Menu for 600 calories per day for a week. Recipes for weight loss

600 calorie diet requirements

A 600 calorie per day menu requires a revision of your usual diet. The technique is considered quite tough. You cannot exceed the 600 kcal mark. It is necessary to diversify your diet as much as possible.

The basis of a 600 calorie per day menu should be:

  • fruits;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • low-fat fish;
  • meat;
  • some seafood;
  • dairy products.

To avoid dehydration, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to coffee and tea.

The list of prohibited products is quite impressive. You need to give up any junk food. Meals should be divided: meals are taken at least 5 times a day (2 main meals, 2 snacks). It is recommended to avoid active sports during the diet.

During the period of intensive weight loss, the body does not receive enough calories. Physical activity can cause severe weakness.

What is a 600 calorie per day diet?

For those wondering, 600 kcal is how many kg: as long as you make healthy eating and drinking decisions at the same time, a daily 600 calorie workout will make you lose weight. By burning an additional 600 calories each day through exercise, you can burn about 2.25 kg per month. However, the final weight lost depends on how strictly you adhere to your eating habits.

The 600 calorie diet is a form of intermittent fasting. For those unfamiliar with IF, or “intermittent fasting,” it is a diet regimen that cycles between short periods of fasting, where you eat nothing at all or consume very few calories, and other periods of unlimited food consumption. Although this form of diet has been around for many years, it was popularized in the early to mid-2010s by Dr. Michael Mosley, Kate Harrison, and Dr. Jason Fung.

The 600 calorie diet is also known as the 5:2 diet in the intermittent fasting community. The rules of the 5:2 diet are quite simple: this meal plan involves eating regularly for five days, and eating very little on the other two days of the week.

Two very important facts to note about the 5:2 diet are that:

  • Fasting days are not sequential. You eat restrictively from Monday to Friday, and then consume only 600 kcal on Saturday and Sunday. You should distribute your fasting days - for example, setting them on Wednesday and Saturday.
  • Fasting usually means not eating during the allotted days or hours of fasting; however, you will still eat on your fasting days on this 600 calorie diet. The only difference will be that you will be consuming about a quarter of your normal calorie intake.

The 5:2 diet limits women to 500 calories per day, while men can only consume 600 calories.


The 600 calorie per day menu, as an independent method, has a number of contraindications:

  • mental disorders, psycho-emotional disorders;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • adolescence;
  • bulimia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (including failure);
  • pathologies of the digestive tract (including erosion, gastritis, colitis);
  • liver and kidney diseases (including chronic and acute failure);
  • chronic form of cystitis;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • weakened immunity.

The diet is not suitable for people who play sports professionally. It should also be abandoned if the work activity of a person losing weight involves physical labor.

If you independently increase the duration of the diet, there is a high risk of developing a number of ailments that can worsen the patient’s well-being:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • bloating;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • stool disorders;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache.

If side effects develop, you must immediately stop the weight loss process and consult a doctor. You may need to adjust your diet.

Weight loss system on a low-calorie diet

The main goal of the diet is to quickly reduce body weight. Due to the fact that muscle tissue (including heart tissue) is destroyed along with fat, a 600 kcal diet can cause great harm to health. Therefore, ordinary people should not use this technique. The use of the diet is justified by artists who need to quickly lose 5-10 kg to solve a creative problem.

Essence and principles

The diet is based on reducing the energy value of the menu to 600 kcal per day.
The result of a nutrient deficiency in the diet is the activation of the process of fat breakdown in the body and a decrease in the amount of intercellular fluid. The main principle of the method is to keep the calorie content of the daily food basket at around 600. To do this, you need to keep a diary in which you write down a detailed menu for the entire period of using the diet.

In the notebook, it is also necessary to record the rate of weight loss and other changes occurring in the body: skin rashes, pain in the stomach or liver, decreased performance and disruptions in the psycho-emotional state.

The diet should be short-term - maximum 14 days. A longer stay on a restricted diet increases the risk of side effects and slows down the metabolic rate. Slow metabolism significantly inhibits the process of fat breakdown in the body.

