Drinking diet for 30 days: reviews and results

Features of the drinking diet

A drinking diet is a method of losing weight, the essence of which is to switch to eating only liquids. Here are the characteristics of this diet:

  • Duration
    30 days
  • Efficiency
  • Difficulty
    is high
  • Diet variety
    is average
  • Rating
  • Cost
    ~6000 rub.

The diet according to this method consists of juices, smoothies, broths, and fermented milk drinks.

Within 30 days of the diet, the body will be completely cleansed. During the first 10 days, the internal organs are cleansed: the stomach, small and large intestines and gall bladder. These days, a coating on the tongue may appear. It must be cleaned with a toothbrush. The second 10 days are characterized by cleansing of the liver and kidneys. There may be discomfort in the area of ​​these organs. In the final 10 days, the body will be cleansed at the cellular level.

You definitely need to watch your stool. It must be regular. Otherwise, you will have to use laxatives.

Nutrition rules for this method

  • During the day there should be five meals of liquid food at regular intervals.
  • The volume of food should be no more than 250 milliliters.
  • It is prohibited to drink carbonated drinks and alcohol. They contain a lot of sugar and increase appetite.
  • The last meal should be three hours before bedtime. This will allow the body to digest food before bed.
  • This diet should not be neglected. Losing weight using this method is allowed once a year.
  • The drinking diet must be accompanied by the intake of vitamin complexes and fish oil.

It is very useful to arrange fasting drinking days once a week all year round. A fasting day will allow the body to remove “food waste” and improve metabolism.

Results of the drinking diet

The results of the drinking diet are impressive. In 7 days you can lose five kilograms without causing damage to your health. You can lose ten to fifteen kilos in a month.

Many doctors consider a drinking diet harmful to the body. And they suggest instead observing fasting days five to six times a month.

But reviews about the drinking diet of ordinary people are mostly positive.

The diet can be repeated only after a year, i.e. it can be followed no more than once a year.

When following a drinking diet, you need to pay close attention to the condition of the body; if the body does not accept the diet, give it up.

If you follow this diet, you may not have “daily bowel movements.” In this case, you should consume more fermented milk products and water. If there is no bowel movement for more than three days, then you need to gradually exit the diet.

After finishing the diet, you can see a decrease in your waist size by about six centimeters, your lower abdomen by about five centimeters, your hips by about a centimeter, and your hips by about three centimeters.


This diet has contraindications that should not be ignored. If you have at least one of them, then you should not lose weight using this method. Here is a list of contraindications:

  • The presence of serious chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (this could be an ulcer, gastritis, high acidity).
  • Chronic liver diseases.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and excretory system.
  • Elderly and adolescence.
  • Tendency to swelling.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In any of these cases, consult your doctor.

What is a diet exit and why is it needed?

Any drastic changes in nutrition do not go unnoticed by our body. Everyone reacts to them differently, but if you listen to your own feelings, you can notice the reaction of internal organs and systems, and it is not always positive.

Attention! A sharp transition from solid food to liquid food primarily affects the digestive processes. If you have been eating unhealthy foods for a long time, then such changes may be perceived as a forced hunger strike.

The body does not know that you have good intentions, it only understands that it is receiving several times fewer calories than before. Gradually he adapts to the new food system, since it does not change for a whole month.

As a result of a decrease in daily calorie intake, metabolism slows down. The digestive system no longer needs to digest large amounts of food, so it unloads and works “part-time.” If, after completing the diet, you abruptly return to your previous diet, and even more than compensate for all the hungry days, then the gastrointestinal tract simply will not have time to rebuild.

Metabolism will remain slow for some time, so the digestive system will work to the detriment of its owner - excess food will be deposited in the form of adipose tissue.

For this reason, some people, after completing a drinking diet, are horrified to realize that the lost weight comes back again.

The right way out can prevent such consequences. A gradual increase in daily caloric intake will help smooth out the next dramatic changes in the nutrition system, so the achieved result will be consolidated for a long time. If you follow all the recommendations, then by leaving the drinking diet for 30 days you can lose a few more kilograms, which will only improve your general condition and create the foundation for further work on yourself.

