Therapeutic fasting: all about its healing power

Ecology of health: Fasting for medicinal purposes is a procedure that belongs to alternative medicine. Its essence lies in the voluntary renunciation of...

Fasting for medicinal purposes is a procedure that belongs to alternative medicine . Its essence is to voluntarily refuse to eat food or even water for a certain period of time.

Many perceive fasting as stress, discomfort, difficult living conditions. They don’t understand why they should deliberately subject themselves to a painful test.

But this therapeutic procedure is used for preventive purposes. If you fast correctly, it will not harm the human body.

The essence of fasting

Cleansing the body of toxins, waste, tissues affected by diseases, as well as restructuring the metabolism in accordance with basic, natural programs. That is, the rejection of vicious, compensatory patterns of functioning of various organs and systems, acquired in the process of diseases and improper lifestyles, primarily the digestive, lymphatic, hematopoietic, endocrine and immune.

Proper fasting is a wonderful reboot of the body, a time for general cleaning and preventative adjustments.

What is therapeutic fasting?

Therapeutic fasting is a simple but effective way to cleanse the body by completely abstaining from food, and sometimes water, for a certain period of time. Depending on the regimen, people can undergo "treatment" from 1 day to 9 weeks.

In this case, each of the proposed fasting methods provides some features. For example, with one of them it is allowed to drink not only plain water, but also teas, natural juices, herbal infusions and even honey. Some of the programs require a complete abstinence from any drinking.

The main goal of therapeutic fasting, carried out according to all the rules at home, is to organize rest for the gastrointestinal tract with the subsequent launch of self-cleansing. As a result, all internal organs and systems participate in the process, gradually being updated.

During such a unique diet with a healing inclination, a person needs to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, for example, give up smoking or alcohol, and also switch to proper nutrition.

Instant effect after fasting

A craving for simple and healthy food, the return of bright taste sensations, a renewal of feelings, and most importantly, the heart opens: a desire to explore the world appears, an inner joy awakens that people did not experience even in their youth. Healing from various diseases often occurs. A stable healing effect, up to the disappearance of “incurable” chronic diseases, is observed after six months to a year of regular fasting and proper nutrition.

A book is not enough to describe the processes occurring in the body during fasting. This article is for informational purposes only. Therefore, we will only emphasize once again: the purpose of fasting is to cleanse and heal the body. And in this capacity, healing fasting has no competitors. The experience of hundreds of famous researchers, scientists and book authors, including the personal experience of Goltis, testify: with the help of fasting, people were consciously cured of fatal diseases. They were cured after the doctors gave up and sent them home to die, promising several weeks or months of life.

A prerequisite for fasting

Awareness of the goals of refusing food, optimism and an open heart. Loss of calm, fear of death, disruption of the physical functions of the body can turn therapeutic fasting into a hunger strike and destroy health.

The only correct motivation is cleansing the body and soul. This needs to be clearly understood.

Fasting requires proper preparation: entry and exit. For example, both before and after a three-day fast (on water), it is recommended to follow a certain diet for three days (more on this below).


Many people, having read books on fasting, begin to treat the process without due caution. Remember, any fasting is a very serious tool for cleansing the body and soul. Having made a mistake, a person can undermine his health, especially if he allows fear into himself. Therefore, I do not recommend fasting for more than 7 days on water without the supervision of a fasting specialist or doctors. Another case is if you were left without food by force, for example, lost in the mountains or forest. As a survival specialist, I can say with confidence that any untrained person can maintain life, the ability to move and perform simple work, even after two weeks without food. You just need to rely on the will of the Creator and perceive forced fasting as a temporary test. You need to be grateful for this opportunity, pray, and see in what happened a lesson from above that you can do.

Medical fasting: benefits, timing, basic rules and contraindications

“Therapeutic fasting is an effective method of unloading, renewing and cleansing the body of waste products, however, independent fasting, without following strict rules and recommendations, can be harmful to health. During fasting, an active process of renewal and “zeroing” of all body systems occurs. Experiencing a deficiency of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, diseased deformed cells cannot survive; they die first. It is in this principle of autophagy that the secret of the effectiveness of fasting in the prevention and treatment of cancer lies. The same process explains the increase in immunity after fasting.

