What is the calorie content of dates: benefits and harm to the body, composition and BZHU per 100 grams

Calorie content of dates

In total there are more than 400 varieties of these fruits. The most popular among them are the royal, Crimean and Chinese varieties. They differ from each other in size, pulp texture, and dryness of the shell. Their nutritional and energy value is approximately the same.

So, how many calories are in dried pitted dates? There are 274 kcal per 100 grams of product. BZHU for a similar weight is as follows:

  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fat - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 69.2 g.

Knowing the weight of 1 piece, it is easy to calculate its calorie content. On average, 1 pitted piece weighs 8-9 grams. It turns out that one date has about 23 calories.

Should you wash dates before eating?

If you love dates, you might find it useful to know the answer to the question of whether you should wash them before eating them. The answer in this case is clear - the dates must be well washed.

The fact is that suppliers of dried fruits, to prevent their spoilage during transportation and storage, cover dates with special protective compounds, including edible wax and preservatives that are not beneficial to health. If you do not wash the sweetness, the remnants of these compounds will enter your stomach and intestines.

Observe the following rules for washing dates:

  • dried fruits are washed in small batches, quickly, in cool water;
  • Shiny dates are washed more thoroughly. It is on such fruits that the most edible wax is deposited;
  • Place the washed dates in a colander and rinse with ice water;
  • Dry the product on a regular or paper towel, spreading it out in 1 layer.



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Berries of life, or the “bread” of the desert, nutritious and healthy dates can replace a full meal for more than a month.

Their saturation with elements gives a person the opportunity to maintain a normal level of energy and strength. Fruits grow in hot climates - Africa, South-East Asia. The most important transporter for Russia is Turkey, but Iranian campaigns are also known.

Calorie content of dates with pits

What is the energy value of fruits with seeds? It all depends on the type of product. Most often, dried, rather than fresh, pitted dates end up on our rack. They have the highest calorie content - 100 grams of sweetness account for 292 kcal.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

In dried fruits with pits (for the same volume) - 283 kcal. When taking into account the nutritional value of a product, take into account the BJU ratio:

  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 69 gr.

It is not surprising that such sweetness is somewhat difficult for children. Therefore, you should not lean too heavily on it. This can put a lot of stress on the pancreas.

When are dates harmful?

Despite the relatively low calorie content of 100 g of dates, the product should be used carefully for diabetes mellitus, digestive system problems, and intestinal problems.

For many people, dates cause such negative phenomena as flatulence, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach.

The product should be avoided if you have colitis, stomach ulcers, liver diseases, or pancreas diseases. Contraindications also include fructose intolerance and caries.

Composition and nutritional value of dates

Why are dried dates considered very beneficial for men and women, including pregnant women? The secret lies in the chemical composition - dates contain almost all useful substances:

  • sulfur;
  • nickel;
  • vitamin PP;
  • calcium;
  • vanadium;
  • cobalt;
  • chromium;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • ascorbic acid, etc.

Also, the chemical composition of Unabi, Jujube and other varieties contains tin, zinc, chlorine, magnesium, copper, boron, manganese, titanium, fluorine, aluminum, vitamin H, silicon, molybdenum, sodium, vitamin A, phosphorus and B-group vitamins . It is not surprising that such fruits are recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women and people over 40-50 years of age to strengthen the immune system and maintain health.

Dates actually reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Useful properties of dates

Dates have great benefits for the body. Regular consumption of the product allows you to:

  • normalize the process of carbohydrate absorption;
  • bring blood glucose levels into order;
  • strengthen tooth enamel, as dates contain fluoride;
  • Due to the increased concentration of selenium in dates, they are considered a good remedy for the prevention of cancer.

Dates are great for people who want to lose weight. The natural sugars and low calorie content of 100g of dates make them an excellent sweet snack that will be a healthy alternative to chocolate, cookies and other sweets.

Numerous studies have proven the positive effects of dates on the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the immune system, and activating beneficial intestinal bacteria. Doctors recommend this product for hypertension, anemia, and for removing mucus from bronchitis.

Thanks to dates, a woman’s milk production is activated after childbirth.

Daily intake of dates

Dates are an incredibly tasty fruit. But how many of them can you eat per day so that they only benefit the body? Since such dried fruits can completely cover the daily requirement of an adult for many vitamins, minerals and organic acids, you should not eat them thoughtlessly.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

The daily intake of dates for an adult is only 5 pieces. Only 2-3 fruits will be enough for the child. If you decide to thoroughly enjoy dates, then limit yourself to 300 grams per day. Otherwise, constipation may occur.

