90-day separate food diet: menu, recipes, reviews

What is the essence of the diet?

The idea of ​​separate meals is not new, but two Slovenians - Brad Hrobat and Mojc Polansek - came up with their own based on this system. It is known to the general public as the 90-day diet.

Now this nutrition system is one of the most famous in the world, and the book of recipes for it has been translated into more than 10 languages ​​and has become a bestseller. All this serves as excellent proof of the effectiveness of separate nutrition. And not only as a means of getting rid of excess weight, but also as a way to improve the health of the whole body.

According to the authors of the 90-day diet, you can and even need to follow its principles after losing weight. Separate nutrition is, first of all, healthy nutrition that helps the body work properly. Therefore, after three months of the diet, it is recommended to continue to adhere to its basic tenets. Although the portion sizes can be increased.

Table of products for a separate diet

Before you start counting down the 90-day diet of separate meals, it is important to understand the essence of the compatibility of products with each other. If all food products are divided into subgroups, then it is worth highlighting three main ones:

  • Proteinsdigested with the help of acid secreted by the digestive organs.
  • Carbohydrates broken down in an alkaline environment by the salivary glands of the oral cavity
  • “Living products” are the basis of building material for the whole body, received by the body without the cost of digesting food.

By carefully studying the table below, you can find a pattern of which food groups are combined during a diet, and which are better to eat separately. Product groups 1 and 2, 2 and 3 are compatible. You cannot combine those included in groups 1 and 3:

  1. Meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, legumes.
  2. Fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, berries, juices.
  3. Cereals, bread, sugar, potatoes, jams, compote, honey.

Benefits of the diet

It’s not for nothing that the 90-day separate nutrition system is so loved by a huge number of people around the world. It takes into account different taste preferences, and in general this nutrition system has many advantages:

  1. Three months is enough to change your eating habits forever.
  2. Recipes are adapted for those family members who are not losing weight.
  3. Dishes allowed by the diet are on restaurant menus.
  4. The diet is varied, even including flour products and sweets.
  5. There is no addiction and no feeling of poor diet.
  6. Changes in calorie days prevent the body from starving for a long time and starting to store fat in reserve.
  7. Vitamin days allow you to take a break from the stove.

Power cycles

The human body is a very complex but regulated system. To maintain all its functions, regular and harmonious nutrition is necessary. According to a number of studies, the body’s metabolism goes through 3 cycles during the day:

  • 00 to 12.00 - body cleansing cycle.
  • 00 to 20.00 - nutrition cycle.
  • 00 to 4.00 - digestion cycle.

Cleansing the body (4.00–12.00)

During this period of time, a person should eat very little, and fruits must be present in the diet. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids - tea, water, low-fat kefir. In other words, breakfast for all 3 months will be the same - only fruit, but whatever you want.

Meals (12.00—20.00)

The next 8 hours are the most pleasant - during this time you need to eat. There are no restrictions on the size of portions; it is important not to overeat and consume certain foods, strictly observing the time intervals between breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Separate nutrition involves days on which you can eat only proteins with intervals of 4 hours between meals, carbohydrate and starch days at two-hour intervals, as well as vitamin days, when only fruits are allowed, but every hour.

Digestion (20.00—4.00)

By the beginning of the digestive cycle, the body has already received a sufficient amount of food, so there is no need to eat any more. If you are very hungry and are afraid that you will fall asleep, you can eat some fruit, or even better, drink a glass of water or unsweetened tea. This will help curb hunger.


If you decide to use lemon water to get rid of extra pounds, but are afraid of the side effects of an excess of citrus fruits, you should try a seven-day diet. The idea is to drink three liters of water daily with the addition of lemon juice. Follow this regimen for 7 days. During this time, you can realistically lose 3-5 kilograms.

The meaning of the diet:

  • Dilute lemon juice and water in equal proportions. Drink 220 ml of the mixture in the morning before eating. After use, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  • During the diet, you should only consume dietary foods. In the process of losing weight, there should not be a deficiency of any substances in the body. Therefore, meat and fish cannot be excluded. Use only dietary varieties.
  • Dinner is replaced with a miracle drink, adding honey to the composition.

