Egg diet for 4 weeks: rules, menus, recipes, reviews

Eggs have become a part of every person's daily life. Some people prefer to have boiled or fried eggs for breakfast, some eat them for dinner with greens, and others make up their entire diet from them.

The egg diet is a quick way to temporarily lose weight, the principle of which is based on extremely low carbohydrate intake. Osama Hamdiy, a professor who developed a new nutrition formula, called his system “chemical”, but on the Internet it became known as “egg”. It is as follows: eggs become the main ingredient in the menu, and you can diversify your diet with lean meat and fish, vegetables and fruits.

This type of nutrition was originally developed for people with diabetes. Later it became clear that by adhering to such a diet, you can also quickly get rid of extra pounds (albeit not for long). The network claims that this diet is most effective for those people whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms.

The most popular version of this approach is the Maggi diet. According to one legend, it was designed specifically for Margaret Thatcher. However, there is no evidence for this. Eggs have long been considered a staple ingredient in many diets. This happened due to the peculiarities of egg white, which is absorbed by the body by more than 95%.

The essence of the egg diet

This type of food restriction is not a mono-diet, that is, the patient does not have to limit himself to eggs alone. You can safely add citrus fruits (especially grapefruit), as well as a large number of vegetables and other products to the menu.

The diet works as follows: energy is needed to process proteins. It comes from carbohydrates. If they come from the outside in insufficient quantities, the body takes energy from its internal reserves. Thus, it begins to process fat to work muscles and break down protein. This diet, like most others, is not aimed at constant weight maintenance. Most often it is designed for a certain period, which does not exceed one month.

Express options are suitable for quickly losing no more than 2-3 kilograms of weight, which then comes back almost faster than they were destroyed.

Content of basic nutritional nutrients in chicken eggs, %

100 grams of chicken protein contains about 7.5 grams of carbohydrates. A serving contains no more than 30 kilocalories, which is approximately equal to 9% of the required energy consumed per day.

If we consider the composition of a chicken egg, we get the following:

  • fat content = 0%;
  • protein content = approximately 80%;
  • carbohydrates = 7.5%.

Chicken eggs, contrary to popular belief, do not contain cholesterol or trans fats. 100 grams of chicken protein will provide the body with more than 105% of its daily requirement, while the fat content will be 0, and carbohydrates will be only 3% of the same norm.

Eggs are an optimal source of protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. However, digestibility also depends on the degree of processing of the product.

For example, raw eggs are only 50% digestible. And only when they are heated can their digestibility increase to 92%. At the same time, you should not boil or fry them for a long time; for better results, it is recommended to cook them with fried eggs or soft-boil them.

What is a dietary egg and how does it differ from a table egg?

A diet egg differs from a regular egg only in its shelf life. If a table egg or any other egg can be stored for up to 25 days, then the shelf life of a dietary egg will not exceed one week. There are no other differences (for example, in BJU) between these products.

How much weight can you lose?

According to people who adhere to this diet, in 4 weeks they were able to get rid of 10-12 kilograms. Also, many people who are losing weight claim that such a diet has a long-lasting effect, but after it it is impossible to look at eggs and citrus fruits: after all, they make up the main part of the diet.

Opinions of doctors and nutritionists

The opinions of doctors and nutritionists are not as enthusiastic as those of people far from medicine on the Internet. From a medical point of view, such a diet is considered a protein diet, so many professionals consider this diet to be unbalanced. Even taking into account the fact that the menu is varied, it cannot be called correct. Doctors say that in the complete absence of fats and complex carbohydrates, the body can be oversaturated with proteins. In this case, the person losing weight experiences the following symptoms: headache, weakness, nausea, body trembling, fainting. This is all due to the lack of carbohydrates, which “normally” provide the body with energy, and protein becomes only an alternative for its production.

Experts are very careful about this technique, since with this type of nutrition the balance of the nutritional supplement suffers, which negatively affects the body. Lack of fat affects the functioning of the central nervous system and also causes weakened immunity. People who adhere to this type of diet noted the appearance of irritability and headaches.

How much can you lose on the egg-orange diet?

If you strictly follow all the recommendations and menu, the egg-citrus diet will help you get rid of tens of kilograms in 4 weeks. In general, the final result depends on the initial body weight and the individual characteristics of the body.