Rules for eating date fruits

To get the maximum benefit from eating tasty and healthy fruits, you need to know how, when and in what quantities you can and should eat dates.

  1. Before use, the fruits are thoroughly washed under running water and dried.
  2. You should not eat a sweet treat late at night. There should be 2-3 hours left before your night's rest.
  3. It is not recommended to mix dates with other fresh fruits. This mixture can cause intestinal upset.
  4. It is best to consume a sweet treat with tea, replacing sugar, sweets, cookies and cakes.

Helpful information! It has been proven that the best effect on the body occurs if dates are washed down with warm milk.

For children

According to most pediatricians, dates are not only beneficial for the child’s body, but also necessary.

This is a sweet treat for a child. In fact, fruits help the development of mental activity, strengthen the bone and muscle structure of the body, increase immunity, and increase the content of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

Important! Before giving sweet fruits to your child, you need to make sure there are no allergic reactions. .

For men

Royal dates have a beneficial effect on the male body. Fruits help relieve fatigue, fill the body with energy after prolonged mental and physical stress, and increase mental activity and performance.

In cases of male infertility, prostatitis or impotence, date fruits are included in the complex treatment of diseases.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, fruits are an excellent remedy for preventing miscarriages and premature births. Also, the berries contain the entire group of vitamins and nutrients that pregnant women need.

During breastfeeding, dates are also a supplier of important substances.

But, at the slightest allergic reaction, you should refuse sweet berries.

The benefits and harms of dates

The whole secret is in the unique chemical composition of the fruit. Due to the high content of various valuable microelements, organic acids and vitamins, dates help:

  • support immunity;
  • improve blood composition;
  • increase resistance to viral diseases and infections;
  • remove cholesterol deposits;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalize heart function;
  • get rid of nicotine addiction.

Among other beneficial properties of dried fruits, it is worth noting the ability to overcome cough, especially in combination with milk. They can improve the condition of sore throat, ARVI, flu, and colds. With their help, people who have suffered a serious illness recover faster.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

Also, eating dates has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and rectum. Thanks to them, you can avoid constipation and other bowel problems. The product very delicately removes toxins, impurities and other harmful accumulations. The fruits perfectly activate intestinal motility. As a result, stagnation disappears and the microflora is restored.

Dates are very useful for hypertensive patients. They normalize blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart. Another unique feature of dried fruits is the normalization of the functioning of the urinary system. The fruits effectively remove excess fluid, causing swelling to subside and heavy leg syndrome to go away.

Dried fruit also actively stimulates brain function. It actually improves cognitive function. Therefore, it is so important to include dates in your menu for those who engage in mental work. They are also recommended for use by older people, as they help prevent senile dementia.

Photo source: shutterstock.com

But despite all the benefits of dates, they can also be harmful to the body. What is the danger of dried fruit? Usually there is no individual intolerance or allergic reaction to it. However, they should be eaten with caution by people suffering from diabetes. They are very sweet and can only be eaten if you have diabetes after consulting your doctor.

Excess weight may be a contraindication to the use of such a product. Again, everything here is very conditional. Dates are a high-calorie product, so overweight people should be careful with them and not eat too much, especially on an empty stomach.

Another negative point is the ability of the fruit to leave an unsightly yellowish coating on the teeth. That is why after eating a treat you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

The glycemic index of dates is very high: fresh - 70 units, dried - from 105 to 165 units. depending on the variety.

Benefits of the product for the body

The plant has a beneficial effect on the human body of any age and gender.

Doctors highlight the following beneficial properties of fruits:

  • remove toxins and parasites from the body (it has been proven that lamblia and other helminths die in the pulp);
  • increase performance, reduce fatigue, help recover after long-term work or illness;
  • cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, normalize stool, strengthen the walls of the stomach, reduce the risk of cancer, restore microflora after antibiotics;
  • increase blood flow, normalize blood pressure;
  • resolve cholesterol;
  • improve the appearance of hair, skin, nails;
  • strengthen the eye muscles.

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Benefits of dates for men

It has been scientifically proven that the inclusion of the product in the daily diet has a positive effect on libido and potency.

In the east, it is customary to give a man a pendant or talisman with a date pit to speed up the birth of strong offspring. And Alexander the Great introduced an unspoken rule in his army - to eat 7 dates before each battle to win.

By accelerating blood flow, berries improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of developing pathology and heart attack. Microelements strengthen the nervous system, which increases resistance to stress, relieves nervousness and depression.

