How conditional fasting went according to Marva Ohanyan, reviews and results of cleansing



Naturopaths say that the path to health lies through cleansing the body. The method of conditional fasting developed by Marva Ohanyan will help clear it. Cleaning can last 7, 14, 21 and 42 days. The duration depends on the degree of contamination of the body, the quality of the person’s preparation for fasting and his willpower.

This is interesting! Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan is a naturopathic doctor and biochemist. She has 45 years of experience in laboratory and medical treatment work. Marva Ohanyan was born in 1935. But, despite her advanced age, she looks cheerful and lively. This is a shining example of what anyone can achieve if they learn to eat right and cleanse their body regularly.

How the technique works

Marva Ohanyan believes that all diseases develop from poor nutrition. It clogs the body, and every day it gets worse and worse. Therefore, the cure for all ailments must begin with cleansing. The best way to do this is through dry fasting. But Marva understands that not everyone can afford to give up food and water completely. To practice such abstinence a person must be well trained. Therefore, she recommends starting your recovery with conditional fasting.

The body spends up to 90% of energy on digesting food. The remaining 10% is spent on work and restoration. If you refuse to eat, the body will transfer all its forces to cleansing and healing.

During hunger, the production of leukocytes responsible for immunity decreases. At the same time, sick and damaged cells begin to be utilized. By the time you come out of starvation, there are no more “wrong” cells left in the body. And with the resumption of nutrition, the production of immune cells begins with triple strength. This contributes to a sharp increase in immunity, which becomes able to overcome even the most persistent diseases.

This is interesting! This technique is called conditional fasting because during it you are allowed not only to drink (herbal infusions and juices), but also to consume a lot of energy (in the form of easily digestible honey).

Thanks to this, the body takes a break from processing heavy foods (fat and protein), but receives nutrition and vitamin substances.

The essence of Marva Ohanyan's method

Let us recall that in 2021 the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine and Physiology was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi, who studied the processes of autophagy (that is, natural regeneration). And from that moment on, the fasting nutrition system became the main diet, trend and new healthy lifestyle postulate. People began to look for fasting schemes that would allow them to both cleanse their bodies and lose weight.

Marva Ohanyan, the author of the conditioned fasting method, is a candidate of biological sciences and a general practitioner. For a long time she worked in Armenia at resorts, then moved to Krasnodar. In her books, Marwa popularizes natural therapy, but her most famous work is her own fasting system.

What is the fasting technique according to Marva Ohanyan:

  • The source of almost all diseases is poor nutrition, so healing must begin with cleansing.
  • The best assistant in cleansing the body is dry fasting, but this tactic is not for everyone, so beginners should start with conditional fasting.
  • During dry fasting, you cannot eat or drink; the body, according to theory, lives at this time on endogenous water formed as a result of the metabolism of adipose tissue. At this time, the body absorbs nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: this creates an internal “factory” for the production of amino acids. Each cell turns into a mini-reactor for burning its own waste.
  • Conditional fasting (that is, not direct) is life on liquid nutrition, herbal teas and freshly squeezed filtered juices. In the absence of digestive processes, the body is intensively cleansed of waste and toxins, but the cells receive nutrition. Although not entirely familiar.
  • The body spends up to 90% of energy on digesting food. If you refuse to eat, all the body’s forces are redistributed to cleansing and restoration.

As Marva Ohanyan herself tells about her method, you will learn from the video:

Here is a list of the main theses of Marva Ohanyan’s theory. But if you decide to lose weight using this system, all its points need to be considered in detail.

What you need while fasting

For conditional fasting according to Marva Ohanyan’s method you will need:

  • Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate preparation);
  • Esmarch mug for enemas;
  • Warmer;
  • Vaseline or other lubricant;
  • A lot of honey (Marva uses 6 liters in 21 days);
  • Soda;
  • Sea salt;
  • Tangerines;
  • Grapefruits;
  • Lemons;
  • Juicer;
  • Strainer;
  • Thermos;
  • Medicinal herbs for preparing an infusion that cleanses the body.

List of herbs for fasting according to Marva Ohanyan (all should be dry):

  • Peppermint herb;
  • Oregano herb;
  • Plantain leaves;
  • Melissa herb;
  • Chamomile color;
  • Agrimony grass;
  • Knotweed grass;
  • Motherwort inflorescences and grass;
  • Marigolds (color);
  • Valerian root;
  • Sage herb;
  • Nettle leaves;
  • Horsetail herb;
  • Cut grass;
  • Thyme herb;
  • Coltsfoot leaves.

The recommended amount of each herb is 50 grams.

Conditioned fasting according to Marva Ohanyan, our experience

Video “Fasting according to Ohanyan, our reviews”

Three days later, after my combined spring fasting ended, I decided to try another method and cleanse the body according to Marva Ohanyan.