Fasting is useful for:

  • balancing hormonal levels,
  • cleansing and balancing the gastrointestinal tract,
  • normalization of pressure,
  • cleansing the circulatory system,
  • unloading the nervous system.

The appearance also changes for the better. Extra pounds go away, the skin glows and evens out, hair and nails become stronger. Contrary to stereotypes, during food fasting, energy, activity and performance increase.

I recommend the practice of “dry” fasting, that is, abstaining not only from food, but also from water. This method, contrary to the opinion of ordinary people, is easier to tolerate and gives a greater effect. Do not think that the body will suffer from a lack of nutrients during periods of famine. Correct healing hunger implies:

  • thorough preparation of the body with saturation with minerals and trace elements,
  • supporting the body with special activators (seeds, oils) during immediate refusal of food and water.

Please note that preparation and recovery from hunger remain particularly important stages of the technique. You should not self-medicate. The entire procedure must be carried out under the supervision and control of an experienced specialist.

Absolute contraindications to hunger remain:

  • type 1 diabetes,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period.

In all other cases, the technique is useful, but requires an initial consultation with a doctor.

The preparation stage can take up to two weeks. During this time, work is being done on eating habits and cleansing the body. The diet is normalized, a person receives the necessary minerals and trace elements with food, and “food waste” is eliminated. Intestinal cleansing and antiparasitic therapy are performed.

Then comes the period of hunger itself. Let us remind you again: during the entire fasting stage, the body is fed with activators, oils and seeds, which are prescribed by the doctor. The specific dosage and diet are determined strictly by a specialist. With proper preparation, “dry hunger” does not cause discomfort and is easy and effective.

The period of “dry fasting” is individual, agreed with the doctor. Usually takes no more than 3 days.

The first stage of recovery from “dry hunger” is “water” hunger. The body is saturated with fluid. There is an active release of toxins. This period must take at least 8 hours. It is absolutely forbidden to eat anything during these first hours.

Finally, the way out of hunger ends with a transition to fish, bone broths (the so-called keto diet) or immune cocktails. Again, each patient is unique, so only the doctor selects nutrition based on the characteristics of each individual.”

In the first stage, energy is obtained from glucose stored in the liver and muscles

Every person has faced such fasting. To do this, it is enough not to eat for half a day or to train at the limit of strength. No changes in the body, except for an increasing feeling of hunger, occur at this stage.

When all glucose reserves are used up and no food is supplied, a new scheme for obtaining energy (endogenous nutrition) is launched: the body begins to extract nutrients and energy from sick and damaged cells. It is this second stage that is most important in fasting and allows you to get rid of toxins, diseased cells, parasites, harmful bacteria and viruses.

During the second stage of wet fasting, you may experience weakness, drowsiness, headache, pain in the joints and organs, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat; on dry - heat in the body. Depending on the state of health and the type of fasting, this stage can last from three to thirty or more days. This is how the body can have enough energy for a long time from the breakdown products of metabolism and accumulated toxins and poisons.

At the same time, the body begins to cleanse itself of accumulated waste and toxins over many years, which, like toxic waste, were stored in the connective tissues of the body, on the intestinal walls, and in fatty deposits.

Therapeutic fasting

The greatest cleanser, but not a cure for disease, is physiological fasting . By fasting correctly and wisely, a person is able to break out of the shackles of age. By fasting, you help nature remove waste products and poisons accumulated in the body.

Therapeutic fasting is the only method of cleansing the body and rejuvenating it, because it is the natural way of nature itself. And all the critical articles about fasting were written by people who have never missed a meal in their lives.

We know firsthand that many people, when cleansing the body, are treated by fasting, that there are even medical centers where they are treated by fasting under the supervision of qualified doctors.

And yet, despite this, the word “hunger” scares us, since our psychology is not prepared for it. But fasting has been familiar to humans and animals since time immemorial. For primitive people this was the only method of treatment. Centuries passed, man starved when he was wounded or sick, because the instinct of self-preservation told him so. True, it should be noted that along with fasting, medicinal plants were also used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Therapeutic fasting is not only the oldest of all means of combating illnesses, but also the best, since it has no side effects. This is the most natural way to cleanse the body.