Benefits for women

Date is a useful companion for active women with a busy schedule. It will be an excellent snack, will replace a hearty sandwich or lunch, will give you energy and will not affect your figure. The property of the product is to quickly nourish brain cells and restore the activity of the thought process.

Fruits bring particular benefits during pregnancy: from proper formation of the fetus to filling with milk during lactation and simplifying the course of childbirth.

During menstruation, dates relieve irritability, fatigue, headaches and abdominal cramps.

Important! Berries block natural aging, tighten the skin, strengthen the skin and nails. Therefore, their regular use gives a fresh appearance.

Can children eat it?

Pediatricians recommend introducing dates into the diet of children starting at 1.5 years of age. At an early age, the child’s body may not accept them due to increased sugar content. But for older children who continue to actively develop, fruits will provide the necessary energy, a supply of vitamins, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and improve their mood.

The fruits are first carefully processed: steamed with boiling water for 10 minutes, peeled and washed again with warm water. They are introduced gradually, starting with half a berry; in the absence of a negative reaction, the volume is increased to 2-4 fruits per day.

They are added to cereal porridges, ground into purees, and cooked into compotes and jelly. You can prepare healthy sweets: jam, sweets, muffins.

Dates during pregnancy

The future mother's friend is oxytocin, which is part of the berries. This hormone stimulates the labor process, causes contractions, and increases uterine contractions. Therefore, it is especially important to introduce dates into the diet before labor begins.

But even during pregnancy, the fruits will bring many benefits. Firstly, folic acid promotes the production of new blood cells, which eliminates the development of anemia. Blood pressure increases, so even with large blood loss during childbirth, nothing will threaten the woman’s health.

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Secondly, potassium enriches the brain with oxygen and “cures” toxicosis.

Thirdly, iron, calcium and phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, strengthening its skeleton and central nervous system.

Dates for weight loss

Interestingly, these fruits are recommended both for those who want to gain weight and for those who want to lose weight.

The truth is that with increased glucose content and sufficient caloric content, dates even restore the body in cases of anorexia and rickets. Athletes use fruits to gain weight due to their high protein and protein content.

When losing weight, berries will be an excellent sugar substitute for a lover of sweets. Of course, restrictions are also introduced: no more than 5 pieces per day, consumed only in the first half of the day (after 16:00 it is strictly prohibited) 40 minutes after the main meal.

There is even a date mono-diet. Its essence lies in a menu based on fruits, herbal teas and decoctions. For 7 days, raw or dry dates are eaten 3-4 times a day in the amount of 300-400 g per day. From the 4th day, green apples are introduced. The result is up to 8 kg per week.

Calorie table for dates

If you decide to introduce dates into your diet, it will be useful to know what the calorie content of dishes containing them is. For clarity, use the table (calculation per 100 grams):

Name of the dishCalorie content (kcal)
Date coffee79
Red variety of dates250
Royal variety of dates277
Pekmez date271
Date candies418
Date cookies409
Apple date jam67
Date muffins231
Date Cake158

How to choose the right dried fruits, watch the video:

Features of dried dates

Fruits are grown everywhere, so dried fruits are considered one of the cheapest and most accessible.

There are about 400 varieties and 3 types of ripeness: harak (hard and dry fruit), rotab (soft and ripe) and tamar (dried with a honey taste and crust). The types differ in size, color, and softness.

A good date should have a matte white coating. If the peel is cracked and peeling, it means the fruit was dried unnaturally (in a chamber using chemicals). Crystallized and sticky fruits are a sign of improper transportation and storage.

Thanks to their special taste and richness, the fruit is a favorite ingredient among confectioners and culinary specialists.

They are great for desserts, sweets, pastes, jams. But in oriental cooking it is customary to add them to pilaf, salads, and serve lamb and poultry with them. Gourmets praise date infusions and compotes. And in dietary nutrition, the fruit is considered the best energy drink and sweet substitute.

Regular consumption of dates gives a detox effect. In folk medicine, decoctions are used as an antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent for respiratory diseases.

Harm to the figure and contraindications for use

Despite their beneficial properties, dates also have harmful effects on the body. In order not to cause harm to the body, you should adhere to the norm and not overeat the fruit. The main contraindications are as follows:

  1. Since dates contain sugar, diabetics should be extremely careful when consuming this fruit. In any case, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.
  2. Obese people should also be careful. Again due to the presence of sugar in dates. Those who are prone to obesity should also be careful. Overeating will lead to weight gain. People who want to lose weight or are watching their figure can eat dates as a treat and only in the first half of the day. Dates in the evening or before bed are not the best solution for your diet. In this case, you cannot avoid excess weight.
  3. The sugar content of dates negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel. After eating the fruit, a yellow coating remains on the teeth. Therefore, if you have tooth decay, it is better not to eat dates.
  4. The fruits are contraindicated for people with allergies to dried fruits. Dates, dried apricots, and raisins are quite allergenic foods, so if you feel worse after taking them, you need to visit the hospital and find out if you have an individual intolerance to these berries.