Important! For weight loss, use only fresh lemon. Otherwise it will not have a beneficial effect

Dividing food by day

The menu for every day, which was proposed by the authors of the 90-day diet, maintains a proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also distributes products by day. The entire nutrition system is based on cycles of 4 days:

  1. Protein.
  2. Starch.
  3. Carbohydrates.
  4. Vitamin.

Every 29th day should be a fasting day. This means that you cannot eat anything for 24 hours, and only clean water without gas is allowed. Unloading necessarily occurs after vitamin days.

During separate meals, it is more important than ever to adhere to a strict diet due to metabolic cycles. Breakfast takes place in the morning immediately after waking up, lunch and dinner - from 12.00 to 20.00, and the evening portion of food should be half the size of the day. In this case, you should drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Freshly squeezed juices without sugar can also be drunk, and even necessary. However, they count as a complete meal.

If you are worried about extreme hunger, and the next meal, according to the schedule, is not soon, you can eat some fruit.

Authorized Products

Since the diet is divided into protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin days, it is important to know a detailed list of products that are included in each group.

Protein days

  • meat: pork, veal, beef, rabbit;
  • poultry: chicken, turkey, duck;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese, cottage cheese, any fermented milk products;
  • non-starchy vegetables.

For lunch, you are allowed to eat a glass of broth, even from a store-bought cube, as well as a small piece of whole grain bread.

Starchy days

  • legumes: peas, lentils, beans, soybeans.
  • cereals: pearl barley, millet, rice, buckwheat, etc.
  • vegetables (even potatoes).
  • vegetable broth.

For lunch, you can allow yourself a small piece of whole grain bread.

Carbohydrate days

  • flour: pasta, dry biscuits, flatbreads.
  • cereals: barley, millet, buckwheat, etc.
  • vegetables;
  • spices;
  • tomato paste;
  • baked goods without yeast, milk and eggs.

You should definitely have chocolate for dinner.

Vitamin days

  • fruits;
  • dried fruits soaked in water;
  • 25 g nuts and seeds;
  • raw vegetables.

90-day split diet

Nutritionists and doctors agreed and proved that products belonging to different categories require different times to be digested and absorbed by the body, and therefore they do not combine well with each other and should be consumed separately. The separate food diet has gained enormous popularity. Among her fans are many politicians, movie and pop stars, who have proven by their own example that by eating separately you can effectively lose weight.

The essence of such nutrition is monodays. That is, every day you should eat only the foods shown. The days alternate with each other: protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin, and then repeat again. There are no restrictions on dishes; you can eat any food to your taste from permitted products. It is recommended to adhere to such a diet for 90 days, in order to get the body accustomed to a certain food culture.

Basic Rules

How I lost half my weight in six months

The rules of the 90-day separate food diet are that you should eat any food on the menu, but only from the list of permitted ones. Over the course of 3 months, there is a cyclical pattern consisting of alternating protein, starch, carbohydrate, and vitamin days. Once every 29 days it is necessary to arrange a fasting day, which involves drinking exclusively purified water. The fasting day is carried out after the vitamin menu, and after it it is necessary to saturate the body with proteins - the protein menu. With separate meals, subsequent meals are allowed every 4 hours while following the protein, starch, carbohydrate menu, as well as every 2 hours during the vitamin diet.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime when dieting. You should drink at least 2 liters of purified water daily. In addition, it is allowed to drink tea, decoction, but without sugar and cream. Fruit juice is considered a meal, and therefore can be drunk as a snack during the fruit menu. Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited.


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An important rule of the separate meals diet is that breakfast should be no later than 12:00, and dinner before 20:00.

Allowed foods on protein day:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Meat, poultry, fish;
  • Meat broths;
  • Eggs;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Vegetables (except potatoes).

You cannot mix any types of protein foods with each other!

Allowed foods on a starch day:

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  • Cereals;
  • Legumes;
  • Vegetables;
  • Vegetable broth;
  • Whole wheat bread.

Vegetables can be consumed raw, stewed and boiled.

Allowed foods on carbohydrate day:

  • Flour products;
  • Cereals;
  • Yeast-free baked goods without eggs or milk;
  • Cake;
  • Cookie.

Be sure to eat dark chocolate for lunch or dinner (several pieces).