From ancient history we know that since those times fasting has been used by adherents of Eastern religions and representatives of ancient civilizations. Fasting was then practiced not only to restore health and preserve youth, but also for spiritual enlightenment. The great Pythagoras believed that only a forty-day fast could cleanse and enlighten the mind to such an extent as to perceive the depths of the teaching about the mysteries of life.

You must always remember that health must be earned. It cannot be bought.

The third stage comes when everything unnecessary and ballast in the body has already been “burnt”

And the body has to get energy by eating healthy cells in those body systems that have little effect on survival as a whole. At this stage, muscle mass begins to decrease, for example. We do not recommend taking it to this stage!

The last stage is destructive.

In this case, vital tissues and organs begin to be thrown into the firebox. As a result, the person dies. The exception is observed among highly spiritual people who simply no longer need food.

Fasting consists of three stages: entry-fasting-exit


The entrance to fasting is a gradual rejection of heavy, difficult-to-digest and downright unhealthy foods (canned food, pasta, fried potatoes and meat, cakes...) in favor of healthy and easily digestible foods (fresh vegetables and fruits). It is recommended that the entry time be the same as the fasting itself. If you are planning a one-day fast on water, it is better to “sit” on a fruit and vegetable diet for a day before it. If you plan to go three days without food, the transition from meat/potatoes/porridge to fruit can be extended over the same period. It is important to remember that entering a fast correctly helps increase the effectiveness of the cleanse, but is not mandatory.


As already mentioned - a voluntary refusal of food (and sometimes water) for a day or more in order to cleanse the body and soul. During this time, you can live an ordinary life. But it is important to remember that being in nature, among pleasant people, contemplating the beauty of the world, bright thoughts, positive emotions, prayers help to tune the body and soul into a cleansing mode. Here you need to be honest with yourself. Some people, due to their acquired qualities, can usefully fast anywhere, including in the city. For others, you need a change of scenery - to go to a beautiful place, at least to a village. If you need to leave the city, change your social circle, give yourself this gift.


Coming out of fasting is the most important stage, during which the cleansing processes continue/complete, and the body’s metabolism adapts to familiar or new eating patterns. With long periods of fasting (more than 7 days), a gradual correct exit becomes vitally important, much more important than the fasting itself. Since the wrong way out can not only negate the results achieved during the fasting process, but also lead to death. Therefore, the duration of the fast should at least be equal to, or better yet, exceed the duration of the fast itself.

Dry fasting

Dry fasting offers complete abstinence from liquids. Even oral hygiene is prohibited.

Mild dry fasting allows for bathing, dousing and showering. In the case of the hard method, you cannot even wash your hands.

The dry fasting method assumes the possibility and necessity of losing weight, building muscle mass and getting rid of diseases.

The benefit of this method of fasting is that fat is effectively burned in the shortest possible time. In addition, bacteria and viruses need water, and without it they die. Therefore, any illness goes away.

In the absence of water, cells stop dividing and healing occurs. The duration of dry fasting depends on the degree of the disease.

If it is used for about two weeks, then only strong and healthy cells survive in the body, weak ones damaged by disease die.

If you choose this technique, the result will not take long to come. There are a number of negative aspects and complications .

First of all, there is an overload of the nervous system and brain. In addition, anhydrous fasting cannot occur without withdrawal symptoms, lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness.

Types of fasting

"On the Water"


Water fasting is very simple. You simply don’t eat anything and drink plenty of clean water. The more and the more often you drink, the more intense the cleansing occurs.

When water enters the body, but no food enters, a program of total “flushing” of all organs and systems is launched. After all, all the necessary conditions appear for this. Firstly, water is an ideal solvent. Secondly, the body does not have to spend a huge amount of resources on digesting food and neutralizing waste. Therefore, the body begins to “open up” the burial places of toxins, which previously, due to a lack of resources, including chronic dehydration, simply did not have time to utilize and remove. So don’t be surprised that after a couple of days of “wet” fasting, your desire to drink may noticeably increase.