I’ve been reading about it for a long time, heard reviews from other people, and besides, the author of the method, Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan herself, came to our settlement with her lecture and for communication. So there was an opportunity to get to know her, ask questions about the topic and get qualified answers from the original source.

This time my wife Yana joined me!

True, the full course according to Marva Ohanyan’s conditional fasting scheme consists of 21 days, but we decided to make a shortened version of 7 days. I think that a week on herbal decoction will also bring benefits!

How to prepare a cleansing infusion

Prepare the infusion that Marva recommends drinking during fasting as follows:

  1. Mix medicinal herbs taken in equal quantities;
  2. Pour boiling water over the enamel pan (so that the boiling water you pour later does not transfer much heat to the metal);
  3. Put 4-5 tbsp in it. l. medicinal collection;
  4. Pour a liter of boiling water;
  5. Let sit for 1/3 hour;
  6. Strain and pour the drink into a thermos (it’s better not to drink it cold).

Subsequently, 20-25 ml of lemon juice and 10-15 g of honey should be added to each glass of the drink.

Description of the Ohanyan technique

Marva Ohanyan advises starting conditioned fasting with a 7-day regimen. Abstaining from heavy meals for a week will allow the body to cleanse itself and significantly strengthen the immune system. But this is not enough to get rid of chronic diseases. Therefore, the number of “hungry” days should be gradually increased. Marva's personal record is 42 days.

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Important! Conditional fasting according to the Marva Ohanyan method should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. A sharp and prolonged refusal of food for an unprepared person can result in an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Preparatory stage

No special preparation is required, since the technique does not imply complete abstinence from food. But you should start cleansing a day before abstaining from food. To do this the night before:

  1. Dissolve 1 g of Epsom salts per kilogram of body weight in 250 ml of warm water (for example, at 120 kg - 120 g, 70 kg - 70 g).
  2. Drink the solution and lie on your right side. Do not put a pillow under your head.
  3. Place a hot heating pad wrapped in a towel on the right side of your abdomen (where the liver is) for 1 hour. Instead of a heating pad, you can use a plastic bottle.
  4. Within an hour, drink 3 glasses of herbal infusion, to which lemon and honey are added.
  5. When 1 hour has passed, get up and start walking.
  6. Before bed, drink another 3 glasses of infusion.

Magnesium sulfate has a laxative effect.

Therefore, in the evening you will want to visit the restroom several times.

7 day fasting plan

The day after cleansing the intestines with magnesium sulfate, fasting begins. The technique also includes cleansing enemas in the morning. Do them as follows:

  1. Pour a solution prepared by mixing 2 liters of warm water, sea salt (10-12 g) and table soda (5-6 g) into Esmarch's mug;
  2. Take a knee-elbow position;
  3. Treat the tip with lubricant and insert it into the anus;
  4. After all the liquid has entered the intestines, empty it;
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 2 more times.

After the cleansing enema, take a hot shower. The optimal duration of water procedures is 15-20 minutes.

With a 7-day fasting scheme, you need to cleanse your intestines daily at 6-7 am. And also drink 1 glass of healing infusion with honey and lemon juice every hour (a total of 3 liters should be consumed per day). This is where the variety of diet ends.

During fasting, a coating forms on the tongue. It must be removed with a damp brush and baking soda.

14 day fasting plan

During a 14-day fast according to Marva Ohanyan, a severe runny nose begins. Mucus with purulent contents flows from the nose. But this does not require abandoning the health of the body. You only need to clear your sinuses three times a day. Cyclamen juice is suitable for this, which can be prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the cyclamen tuber.
  2. Grate it on a fine grater.
  3. Place the mixture in several layers of gauze.
  4. Squeeze out the juice.
  5. Collect the juice in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for up to 10 days.

The procedure for cleansing the nose is unpleasant, but very important. After it, you will no longer suffer from colds, including ARVI and flu. And it needs to be done as follows:

  1. Dilute cyclamen juice with boiled, cooled water. For 1 part juice you will need 10 parts water.
  2. Lie on your back.
  3. Place 1 drop of solution into each nasal passage.
  4. Lie in this position for 10 minutes.
  5. Get up and drink 400-600 ml of infusion.
  6. Bend forward so that your head almost touches the floor, and stand there for 2 minutes.
  7. Get up and wash your face with hot water.
  8. It is advisable (but not necessary) to inhale with essential oils of fir, mint or eucalyptus.

The fasting pattern from days 8 to 14 changes slightly. Basic moments:

  • Every morning - a cleansing enema;
  • In the morning after cleansing the intestines, as well as at lunch and before going to bed, cleanse the nose with cyclamen juice;
  • During the day (hourly) - drink 3 liters of infusion;
  • If necessary, clean the tongue from plaque using soda.