Allowed foods on vitamin day:

  • All fruits;
  • Berries;
  • Freshly squeezed juices, berry fruit drinks;
  • Vegetables;

Nuts and seeds (100 g) are allowed as snacks.

How to avoid obesity and regain an erection at any age?

Recommendations from nutritionists

Nutritionists recommend that when following a diet of separate meals, which lasts 90 days, you eat at least three times a day at regular intervals. Depending on how much time it takes for the body to assimilate a particular food, intervals are determined. For example, on a vitamin day you should eat every two hours, and on a protein, carbohydrate or starch day every four.

The smallest portion of the daily diet is taken for breakfast, usually fruits and berries. Lunch on a separate meals diet is the main meal. For dinner you need to eat half the lunch portion, however, without bread and broth. You can snack only on foods allowed on a certain day (for example, on a protein day - kefir, on a vitamin day - fruit, on a carbohydrate day - dry cookies, and on a starch day - vegetables or bread).

The separate food diet menu allows you to eat all permitted foods in any quantities. Many variations in the preparation of dishes will allow you to diversify the menu for 90 days as much as possible. It is important both not to starve and not to overeat. To achieve the maximum weight loss effect, it is recommended to combine a separate diet with physical activity: sports, exercise, walking, swimming, running.

A 90-day separate diet is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems during pregnancy and lactation.


Let's look at the menu options that include a separate meals diet for 90 days. You should start with a protein day, which alternates with starch, carbohydrate and vitamin days.

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Menu for a diet of 90 days of separate meals (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

1st day (protein):

  • Apple. Banana;
  • Bouillon. Boiled chicken fillet. Wholemeal bread;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Baked fish. Cheese.

2nd day (starch):

  • Grapefruit. Kiwi;
  • Green Lenten borscht. Bran bread. Cabbage salad;
  • Squash caviar;
  • Lenten pilaf. Vegetable stew.

Day 3 (carbohydrate):

  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries;
  • Spaghetti with tomato paste;
  • Cracker;
  • Cake. Bitter chocolate.

Day 4 (fruit):

  • Pear. Orange;
  • Fruit salad with nuts;
  • Berry juice;
  • Apples baked in the oven.

While following the 90-day diet, it is important not to try to reduce your daily caloric intake to less than 1000-1200 kcal. According to the rules of separate nutrition, fat consumption should be kept to a minimum. The permissible daily intake of vegetable oil is 30 grams.

The right way out

Within 90 days, the human body gets used to the principles of separate nutrition, meal regimens, and compliance with food compatibility. And yet, leaving the diet should be gradual, so as not only not to regain the lost excess weight, but also to prevent the development of gastritis and colitis. Ideally, exit from a separate diet should be at least one month. You should continue to eat fruits and berries for breakfast, and reduce the portion of dinner, which should be equal in volume to half lunch.

Over the course of 3 months, the body became accustomed to eating only certain foods on the menu. With the right solution, you should stick to the same diet, but not by day, but by meal. For example, you can eat only protein foods for lunch and starchy foods for dinner. Periodically, you should arrange fasting days (on water or only protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin).

Regular exercise when leaving a 90-day diet of separate nutrition will help you stay in good shape, increase the firmness and elasticity of your skin, and avoid sagging and stretch marks. Improved metabolism will have a beneficial effect not only on losing weight and maintaining the achieved result, but also on the condition of hair, nails, and the functioning of all internal organs in general.

Useful tips

Do you want to make the most of your diet and lose even more weight than the rest? Then follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Eat vegetables only boiled or stewed.
  2. Limit the amount of fruit in your diet to a minimum.
  3. Avoid bread.
  4. Eat less fat.
  5. If possible, avoid eating processed foods.
  6. Prepare your own food.
  7. Buy foods with little or no pre-processing.
  8. Exercise.

How to get out of a diet correctly

It is necessary to exit the separate nutrition system in the same way as from other diets - smoothly and gently, so as not to subject the body to further stress. It is recommended to leave breakfast the same as it has been for the last three months. Portions for lunch and dinner can be gradually increased (of course, to reasonable limits), but it is better to adhere to the principle of nutrition itself - at least partially:

  • breakfast should be rich in fruits;
  • proteins, carbohydrates and starch should be consumed only separately;
  • Meals must be strictly according to schedule.