But the process of endogenous nutrition during wet fasting does not immediately start at full capacity, in comparison with “dry” fasting - the priority is given to flushing the body.


You can fast on frozen, melted, distilled and spring water without salts. You cannot go hungry on mineral water. The fewer salts and inorganic acids are dissolved in it, the easier it is for such water to dissolve and remove toxins and poisons. Its temperature should preferably be below 10 degrees Celsius.

You need to drink as much as possible, at least 2-3 liters per day. For example, you can drink 1-2 glasses 7-10 times.

It is recommended to take a dip and shower.

Types of fasting

Therapeutic fasting at home for weight loss can be different; you should first familiarize yourself with the different options.

Depending on time

The most popular is intermittent fasting, which directly depends on the time of day. The most common scheme is 16\8 or 14\10. The numbers indicate the number of hours per day when you should abstain from food completely. There is also a 24/0 method, when you can eat for 24 hours and fast the second.

Depending on the fasting method

There are many different autophagy techniques, which scientists are still arguing about, figuring out their effectiveness, benefits and harms.

  • Full or water . Involves abstinence from food and unlimited water consumption. The goal is to achieve the so-called ketoacidotic crisis, which occurs 5-7 days after the start of the process.
  • Absolute or dry . As the name implies, during this period, refusal not only from food, but also from drinking is indicated. This is a very dangerous technique, as dehydration can occur, and death is quite likely within 5-7 days. Therefore, such fasting is practiced exclusively under the supervision of a doctor for 1-2 days, no more.
  • Combined . It is a symbiosis of the first and second options, for example, 1-2 days of water, then 1 day of dry, and so on according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

Did you know?

  • To restore calcium, you need to eat cottage cheese and red pepper throughout the day.
  • Freshly squeezed juice does not lose its beneficial properties for 30-60 minutes - vegetable juice, a little longer - fruit juice.
  • Berries are also useful in winter: frozen or dried. Dried is preferable.
  • The bread can be unleavened or unleavened lavash, or dried (crackers).
  • Butter is useful, but not during fasting.
  • Caviar with bread is fine.
  • You can have pancakes without eggs, without yeast.
  • After holidays/weddings, when everything is mixed, the next day we either eat fruits/berries or go hungry.
  • Instead of meat, you can put mushrooms/beans in borscht.
  • St. John's wort is a very strong herb, drink no more than three times a year for no longer than a week.
  • If you overeat, you want to drink and sleep.
  • Porridge with dried fruits (including muesli, etc.) is not allowed, it causes fermentation. But you can have berries with oatmeal.
  • You can buy stevia at the pharmacy - a sweet plant that replaces sugar.
  • It is important to chew carbohydrates (porridge, bread, berries, fruits) for a long time; you can chew meat for a short time.

"Dry" fasting

Most biochemical processes in the body require water. When precious liquid stops coming from the outside, the body begins to look for it inside the body, redistribute it and save it. And there is water! By priority, first the liquid is extracted from the tissues in which inflammatory processes occur (naturally, the inflammation itself is healed!). Further, water is removed from harmful organisms - parasites, bacteria, viruses (all these uninvited guests are destroyed!). Next comes the turn of the cells of your own body: unhealthy, sick, damaged. Then old and weakened cells are used. As a result, only the healthiest and most viable cells survive, which, after the end of fasting, begin to divide, forming healthy, renewed tissue.

One day of dry fasting is equivalent in effect to three days “on the water”.


“When foreign substances are burned, it is as if a fire is lit in every cell. On day 4-5 it feels like your body is just burning. There is no need to be afraid of this. There is no other way to remove parasites and foreign substances from the body in such a short time. And this is the priority of dry fasting. It is especially useful to fast in beautiful, clean places - in the Carpathians, on Lake Baikal, in the Crimea in the spring, when the sea is fresh and rested. In terms of its impact, such fasting is simply incredible! People bathe in the morning dew, plunge into ice-cold water, receiving a colossal mental recharge. Three days of dry fasting in such places of grace and exercise “impulse” can be equated in terms of health-improving effects to 20 days of fasting on water in a city.”