Diet restrictions

Nutritional deficiency leads to hormonal and other disruptions in the body. To minimize the harm of the 600 kcal menu, it is recommended to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. It is useful to reduce the amount of fast food and products containing large amounts of trans fats, preservatives and dyes.

When on a diet, you need to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Heavy physical activity should be prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The 600 calorie per day menu, like any diet, has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include high efficiency: within a few days you can easily correct your figure. The diet is quite varied; you can prepare any dishes from permitted products.

The technique is not financially expensive: people losing weight do not need to purchase expensive products.

The disadvantages of the diet include the need to count calories daily. Each dish will have to be weighed.

The diet is almost completely free of fats, which can negatively affect the condition of the skin and hair. Most often, breakdowns occur in the first 3 days. When switching from a usual diet to a diet, the body does not have time to get used to the new regime.

The main disadvantages are:

  • possible weight gain if you exit the system incorrectly;
  • nervousness, stress;
  • mild dizziness;
  • disturbances in the functional activity of the digestive tract;
  • disruption of the hormonal system.

Low-calorie nutrition is usually accompanied by disruptions in metabolic processes. It is not recommended to increase the duration of the diet on your own.

How to burn 1000 calories

Sports will help burn calories that enter the body with food. Active exercise will speed up your metabolism, giving you a leaner body. The muscular system will begin to activate, this will make it possible to burn even more calories.

Be sure to read: Proper nutrition for losing 10 kg in a month at home: plan and workouts

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Running

Running is the most effective method to get rid of excess calories.

Two hours of such activity is enough, and the figure will acquire ideal shape. To get the most pronounced results, you should run uphill.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Cycling

A bicycle is not only a way of transportation, but also an opportunity to burn calories.

Just 75 minutes of activity, and subcutaneous fat will begin to burn intensively.

You need to be prepared that all muscle groups will hurt the next day. This is a good sign, since the whole body is involved in the work when riding a bicycle. To get the most efficiency, your riding pace should be constantly varied.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Jump Rope

A jump rope is considered one of the universal devices that helps to cope with excess weight.

The jump rope is considered one of the universal devices that helps cope with excess weight.

If you jump without stopping for 50 minutes, you can burn up to 800 calories. It's difficult to do this without a break. Beginners are advised to divide the exercise into several approaches.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Burpees

Burpees are a cardio exercise.

This activity involves all the muscles of the body. One approach burns 1.5 calories. To get rid of thousands of calories, you need to do at least 700 burpees.

If you do the exercise for ten minutes, you will be able to burn about 150 kcal.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Walking

One of the simplest exercises is walking.

If a person moves at an average pace, then in one hour you can get rid of 200 calories. To burn 1000 kcal entering the body, you need more time - at least five hours. Speed ​​also matters.

Diet menu with recipes for the week

The 600 calorie menu should be as varied as possible. Every day you need to consume enough nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Experts recommend purchasing electronic kitchen scales in advance so that you can weigh each portion every day.

The basis of the diet consists of the following products:

  • fresh fruits (apples, tangerines, oranges, pomegranate, pineapple, pears, lemon, lime);
  • fresh vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower);
  • greens (parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, basil);
  • lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef, veal);
  • low-fat fish (hake, halibut, pollock, flounder, blue whiting);
  • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, coconut);
  • berries (blueberries, black and red currants, blackberries, raspberries);
  • seafood (squid, crabs, shrimp);
  • dairy products (kefir, whey, low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheese).

A person losing weight should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Can be used:

  • black, green tea;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • fruit drinks;
  • compotes from fresh or frozen fruits.

The diet may also include freshly squeezed juices. They must be diluted with water. Experts do not recommend adding sugar or other sweeteners to drinks.

During the diet, it is not recommended to eat spicy, smoked and salty foods. It is necessary to completely exclude any fast food (noodles, mashed potatoes) from the diet. Fast food is also prohibited.

You cannot use ready-made sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, tartar, garlic, cream, mushroom). Canned food and semi-finished products must be abandoned. The first and second courses cannot be cooked in strong meat broth.

