Scandinavia on the table. Swedish diet: menu for 7 days, reviews and results

Sweden is much closer than it seems, and a culinary trip to Scandinavia promises to be tasty and healthy.

The succinct word “diet” means a well-thought-out diet with special rules aimed at reducing or normalizing weight or improving health.

There are two main types of diets. The first is a healthy diet. Its goal is to normalize the overall health of a person. This technique may limit the consumption of certain foods after surgery, or during an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

The second type of diet is more common and is associated with excess weight. The percentage of people suffering from obesity is already approaching 40%.

In the first case, the diet is selected by the doctor. In the second, if a person does not consult a nutritionist, he chooses the diet himself.


Some diets have contraindications. First you need to study the possible negative aspects. Otherwise, you can strike a blow to your own health.

Types of restrictive nutrition

If necessary, the choice is rich, all that remains is to figure out what each of the diets presented is and settle on the appropriate one. Here is a small part of the existing techniques.

  • Mono-diet. One product is allowed, usually certain fruits, vegetables, and juices. Weight loss is achieved quickly and the effect is noticeable, but such a system is dangerous due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. You cannot stay on such a diet for a long time.
  • Protein diet. It allows the consumption of more than 100 products. The effect is achieved by limiting fats and carbohydrates, as well as using reasonable physical activity. The body is forced to process fat, due to which weight loss occurs. The diet is difficult mentally and physically, it has a lot of contraindications, including diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, stomach, and kidneys.
  • Mediterranean. The diet includes seafood, vegetables, fish, olive oil, red wine. Excludes dairy, animal fats and starch products. Losing weight goes smoothly, without stress.
  • Fasting days. An alternative to traditional diets. A person's menu does not change radically. Once a week the body takes a break from heavy and junk food.

Methodology from Sweden

The fruit of the work of Scandinavian scientists and nutritionists allows those who want to quickly and safely lose excess weight.

The Swedish diet, like the Dukan diet, contains protein, but is more gentle compared to the second and does not cause as much physical inconvenience and psychological torment.

It is not based on strict prohibitions, but on a balanced diet. Products that are frankly harmful to your figure are excluded:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • soda;
  • instant porridge and noodles;
  • pasta;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, factory sauces;
  • sausages;
  • baking;
  • canned food;
  • bread;
  • sugar;
  • chocolate and cocoa.

The Swedish diet includes potatoes, which are prohibited by most other diets. The diet also contains plenty of seafood and fish of various types. However, it is desirable that the fish is not fatty.

In addition to canned food, salted fish should be removed from the menu. It interferes with the removal of water from the body and slows down weight loss.


As mentioned earlier, any diet has a number of contraindications. The Swedish diet is no exception.

  • Intolerance to foods included in the menu.
  • Increased acidity.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Allergy to milk and dairy products.

If you have digestive problems or gastrointestinal diseases, consult a competent doctor before losing weight the Scandinavian way. This will protect you from unwanted consequences.


A few days before starting the diet, give up junk food and bad habits. Drink more water. This will make it easier to start a diet; the body will not have to readjust.

Features of the Danish and Stockholm diets

The Stockholm diet, which has the same basis as the Danish diet, is called the “7 petals” diet. Each petal is a day when one category of food is consumed: cereals, fermented milk, vegetables, fruits, fish, meat. The last day is a fasting day, spent on the water.

Both diets are effective and give good results in losing weight, but the Swedish and Stockholm diets have contraindications. It is prohibited to follow such a diet if a person is diagnosed with:

  1. An allergic reaction to certain foods that are the basis of the diet.
  2. Congenital lactose intolerance.
  3. High stomach acidity.
  4. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  6. Kidney disease - high amounts of protein can negatively affect the condition and functioning of these organs.

Many nutrition experts believe that a result of -7 kg per week is too rapid, so they recommend dividing the weekly diet into 2 groups of several days, so that there is a short break between them.