Advice! If it is difficult for you to drink the same infusion for the second week, you can supplement your diet with juices (only citrus fruits for now). In this case, during the day you need to consume 3 liters of medicinal infusion and up to 1 liter of juice. But if it’s not too difficult, hold out this week without juice.

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21 day fasting plan

The conditional fasting scheme from 15 to 21 days is not much different from the previous one. Required:

  • Continue giving morning enemas;
  • Clean your tongue;
  • Drink the infusion hourly (daily dose – 3 l).

If there is no more discharge from the nose, then you can stop cleansing it. Otherwise it needs to be continued.

From day 15, Marva Ohanyan recommends starting to drink citrus fruit juices (if you have not already started drinking them last week). You can drink up to 5 glasses of grapefruit and tangerine juice per day.

42 day fasting regimen

When fasting according to a 42-day pattern, the same procedures are followed. But in addition to citrus fruit juice, you can include others in your diet. Both vegetable (beetroot, carrot, pumpkin) and fruit (apple, pear) juices are suitable for this. But they must be prepared immediately before use. Drinking store-bought drinks is not allowed: they will again clog the body.

Liver cleansing - the final stage of fasting

Conditional fasting should be completed by cleansing the liver according to Moritz. Typically this procedure requires 6 days of preparation. But fasting itself is already preparation. Therefore, you can cleanse the liver of hard deposits both after a 7-day and after a 42-day regimen. In the first case, cleansing should be carried out on the 8th day, and in the second - on the 43rd.

To cleanse the liver, prepare:

  • 6 liters of apple juice;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Epsom salts;
  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • 150 ml citrus juice.

Step-by-step cleaning instructions:

  1. Starting from day 3 (if you cleanse on the 8th day) or from day 35 (if you cleanse on the 43rd day), drink 1 liter of apple juice per day (6 days in total).
  2. On the 6th day, have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with added butter and sugar. The consumption of fruits and their juices is allowed.
  3. For lunch the same day, eat a bowl of rice cooked with steamed vegetables. After this you can't eat anything else.
  4. At 6 pm, dissolve the Epsom salts in 750 ml of water and divide the solution into 4 equal doses.
  5. Take your first dose.
  6. at 8 pm take the second dose.
  7. If the intestines have not cleared by half past nine, help him do this with an enema.
  8. After cleansing the intestines, mix citrus fruit juice with olive oil.
  9. At 10 pm, drink a mixture of oil and juice in one gulp.
  10. Lie on the bed with your back down so that your head is higher than your body, and do not move. When you have the urge to go to the toilet, you can stand up, but after that, take your previous position.
  11. At 6 am the next day, take the third portion of the solution.
  12. At 8 am - the fourth.
  13. At 10 am, take 200 ml of fruit juice.
  14. At 11 a.m., have a light snack.

In the evening your liver will be absolutely clean.

Breaking out of fasting

Returning to your previous diet should be gradual in order to maintain the beneficial effects of abstinence. An approximate scheme for overcoming hunger:

  • First 4 days. It is allowed to eat only pureed fruits without heat treatment. You need to continue drinking the cleansing infusion, but reduce its amount to 600 ml per day. You can eat three times a day: at 11, 15 and 19 hours. Portions should be small: from 100 to 150 ml.
  • From the 5th to the 14th day. You can add pureed vegetables to your diet. Particularly useful will be: beets, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, onions and any greens. You can prepare salads from greens, seasoned with lemon juice and sour cream.
  • From the 15th to the 45th day. The use of vegetable oil is allowed. Salads can now be made not only from green vegetables, but also from root vegetables.
  • From the 46th to the 60th day. The yolk of 1 egg is introduced into the diet. It should be consumed raw every day.
  • From the 61st to the 90th day. You can include porridge cooked in water in your diet. They need to be seasoned with vegetable or butter. You can now make soup from vegetables. You can eat it with sour cream.

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Attention! The above scheme for breaking conditional fasting according to Marva Ohanyan is suitable for a 42-day scheme. If you chose a different scheme, then reduce each of the stages of exit by the same number of times, how many times less you were hungry.

3 months after breaking the fast, it is advisable to repeat the course of recovery.

Marva Ohanyan lymph cleansing. Method of cleansing the body according to Marva Ohanyan (theory)

Marva Vargakshakovna believes that the best cleansing for the body is fasting, a temporary refusal of food. The theory of fasting as a healing method has long been known among doctors. It is based on the fact that we spend almost 90% of our energy on digesting and assimilating food.

When the body is freed from this need during hunger, it immediately begins to spend all its energy on restoration and cleansing. During fasting, you can completely restore the functioning of entire organs and systems, and completely cure many diseases.

