Low-fat diet “Not a gram of fat by spring”: reviews and results

Diet features

The duration of the “not a gram of fat by spring” methodology is 35 days, but the plus is that during this time you will lose about 15 kg (the initial weight affects the final result).
The peculiarities of the Spring diet include the fact that a person does not lose weight immediately - the result can be noticed after a couple of weeks. By observing 35 days of the “severe regime”, your body will become 2-3 sizes smaller, so the main point is also caring for your skin, which, due to weight loss, will sag.

For those who have decided to get their shape in order after following the Spring diet, the author of the methodology advises to protect their skin from sagging and use special cosmetics - scrubs, anti-cellulite creams. It is recommended to use the products three times a week at the beginning of the diet, after which the number of procedures can be reduced to 2 times. Wrap sessions also help tighten the skin.

What is the secret of the pendulum effect

For quite some time now there has been such a thing as a low-fat diet. It involves a sharp reduction in fat intake to the minimum acceptable level. It is believed that in this case the body will have to spend internal fat reserves for its own needs. There is some truth in this. But it's not that simple.

The breakdown of fat reserves is a labor-intensive and energy-consuming process for the body. Therefore, in the first days he is only trying to adapt to the restrictions by reducing the speed of metabolic processes.

Roughly speaking, he tries to survive longer on the fat that comes from the outside. And if after a couple of days you refuse to continue the low-fat diet, then the body will strive to intensively replenish reserves in case of new sabotage on your part.

With a low metabolism, this will not be difficult for him to do. As a result, after 2-3 days a couple of extra kilograms will appear on the scales.

Basic rules of the Spring diet

In order not to injure the body too much, it is important to take into account all the nuances of dietary nutrition. So, having decided to lose weight by summer, you need to adhere to the basic rules of the Spring diet:

  • drink 1.5 liters of mineral water every day, but one without gas;
  • have breakfast an hour after getting out of bed;
  • do not eat anything after 18.00;
  • if you fail, continue the diet, starting from the day you stopped, but not again, so as not to injure the body;
  • if you really want something sugary or another diet prohibited on the menu, you can eat something, but only a small portion and before noon;
  • eat all dishes without salt, sauces and other spices;
  • even if vegetables are not listed on the menu for a particular day, they must still be present in the diet; you can eat, say, carrots, cabbage (Chinese or white cabbage), cucumbers, sweet peppers or beets.

Avoid fats

If you are determined to give up fat, do it wisely and correctly. Here are the basic principles of the low-fat diet “Not a gram of fat by spring”, which will leave no chance of regaining lost kilograms.

  1. Avoid only animal fats. Vegetables remain in the diet in moderation.
  2. Along with fats, the consumption of fast carbohydrates is limited, otherwise they will be used to restore fat reserves.
  3. The total amount of fat should be about 5% of the daily diet.
  4. You shouldn’t give up dairy products, but their fat content is up to 1.5%. Thus, all varieties of hard cheese are prohibited.
  5. To avoid a constant feeling of hunger, you need to increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu, whole grain bread - foods rich in fiber.
  6. You need to drink frequently, the total amount of liquid is up to 2 liters per day.
  7. Eat meat and fish no more than once a day and only low-fat varieties.

Naturally, you will have to forget about such a cooking method as frying during the diet. It is not very beneficial for the body anyway, and is simply unacceptable in a low-fat diet.

Diet -15 kg: not a gram of fat!

In the spring you want to be the slimmest, but winter holidays and a decrease in physical activity, unfortunately, inevitably lead to weight gain. The insidious kilograms do not allow you to put on your favorite miniskirt, treacherous folds “peek out” from under your blouse and do not allow your jeans to fasten.

Should we put up with such a situation? Should you update your wardrobe? Should you convince yourself that there must be many good people? Or pull yourself together and lose weight ?

Before considering several types of diets that can work wonders on your figure, it should be noted that each of them will be most effective only in case of simultaneous physical activity. Sports exercises should be primarily performed with the aim that the skin retains its firmness and elasticity, and does not sag due to loss of fat.

In addition, you can use various exfoliants (scrubs) while taking a shower and epidermis-strengthening creams after water procedures. This will improve the result.

Do not forget also that during diets you need to lead a healthy lifestyle , that is, give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Only an integrated approach will give you the desired result, and you will be able to lose weight quickly enough, and the lost kilograms will go away forever.