Prohibited products also include confectionery:

  • chocolate;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • ice cream;
  • candies;
  • pastry cream;
  • baked goods.

When following a diet of 600 calories per day, it is necessary to completely exclude high-calorie foods from the diet.
Fatty meats (pork, lamb, goose and duck fillet) must be completely excluded. It is strictly forbidden to drink drinks containing alcohol (including kvass) while losing weight.

The usual amount of bread must be cut in half. It is better to avoid wheat completely. The diet may include whole grain or rye bread, as well as diet bread. Fatty fish are also prohibited.

It is important to pay attention to the way food is prepared. Experts recommend not adding enough salt to your dishes. It is preferable to stew or boil products from the list of permitted ones. It is best not to heat-treat vegetables. It is necessary to abandon ready-made spices and seasonings. Fresh herbs will help improve the taste of the dish.

Day 1

The diet may contain cereals. The first and second courses are prepared from lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat and brown rice.

Sample menu:

BreakfastOatmeal with water, green apple
LunchCarrot, cucumber and orange smoothie
DinnerVegetable and chicken soup with pearl barley, fresh vegetable salad dressed with olive oil
Afternoon snackOatmeal cookies, green tea
DinnerRice cakes, lean beef

Popular recipes:

  • Vegetable soup. Remove the skin from the chicken thigh and place the meat in boiling water. Cook the fillet over low heat for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions) are peeled and chopped. Pearl barley is soaked in advance for several hours, washed, and added to meat. In 15 min. Until ready, add vegetables to the broth and add salt to taste. The dish is decorated with chopped dill.
  • Steamed turkey breast. Remove the skin from the fillet and make shallow cuts in the meat. In a separate container, mix olive oil (2 tbsp), lemon juice (8-10 drops) and ground black pepper (to taste). The fillet is placed in the marinade, the meat is left for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally. Steam the breast until done. The dish is served hot.

A serving of bread is no more than 2 slices.

Day 2

Experts recommend eating food at the same time.

Sample menu:

BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese without sugar with raisins, kefir
LunchBlack tea, cheese slice
DinnerFish soup, fresh carrot and cucumber salad
Afternoon snackKefir or any fresh fruit
DinnerSliced ​​vegetables, steamed fish cutlets

Popular recipes:

  • Fish soup. Peel potatoes (1 pc.), cut into small cubes. Grate peeled carrots (1 piece) on a fine grater. Pour water (1200 ml) into a saucepan, bring to a boil and place vegetables in it. If desired, you can add rice (1 tbsp.). Cook the soup over low heat for 15 minutes. Fish fillet (300 g) is added last. If desired, you can add onions cut into thin half rings into the soup. At the moment of casting the fish, 15 minutes should pass. The dish is peppered and salted to taste before serving. You can add greens to the soup.
  • Fruit salad. Peel the apple, pear and pineapple slice. The pulp is cut into small cubes. All ingredients are mixed in one container, pour low-fat yogurt (2 tbsp) over the fruit and mix. Before serving, the salad is decorated with a mint leaf.

Experts do not recommend overloading your stomach before bed. Dinner must be eaten no later than 20.00.

Day 3

Skipping meals is not recommended.

Sample menu:

BreakfastBoiled egg, slice of cheese with black bread
LunchGlass of yogurt
DinnerLean beef goulash, chicken broth
Afternoon snackFresh fruits
DinnerVinaigrette, boiled potatoes

Popular recipes:

  • Goulash . Beef fillet should be cut into small cubes. In a cauldron or frying pan with a thick bottom, fry the onion, cut into small cubes. Add meat to the vegetable and fry over high heat. Sprinkle the fillets with flour and mix thoroughly. Pour tomato sauce into the meat (100 g of tomato paste per 200 ml of water). Mix thoroughly, cover the container with a lid and cook over low heat 1.5. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.
  • Cabbage soup made from sauerkraut. Boil water (1.5 l) in a saucepan. Peel vegetables (2 potatoes, 1 carrot and onion). Grate the carrots, cut the onion into half rings and sauté in a small amount of oil (no more than 2 tbsp). Potatoes are cut into small cubes and thrown into boiling water. Sauerkraut (150-180 g) is washed in water and added to the soup. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Lastly, add the frying agent, pepper and salt the dish.

