How to cook oatmeal with kefir for weight loss for breakfast, the best recipes for losing weight

Many nutritionists recommend including oatmeal in the diet of everyone who dreams of a beautiful body and good health. Oatmeal with kefir for breakfast for weight loss is an opportunity to get a boost of energy for the whole day and normalize digestion. As you know, oatmeal contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the functioning of internal organs. Oatmeal with kefir for breakfast for weight loss is the most healthy and nutritious duet in dietary nutrition. It will allow you to get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time and improve your well-being.

Oatmeal with kefir for weight loss: benefits and harm

Both of these products are very beneficial for the body, especially the digestive system. They normalize intestinal function and promote the elimination of toxins. Kefir contains lactobacilli, which normalize microflora, while oats contain vitamins, microelements and fiber.

This breakfast has a number of beneficial properties:

  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • relieves hunger for a long time and fills you with energy;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • general healing effect;
  • removal of toxins;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

Reviews and results of oatmeal with kefir for weight loss may surprise anyone, but at the same time you need to adhere to other healthy eating rules. For example, replacing kefir with sweet yogurt with additives is not recommended.

This combination of products was invented for a reason. Oats contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. A fermented milk drink neutralizes its effect, making breakfast even more healthy.

Despite the enormous benefits, such food also has contraindications. People with high acidity of gastric juice, chronic diarrhea, severe kidney pathologies, heart disease, gastritis and acute colitis should not have breakfast like this.

There is no harm in oats themselves, but porridge can be made harmful by additives such as butter, sugar, jam, etc. You should also consume this healthy mixture in small quantities only in the morning. Cereals contain carbohydrates, which in excess will only lead to an increase in body volume.


Oatmeal with kefir for breakfast for weight loss has a number of contraindications. There are diseases for which nutritionists do not recommend eating oatmeal.

For whom taking oatmeal is contraindicated:

  • There is a category of people with intolerance to grains (celiac disease), for whom taking oatmeal in any form is contraindicated;
  • there are diseases in which excess phytic acid is formed, since there is a lot of it in oatmeal, it is excluded from the diet (it can wash calcium from the bones);
  • not recommended for high stomach acidity;
  • The use of the product for people with renal failure is prohibited.

Methods for preparing kefir with oatmeal for weight loss

There are many options for preparing a healthy mixture. The simplest one is to pour kefir over oatmeal and leave until the morning so that it swells. In the morning you will have a healthy breakfast. However, you can add other ingredients to it so that such food does not become boring.

With this method, much more useful substances are retained in oats than when cooked. This kind of oatmeal is called “lazy”. You can prepare it in the following ways:

  1. With cocoa. A few spoons of flakes are poured with kefir (2/3 cup). Everything is mixed. Add a spoonful of honey and one spoonful of cocoa to the mixture. You can add a little dark chocolate, but it should be natural and high in cocoa content. Sometimes a little butter is added, but it is better to do without it so as not to increase the calorie content of the dish.
  2. With jam. The preparation is very simple: add a couple of spoons of jam to the finished mixture. However, you need to take into account the calorie content of the chosen jam. It is best to choose homemade, without unnecessary additives.
  3. With prunes. A very healthy breakfast with prunes will only enhance the cleansing effect of the mixture. Before adding, dried fruits should be thoroughly washed and soaked briefly in water, and then cut into small pieces. You can also add a spoonful of flaxseed oil to this breakfast. However, you need to remember that all these ingredients help cleanse the intestines; in excess, they can cause diarrhea.
  4. Milk banana option. To the mixture of oats and fermented milk product you need to add half a glass of low-fat milk (preferably 1.5% fat), a teaspoon of honey and a banana. Mix everything and leave overnight.

Oatmeal covered with kefir at night for weight loss is a quick and easy option for a healthy breakfast. Thus, all useful substances and vitamins are preserved in the cereal. It is not necessary to leave the cereal overnight; you can make quick smoothies. For example, oats are poured with kefir for just 10-15 minutes to swell, and then berries, cinnamon, fresh mint, half a banana are added and everything is mixed in a blender. It turns out to be a very tasty and nutritious cocktail. Cinnamon will promote fat burning.

Many who switched to oat breakfast noted not only weight loss, but also improved skin condition. Allergic manifestations are reduced, the skin is cleared of acne. Excess fluid is also removed from the body, swelling goes away, which also helps to reduce body volume. This breakfast is great for energizing, so you feel some emotional uplift.

Oatmeal with kefir for weight loss: which cereal to choose?