Interestingly, after such an effective diet, the weight does not return again, but provided that the person does not start eating exclusively high-calorie foods. To maintain results, it is advisable to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, which will help maintain slimness and health.

Benefits of the Egg Diet

The egg diet is considered one of the few in which there is no constant feeling of hunger. You don’t have to count calories on it, constantly limiting yourself in food.

Other advantages include:

  • ease of cooking;
  • quick results;
  • microelements contained in eggs can have a positive effect on the quality of hair growth, nails, and skin condition;
  • The body quickly gets used to small portions and simple food.

However, this method of nutrition has disadvantages and even contraindications.

Reasons for the effectiveness of the egg-orange diet

Thanks to the right combination of two healthy foods - eggs and oranges - the diet is quite effective and helps to quickly lose weight without harm to the body.

An egg is a natural product that contains a large amount of useful substances. It contains easily digestible protein, as well as amino acids, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins and other valuable components. The obvious advantage of the egg is its low calorie content. This means that it can be consumed during weight loss diets. Despite the low-calorie content, this is a fairly satisfying product that is almost completely absorbed by the body and eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Orange is a healthy citrus fruit. It also consists of many useful components, including vitamins, fiber, microelements and others. The effect of orange on the human body is similar to that provided by an egg. Thanks to the small amount of calories, the digestive system is not overloaded and works easily. Due to the fibers that swell in the intestines, after eating an orange a person feels full for a long time.

On a note! Scientific research shows that with long-term consumption of oranges, you can lose excess weight and maintain it at an optimal level.

Contraindications to the egg diet

The list of permitted products may vary slightly. It all depends only on the duration of the diet: will it be one week, two or a month.

Despite the simplicity of the diet, it has a number of strict rules:

  • It is forbidden to change the order of food, that is, you cannot eat lunch for dinner or vice versa;
  • it is forbidden to remove or add any foods throughout the diet;
  • It is necessary to remove sugar, mayonnaise and sweets from the diet;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages is also strictly prohibited;
  • the amount of water consumed should increase;
  • in case of a breakdown on something forbidden, it is better to start the diet again. It will be useless to continue it.

It is imperative to take into account that rapid weight loss can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases, so you should approach any method with caution.


According to nutritionists themselves, the egg-orange diet, designed for 4 weeks, is one of the safest. It helps to quickly lose excess weight without harming the human body. In addition, lost kilograms will not be returned if you consume no more than 2,000 kcal daily and give preference to healthy foods.

However, the egg-orange diet, despite its safety, has some contraindications. Doctors do not recommend following such a diet if you experience:

  • allergies to citrus fruits, eggs or other foods that are included in the diet menu;
  • gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system that occur against a background of increased acidity;
  • heartburn;
  • liver diseases (especially viral hepatitis);
  • kidney disease, regardless of origin;
  • oncological tumors (not only during the development of pathology, but even in the presence of a genetic predisposition to cancer) - this contraindication is due to the fact that products containing large amounts of vitamin C can cause a relapse;
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and brain.

If there is at least one contraindication from the above list, you will have to abandon the egg-orange diet for 4 weeks. But even if such conditions are not observed, before starting to eat on such a menu, it is recommended to first visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations. Otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, you can harm your health.

List of permitted products

  • chicken or quail eggs. 3 quail eggs = 1 chicken;
  • all citrus fruits are allowed in unlimited quantities. Among other fruits, preference should be given to low-calorie types: for example, peaches, pear, melon, pineapple or apple;
  • meat, lean chicken;
  • low-fat fish varieties. These include cod, pollock or tuna;
  • Vegetables are a great addition to the egg diet. For example, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, beans, peas, beans are also allowed;
  • any greens - dill, parsley, onion or garlic - can be used as a seasoning;
  • Cheese also has a high protein content; for example, 100 grams of cheese will contain almost 25 grams of protein, while for eggs this number will be in the range of 10-12 grams;
  • Any herbal infusions are allowed from drinks (naturally without sugar). You can use kefir, but it must be low-fat.

If cheese appears on the menu, then preference should be given to soft varieties, and all salty varieties should be put aside.