List of permitted drinks

You cannot eat while losing weight on a drinking diet. Only drinking is allowed. Here is the list of permitted drinks:

  • of clean drinking water during the day .
  • Vegetable or meat broth . It is prepared by cooking lean meats or vegetables. Broths are prepared without adding salt and spices.
  • Natural juices and smoothies . You need to squeeze them at home yourself. Store-bought juices are not suitable due to their high sugar content. You can squeeze juices from fresh vegetables and fruits. You can use the TOP 15 most effective smoothies for weight loss.
  • Fermented milk drinking products . You are allowed to drink low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, and sugar-free yogurt.
  • Tea without sugar is allowed in any quantity.
  • Unsweetened compote . You need to prepare it yourself from any fruits and berries. You can cook dried fruit compote.
  • Kissel without sugar . This drink satisfies hunger very well.
  • Cream soup . To prepare it, you can boil any fruits and vegetables. And then beat them in a blender.

As we can see, the diet is varied. But the calorie content of the drinks is not high. Therefore, loss of strength may occur.

It is important to remember that the consumption of permitted drinks is not limited. There are restrictions only on fermented milk products. You are allowed to drink it no more than four times a day.

How to follow a drinking diet

If you were overweight before following the diet, then three days before starting the diet, reduce your daily caloric intake to 1200 kcal.

Allowed drinks

  • homemade broth,
  • beef, fish, vegetable, chicken broth,
  • freshly squeezed vegetable juice or fruit juice,
  • unsweetened tea,
  • compote,
  • jelly,
  • liquid dairy products with a fat content of no more than two percent.

Menu for the week

Here is a drinking diet option for a week. After eating according to this method for 7 days, you will be able to understand whether this method of losing weight is suitable for you or not.

Monday/milk dayMilk (skimmed) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200gRyazhenka (low-fat) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200gKefir (low-fat) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200g
Tuesday/soup dayVegetable puree soup from broccoli and carrots – 200gFish soup puree – 200gChicken broth – 200gFish soup puree – 200gVegetable puree soup from broccoli and carrots – 200gFish soup puree – 200g
Wednesday/vitamin dayFreshly squeezed carrot juice – 250mlFresh berry compote (no sugar) – 200mlFresh orange – 300mlFresh berry compote (no sugar) – 200mlFreshly squeezed apple juice – 250mlFresh berry compote (no sugar) – 200ml
Thursday/holidayBerry jelly – 250gFruit jelly – 250mlBerry jelly – 250gFruit jelly – 250mlBerry jelly – 250gFruit jelly – 250ml
Friday/vitamin dayFresh orange – 300mlDried fruit infusion – 250mlFresh cucumber 250mlDried fruit infusion – 250mlFreshly squeezed apple juice – 250mlDried fruit infusion – 250ml
Saturday/ cleansing dayOatmeal cleansing jelly – 250mlOatmeal cleansing jelly – 200mlOatmeal cleansing jelly – 250mlOatmeal cleansing jelly – 200mlOatmeal cleansing jelly – 250mlOatmeal cleansing jelly – 200ml
Sunday/milk dayMilk (skimmed) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200gKefir (low-fat) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200gRyazhenka (low-fat) – 200mlYogurt (low-fat) – 200g

On all days, in addition to the given drink, you need to drink up to two liters of water. This is a mandatory condition of the diet.

Rules for quitting the drinking diet

We all want the results of losing weight to stay with us for a long time and the lost kilograms to never return. To do this, you need to exit the diet correctly and very carefully.

Therefore, the following rules must be observed:

  1. During the first week after the diet, you should gradually introduce thicker puree soups and non-starchy liquid porridges into your diet. Remember that your stomach has decreased in size and your body has become unaccustomed to thick foods.
  2. Also, in the first week after the diet, dinner should be drunk.
  3. In the second week after the diet, you can introduce an omelet of 2 eggs, casseroles, soft unsweetened pastries and cottage cheese.
  4. Also during the second week we add stewed and fresh vegetables, fruits and berries to the menu.
  5. In the third week, you can cook lean meat or fish for lunch.
  6. In the fourth and subsequent weeks, introduce a fasting day once a week. This will allow the body to remove waste and toxins.