The kefir-oat diet is very effective, but you need to choose the right products. The result depends on this. It is enough to buy low-fat kefir (preferably 1%) and fresh, but there are a lot of varieties of cereals:

  1. Whole grain cereal. This cereal is quite hard and looks like rice. It needs to be cooked for a long time, but even in this case the porridge will not turn out soft and tender. This grain is cooked for at least an hour. Due to the long preparation time and the impossibility of making such a dish “lazy,” whole grain cereals are rarely used in dietary nutrition.
  2. Cereals. This is the most popular product that allows you to quickly prepare a snack, but at the same time contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The grain is processed gently to preserve nutritional value and benefits. Classic Hercules is eaten in the form of porridges, “lazy” oatmeal, and delicious and healthy desserts are prepared from it.
  3. Porridge-minutes. This option is not recommended by nutritionists. They can be used as a quick snack at work so as not to eat something higher in calories, but they cannot replace a healthy breakfast. There are practically no vitamins in such cereals, but there is sugar, flavorings, and food additives.
  4. Oat bran. Bran is considered especially beneficial for weight loss. They contain a lot of fiber, which gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Bran helps cleanse the body, helps with constipation, and removes toxins. However, you can consume no more than 3 tablespoons of this product per day.

A recipe for oatmeal with kefir for weight loss may include fruits with a low sugar content. If you choose the right cereal, a small amount of fruit will not harm your figure.

How do oatmeal with kefir affect the human body?

Oatmeal with kefir can have both positive and negative effects on the body. There is still debate about whether oatmeal can be exceptionally healthy. However, some facts are known for sure.


It is worth immediately noting that the beneficial properties are inherent for the most part in whole grain oatmeal. Cereals that have been finely processed can saturate the body, but will not be healthier than a fast food snack.

For clarity, you can compare whole grain and processed cereals (Hercules) using the example of cleansing the body. Porridge made from whole grain oatmeal will cleanse the body thanks to the integrity of the grain. The cooking process will soften it enough to be overcooked.

In the case of finely processed cereals, everything is different. Even in dry form it will be a mixture resembling a powder. And when it is cooked, it will be like paste. Hercules can fill the body, but will not give it anything.

There is physical and psychological hunger. Even people with eating disorders can satisfy both. This is because oatmeal with kefir is a dish that can be complemented to suit every taste. Porridge with beautiful berries or jam will help satisfy not only the stomach, but also the brain, and this will lead to balance in the body.

As for kefir, it contains as much calcium as cottage cheese (about 120 mg per 100 g of product). This composition will help strengthen bones and teeth, which is necessary for any body to function normally.

It will also be useful for pregnant women to strengthen the body by periodically eating oatmeal with kefir. Scientists have proven that such a dish in the diet will help avoid the development of defects in the fetus.

Vigor in the morning is an important factor for the normal functioning of the body throughout the day. An oatmeal breakfast prepared according to any recipe will provide the body with the necessary energy for both an athlete and a person with a sedentary job.


Compared to the benefits of oatmeal, its harm is insignificant. Often, flakes can only harm an already sick body.

For example, people with sensitive digestion should avoid a combination such as oatmeal with kefir, because it can cause bloating. The risk can be eliminated if a person drinks enough water per day (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight).

Important! Even people with normal digestion need to maintain daily water balance. Thirty minutes before eating porridge, you need to drink a glass (200 ml) of water. And before the next intake of liquid, at least forty minutes must pass.

Despite the fact that oatmeal with kefir is a good dish for weight loss, its excessive consumption can also lead to weight gain. We must not forget that oatmeal is a slow complex carbohydrate, and they are not the main means for losing weight. They can be consumed as part of a general healthy diet, however, if you overdo it, the extra pounds will not only not go away, but will also be added.

Who is contraindicated to eat

Contraindications to consuming oatmeal exist, despite the greater number of beneficial properties of this product. It is better not to eat oatmeal with kefir:

  • People with various kidney diseases.
  • At night for constipation.
  • People prone to an allergic reaction to milk protein.
  • In case of intolerance to cereal protein contained in grain crops.
  • For calcium or vitamin D deficiency.
  • With increased stomach acidity.
  • For diabetes mellitus.

Kefir-oat effective diet: varieties

Oatmeal with kefir for weight loss in the morning can be prepared in different ways. The mixture can be diluted with other ingredients, for example, fruits, berries, milk, etc. There are several types of diets that involve drinking a healthy mixture in the morning or consist entirely of oats and fermented milk products:

  1. Mono diet. This method is suitable for those who need quick results. For 3 days you need to eat only oatmeal. The strict version excludes any other additives, only oatmeal with water. However, for breakfast a “lazy” version with kefir is allowed. Due to the high nutritional value of the cereal, the likelihood of failure is very low. You need to leave such a diet carefully, gradually adding dietary soups, vegetables, and fruits to your diet.
  2. Oatmeal-apple. For 2 weeks you can only eat oats and apples. They can be mixed or eaten separately. This strict diet is not suitable for everyone. In this case, kefir is added only in the morning. Similar effects may occur in the form of indigestion and flatulence.
  3. Diet for a month. In this case, there is no such strong restriction of the diet. For 30 days you can eat oats with fermented milk products, as well as oat bread, cookies, fruits, dried fruits, honey, and nuts. In addition, you need to drink a lot of water, green tea, and natural fruit juices. Coming off the diet takes about 2 weeks. Gradually, a new product is added to the diet every day. If you abruptly return to your previous eating habits, you can gain kilograms back.