Negative consequences:

You need to get tested and consult with a nutritionist before starting this type of diet. A low-carbohydrate diet and an overloaded diet with protein can cause the following negative consequences:

  • allergies;
  • high cholesterol;
  • failure of the heart and blood vessels;
  • failure of the kidneys and liver;

Drinking regimen and drinking water rich in minerals will help reduce the negative impact of the diet. Sometimes you can replace quail eggs with chicken eggs. It is mandatory to take vitamins or dietary supplements. You can add bran to your diet to normalize intestinal function.

If you drink enough clean water, your body will begin to detoxify naturally.

Fully or partially limited products

It is best to completely exclude salt, pepper, seasonings, and sauces from the diet.

It is worth limiting your consumption of the following products:

  • legumes; Although they are not prohibited, they should be used with caution. For example, a good addition to chicken would be a few tablespoons of beans;
  • bakery products. Once a week you can treat yourself to toast or one piece of bread;
  • cheese is also a food that should be consumed with caution. You can consume about 20 grams of feta, feta cheese or Adyghe cheese per day;
  • the consumption of sweet vegetables - for example, beets or corn - should also be minimized;
  • It is better to slightly limit the consumption of even not very sweet fruits.

List of prohibited products

  • fruits high in sugar. It is worth giving up figs, mangoes, grapes and bananas;
  • canned vegetables;
  • pasta, confectionery;
  • porridge from cereals, even if they are boiled in water;
  • sausages and fatty meats: such as pork, duck or lamb;
  • milk, kefir fat greater than 2.5%. Cottage cheese should not be more than 5% fat;
  • any sweet carbonated drinks.

During the diet, the body experiences stress, so you should not give it unnecessary stress in the form of alcohol.

What is the weight loss?

On this topic Maggi Diet |
egg diet Of course, you can’t expect global changes in your physique in seven days. But you can significantly reduce your weight even in such a short period of time if you strictly follow the menu and listen to the recommendations of nutritionists. Following a diet instills healthy habits, which, if implemented on an ongoing basis, you can not only lose weight, but also maintain it for a long time. These basic rules include:

  • Portions up to 250 grams;
  • giving up bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • limiting or completely eliminating high-calorie and fatty foods;
  • regular exercise;

By following this rational approach, you can truly achieve success within a week on the egg diet. With a heavy weight you can lose about 8 kilos in a week, with a medium weight - 4. The maximum results on this diet were 15 kg. Here the initial parameters play a key role - the greater the initial weight, the greater the loss.

Egg diet for 7 days

A weekly diet allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. Biotin, which is found in eggs, is responsible for the fat burning process. A variety of products allows you to not experience much stress when losing weight. The cost of products will not exceed 2-2.5 thousand rubles. According to those who lose weight using this method, you can lose up to 5 kilograms. Some doctors advise sticking to such a diet once every six months.

The seven-day diet menu may vary. Let us give one of countless examples.

Detailed menu (option)

Breakfast throughout the week will not have much change. In the morning it is best to eat an egg, 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, and citrus. The drink can be diluted freshly squeezed juice, coffee or tea without milk and sugar.

Further, the diet will be written without taking into account breakfast.

Egg diet for 2 weeks

An egg diet for 2 weeks makes it possible to get rid of almost 10 kilograms of excess weight. The feeling of hunger on this type of diet may only be present for the first 2-3 days. At this time, the body is just rebuilding and getting used to the new regime.

Breakfasts for a two-week diet depend only on the choice of the person losing weight. It is best to eat one small grapefruit, orange or any other citrus for breakfast. 1-2 hard-boiled eggs, black tea or coffee without milk, sugar. You can replace it with a glass of diluted freshly squeezed juice.

Detailed menu

The menu for the second week could be as follows:

Monday200 grams of lean meat can be boiled or steamed. Vegetable salad. 2 soft-boiled eggs, one citrus.
Tuesday150-200 grams of fish (for example, pollock), salad of any vegetables.200-250 milliliters of low-fat kefir, vinaigrette without oil, beans and pickles.
Wednesday150 grams of cottage cheese, fat percentage no more than 5, steamed vegetables.Vegetable salad with boiled meat.
ThursdayBoil or bake skinless chicken leg and vegetables.Eggs, cucumber or tomato.
FridayLean meat can be steamed with vegetables, apple, pear or orange.150 grams of fish, tomatoes with onions or garlic.
Saturday100-150 grams of low-fat cheese, 1 piece of toast, vegetables.One type of any fruit without restrictions on quantity.
SundayBoiled meat with vegetable salad, apple or plum.You can prepare zucchini stew by adding some peas (not canned) and carrots. 2 boiled eggs, orange or other citrus.

