Chest expander - training for mass strength and endurance

The chest expander is a multifunctional exercise machine with the ability to progress loads for a comprehensive workout of the chest muscles. But the very fact of training with an expander is only 50% of success. A chest expander, like any other exercise machine, will not work if the athlete:

  • He doesn't know what goal he's moving towards.
  • Uses incorrect methods to achieve the task.

Today we will look at the main purposes and methods of using this simulator.

Goals when working with a chest expander:

  • Building muscle mass.
  • Increased strength.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Keeping fit.
  • Adding variety to your core workouts.

For these purposes, we will select specific schemes that will bring results to everyone. Before you start training, decide what exactly your goal is. Otherwise, the result will not meet your expectations.

Expander for muscle growth

The program will look like this:

Exercise Resistance Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds
Raising your arms in front of you with a chest expander 40 5 10 90
Bent-over swings with a chest expander 30 5 12 60
Swings with a moderate inclination 30 3 15 60
Swings with an expander without tilting 30 3 15 60
Side bends with a chest expander 30 5 15 60

Day 2

Exercise Resistance Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds
Raising arms from behind the back with a chest expander 40 5 10 90
Standing arm extensions 30 5 12 60
Standing arm curls with expander 30 5 12 60
Pull to the chin (broach) 30 5 12 60
Side bends with a chest expander 30 5 12 60

Resistance is an individual indicator. Choose the resistance of the expander based on your capabilities, not tabular data.

The scheme is “tuned” to increase performance, work on which leads to muscle growth. For accelerated growth, we follow these principles:

  • We are working on biochemistry. We use the right food, increase the quality and quantity (if it is not enough) of sleep, perform squats without weight several times a day, which have a positive effect on testosterone levels.
  • Developing the brain-muscle connection. When performing exercises, we try to increase the load with the help of visualization.
  • We regularly increase the resistance and the number of approaches. Gradually reduce the rest between approaches (no less than 30 seconds).

How to pump up your pectoral muscles.

The pectoral expander is not a new thing. It was invented back in 1860. Of course, over more than a century it has undergone some changes, mainly the handles. They have become much more ergonomic, fit comfortably in the hand, rotate freely, do not pinch/pressure, rubber bands can be changed in a couple of seconds.

You can pump up your pectoral muscles with both rubber loops and regular rubber expanders. But with the Lifeline Chest Expander , it’s easier, more convenient, faster, more functional. The expander cables are exactly the length that is used when working the shoulder body. Plus, the harnesses can be changed, using 1, 2 or 3 at the same time, depending on the exercise, or on the desired load, or on your level of physical fitness.

Whether you train with your own weight or iron weight, your muscles will adapt over time. To move them, use an expander for the pectoral muscles, which provides inertial load.

First of all, the chest expander is designed to train powerful shoulders.

How to pump up the pectoral muscles, which exercises with a pectoral expander are the most effective - a video with the vice-president of the Lifeline company, the inventor of the Lifeline Jungle Gym - James Hiddins will help you. When performing chest exercises with an expander, it is important to remember that stretching the bands must be done while exhaling, and relaxing while inhaling. Repeat each exercise 3-4 times.

  • Basic exercises - spread your arms in front of you at chest level to the sides.
  • The same thing, but behind the back.
  • We also spread our hands behind our heads. Squeeze the handles of the expander with the back of your hands facing you.
  • Previous exercise, only with the back of your hands facing away from you.
  • Stretching the expander diagonally behind the back: one hand is pressed to the body at waist level behind the back. The other stretches the cords upward from a bent elbow position.
  • We change hands and work on the opposite diagonal.
  • We place our hands with the expander behind our back and below, stretching the expander cords through the sides, and raise them to chest level.
  • Place your left leg into one of the handles and perform biceps exercises by bending and extending your left arm at the elbow. 3-4 times per hand. Change the expander to the right leg + arm.
  • The last one is a super exercise with a chest expander for men for strength and power not only of the shoulder body, but of the whole body. Legs are half-bent, with our hands we spread the tourniquets in front of us to the sides and, maintaining constant tension, without letting them sag, we make circular movements around ourselves, first in one direction, then in the other. Body muscles work like crazy! You will understand why the chest expander is preferred by serious athletes!

With the chest trainer you will work out:

  • Pectoral muscles;
  • Shoulders;
  • Biceps/triceps;
  • Press;
  • Latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • Hips and calves;
  • Engage your neck muscles.

Benefits of a chest expander.

  • There is no additional force of gravity when performing exercises;
  • Compactness - it will not take up space at home, will not stand and collect dust. Fits in any bag. And therefore allows you to go with it anywhere and practice anywhere: on vacation, on a train, on a plane or in nature.
  • Versatility - the expander harnesses are removable, which can be easily replaced with others, increasing or decreasing the load. Or, for example, for longer harnesses in order to expand the possibilities of use in the training process.