Strict diet -15 kg

This diet involves strict dietary restrictions, as well as avoidance of sweets, baked goods, flour, and starch-containing foods. The -15 kg diet is designed for two-day periods, which allows the body to readjust and get used to digesting homogeneous food.

The first two days are “hungry”. During each of them, you can drink 2 liters of kefir, a glass of tomato juice and eat a few pieces of black bread.

If the acidity is high, kefir can be replaced with milk or natural yogurt without sweeteners or additives, and tomato juice can be replaced with cabbage or carrot salad. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bread can be replaced with oatmeal.

The menu of the third and fourth days consists of protein products. For breakfast you should drink coffee or tea with milk, and also eat black bread with butter and honey (1 piece). For lunch - broth and 100 g of lean meat (fish). Afternoon snack - a glass of milk with honey. Dinner - 2 eggs, 100 g of boiled meat and a glass of kefir. In this case, you can drink kefir before bed.

During the fifth and sixth days, eat vegetables. In this case, breakfast and afternoon snack consists of 2 apples and oranges, lunch - from vinaigrette and vegetable soup, dinner - from cabbage, carrots, beets, tea with honey and a slice of bread (black or rye).

Next, go back to the “hungry” days. The -15 kg diet is designed for 20 days, after which you can meet summer fully armed, because you will lose as much as 15 kg. However, you can try another option.

Chinese diet

This diet is designed for those who cannot strictly adhere to a specific menu. At the same time, it acts on the principle of reducing appetite and changing metabolism, which allows the body to burn fat faster .

Every morning you should swallow a certain amount of raw rice grains. However, you should not drink them with water. The amount of rice is determined by your age. For example, if you are 30 years old, then you should swallow 30 rices. Then you cannot eat or drink for 2 hours.

Detailed Spring diet menu for 35 days

1-3 days:

  • breakfast - drink a glass of warm Essentuki water No. 17, mixing it with lemon juice and honey; 15 minutes after drinking water, you can drink unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • lunch - eat a slice of boiled turkey (replace with chicken if desired), vegetables; the total weight of the share should not be more than 0.5 kg;
  • in the evening you are allowed to eat 200 grams of cabbage and drink 300 ml of cabbage juice.

Day 4:

  • eat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese; add 0.5 ml of kefir to the food, dividing the total volume of food into 5 servings.

Day 5:

  • consume jacket potatoes (5 pieces), half a liter of kefir, dividing the prepared products into 5 doses.

Day 6:

  • the menu for this day consists of half a kilo of boiled dietary meat and 0.5 liters of kefir; consume food in 5 meals.

Day 7:

  • drink 0.5 liters of kefir 5 times, eat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, which has the lowest percentage of fat content.

Day 8:

  • all day you need to feed on sour cream (0.5 ml), kefir (0.5 l).

Day 9:

  • eat only dried fruits (exclude raisins), add another 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir.

Day 10:

  • Today you are allowed to drink mineral water (1 l), kefir (1.5 l).

Day 11:

  • fasting day - you are allowed to drink 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas.


1, 2, 3 days

Morning : 150 g of water + 7 drops of lemon juice + 1 tablespoon of honey - stir and drink quickly. After 10-15 minutes, tea or coffee without sugar. Lunch : boiled poultry without skin and any vegetables. All together no more than 500 grams. Dinner : 200 g of cabbage, pour 300 g of water, and cook for 20 minutes without salt. Drink slowly in 30 minutes. By doing this, we prepare the body for restrictions without harming the stomach, and drive off excess water.

4 day

To choose from : 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 500 g of kefir in 5 doses . or 60 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% and 200 g of milk in 5 doses .

5 day

5 boiled potatoes in their jackets + 0.5 l. kefir

Day 6

500 g boiled meat or poultry + 0.5 l. kefir

Day 7

500 g. cottage cheese + 0.5 l. kefir

Day 8

500 g. sour cream + 0.5 l. kefir

Day 9

Unlimited dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried apples, pears, etc.) + 0.5 l. kefir

10 day

0.5 l. kefir and no more than 1 liter. water.

Day 11

1.5 l. mineral water.