During hunger, the production of immune cells - white blood cells - decreases. But diseased and abnormal cells begin to be actively processed and utilized. And when a person begins to receive nutrition again, immune cells begin to grow with triple strength and natural immunity is very quickly renewed and strengthened. This allows you to defeat many infections and diseases of the body.

Why not just starve?

But Marva Ohanyan also says that modern man, weakened by an unhealthy lifestyle, chemical-laden food and poor ecology, is often unable to tolerate a complete refusal of food.

Hidden sores are revealed, exacerbations of chronic diseases begin, and many simply “give up”, ending hunger ahead of schedule... A modern person with a low level of health must approach the issues of improving health through hunger, with caution and gradually.

One of these options for gradual and careful cleansing can be called the technique of Marva Ohanyan, which she called “conditional fasting.”

Conditioned fasting.

We do not take any food, but constantly drink a herbal mixture of cleansing, choleretic, diuretic and sedative herbs with the addition of honey (energy) and lemon juice (vitamins). This allows you to simultaneously relieve the body from the constant digestive process and nourish and cleanse it.

With this diet, hunger is practically not felt, and you can exist in this mode for quite a long time. Adherents of true fasting (when the body completely switches to endogenous nutrition) often criticize Marva Vagarshakovna for this technique. But her results, or rather the results of her patients, indicate the high effectiveness of this method.

The only drawback, for me personally, was the requirement to do daily cleansing enemas. Now, based on personal experience, I would not use this technique, but would immediately switch to complete fasting, even dry fasting. These methods are more physiological and effective, but the body must still be prepared for them. Moreover, both physically and psychologically.

Therefore, if you have never cleansed or practiced fasting, but want to overcome any disease, it is quite possible that the method of cleansing the body according to Marva Ohanyan is exactly what you need!

How to eat after cleansing the body

If, after conditional fasting, you return to your previous diet, the body will again become polluted. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat right. To do this, Marva Ohanyan calls for changing the usual diet:

  • Eliminate “heavy” foods from it. These include fish, meat, their broths and cottage cheese.
  • Stop eating store-bought bread. Bake it at home with flour mixed halfway with bran.
  • Don't eat fried foods. Do not heat-treat vegetable oils.

Vegetable oils contain many healing substances, including vitamin E.

But when frying, the benefits are lost. Remember that oils obtained only by cold pressing are beneficial for the body.

Contraindications to fasting

Fasting is a very risky practice. With the wrong approach to abstaining from food, chronic diseases may worsen and new ones may develop. Therefore, not everyone should fast.

The diet according to Marva Ohanyan’s method is not suitable if the following diseases (conditions) are established:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypersensitivity to products and herbs that are used during cleansing of the body according to Ohanyan;
  • Severe diseases of the heart, liver and urinary system;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum;
  • Helminthiasis;
  • Hypo- or hyperthyroidism;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of fasting. Perhaps in your case the technique can only worsen your health.

Fasting according to Marva Ohanyan instructions. A little about the author

Marva Ohanyan is one of the most famous Armenian women of the present time. For almost 40 years, she has been traveling around the world giving lectures on a healthy lifestyle and the problem of slagging in the body. He permanently resides in Krasnodar, where to this day he continues to receive people who dream of getting rid of their illnesses without drugs and surgeries. Judging by the many grateful reviews, her technique really works and helps a huge number of sufferers.

Ohanyan offers cleansing of the body through fasting, juice therapy and herbal medicine, which results in miraculous healing from more than 50 diseases. Among them, by the way, there are some that even official medicine cannot get rid of. We are talking about diabetes, allergies, infertility, etc. Marva had many patients whom doctors refused, recognizing the situation as hopeless.

Despite the title of a traditional healer, she is not one. In fact, Marva Vagarshakovna is a general practitioner, naturopath, biochemist, and candidate of biological sciences. It was this education that allowed her to develop her unique program. She managed to combine everything useful for human health that was created before her: in her system she relies on such famous personalities as Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, Herbert Shelton, Yuri Nikolaev. She summarized their works and derived a formula for eternal youth. He sets out his methods in books, which sell in large quantities. Among the most popular are “Golden Recipes for Naturopathy”, “Practitioner’s Handbook”, “Golden Rules of Natural Medicine”.

Marva Ohanyan voices her goal in all interviews and begins each of her lectures with it: teaching absolutely all people (regardless of their age, gender, social status) the rules of natural nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and drug-free disease prevention.

Gold words. One of Marva Ohanyan’s phrases has become a catchphrase and is heard more and more often in television programs about a healthy lifestyle: “Death comes from the intestines!” The naturopath is convinced that a person’s well-being depends entirely on what he eats.

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