Take your time to introduce foods into your diet after the drinking diet. It takes longer to come off the diet than you were on it.

Drinking diet menu: what you can eat

During the period of weight loss, you can drink the following drinks:

  • Dairy, which includes a minimal amount of fat;
  • Freshly squeezed juices;
  • Purified water;
  • Any kind of tea without added sugar;
  • Oatmeal jelly without sugar;
  • Fruit and berry cocktail;
  • Broth on meat.

The drinking diet menu for 30 days excludes drinks such as sweet carbonated water and cocoa.

If you decide to follow this diet for a month, you should first consult with a therapist. He can prescribe vitamins and minerals to ensure you get all the required components.

Below is a nutrition plan that you need to follow for a month.

Breakfast220 ml low fat yogurt
Lunch220 ml orange juice (freshly squeezed)
DinnerLiquid vegetable puree soup, a cup of green tea
SnackJelly made from fruits or berries
Dinner220 ml low fat kefir

According to reviews, a drinking diet for 30 days can be divided into several periods:

  • 1st decade. On these days, accumulated harmful components are released from the body. As a side effect, a yellow coating may appear on the tongue, which needs to be removed.
  • 2nd decade. During this period, the liver and kidneys are cleansed; in some cases, unpleasant feelings are felt in these organs.
  • 3rd decade. During this period, the body is finally freed from waste and toxins that are in the cells.

After cleansing, the body will be filled with a feeling of lightness and completely cleansed of pathogenic components.

The drinking diet menu for 30 days can be adjusted and corrected in your own way, adding dishes to the menu at your discretion. It is possible to alternate components in any order. A ban is imposed on eating solid food. You shouldn’t completely limit yourself to just drinks (milk, juices, etc.). The diet must include puree soup.

Consequences of a drinking diet

The drinking diet is a very serious and complex method of losing weight. The body adjusts to the drinking regime, cleanses itself, but at the same time experiences severe stress. Here are some consequences of a drinking diet:

  • During hunger, dizziness, headaches, apathy, fainting, insomnia and abdominal pain may occur.
  • Possible decreased concentration and memory impairment. This leads to decreased productivity at work and school. You also need to be extremely careful while driving a car. It is better not to drive a car while losing weight using this method.
  • In addition to losing fat mass, it is also possible to lose muscle mass.
  • The diet requires a lot of willpower and patience. Otherwise, breakdowns are possible.

Before you decide to lose weight using this method, analyze all its nuances. Assess your volitional capabilities and the physical strength of your body.

What not to do when leaving the 30 day diet

The main thing you need to give up after completing the drinking technique is overeating. After long restrictions on their favorite foods, many cannot stand it and on the very first day after successfully completing the diet, they eat everything in sight. And most often it includes candy, bakery products, sausages and meat.

No matter how much you want to “revenge” for all 30 days of deprivation, you cannot immediately pounce on food, especially unhealthy food. You need to reinforce your willpower and try to hold out for a while longer so that all your efforts do not go to waste.

You shouldn’t infringe on yourself when it comes to food either. At first, solid food is introduced into the diet little by little, then its amount is gradually increased. It is this smooth transition that will smooth out sudden changes in the power system. The advantage of this approach is that there will no longer be such a strong feeling of hunger as during the diet itself, but overeating will also be avoided.

Information. While losing weight using the drinking method, you cannot exercise, since the body does not receive enough calories for physical activity.

The same restriction also applies to the period of leaving the diet, however, only strength training is prohibited - light exercise will only be beneficial.

Another mistake made by those who have lost weight using the drinking method is its continuation for more than 30 days. Even a month-long diet can have a negative impact on your health, not to mention longer periods of liquid nutrition.

As soon as the drinking method has come to an end, it is necessary to immediately begin the transition to the previous diet, no matter how discouraging the results may be. You can repeat the course after leaving the drinking diet for 30 days no more than once a year.

But you shouldn’t stop there either. A drinking diet helps you achieve your desired weight, but after that you can continue to work on yourself. Proper or relatively healthy nutrition, an active lifestyle and adherence to the drinking regime can be the key to permanent slimness and good health.

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