If there is a need to repeat the 7-day diet, you need to take a mandatory break of 1 month. It is important to remember that the process of losing weight requires a comprehensive approach, therefore, in addition to following a diet, you need to exercise regularly. If you don't exercise, rapid weight loss will cause your skin to sag and stretch marks to appear.

Advantages of the method

The indisputable advantage of the Swedish food system is the absence of hunger, and therefore, suffering. The body does not experience stress from a lack of vitamins, microelements and energy. After the diet, he will not have the need to fill his bins due to stress, as is the case with many starvation diets, when after losing weight the kilograms return to their place, sometimes with interest.

There is no hunger, suffering, or shame for wanting to eat something “forbidden.” Plus, toxins are removed from the body.

In the 7 days that the Swedish diet is designed for, your metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the condition of your skin, hair and nails will improve. In 7 days on the Swedish diet you can lose up to 7 kg of weight. But most often this figure is still less. Weight loss occurs smoothly, which means there will be no sagging skin or stretch marks. The diet can be repeated after a few weeks.

Reviews of those losing weight

Many people who are losing weight really liked the “7 kg - 7 days” diet. The reviews are mostly positive, but there are also negative points. Most women complain that such a nutrition plan is quite complicated, especially on drinking and protein days. But at the same time, some were able to lose 7 kg in 7 days. The diet has forced many to completely give up sugar and salt in the future. In this case, maintaining weight will not be difficult. There were also those who failed to lose 7 kg in 7 days. The diet simply did not have the full effect on them. This can be explained very simply. Weight loss due to the removal of fluid from the body is no more than 10% of the total body weight. That is, if your weight is in the range of 90-100 kg, then losing 7 or more kilograms in a week is quite possible. But if your weight is less than 70 kg, then most likely you will not be able to lose 7 kg in 7 days. The diet is actually effective, but under certain conditions. According to the majority, it is important not to break down, because a week is quite a short time.

Diet preparation

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, the beauty of the Swedish diet for 7 days is that you can easily replace a product that you do not like or cannot tolerate with one of similar nutritional value and calorie content.

Consider the general rules for preparing and eating food. Do not use polished cereals to prepare porridge. Only whole grains contain the full range of microelements and vitamins.

You can eat poultry meat, but you cannot eat the skin. Milk, dairy and fermented milk products must have 0% fat content.

Fruits are sour or semi-sweet. Vegetables are okay, but don’t go heavy on starchy ones. In cooking, you can use natural, mild spices without additives or flavor enhancers.


Bran is good for weight loss, especially oat bran. Bran deceives the stomach, reducing the feeling of hunger, and helps cleanse the intestines. Be sure to drink a glass of water.