12 day

Morning : unsweetened tea. About 12 hours : soft cottage cheese (50-100 g) or 40-50 g of cheese. Lunch : hard-boiled egg, tea without sugar. Afternoon snack : unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese, a little (at your discretion). Dinner : 100 g of boiled meat or chicken, vegetable salad in vegetable oil (no more than 200-300 g).

13, 14 days

Breakfast : tea, coffee without sugar and 100 g of cheese. Lunch : hard-boiled egg, 150 g of boiled meat, fish or chicken, 20-30 g of cheese. Dinner : 150-200 g of boiled meat, fish or chicken (what was not at lunch), a plate of vegetable salad without salt, but with herbs, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice. At night you can drink a decoction of mint (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, brew like tea).

Day 15

To choose from: 60 g of cottage cheese and 200 g of milk for 5 doses , or 500 g of cottage cheese and 500 g of kefir for 5 doses .

From 16 to 22 days

Special mode. Meals at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 o'clock, that is, every 2 hours. Every morning you can have a cup of tea or coffee without sugar. Then meals of 100 g of food and 50 g of kefir. The last meal is 300 g of kefir.

Day 16

400 g of baked potatoes in the oven with skins and 500 g of kefir with 1% fat content.

Day 17

400 g of cottage cheese and 500 g of kefir.

Day 18

400 g of fruit (except grapes and bananas) and 500 g of kefir.

Day 19

400 g boiled chicken without skin and without salt, 500 g kefir.

Day 20

400 g of fruit and 500 g of kefir.

21 day

1.5 l. mineral water, but without gas (just open bottles of water at night).

Day 22

400 g of fruit and 500 g of kefir.

By this time you will have lost enough weight. But in order to consolidate the result and not gain weight for at least 2-3 years, we continue.

Day 23

Morning : coffee. Lunch : 2 eggs, stewed cabbage in vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner : boiled fish.

24 day

Morning : coffee, crackers. Lunch : fried or boiled fish, cabbage salad with vegetable oil. Dinner : 200 g of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

Day 25

Morning : coffee, crackers. Lunch : fried zucchini in vegetable oil, apples. Dinner : 2 eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Day 26

Morning : coffee. Lunch : 1 raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g. Cheese. Dinner : fruit.

Day 27

Morning : raw carrots with lemon juice. Lunch : large fried or boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner : fruit.

Day 28

Morning : coffee. Lunch : 0.5 boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad. Dinner : 2 eggs, a glass of raw carrots with vegetable matter. oil

Pros and cons of the Spring diet

If you don’t go overboard with the timing and go on a low-fat diet for about 7-10 days, then you can say goodbye to 3-5 kilograms. With additional physical activity, the figure can increase to 7 kg. But this is not the main achievement. Reasonable and infrequent use of a low-fat diet greatly relieves the body. As a result we get:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • improved kidney function;
  • unloading of the liver and bile ducts;
  • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction in body volume.

The main disadvantage is a decrease in metabolism and a lack of fat for the vital needs of the body. Therefore, it is worth recalling that a low-fat diet can be used from 5 to 10 days and no more than 2 times a year.

Like any diet, this one has its advantages and disadvantages. Once you decide what the pros and cons of the Spring diet are, you will evaluate whether you should follow it. So, the advantages include the duration of the diet and its varied diet: in 35 days you will be able to “switch” to more healthy nutrition and minimal portions. Excellence also includes impressive results - 10 kg or more.

The main disadvantage of this diet is that the Spring menu must be followed as it was invented: it cannot be changed, and it is also prohibited to swap meals. While following the Vesna diet plan, it is impossible to overeat, and before switching to it, it is important to visit a therapist, one who will eliminate permissible contraindications and confirm that you do not have any health problems.

Fat pros

If you don’t go overboard with the timing and go on a low-fat diet for about 7-10 days, then you can say goodbye to 3-5 kilograms. With additional physical activity, the figure can increase to 7 kg. But this is not the main achievement. Reasonable and infrequent use of a low-fat diet greatly relieves the body. As a result we get:

  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • improved kidney function;
  • unloading of the liver and bile ducts;
  • decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction in body volume.

The main disadvantage is a decrease in metabolism and a lack of fat for the vital needs of the body. Therefore, it is worth recalling that a low-fat diet can be used from 5 to 10 days and no more than 2 times a year.

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