Remember that a slim waist and slimness are achieved not by deprivation and restrictions, but by acquiring useful habits. If you lasted 90 days, it's a shame to go back to your original weight again simply because you couldn't resist the cake.

The diet should not be perceived as a short-term procedure that you just have to endure. It should be your transition to a healthy and proper diet. It is very good if it is combined with fitness. This is the only way to maintain your slimness, beauty and youth for a long time.

Menu for weight loss

A varied menu for every day is prepared based on the product compatibility table. It is also necessary to count calories daily in order to achieve significant results in losing weight.

It is recommended to change dishes throughout the day to avoid monotony. For breakfast, preference is given to cereals, fermented milk products and fruits, for lunch - protein foods and for dinner - carbohydrate foods.

An approximate menu for the week is suggested in the table:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayOatmeal, any fruit, unsweetened green teaBoiled chicken breast, cabbage salad, slice of low-fat cheeseVegetable soup, boiled egg
TuesdayBuckwheat porridge without inclusions, orange, tea without sugarSteamed sea fish, stewed vegetablesTomato and cucumber salad, boiled chicken breast
WednesdaySemolina porridge, kefirBoiled meat, milk, vegetable saladPear, steamed vegetables
ThursdayRice porridge, drinking yogurt, green appleFish stewed with vegetablesScrambled eggs or omelet
FridayMuesli, low-fat kefir, piece of melonSalad of boiled beef meat and fresh cucumber, milkCottage cheese casserole
SaturdayCereals with kefir, bananaStewed seafood, herb and vegetable saladBeef and vegetable stew
SundayLow-fat cottage cheese, grapefruitFish soup, vegetables, cheeseVegetable salad with cheese

Between main meals, you are allowed to eat any fruit or nuts, provided that you have an unbearable feeling of hunger.

The cycle is usually scheduled for a week. Then it is repeated starting from the first day.

Diet for 10 days

If a woman urgently needs to lose just a few kilograms or give her body a rest after long holiday feasts, then 10 days on separate meals is enough. A day before starting this regimen, it is recommended to take a fasting day on kefir. After this, they begin to eat all the usual foods, focusing on the compatibility table.

The diet for 10 days looks like this:

  1. The first 3 days - the emphasis is on fiber: fruits and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes).
  2. The next three days focus on proteins: meat, fish, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, legumes.
  3. Seventh day - give the body a rest: drink low-fat kefir, yogurt, juices.

At the final stage, they switch to complex carbohydrates.

Diet for 21 days

If the weekly regimen is extended, it is recommended to alternate 2 protein and carbohydrate days from the second week.

The following dishes are suitable for protein days:

  • marinated mushrooms with green onions and vegetable dressing;
  • salad of boiled eggs, cucumbers and fresh herbs;
  • chicken broth with vegetables;
  • baked beef;
  • vegetable stew with beans.

Carbohydrate diet:

  • pearl barley porridge with vegetables;
  • carrot-garlic salad with corn oil;
  • dietary vegetable soup;
  • cabbage-carrot cutlets;
  • steamed zucchini with garlic and sour cream.

On protein days you can eat any meat, fish, cottage cheese and eggs, and on carbohydrate days you can eat salads, fruits, fruit drinks, and freshly squeezed juices.


Reviews and results of a 90-day separate diet show that you can lose weight during this period without much effort, restrictions and malnutrition. Although you will still have to endure 3 fasting days. But this is for the sake of achieving the ideal figure that you have dreamed of for so long.

Within 3 months, the body gets used to the new regime and learns to cope with less food. Due to the fact that the diet does not impose strict restrictions, a person does not experience hunger and moral suffering.

Depending on the initial build, different people manage to lose weight on such a nutritional system in different ways. If there is little excess weight, from 1 to 3 kg are lost per month, but if a person is large, then during the diet they can lose 25 kg or even a little more.

One of the main advantages of separate meals is that lost kilograms do not return. They go away forever, since the metabolism is completely rebuilt in 3 months.