Features of the egg-orange diet

The basis of the 4-week egg-orange diet menu is not only a reduction in the number of daily calories consumed, but also the chemical transformations that occur in the human body. If you exclude a certain product from your diet, it cannot be replaced with another.

Features of the egg-orange diet are as follows:

  • it is important to drink a lot of water during the day (up to 2 liters);
  • You need to cook vegetables and meat in water, without additional use of broth;
  • the use of salt, pepper, garlic and onions is allowed;
  • completely eliminate oils and other fats;
  • you can drink a glass of soda drink (no more than 200 ml);
  • you can drink green tea or coffee, but without sugar;
  • when you feel hungry, you can snack on cucumbers, salad or carrots, but not earlier than 2 hours after the main meal;
  • when following a diet, it is important to adhere to the established proportions;
  • dinner and lunch cannot be swapped;
  • if the diet is interrupted, you will have to start it over again, and not continue from the place where you stopped;
  • in order to increase efficiency, it is necessary to simultaneously engage in sports;
  • foods high in calories and simple carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet;
  • if there is a need to repeat the diet, it is enough to repeat the first and last weeks;
  • if the menu does not indicate the quantity of food, it can be consumed until satiated;
  • During the egg-orange diet, you do not need to take additional vitamins.

To track the effectiveness of the egg-orange diet, you need to weigh yourself daily in the morning after going to the toilet. This diet can be followed by people of all ages.

Egg diet for 3 and 4 weeks

A long-term diet can negatively affect your health, so if signs of illness appear, you should stop it immediately and immediately seek help from a specialist. This way of eating causes a lot of stress in the body, so the result may not live up to expectations.

Detailed menu

From the 3rd week the diet changes completely. Every day you can eat only 1-2 products from the list of permitted foods. In this case, eggs are excluded, and the main emphasis in the menu is on vegetables, fruits, fish or meat.

A detailed menu for the 3rd week might look like this:

  • Monday: for breakfast you can eat any fruit from the list of allowed ones. Prohibited: bananas, grapes, mangoes, dates. Throughout the day, you can eat the same foods that you ate for breakfast.
  • Tuesday: in the morning you can cook steamed vegetables (only potatoes are prohibited), any vegetable salad. For lunch and dinner - also vegetables.
  • Wednesday: all day you can eat any fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities.
  • Thursday: During the day you can eat lean fish with steamed vegetables.
  • Friday: boil or bake lean meat; it is better to give preference to vegetables during lunch and evening.
  • Saturday/Sunday: on these days you can choose one type of permitted fruit - and eat it without restrictions.

The 4th week is the most difficult period in the diet; more stringent restrictions appear here. The foods listed below should be eaten throughout the day, in any quantity. It is strictly forbidden to exclude or add anything to the menu.

  • Monday: 200 grams of any lean meat, it can be prepared in any way, for example, boiled or baked. Canned tuna without oil, 3-4 tomatoes, one small orange or other citrus.
  • Tuesday: almost no different from the diet on Monday, only citrus can be replaced with any other fruit.
  • Wednesday: 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, toast from rye flour bread, any vegetables, citrus fruits.
  • Thursday: 200 grams of chicken fillet, tomatoes, cucumbers, one type of any permitted fruit.
  • Friday: hard-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces), 3-4 tomatoes, any boiled vegetables, orange.
  • Saturday: 200 grams of boiled or steamed chicken, 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, low-fat kefir, orange or grapefruit.
  • Sunday: cottage cheese, tuna without oil, a piece of rye bread, orange, grapefruit.

The essence of the egg diet, or why kilograms disappear

Egg is one of the most nutritious foods. After all, it contains all the necessary elements for the formation of a new life.

There are many vitamins here: A, group B, E, D, K. This product is also rich in minerals: iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, calcium, potassium, etc. The egg also contains a large amount of complete protein, amino acids and many other biologically active substances.

The essence of the egg diet is that for 4 weeks eggs become the main, but far from the only, product. During the entire period of weight loss, “fast” carbohydrates are excluded from the diet: sugar, confectionery, potatoes, etc. Thus, a kind of carbohydrate starvation is created for the body.