Swedish diet reviews

The 6 Petals Diet is an effective diet developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. This diet has allowed thousands of European women to lose tens of kilograms! Johansson’s “flower” technique continues to fight against extra pounds today, winning more and more fans among women who dream of losing weight. A diet that has helped thousands of women around the world! The effect of the diet on extra pounds is really impressive! Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people who lose weight achieve maximum weight loss. The average daily weight per day ranges from 500 to 800 grams. In general, adherents of the “6 petals” diet manage to lose the “coveted” 10-15 kg in just a couple of weeks! 6 days – 6 mono-diets – 6 flower petals The 6 petals diet continues for six days, during which the person losing weight will follow 6 special mono-diets, successively following each other. The first day is the first mono-diet, the second day is the second, the third is the third, etc. The action scheme of “Six Petals” is based on the sequential alternation of mono-diets. According to nutritionist Anna Johansson, who created this method for losing weight, a 24-hour mono-diet is the nutritional system that best gets rid of extra pounds. The “6 petals” diet is the easiest and most joyful diet. Indeed, the “6 petals” diet has earned the highest reviews from women losing weight! And this is connected not only with its high efficiency in relation to extra pounds. Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, developing this technique, sought to psychologically support women losing weight. She gave her diet a subtle floral twist by visually depicting her menu in the form of a hand-drawn flower. By this, Anna is trying to say that her diet will help not only quickly get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain her health, mood, and a positive outlook on herself. After all, even the most effective weight loss program will be ineffective if it brings discomfort and depression to a woman, says Dr. Johansson. In order to involve someone losing weight in a game in which each new day will bring him a sense of self-satisfaction and self-respect, the nutritionist suggested cutting out your own flower from paper, like the one shown in the picture above. It is not even necessary that the paper layout resemble a “daisy”. You can depict a tulip, lily, orchid, after all... The main thing is that your flower has 6 petals, which you will sequentially... tear off. Cut out your flower from paper and tear off one petal after each day spent on a diet! Yes, yes, by tearing off one paper petal every day, you will feel that this day was not in vain for your figure, that your willpower has overcome all the “delicious” temptations! Be sure to label the petals as shown in the picture above to avoid confusion! Of course, whether to cut out a paper flower or not is your personal choice. However, according to data from women surveyed who used the “6 Petals” diet, the best results were achieved by those who hung a hand-carved flower on the refrigerator door. So, we recommend that you take the advice of the popular nutritionist Anna Johansson and plant a “diet” flower in a prominent place! How does it work? The principle of the effect of the “6 petals” diet on excess weight is very simple! Its secret lies in the direct physiology of our digestion, says doctor Anna Johansson. Firstly, any mono-diet is essentially compliance with the rules of separate nutrition. By consuming a product prescribed in a specific “petal,” i.e., day of the diet, you do not mix elements that are incompatible with each other and are detrimental to your figure. For those who don’t know, substances slow down the rate of digestion, resulting in the formation of proteins, fats or carbohydrates, which, without having time to be digested, are converted into subcutaneous fat. In the “6 petals” diet, there is no simultaneous consumption of different types of foods, therefore, says Anna Johansson, the possibility of additional weight gain is excluded. Secondly, says the Swedish nutritionist, daily mono-diets provoke rapid weight loss due to monotonous nutrition throughout the whole day. As studies conducted by the European Center for Weight Loss show, a mono-diet lasting no more than 25 hours has the most aggressive effect on extra pounds. This happens due to some features of our digestive system, or more precisely, thanks to its specific organ - the liver. As you know, the liver is a storage facility, a kind of refrigerator for the whole body. It stores various substances that the body does not “yet” need. In other words, this digestive organ keeps many nutrients in reserve. Remember, the key word here is “many.” Each day of the “6 petals” diet is accompanied by a certain mono-diet, following which, the person losing weight will consume one specific product: chicken, cottage cheese, fish, etc. The liver, which was discussed above, as well as the whole body, is already satiated at breakfast boiled chicken meat and...begins to wait for a new food source with a different chemical composition. After all, do you remember that the key word for the liver is “many” nutrients? But, friends, you will not consume any other foods during the day, because this is a daily mono-diet! Thus, the following effect is achieved: the body, expecting something “new,” digests chicken meat (cottage cheese, fish, fruits, etc.) almost “in vain,” practically not using its energy value. However, in order to function, it requires a source of energy. Fortunately for those who are losing weight, this source will be their own fat reserves, i.e. extra pounds. Subcutaneous fat will be consumed quite quickly, starting in the middle of the day. So you can imagine how much fat deposits can be burned with just one “petal” or with one daily mono-diet of the “6 petals” method. Thirdly: another important feature of the diet that allows you to effectively lose weight is the scheme of protein-carbohydrate alternation. Judge for yourself: 1 day - fish mono-diet - pure protein diet; Day 2 – vegetable mono-diet – pure carbohydrate diet; Day 3 – chicken mono-diet – pure protein diet; Day 4 – cereal mono-diet – pure carbohydrate diet; Day 5 – cottage cheese mono-diet – pure protein diet; Day 4 – fruit mono-diet – pure carbohydrate diet. Protein-carbohydrate alternation is one of the foundations for the success of the “6 petals” diet! As you can see, every day there is a change from protein to carbohydrate nutrition. This tactic allows you to “deceive” the body, forcing it to consume fat stored in the body, and at the same time not feel carbohydrate (energy) starvation. As for the fatty component of the diet of the “6 petals” diet, it is represented exclusively by healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (fish, cottage cheese, chicken meat), which cannot replenish the human fats consumed in the diet. Therefore, such fats are classified as dietary fats, and are present