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The main principle of separate nutrition is to separate proteins and carbohydrates between meals, which require certain conditions for digestion. When foods containing both of these substances are consumed simultaneously, both acid and alkali are released in the body. The second enzymes neutralize the first. This leads to the fact that food is not completely digested and is deposited in the colon. To avoid this, take a break of at least three hours between taking carbohydrates and proteins.

Dishes with a complex composition load the gastrointestinal tract, causing malaise. Due to this, food is digested more slowly and is partially not absorbed. The result is fat accumulation, fermentation and rotting. Therefore, it is first recommended to eat a portion of proteins, and after 3 hours, when the body has rested, complex (slow) carbohydrates to taste.

What cannot be combined with each other when eating separately

Separate nutrition for weight loss divides all products into three groups:


The product group includes:

  • main sources of carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, bread, pasta);
  • flour products;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • sweeteners (sugar, honey, maple syrup).

Products include:

  • root vegetables (except potatoes), green and leafy vegetables;
  • oils and fats.


Products presented:

  • meat, fish and seafood;
  • milk products;
  • vegetable proteins (tofu, soybeans).

Starchy and protein foods are incompatible with each other. In the diet, they should be consumed separately or combined with neutral ones. When planning meals, you should also take into account that it takes different periods of time to digest and assimilate foods from different groups.

Simple carbohydrates are digested in 1.5-2 hours, complex carbohydrates – in 3-4 hours, digestion of protein foods takes the longest – 8-10 hours. Therefore, you need to consume foods so that they do not interfere with each other. Every day you should follow the sequence: in the morning you eat simple carbohydrates, then complex carbohydrates and in the evening you eat protein foods.

7 rules of separate nutrition for weight loss

Shelton formed the rules for separate nutrition for weight loss, describing groups of incompatible foods that he recommends for consumption in different time frames or even on different days:

  1. Protein + protein: protein products are consumed separately, despite the similarity of the macronutrient. The body may process types of protein differently. It is not recommended to combine cottage cheese and meat, eggs and meat, meat and cheese, etc.
  2. Protein + carbohydrates: eggs, dairy products, meat, poultry, seafood and nuts cannot be combined with cereals, potatoes, and flour products. This combination is most often present in the diet of every person.
  3. Protein + acids: fish, meat and poultry are not served with tomatoes or in a lemon juice marinade.
  4. Protein + fats: from the point of view of the usual diet, it looks like this: during the preparation of meat products, you cannot add vegetable and animal fats (oils), or season cheese and egg salads.
  5. Acids + starch: Starch-rich carbohydrates and sour vegetables and fruits should not be placed on the plate. Potatoes, baked goods, and legumes do not go well with apples, citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwis, etc.
  6. Starch + sugar: example - pancakes with raspberry jam. This combination should not be found in the diet, just like sweet cereals, bread with confiture, etc.
  7. Single products: milk, melon and watermelon do not have compatibility conditions. They should be consumed separately from any dish: coffee without milk, buckwheat with milk is prohibited, as are fruit salads with melon or watermelon.

It is important to correctly calculate the caloric content of the diet when losing weight in order to form portions in accordance with the body’s need for energy.


Anna: “The basis of separate meals is a brilliant idea: eat whatever you want, but don’t mix foods with each other. It is unusual to follow such a regime, but it is many times easier than other diets. It’s difficult when you have a family, but you cook for others separately, and you have to try everything. The solution turned out to be elementary: I simply put my husband on a diet. Now we eat separately together and are losing weight. We’ve already endured 32 days, I’m minus 5 kilograms.”

Elena: “What I liked most is that the diet is nourishing and truly healthy - even doctors recommend separate meals. My digestion even improved, my stomach stopped hurting, and my pimples went away. After a couple of weeks, my body became weightless, I even wanted to do fitness, but before I couldn’t force myself to do it. And most importantly: I lasted all 90 days and lost 3 sizes! It was 50, and now it’s 44.”

Inna: “Eating separately is incredibly difficult for me. I relied only on the fact that on a certain day I could eat sweets. That same obligatory chocolate bar for dinner was an incentive to continue the diet. But it still wasn’t enough for me to finish. And yet I made it through 43 days. I lost 5 kilograms, now a month has passed and nothing has come back. Although, I try to take smaller portions and close my mouth after 18.00.”

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