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the meat in cold water for 30-45 minutes.

Day 4

To enhance the effect of the diet, you need to under-salt your dishes.

Sample menu:

BreakfastFresh apple, oatmeal with milk
LunchOatmeal cookies, freshly squeezed orange juice
DinnerChicken soufflé, vegetable slices
Afternoon snackCottage cheese casserole
DinnerVeal with mushrooms

Popular recipes:

  • Veal with mushrooms. Fry wild mushrooms (200 g) with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil (preferably sunflower). After 5 min. heat treatment, add diced onions to the frying pan. Boil veal (200 g) until cooked. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. Combine all ingredients in a frying pan, add pepper and a little salt. Fry the meat until golden brown. Add 1 tbsp to the dish. l. sour cream and 100 ml of water. Simmer the meat over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.
  • Chicken soufflé. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder along with carrots and onions. Season the resulting minced meat with salt and pepper and place in the mold. Cook the dish in a double boiler for 30-35 minutes. You can serve the dish with sour cream and herbs.

You can drink any drinks during the day. Before meals, drink 250 ml of pure still water.

Day 5

It is not recommended to combine high-calorie foods with each other. Meat must be consumed separately from fish.

Sample menu:

BreakfastFruit slices, freshly squeezed juice
LunchCottage cheese with dried fruits
DinnerSteamed pollock with a side dish of stewed spinach
Afternoon snackOatmeal cookies, a glass of kefir
DinnerRabbit thigh stewed with vegetables

Popular recipes:

  • Pollock with vegetables . Fish fillet (300 g) is washed, dried, and the skin is cut. Place the carcass on a sheet of foil and rub with salt and pepper. Cauliflower inflorescences (50-70 g) and diced zucchini (50-70 g) are added to the fish. Vegetables must be salted separately. The fish is sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice. Wrap the foil tightly and cook the dish in the oven over low heat for 25-35 minutes.
  • Diet vegetable soup. Ginger (3 g), onions (1 pc.), green bell pepper (1 pc.) and carrots (1 pc.) are peeled and cut into small cubes. Vegetables are sautéed with the addition of a small amount of sunflower oil. Place diced tomatoes (2-3 pieces) and canned corn (100 g) into the pan. All ingredients, including frying, are combined in one container and mixed thoroughly. Pour tomato juice (150-250 ml) and water (1 l) into the pan. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. The dish can be consumed hot or cold.

Almost all dishes can be decorated with herbs. It is preferable to use fresh.

Day 6

If a person does not feel hungry, then instead of the main dish you can drink kefir or yogurt.

Sample menu:

BreakfastOrange juice, cheese and cucumber sandwich
LunchBiscuits or diet bread, drink of choice
DinnerBulgur with chicken fillet, sliced ​​vegetables or cucumber salad
Afternoon snackGreen tea, dried fruits
DinnerSteamed diet cutlets

Popular recipes:

  • Chicken breast with bulgur. Fillet (200 g) is cut into small pieces, salt and pepper. The onion is cut into half rings and fried in oil. Add garlic (1-2 cloves) and chicken to the pan. Fry the meat for 3-5 minutes. The bulgur is washed, added to the pan with the chicken and vegetables, and stirred. Pour in 250 ml of water, cover the container with a lid and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Before serving, salt the dish and garnish with herbs.
  • Oatmeal with milk. Bring milk (250 ml) to a boil, add a little salt. Add oatmeal (100 g) to the pan. Cook the porridge over low heat for 2-3 minutes. You can add 1 tsp to the finished dish. honey and a handful of raisins.

Bulgur must be calcined in a dry frying pan before adding to a dish.

Day 7

The dietary system does not imply fasting days.