Life during fasting

Physical activity

During fasting, it is recommended to do exercises using the “Healing Impulse” technique and the “Squeeze” complex. The deeper you penetrate all the systems of the body, the more effective the cleansing processes will be due to the force of compression of the intercellular space.

Mental activity

You can think effectively while fasting. Due to the suspension of processes associated with the assimilation and digestion of food, despite some lack of energy, the body has enough resources for any thought processes. Often the mind works more clearly and sharply, and better concentration is achieved.


As practice shows, most people's creative potential increases, new ideas appear, old ones are rethought, energy and time are acquired for their implementation.


During fasting, long-standing illnesses may worsen and various pains may arise. You need to understand that this is a common occurrence. All this must be endured and rejoice that the body was finally able to pay attention to solving these problems. Arrhythmia during fasting is normal. May cause blocked ears. Can twist joints. The only thing that cannot be tolerated is a severe headache. If it intensifies and does not go away, you need to stop fasting.

Weakness and rest

Feeling weak is common during fasting. There is no need to be afraid of her. Weakness is a beneficial factor. This is evidence of the inclusion of deep cleaning processes. Naturally, if weakness appears, it is better to rest, walk more in the fresh air. But remember, even with severe weakness, the body always has resources and with a strong-willed effort you can switch the body to intense activity.


“After the first day of fasting, almost all people develop bad breath. This is a completely normal phenomenon and it means that cleansing of the body has begun. Also, on day 2-3 of fasting on water, 80% of fasting people feel weak. On the 3rd day of dry fasting, 99% experience colossal weakness: some feel nauseous, some vomit, some have twisted knees. And if you don’t understand that weakness, first of all, is the most beneficial phenomenon for the body, then you can get scared. Remember, weakness is evidence that the body is using all its strength and internal reserves to solve primary problems related to restoring health. The work of the gastrointestinal tract takes up to 70-80% of the body’s total energy. As soon as food does not arrive, a signal immediately goes off that you can direct all your efforts to solving the most important problems - miraculous healing. Feeling weak does not mean that the body is left without strength. Anyone who has tried fasting for several days knows a simple confirmation of this. As soon as a person decides that he will go out, power immediately appears. Just from the realization that he will drink the first mug of water! The body is preparing to redirect its forces from cleansing to normal activities. That is, weakness goes away when, thanks to thoughts, the body switches to another mode. The body has enough accumulated resources to function without food for 20 or 30 days. Therefore, weakness on the 3-4th day only means that all forces, all resources are thrown into cleansing the body.”

Therapeutic fasting: how to do it correctly

The process is indeed extremely stressful for an unprepared body. In order for it to bring only benefits, you should strictly follow the rules that doctors have developed just for such cases:

  • You need to prepare in advance; three or four days in advance, you should consistently reduce your consumption of animal products to zero.
  • Before the start of autophagy, it is better to give up baked goods, dairy and fermented milk products, and exclude fatty foods, even when they contain vegetable fat.
  • It is also advisable to reduce the amount of food, switch to fractional meals in tiny portions 5-8 times a day.
  • On the contrary, the amount of liquid you drink should increase before starting therapeutic fasting.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages should be avoided a few days before entering autophagy.
  • The correct way out of fasting is very important, otherwise it can be fraught with serious health risks.

Psychological attitude

It is extremely important to maintain a cheerful, optimistic attitude during the procedure, otherwise all attempts may simply go to waste. The brain will actively instruct you to stop hunger and return to your normal lifestyle, because its main task is to maintain the vitality of the body.

It is worth developing your own motivation, setting your own goals, for the sake of which you will move forward, despite all attempts to lead you astray. It’s good when family, loved ones, are on the side of the person losing weight, they support him in everything, but even if not, just one like-minded person is enough to make it much easier to overcome the hardships of autophagy.

Preparatory procedures

  • 3-4 days before the start of fasting, the diet consists exclusively of a plant-based menu.
  • It is advisable to reduce the amount of food.
  • You need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  • Under no circumstances should you eat too much in advance, as this will lead to disastrous consequences.
  • On the first day of fasting, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema, and if autophagy is intermittent, then take a laxative to speed up the process of cleansing the intestines.