in the diet solely to balance the diet. So, let’s summarize the main features of the “6 petals” diet, which allow you to quickly and effectively lose weight: Protein-carbohydrate alternation provokes weight loss by using the body’s subcutaneous fat reserves. Principles of separate nutrition that help you lose extra pounds at an accelerated pace. One-day mono-diets that allow you to effectively “burn” fat deposits. The lack of symbiotic digestion will prevent even the slightest weight gain. Follow the sequence of “petals”! In the “6 petals” diet, it is extremely important to follow the specified sequence of mono-diet: 1 day – Fish mono-diet 2 day – Vegetable mono-diet 3 day – Chicken mono-diet 4 day – Cereal mono-diet 5 day – Curd mono-diet 6 day – Fruit mono-diet Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, who developed the diet “6 Petals” states that you need to follow the diet in the order in which it is indicated. You should not swap the menu, and, for example, on the 3rd day carry out a cottage cheese mono-diet instead of the prescribed chicken diet! The fact is that each mono-diet mentioned above plays its own role in the weight loss process. In addition, the “6 petals” technique, as an effective tool for getting rid of extra pounds, uses a protein-carbohydrate alternation scheme. And this once again proves that you should never change days! Otherwise, you will violate the weight loss program provided by the “6 Petals” diet and its famous creator, nutritionist Anna Johansson. In addition, each previous menu prepares the body for the next day's menu. This happens as follows: The fish mono-diet on the first day slightly “lulls” the body’s vigilance, supplying it with a significant amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids, in fact, are healthy fat, which, due to its composition, is not able to be converted into subcutaneous fat deposits. In addition, fish is the most easily digestible protein of all existing types. Even turkey protein is inferior to it in its dietary properties. Thus, a fish mono-diet, with a small amount of calories per day, will not only bring a significant weight gain, but will also prepare the body for a plant-based vegetable diet due to the high content of high-quality protein. A vegetable mono-diet prescribed to a person losing weight on the second day will further reduce the calorie content of the daily diet and enrich the body with healthy plant carbohydrates, which, due to their structure, provide a small amount of energy at a significant cost for their digestion. Since the body requires additional energy to process them, it reduces the number of its own fat cells. Thus, in one day of a mono-diet you can lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight. Vegetable mono-diets are even more effective if they are preceded by a purely protein diet. In the “6 petals” diet, only fish products were consumed the day before, which corresponds to pure protein foods. The chicken mono-diet will replenish protein reserves in the body. Since on the previous day the person losing weight followed a vegetable mono-diet, all the protein “eaten” along with the chicken will be spent without a trace on strengthening your muscles, and will in no way replenish the body’s fat reserves. Feeling a lack of carbohydrates, your metabolism will again adjust to receiving energy from the fat cells of the body, which will be reflected in a significant weight loss over a given day. The sequence of all six days of the diet is thought out in as much detail as possible! The cereal mono-diet is also rich in carbohydrates, which help the body lose weight. Cereals, having a fairly hard shell, are difficult for the stomach to digest. Digesting them takes a lot of effort and time from the digestive system. The body will make up for the missing energy, as in the case of a vegetable mono-diet, from its own fat reserves. Since on the previous day the person losing weight followed a chicken mono-diet, the complex carbohydrates of cereals will almost entirely be used to replenish glycogen reserves. Therefore, the body, again, will have to take the energy necessary for life activity through the use of subcutaneous fat tissue. The cottage cheese mono-diet on the fifth day will replenish the missing reserves of minerals depleted over the previous 4 days. At the same time, cottage cheese, being a low-calorie source of high-quality protein, will be almost completely broken down into essential amino acids, since its composition is closest to the “ideal” protein. Thus, the “curd” protein will not be converted by the liver into glucose, which will not be able to supply the body with energy. As a result, your metabolism will again have to turn to the stored extra pounds that you are so eager to get rid of. The fruit mono-diet on the final, 6th day of the diet is designed to provide the body with complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides. Polysaccharides contained in fruits are difficult to digest by the human gastrointestinal tract, requiring huge doses of energy. Where do you think this energy will come from? Well, of course, from your fat reserves. It turns out that you are losing weight again! As you can see, every day of the “6 petals” diet is thought out in as much detail as possible! All 6 days are links in one chain, one consistent and effective weight loss program. “Therefore, under no circumstances alternate them at your own discretion!” warns nutritionist Anna Johansson. Diet menu “6 petals” Day 1. Fish mono-diet. It is allowed to eat any type of fish, boiled, baked or stewed. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Fish soup (without potatoes and other ingredients except herbs) and fish broth are allowed. Day 2. Vegetable mono-diet. It is allowed to consume any types of vegetables raw, boiled, baked or stewed. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Vegetable juices are allowed. Day 3. Chicken mono-diet. It is allowed to eat chicken fillet (breast) boiled, baked or stewed. You can use salt and mild seasonings, herbs. Chicken broth is allowed. Day 4. Cereal mono-diet. It is allowed to consume any types of cereals, cereals, sprouted seeds, sunflower seeds, grain breads, bran, and fiber. You can use salt and herbs. Kvass is allowed. Day 5. Curd mono-diet. It is allowed to consume cottage cheese, low-fat or with a low percentage of fat. Milk is allowed. Day 6. Fruit mono-diet. It is allowed to eat any type of fruit, raw or baked. You can use spices such as cinnamon, vanillin, lemon zest. Fruit juices without sugar are allowed. The “6 petals” diet prohibits the consumption of sugar and sugar-containing products! Sugar should be eliminated throughout the diet, both in food and drinks. Drinking regimen involves drinking clean drinking water, green or black tea. It is advisable to reduce the amount of coffee. After the six-day period has expired, the course of the “6 petals” diet can be started again. From the site Lose weight quickly and effectively