You need to remember that it is advisable to consume the oatmeal-kefir mixture only in the morning. This is an ideal breakfast, as it digests slowly, helps you avoid snacking, and keeps you full for a long time. However, at night such food will be very difficult for the stomach. Carbohydrates will not have time to digest and will turn into fat at night.

You also need to remember that any diet needs the right solution. You can’t immediately start eating baked goods and sweets after a strict diet, otherwise your weight will become even greater than it was before the diet. To maintain the results for a long time, you need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

You cannot use such weight loss techniques immediately after childbirth, during lactation, pregnancy, after abdominal surgery, or during infectious diseases. The body should not be weakened.

Diet options for weight loss

There are 2 most popular ways to lose weight using these products. The first is strict, the second is with assumptions.


Those who are ready for extreme weight loss should try an ascetic version of the diet:

  • 800 g of ready-made oatmeal with water and without salt/sugar;
  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

Unloading lasts no more than 5 days. Further, stress and danger to the body will begin to cover all the positive aspects.

Oatmeal for a diet should not be from the “minute” series, that is, with fruit additives, salt and sugar. Choose a natural product. To sweeten life at least a little, it is permissible to add 1 liter to one serving of porridge per day. honey. For variety, you can eat flakes infused with kefir instead of one serving of porridge.

You should not consume low-fat dairy products on a diet. Since when “pumping out” fat, a lot of useful stuff disappears from them. In addition, without fat, the skin and hair suffer, and some metabolic processes stop.

All this time, the amount of drinking is not limited. Drink plain and mineral still water, herbal or green tea.

Attention! At least half an hour should pass between eating and drinking; you should not drink food directly.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. extremely effective. Up to minus 5 kg in 5 days;
  2. no time is required to prepare complex dishes;
  3. cleansing the entire digestive system;
  4. no additional vitamin complexes are needed;
  5. constipation, as, for example, on a purely protein diet, does not threaten here.

And the cons:

  1. According to reviews of the oatmeal-kefir diet, the monotonous menu gets boring very quickly;
  2. attacks of hunger are possible (in this case, drink water or tea);
  3. Pregnant, lactating, children and adolescents are contraindicated to follow this diet. With diseases of internal organs - only after discussion with the treating doctor.

If sharp food zigzags are not your thing, try a lighter version of the diet.


It will be easier to stick to this system for all 5 days, since there are more diverse tastes, textures and methods of preparing food. The result will also be less noticeable, but you will bring just as much joy to your gastrointestinal tract. The diet is lower.

To 4-5 servings of oatmeal and 1 liter of kefir you can add:

  • dried fruits (dates, figs, prunes, dried apricots up to 100 g), you can also drink compote of dried apples and pears (without sugar);
  • 1-2 green apples/3-4 plums/a couple of apricots or pears/1 grapefruit or orange per day;
  • nuts (up to 1 handful per day);
  • 2 spoons of honey.

Let us clarify: there is a subtype of the oatmeal-kefir diet, which allows you to eat 2 boiled eggs/half a chicken breast/a piece of fish fillet for dinner. In this case, don’t expect a stunning cleansing that will last up to a month after the diet.

For drinks, your friends are still water, green tea, natural herbal teas, dried fruit compotes. Salt and sugar are still prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. the plumb line remains high - up to minus 3.5-4 kg;
  2. the diet is easier to tolerate due to its higher calorie content and variety;
  3. more likely to last the entire term;
  4. During the diet period, you remain more active, your work and household chores do not suffer - there is almost enough energy;
  5. cleansing happens anyway.


  1. still unbalanced strict diet;
  2. you cannot increase the time you spend on a diet;
  3. the same contraindications as for the first option.

Kefir-oatmeal quick super diet: tips for losing weight

Reviews about oatmeal with kefir for weight loss are mostly positive. Many people who are losing weight have noted the excellent cleansing effect of such a breakfast and improved digestion. However, side effects sometimes occur when consuming this mixture. Nutritionists do not recommend eating it all the time. After several weeks of use, you should definitely take a break. If you notice a deterioration in your health, intestinal dysfunction, abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms, you should stop the diet and consult a doctor.