You can fast for one or several days. It won't hurt to do an enema every day. You can only drink clean water without gas; you will have to give up food completely. Activity should be regulated according to your own well-being. If you feel weakness, dizziness and headaches, as well as other unpleasant symptoms, you should reduce your physical energy expenditure to a minimum.

The right way out

Depending on the chosen method, the correct way out of therapeutic fasting may differ slightly:

  • Dry . After completion on the first day, it is permissible to drink several glasses of water, in small sips and portions. It's good to take a cool shower several times a day. The next day, it is permissible to introduce fermented milk products, broths, and only after that boiled or steamed vegetables. The usual diet can be used no earlier than after a week.
  • Water . Here everything is accordingly, that is, as long as the hunger strike lasted, the way out of it will last the same. From the very first day, you can introduce low-fat kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk, then broths and vegetables, but you can try fish or meat only by day 4-5.
  • Interval . The exit process is identical to the first two, however, it can go much faster and it is possible to return to the usual menu already on the 3-4th day after fasting.

Useful tips

  • During fasting, it is recommended to engage in a set of physical exercises using the “Healing Impulse” method, but if the weakness is severe, do it in unloading mode.
  • Best time for fasting: 2nd and 4th phases of the moon; It is good for believers to combine fasting with fasting.
  • If you fast for one day, then on Friday, if you fast for 3 days, then Wednesday-Friday.
  • Remember, the greater the bodily weakness, the stronger the cleansing. If the weakness is great, it is better to lie down without any exertion (refraining even from reading books).
  • Brush your teeth without toothpaste.
  • You can't take hot baths.
  • Do not stand up abruptly - you may feel dizzy.
  • It is very useful to douse or plunge.
  • During fasting, the following are allowed: increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia (change in heart rate) and bad breath.
  • If desired, you can do an enema before and during fasting (except for dry fasting) no more than 2 times a day.
  • When you come out of fasting, clean your tongue with a spoon, chew thoroughly and spit out 2 apples. Slurp when chewing.

Your first fasting experience

Easy and accessible – 24 hours

The structure is very simple

  1. One day we eat fruits and vegetables. If desired, we drink herbal teas with honey and lemon, freshly squeezed juices - this will be the entrance.
  2. The second day is the actual fasting, during which you can only drink water. As soon as you feel hungry, drink half a glass of water.
  3. Wait until evening and go to bed. The most important point here is not to eat anything before bed.
  4. In the morning, enjoy your first 24 hour fast!
  5. Enjoy tea with honey (sugar is not allowed!). All day long, discover the taste of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
  6. From the next day you can return to your usual diet.

We recommend getting your first serious experience of fasting (for example, three days dry) at a week-long practical seminar using the “Healing Impulse” method: in nature, in a circle of like-minded people, under the supervision of certified instructors. For you, this will become the basis for proper fasting at home.

Therapeutic fasting at home

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The main goal of therapeutic fasting is to increase a person’s performance, rejuvenate the entire body, restore its protective barriers, which will significantly improve its health, help remove toxins and excess fat deposits.

For those who are looking for a way to regain their health, it is useful to know how to properly apply therapeutic fasting at home, its indications, pros and cons.


We do not recommend fasting without competent individual advice from an experienced specialist! Violation of schedules, sequence, and quantity of foods consumed (especially when coming out of fasting) can cause harm to your body.

It’s better not to fast at all than to do it incorrectly or thoughtlessly! Take care of your health!

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Basic recommendations

To organize the correct way out of fasting, you need to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Organize fractional meals
  2. Expand your diet with new products gradually.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  4. Try to rest during the day (sleep or just lie down) for at least 2 hours.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, avoid stress, breathe fresh air, move more.
  6. If any side effects or complications occur, do not attempt self-medication, but seek medical help.

The rules for the recovery period after fasting are in many ways similar to exiting weight loss diets. The more accurately you follow them, the faster the body will adjust to its previous diet without harm to health.

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