The Swedish diet has a ready-made menu designed for 7 days of the week. You can follow the traditional order, you can change the “days of the week” at your discretion. Or you can create your own menu from products recommended by Scandinavian nutritionists.

To create your own diet, you need to pay attention to several rules.

  1. We eat three times a day. If hunger overcomes you, you can have a snack - an unsweetened apple or citrus fruit.
  2. Porridge should be eaten for breakfast. It is in the morning that the body needs recharging in the form of carbohydrates. Scandinavian nutritionists offer buckwheat porridge. The energy charge is enough for the whole day.
  3. We eat fish, cheese and vegetables in the middle of the day to stay active.
  4. In the evening - fresh or stewed vegetables, eggs or fish rich in Omega-3, unsweetened fruits. You can even eat a couple of potatoes for dinner.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids - 1.5-2 liters of water, green tea, natural juices, rose hips, herbal tea. But the priority is clean water without gas.

Self-selection of a set of products for a diet is more suitable for experienced cooks. Here they will be able to show imagination and creativity so that the diet becomes a pleasure and a source of pride.

But in order to lose weight the Scandinavian way, you don’t have to invent anything - experts have thought out the Swedish diet menu for a week, which does not require either culinary skills or large financial expenses. All that remains is to trust their professionalism and consume the recommended products by day of the week.

The first day.

In the morning, buckwheat porridge cooked in water. A glass of milk. In the afternoon, cheese and salad of tomatoes, green sweet peppers and onions. In the evening, beets with sour cream, boiled potatoes (no more than three pieces). A small slice of bread is allowed.

Second day.

In the morning, porridge and milk, as on the first day. In the afternoon, boiled fish (250 grams). Vegetable salad or sliced ​​vegetables, potatoes (two pieces), milk. Evening meal is a couple of hard-boiled eggs, cabbage salad with onions and lemon juice.

The third day.