At the same time, when eating eggs, vitamin H (biotin) enters the body, which stimulates the absorption of carbohydrates. When they are deficient, biotin begins to “take” carbohydrates from adipose tissue, i.e. fats are broken down and extra pounds are lost.

All vitamins are in the egg. More precisely, an egg contains 12 essential vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C

When eating an egg diet, fats of various origins are also excluded: both plant and animal.

The lutein contained in eggs helps you tolerate the egg diet without much irritability. Firstly, it is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the formation of toxins. Secondly, lutein supports the psychological background. Thirdly, it helps strengthen the body, making it more resilient.

From the above it is clear that the egg diet is not based on fasting and low calorie food, but on chemical reactions occurring in the body.

An important point in the egg diet is that eggs satisfy the feeling of hunger well and for a long time. At the same time, their calorie content is quite low - 80–100 kcal in one egg. And it should be noted that this product is almost completely absorbed by the body - 98%, which means that when it is consumed, no toxins are formed that prevent weight loss.

This diet allows you to lose 10–25 kg over 4 weeks: the higher the initial weight, the more kilograms you will lose at the end of the diet.

It should be noted that those people who decide to make their body contour beautiful, that is, to engage in “cutting”, can successfully combine physical activity with losing weight on eggs, since such training requires a lot of protein and few carbohydrates.

Before you start an egg diet, you should weigh the pros and cons for yourself, since each method of dealing with extra pounds has both pros and cons.

Advantages of the egg diet:

  • there is no feeling of hunger, eggs satisfy it for a long time;
  • there are many different foods in the diet;
  • there is no preparation of complex dishes;
  • a beautiful body contour is formed during physical activity.

Disadvantages of losing weight with eggs:

  • the severity of the diet, it is necessary to comply with all its conditions;
  • in the first days, lethargy may appear, because the body does not receive simple carbohydrates, which provide an instant boost of energy;
  • Allergic reactions may occur, since eggs are highly allergenic foods.

Video about this type of diet

Quitting the egg diet

Diets are always stressful for the body, so they must be completed correctly. A sudden transition to the usual type of diet almost always causes the return of excess weight. There are several universal rules that will help you get out of the diet without harm to your health. Firstly, familiar foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. This way, the risk of overloading the stomach is minimized.

Secondly, for 7 days after the diet you should continue to eat those foods that were the basis of your diet. You can’t completely exclude eggs, chicken, fish and vegetables from the menu.

Thirdly, flour and sweets should be added to the menu gradually, 2 weeks after the end of the diet.

Also, do not forget about water; maintaining water balance is simply necessary. Proper nutrition after a diet will allow you to maintain the results for some time.

Results of egg diets

The Internet is full of rave reviews about this method of losing weight. Girls claim that excess weight really goes away quickly, that over the entire period of the diet you can lose up to 20 kilograms, some sometimes write that their former fat does not return to them immediately, and even that when switching from this diet to the previous diet, the ideal shape for some it supposedly stays for a long time.

Of course, “Internet reviews” do not reflect the true picture of the egg diet. In fact, few people manage to lose 15-20 kilograms in 3-4 weeks. During the entire course, you may lose only 2-3 extra kilos, which will happily return soon after its completion. In addition, it is quite difficult to meet such a deadline, and any disruption to the process means that the entire course must be started all over again.

In general, as always when discussing diets, the issue of maintaining the weight loss results achieved by conscious dietary restrictions comes to the fore. But when this need is translated into habit, it ceases to be a problem. So why choke on already hated eggs and grapefruits week after week, only to see your previous numbers on the scales after the same number of weeks, when thanks to psychotherapeutic methods you can acquire the habit of eating right for the rest of your life?

To summarize the above, let us recall that diet is always an individual process. Without undergoing a preliminary examination by a doctor, it is impossible to say in advance what results you will have in the notorious 1-4 weeks and how these egg experiments will affect your health in general, so it is better to first discuss any idea about limiting yourself in your usual diet with a specialized specialist.

Photos before and after the egg-orange diet

Most reviews indicate the effectiveness of the egg-orange diet. According to those losing weight, they managed to lose excess weight without experiencing a strong feeling of hunger and without worsening their health. To prove the effectiveness of the egg-orange diet for 4 weeks, they attach photos before and after losing weight.

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