In order for nutrition on kefir and oats to be beneficial, you need to remember the following tips:

  • consume the mixture only in the morning or before lunch, but not for dinner, so that the carbohydrates in the cereal do not aggravate the situation with excess weight;
  • You can’t eat such a breakfast with any buns or bread;
  • It is also not recommended to drink oatmeal, as water dilutes gastric juice and impairs digestion;
  • You cannot replace natural rolled oats with instant porridges that contain a large amount of sugar;
  • the next meal after oatmeal should take place no earlier than 3 hours later;
  • before breakfast (half an hour before), it is advisable to drink a glass of water to “wake up” the body and start the digestive system;
  • You should not use this mixture for those who have intestinal problems: stool disorders, frequent bloating.

It is best to add apples, peaches, prunes, and cherries to the porridge. You need to be careful with bananas and grapes, as they are quite high in calories. Spices can improve digestion and add piquancy to the taste: vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom. It is also better not to add too many nuts; they are healthy, but contain a large amount of fat.

Sample menu of an oat diet for weight loss for 7 days

Let's look at what an approximate diet looks like on an oat diet:

OatmealGreen teachicken brothKefirOatmeal porridge
Oatmeal with currantsOatmeal jellySteamed fishGreen teaSteamed oatmeal
Oatmeal with green apple piecesGreen teaBaked rabbit meatOatmeal jellyOatmeal with raspberries
Oatmeal with raspberriesKefirRolled oats soupKefirOatmeal with strawberries
Oatmeal with strawberriesOatmeal jellyOatmealGreen teaOatmeal on water
Oatmeal with pearGreen teaMeat brothOatmeal jellyOatmeal and green tea

It is important! The oatmeal diet menu is quite meager, which is why it is not recommended to follow this diet for more than 7 days without a break.

Rules for losing weight

Losing weight and getting the body of your dreams is possible only through a set of measures. If you combine dietary nutrition with other weight loss methods, you can not only get excellent results, but also improve your health.

A diet based on kefir and oatmeal should be built according to certain rules, but to get a good result you need to know other features of proper weight loss:

  1. Drink more. Be sure to drink 2 liters of clean water per day. Oats contain quite a lot of fiber, which removes fluid and can slightly dehydrate the body. Ordinary clean water will help to avoid this and normalize metabolism. You need to drink between meals, but without washing down your food. You can also drink green tea. But the volume of required liquid cannot be filled with coffee, juices, yoghurts, since they are more food for the body than liquid. There is no need to try to drink a large volume of water at a time; you can drink small sips throughout the day.
  2. Don't forget about sports. An ideal figure is impossible without any physical activity. Sports not only burns calories, but also tones muscles and improves blood circulation. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time doing aerobics or in the gym, but it is important to move a lot: swimming, dancing, walking in the fresh air, running in the morning. To develop a habit of physical activity, you need to choose a type of activity that will bring you pleasure.
  3. Eat right all the time. A couple of days or weeks on a diet is not enough to maintain your figure. After fasting or mono-diets, the body begins to accumulate fat even more actively, so you need to eat right all the time, and go on a strict diet no more than 2 times a year. You don’t have to deny yourself everything, but fast food, processed foods, fresh baked goods and cream cakes will have to be removed from your diet.
  4. Identify the causes of excess weight. Sometimes, even despite all your efforts, the weight does not come off or comes off very slowly. It is very important to correctly determine the reason for this phenomenon. If the problem is poor nutrition and physical inactivity, you can fix it yourself. But sometimes hormonal treatment is required, since extra pounds appear due to endocrine diseases and hormonal imbalances.

A recipe for kefir with oatmeal for weight loss may include various ingredients, but you need to remember the calorie content. You should not put a large amount of nuts in it, as they are high in fat and calories.

IMPORTANT! The article is for informational purposes only. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Preparing to cleanse the body with rolled oats and kefir

The diet based on kefir and rolled oats, which removes waste and toxins from the body, is mild, but you need to prepare for it - switch to a fasting diet. It is advisable to make adjustments to your regular diet 3-5 days before cleansing. The following foods should be excluded from food:

  • sausages, meat products;
  • fish, seafood;
  • dairy products (you can only consume yogurt and low-fat kefir);
  • bread, confectionery, baked goods;
  • canned and refined foods;
  • alcohol.

During fasting meals, the food basket can be varied with fresh and stewed vegetables, fruits, nuts, hazelnuts, unrefined oils, and whole grain porridges. For sweets, honey is allowed. If you are going to cleanse the body with a kefir-hercules mixture, during the fasting period during the day you need to drink up to 2 - 2.5 liters of liquid. It is allowed to drink still water, herbal tea, and fresh juices. Spices - cloves, pepper, ginger, garlic, onion - will help diversify a boring diet.

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