Milk, whole grain bread (one slice), low-fat cheese for breakfast. For lunch, boiled fish; if desired, it can be replaced with chicken without skin. Vegetable salad or stewed vegetables. Replace milk with apple juice. In the evening we treat ourselves to mashed potatoes and cheese with a slice of bread. For dessert milk.

Day four.

Two toasts and apple juice for breakfast. In the afternoon we have lunch with buckwheat porridge and boiled beef. For dinner, 150 grams of rice porridge, tomato and onion salad. Warm milk.

Day five.

In the morning, one orange or grapefruit, replace milk with low-fat yogurt. For lunch, one hundred grams of mashed potatoes and a steam cutlet of poultry or lean meat. Tea without sugar. In the evening fruit, apple juice.

Day six.

A glass of milk, buckwheat porridge for breakfast. For lunch, eat one hundred and fifty grams of potatoes and lean meat. For “sweet” apple and citrus. In the evening, salad of cabbage, cucumber, onion and bell pepper and boiled rice.

Day seven.

Rice porridge with a glass of milk for breakfast. For lunch, boiled fish and potatoes. Dessert in the form of orange juice and apple. A grilled chop, a slice of bread and a salad will complete the diet. You can drink green tea.


Exit the diet carefully - do not immediately jump on previously prohibited foods. The body needs to stabilize; don’t put it under new stress and the weight will stick.

Menu for seven days


  • Breakfast: milk buckwheat – 250 ml.
  • Lunch: hake in tomato – 200 g; salad of bell peppers, tomatoes – 100 g; Cup of tea.
  • Dinner: beet salad – 150 gr.; two small fish cutlets.


  • Breakfast: milk buckwheat – 200 ml.
  • Lunch: salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and shrimp – 200 g; salmon steak baked in foil; fresh carrot.
  • Dinner: 2 egg omelet; one sweet pepper.


  • Breakfast: whole grain sandwich with butter and cheese; orange or apple juice.
  • Lunch: grilled chicken – 200 gr.; vegetable slices – 150 g; tea.
  • Dinner: baked potatoes with sunflower oil – 2 tubers; Caesar salad - 150 g.


  • Breakfast: toast with honey; a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: Greek salad - 200 g; fish cutlet; vegetable fresh
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots and raisins – 200 gr.; milk with honey.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk; orange.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes – 200 gr.; fish meatballs – 2 pcs.; salad of seasonal vegetables (or fresh vegetables).
  • Dinner: natural yogurt; fruit and berry salad.


  • Breakfast: milk buckwheat – 250 ml.
  • Lunch: salad with salmon - 250 g; Orange fresh.
  • Dinner: pike perch soufflé – 200 gr.; vegetable salad – 100 g.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with berries – 250 gr.; fruit smoothie.
  • Lunch: vegetable stew – 200 g; a glass of juice.
  • Dinner: cod baked with herbs – 200 gr.; one tomato; a cup of green tea.

During the day, “snacks” in the form of berries, grapefruit, and a handful of nuts are allowed. You need to drink a lot.


Yana 38 years old:

“The diet lasted a week, my weight dropped by 2.5 kg. I didn’t take before and after photos, but I can say that I was pleased with the result and I can only leave positive reviews about the Swedish diet. It was difficult to give up buns for tea, but you can eat meat, fish, eggs, cereal, cheese, fruits and vegetables. I felt light in my body, there was no dizziness or nausea. The diet paid off."

Svetlana 25 years old:

“I was a little overweight, 3 kilograms. I chose the Swedish system for its balanced diet; it took almost no getting used to. It’s easy to do the exercises - I went to the pool. The feeling was good, there were no failures. Three kilograms were gone in a week and did not return - one year passed.”


The Swedish diet is an opportunity to get rid of 2-7 kilograms of excess weight. It all depends on the accuracy of following the rules and the initial weight.

The diet is simple and does not threaten serious consequences, because there is no heavy load or stress. Products for it can be found in any store or market.

The safety and effectiveness of the Swedish diet is evidenced by excellent weight loss results and reviews from doctors. The result will be much better if you take a contrast shower, exercise, or go to the bathhouse or sauna.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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