To train, stress and grow, the best choice is a chest expander. -))

Chest expander to increase strength

Work on strength indicators is carried out according to these principles:

  • We work in a low rep range (up to 6) with maximum weight. We monitor equipment to avoid injuries.
  • We work in a limited number of exercises.
  • Rest between sets - 3-5 minutes.
  • No more than 3 strength training sessions per week. The best option is 5 workouts over 14–15 days. Strength work overloads the Central Nervous System, causing it to require more rest than the muscles.
  • We regularly increase the weight and number of approaches.

The program looks like this:

Exercise Resistance Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds
Raising your arms in front of you 60 5 4 240
Raising arms from behind the back 60 5 4 240
Bent over swings 40 3 4 180
Arm curls with chest expander 40 3 4 180
Arm extensions with chest expander 40 3 4 180

Expander for shaping a beautiful male figure

Not only the fair sex dreams of a beautiful figure. Athletic chest and sculpted arms have long been the dream of every self-respecting athlete. Simple exercises with a chest expander for men will bring every sports fan closer to the ideal of male beauty. A simulator with a maximum degree of power load is suitable for training.

Remember that you should warm up before starting so that you don’t strain your ligaments when working with the expander.

  • Secure the device behind your back, while pressing one limb in a straightened position to the body (you will have to hold it in a static position without moving), and work the other as if you were pressing a weight from the shoulder up. Repeat the push presses on each arm 10-12 times. Ideal for shoulder stability to strengthen the triceps.

  • Press one of the device handles with your foot and hold the other with your hand. From this position, perform biceps curls with a reverse grip (the technique is similar to working with a dumbbell curl). The difference is that the load on the biceps is maintained all the way from the bottom to the top. The number of repetitions is 10-12 times. You can change the grip to a classic one and repeat the movement from the beginning.

  • Press the expander from behind your head (triceps pumping). Place one limb with a handle against your thigh, and hug your head with the other. In this situation, the springs of the projectile extend from the hip further along the waist, neck and ear. Extend the arm at the elbow that you previously hugged your head up until your arm is fully extended. After 10 repetitions, change your hand and do it all over again.

  • Step on one of the handles of the machine with your foot and hold the other in your palm. Stretch the springs by bending your elbow and moving it to the side. The top point is when the elbow and shoulder turn into a single straight line parallel to the floor (to make it clearer, the forearm remains below the elbow). With the correct full amplitude, the trapezoids are included in the work.

If the exercise scheme raises questions, you can turn to photos and video materials of experienced athletes. The price of the device is relatively low; on average in Russia the cost of this equipment is only 1000 rubles. Do not underestimate the simplicity of this sports equipment, because such world sports stars as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dmitry Khaladzhi and Ivan Poddubny resorted to its services.

Chest expander to increase endurance

We use these principles:

  • We increase the amount of work done with minimal resistance and a large number of repetitions.
  • We reduce rest to minimum values. 3. We use circuit training alternately with the standard program.
  • We increase the number of approaches and repetitions. We shorten the rest.

It looks like this:

Day #1

Exercise Resistance Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds
Run 1 10 minutes 120
Raising your arms in front of you 20 7 20 45
Raising arms from behind the back 20 7 20 45
Bent-over swings with a shoulder expander 15 5 20 30
Standing arm curls 15 5 20 30
Standing arm extensions 15 5 20 30
Broach 15 5 20 30
Tilts to the side 15 5 30 30
Jumping rope 5 1 minute 45

Day #2

Exercise Resistance Repetitions Rest in seconds
Raising your arms in front of you 30 12 15
Raising arms from behind the back 30 12 15
Tilts to the side 20 12 60
Raising your arms in front of you 30 12 15
Raising arms from behind the back 30 12 15
Tilts to the side 20 12 60
Raising your arms in front of you 30 12 15
Raising arms from behind the back 30 12 15
Tilts to the side 20 12 60

We perform one approach for each exercise.

Conditions for exercising with an expander

You need to remember a few basic rules for practicing with an expander:

  • Before training with an expander, it is recommended to warm up the body muscles, because with a strong force load on an unheated body, you can get muscle injuries.
  • The load, as with any other exercise machine, must be increased gradually, moving from simple exercises to more complex ones.
  • During exercise, it is necessary to monitor your breathing and water balance in the body so that the training is beneficial and effective.

Chest expander to maintain shape

We use the principles:

  • We do not focus on the progression of loads. Work for yourself, for your own pleasure.
  • We have a specific training plan.
  • We train the whole body in one workout.

The program looks like this:

Exercise Resistance Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds
Run 1 5 minutes 180
Raising your arms in front of you 20 5 12 90
Raising arms from behind the back 20 5 12 90
Bent-over swings with a shoulder expander 15 3 12 60
Standing arm curls 15 3 12 60
Standing arm extensions 15 3 12 60
Broach 15 3 12 60
Tilts to the side 15 3 12 60
Jumping rope 3 1 minute 60

Types of expanders

An expander with rubber bands is a simulator for working out muscles. The load can be easily adjusted.

They are:

  • rubber. They are a tape with two plastic or wooden handles;
  • spring. They have two handles. Springs are most often removable. This is convenient because you can adjust the load;
  • latex - a tape that is equipped with two plastic handles and several removable harnesses, thereby adjusting the load.

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