Sample menu:

BreakfastRaspberry smoothie with oatmeal, poached egg
LunchKefir or low-fat yogurt without additives
DinnerSquid in sour cream sauce, any vegetable salad
Afternoon snackSliced ​​fruit, orange or pineapple
DinnerRoast in pots

Popular recipes:

  • Roast in the oven. Wash any mushrooms (100-150 g), cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Add grated carrots and onions (1 pc. each) to the pan. Boil veal (200 g) until half cooked in lightly salted water, cool, and cut into cubes. Place the meat in the first layer in the pot, then the vegetables and mushrooms. Pour in 100 ml of broth and add 30 ml of cream. Cook in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with grated cheese and herbs.
  • Chicken soup. Fillet (200 g) is washed, dried and placed in boiling water (1 l). Cook for 25 minutes, skimming off the foam. Add medium-sized potatoes (1 piece) and carrots (1 piece) to the broth. Boil the soup for another 10-15 minutes, add salt and pepper. The dish is served with rye crackers and half a boiled egg.

The serving weight should not exceed 150 g.

Approximate diet menu for the day

  1. We have breakfast with a piece of dried whole grain bread, its calorie content is 85 cal, low-fat cottage cheese with chopped herbs, you can take dill, parsley, basil. The finished dish contains 110 calories.
  2. For lunch, boil yourself half a chicken breast without skin and fat, its calorie content is approximately 69 cal, make a salad with half a sweet red pepper and one medium-sized cucumber, sprinkle it with lemon juice. Calorie content of salad 64 cal.
  3. As an afternoon snack, a light snack of no more than 100 calories is suitable; it can be a medium-sized red apple with 70 calories; 2 kiwis for 95 cal; a handful of unroasted and unsalted nuts, approximately 10-12 pieces of small fruits, their calorie content will be within 90 units.
  4. For dinner we eat buckwheat porridge (3 tablespoons of uncooked cereal = 55 cal) and steamed pollock fillet (200 g = 100 cal).

How much can you lose on a diet in a week?

According to reviews, in 7 days you can get rid of 5-6 kg. The main condition for ensuring lasting results is the correct way out of the diet. Prohibited foods must be introduced into the diet gradually. It is better to avoid fatty and smoked foods forever.

The 600 calorie menu is a tough technique that allows you to cleanse your intestines and correct your figure. You can eat 2-3 fresh fruits per day or drink 40 ml of freshly squeezed juice. It is advisable to consume chicken eggs and dairy products no more than 2-3 times a week.

What rules is the methodology based on?

If you decide to lose weight using this diet, then it is very important to create a menu in such a way that the energy value of the daily set of foods does not exceed the norm. Of course, it is very difficult to call such nutrition correct. But, in any case, you can include foods in your diet that will not only make your diet varied, but will also benefit the body. Therefore, it is important to regularly consume low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, lean meat, fruits and vegetables, lean fish, eggs, and greens.

Be sure to drink as much still water as possible. This technique allows coffee and tea, but it is better to drink them without sugar and various sweeteners. It is permissible to consume any products, but only in such a way that they fit into the recommended norm - 600 kcal per day.

As for undesirable foods, it is better not to include the following ingredients in your diet:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • store-bought juices;
  • fatty meats;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • flour products;
  • canned food;
  • fried foods;
  • marinades;
  • sweets, desserts;
  • salty foods.

It is not necessary to completely give up salt, but you should significantly reduce its amount. It is advisable to salt the dish not during the cooking process, but only at the end.

The technique recommends split meals, since this way, those losing weight will not face a strong feeling of hunger and will be able to more easily tolerate a reduction in diet. You can eat at any time of the day, especially when you really want a snack. The main thing is to use healthy foods for snacks, preferably vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to maintain equal periods of time between meals, and the last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. This will double the effectiveness of the technique.

It is very difficult for the body to work in this mode, which is why it wastes energy from its own fat reserves. As a result, the process of weight loss is activated.

Regarding physical activity, you should refuse to play sports or strength training while following this technique, since this is fraught with the appearance of severe weakness. Therefore, if you wish, you can limit yourself to light exercise or walking.

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