body on blood glucose levels. The GI scale is measured in numbers, of which 0 are products without carbohydrates, and 100 are those with the maximum content of carbohydrates (or the so-called “pure glucose”). A high GI in terms of calories should not be perceived unambiguously negatively: such products release energy faster. Low glycemic index (low calorie) foods contain fiber that are digested slowly by the body without causing an increase in blood sugar.

Of course, the constant consumption of foods with a high GI against the background of little physical activity can cause various types of disorders, for example, body fat or diabetes. When it comes to how many calories are in a banana and how that relates to the glycemic index, the ripeness of the fruit comes into play.

Unripe ones have a GI of 42-44, ripe ones - 50, and overripe ones - up to 60 units. From which we can conclude that not only the question of how many kcal is in 1 banana is important, but also the GI of this product. As we can see, the fruit has an average GI, without causing a sharp increase in human blood sugar.

How many calories, dietary supplements and sugar are in a banana?

As you know, a banana is good for a good mood, and in general, fresh fruits, vegetables and berries are recommended for a proper and healthy diet. However, for those who adhere to a certain menu if they want to lose weight or due to illness, it is not enough to know that a banana is a trigger for happiness hormones , endorphins. Those who follow diets are curious about the calorie content of this product, its content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU), and the presence of sugar.

Bunch of ripe bananas

Is it possible to eat at night?

It's amazing how a simple question still generates a lot of controversy. Proponents of a healthy diet do not recommend eating anything at all after 18.00. Fans of eating a banana breakfast in the morning claim that it gives them energy. On the other hand, young mothers are happy to give a banana to their babies before bed. This, they say, replaces higher-calorie porridge.

For people suffering from insomnia, the fruit is recommended an hour before going to bed because of its ability to normalize the emotional background and calm the nervous system. Let's leave the final choice to the consumer of this healthy and easily digestible fruit.

Banana diet for weight loss

Nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion that the average calorie content of 1 piece of banana for weight loss has a positive effect when taken. Moreover, such a calorie diet is suitable for both infants (8 months old) and the elderly.
The usual opinion that a banana is not suitable for a diet due to its calories is not supported by experts. After all, actual calculations of how many calories are in 100 grams of banana refute the idea that the product is high in calories. If you know how many calories are in 1 medium banana and how many fruits you need to eat per day to satisfy your hunger, then including this product in your diet will not lead to weight gain.

Finally, we note that the banana diet is not only healthy, but also nutritious. Due to the content of necessary elements during such a diet, the body does not need additional doping. Also, a person does not experience an acute feeling of hunger. The fruit is easily absorbed and digested, bringing satiety.

What are the benefits of bananas for men and women? Can I use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Short description

Types and varieties

All bananas are usually divided into two groups:

  1. Dessert. They are distinguished by their tender, sweet flesh; they are eaten fresh, in baked goods and desserts, and processed into jam. It is these bananas, eaten at night, that can bring the greatest benefit.
  2. Vegetables (platano). Edible after heat treatment, their starchy, harsh and unsweetened flesh is fried, stewed and boiled.

And it is noteworthy that platanos need to wait for ripening, but in the same way as them, dessert varieties that are in the “green” stage of immaturity can be prepared.

There are hundreds of varieties on the world market, among which are especially noteworthy, for example:

  1. Red, the creamy sweetness of the pulp is many times superior to ordinary yellow ones. Their aroma has raspberry notes.
  2. Manzano is a hybrid of a cultivated and wild plant. Also very sweet, but with an apple hint of flavor.
  3. Barro is distinguished by the pronounced ribbing of the fruit in the skin, but the main thing is its versatility in the sense that the variety is suitable for any recipe. And the aroma is rich, lemony.


100 grams of banana contains about 21 g of carbohydrates, less than 2 g of protein and almost 0 g of fat. The calorie content of a banana (1 piece) without peel depends on many factors (variety, maturity, form of cooking).

Among the minerals it is worth noting:

  • zinc - improves complexion and relieves skin from acne;
  • potassium - strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure;
  • magnesium - takes part in more than 300 enzymatic processes in the body, is involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

And of the vitamins present in bananas, its composition significantly affects the body:

  • ascorbic acid (C) - normalizes capillary permeability, strengthens the immune system, and is involved in collagen synthesis;
  • retinol (A) - inhibits the aging process, strengthens nails, accelerates wound healing;
  • naphthoquinone (K) - important for protecting blood vessels from calcification and preventing osteoporosis.

Benefits for weight loss and the body as a whole

Banana is not the best choice for a diet menu, however, given its chemical composition. After all, it is very high in calories.

However, it has its own value for weight loss. Namely:

  1. Even a few pieces will suppress a voracious appetite for a long time, which is important for those who want to lose weight.
  2. Due to the high sugar content, the fruit can support a brain depleted by starvation with energy, and also quickly improve mood.
  3. Fiber improves digestion, removes toxins and waste, and reduces cholesterol levels.

Experts recommend eating bananas after training when losing weight, during the so-called “carbohydrate window”, when the body is configured to produce energy rather than fat.

Also, regular consumption of these fruits contributes to:

  • treatment of seizures caused by a lack/imbalance of minerals;
  • adaptation of the body to changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • improving the quality and quantity of milk in lactating women.


The saturation of sugars (carbohydrates) makes bananas undesirable for diabetes and obesity. However, if you overeat them, even with excellent health, due to an excess of starch, digestion will slow down, possibly leading to fermentation and rotting of the fruits in the gastrointestinal tract. Any bananas are contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting.

And finally, although not all scientists agree with this, bananas transported far from where they are harvested are theoretically dangerous due to their treatment with chemicals to preserve the fruit's marketable appearance and quality. They say they provoke decreased immunity, cancer and reproductive health problems.

Energy value of dried candied fruits

Due to the fact that after drying the fruits lose water, which contains no calories (the pulp decreases in volume by about 5 times), the energy value of dried candied fruits increases. How many calories are in dried banana? 100 g of such a product, obtained industrially, contains up to 300 kcal. How many calories are in 1 piece of banana and the resulting chips? The energy value ranges from 480 to 530 kcal (due to the palm oil content used for frying). Therefore, chips cannot be recommended for weight loss diets. But dried candied fruits are acceptable, although more as an exquisite delicacy.

Calorie content (nutrition value) 100 gr. banana chips

A priori, banana chips fried in oil cannot be lower in calories than fresh fruits - and so they are: their high calorie content makes this product unsuitable for a diet menu; they contain:

  • proteins – 9–10 kcal;
  • fats – 300–310 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 200–205 kcal.

So, we calculate how many calories are in 100 grams. banana chips? Receives 510–525 kcal . A small bag of such a product is comparable in calorie content to a full meal.

Banana chips are high in calories

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