Research also confirms that it is recommended for women and men with constant headaches, migraines, pulsation in the temporal region, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sand, stones and other identified formations in the kidneys to stop eating dates.

So, dates cause harm to the human body mainly due to the sugar in their composition. To avoid health problems, contraindications should be followed.

Which dates are the healthiest?

The most useful fruits of the date palm are those that have a smooth surface, matte color, without excess gloss. You should not buy dates covered with sugar crystals, as well as those that have cracks in the skin.

Pay attention to the presence of a tail on dates.

If it is present, this is a good sign indicating that the fruit was picked by hand, which means it did not fall to the ground, get dirty or get injured.

Dates on branches

It is worth taking a closer look at the dates that are sold hanging on the branch on which they grew. This suggests that this variety is of high quality and has excellent taste and benefits.

Dates of the “Unabi” variety, originally from China, are worthy of special attention . Moreover, it is believed that not only the date fruit itself, but also its stems have the ability to cure various diseases. This variety is distinguished by its increased ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Dates for weight loss

Dates, despite their calorie content, are allowed to be consumed during the diet in a certain quantity. They help the body get all the substances it needs. Fructose and glucose, which give dates their sweetness, are easily absorbed by the body. At the same time, they do not go into fat reserves, but turn into energy.

Dates for weight loss

It is correct to eat dates 40 minutes after eating. It is not recommended to eat them from 19:00 to 6:00. You are allowed to consume approximately 10 pieces per day. these fruits, while washing them down with green tea or water. During the date diet, the amount of dried fruits eaten increases significantly.

The date diet is a mono-diet, which can be followed for no more than 5 days.

During this diet, you are allowed to consume only dried fruits and water, tea, coffee or herbal infusions for 3 days. On the fourth day, green apples are introduced into the menu. However, it must be remembered that this diet does not allow the body to receive the required amount of protein. It is necessary to avoid physical activity during the diet.

Nutritionists recommend combining the consumption of dates with vegetables and dairy products. This diet will be beneficial for the body and help you lose extra pounds. The substances found in dates will remove water from the body and replenish it with energy. At the same time, it is important to maintain a water regime and not forget about physical activity.

Dates, their chemical composition: table

Dates contain 23 amino acids, most of which are not found in other fruits. This is why dates are so valued in promoting human health.

Composition of dates

Dates contain the following substances:

  • Tryptophan: necessary for harmonious brain activity, and it also helps prevent the aging of body cells.
  • Glutamic acid: has the ability to normalize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Selenium: participates in suppressing the activity of cancer cells, and also strengthens the immune system and heart muscle.

Composition of vitamins

Dates contain vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body:

  • vitamin A (89 mcg), has a beneficial effect on the visual organs;
  • vitamin B1 (0.09 mg), helps the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the human body, releases energy necessary for physical activity;
  • vitamin B2 (0.1 mg), helps in transporting oxygen to the body’s cells, participates in wound healing;
  • vitamin B5 (0.78 mg), helps the absorption of sugars that dates contain, due to which a person gains energy, endurance and physical strength;

Dates contain B vitamins

  • niacin (2.2 mg), helps restore calm to the excited nervous system;
  • vitamin B6 (0.19 mg), helps the proper functioning of muscles, as well as their effective relaxation;
  • vitamin B9 (13 mcg), promotes the renewal of blood cells and qualitative improvement of its composition;
  • vitamin E (0.1 mg), protects body cells from aging;
  • vitamin K (2.7 mcg), strengthens bone tissue, as well as heart and lung tissue.

Composition of microelements

Dates are distinguished not only by the variety of vitamins.

The microelements contained in them are also very valuable for the human body:

  • potassium (652 mg): has a supporting effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • calcium (64 mg): necessary for strengthening bones;
  • magnesium (35 mg): normalizes blood pressure;
  • sodium (3 mg): maintains water-salt balance in the body;
  • phosphorus (40 mg): strengthens dental tissue, helps restore strength.

Note! Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals that are difficult to find in the same quantities in other fruits. Moreover, the content of carbohydrates that benefit the body in dates is twice as high as in other fruits.

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