Calorie intake per day for men: what is it, and who should count it and why?

Get out your calculator and we'll do the math.

Still from the movie "Guys with Guns"

The norm of calories per day for a man is one of those parameters that need to be monitored not only by those who are going to lose weight, but also by those who want to gain muscle mass.

And although the word “calories” is constantly heard, can you say for sure what it is and what they are needed for? And will a simple reduction in calories per day help men get rid of extra pounds?

But this is only the beginning of the list of questions that involuntarily arise immediately after you start thinking about this topic. Don't panic, we already have the answers! All you have to do is get to know them.

What are calories and what role do they play?

Before we start counting, let's refresh our memory about what they are - calories. This term refers to a unit of energy measurement. When you hear that something has 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body can get from that food or drink.

The body needs calories not only to perform various activities, but also for literally everything: for the functioning of internal organs and even sleep (although it requires a very small amount of calories).

Some foods, such as lettuce, are low in calories (less than 10 calories per serving). Other foods, such as peanuts, are high in calories (a half cup contains more than 400 calories). On the Internet you can easily find visual tables with the kcal content of food products that interest you.

If you take in more calories than you need, the body turns those extra calories into fat. However, only a doctor can tell whether you are overweight, so consult a specialist if you are concerned.

And never go on a diet without talking to your doctor first!

Why is the kcal intake rate relevant?

It depends on how many kilocalories the body consumes how comfortable it will be. If the amount consumed is not enough, then the man will not have enough strength for constant sports or labor-intensive work.

On the other hand, an overestimated rate of kcal consumption per day for a man will lead to the gradual appearance of excess weight. A beautiful, sculpted body will gradually give way to folds on the stomach. After all, those calories that were not consumed by the body when performing various tasks will be processed into fat deposits. Over time, this will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and can lead to various diseases.

Please note: Keeping your body in great shape requires consuming a minimum average daily amount of calories. If you calculate your individual indicator taking into account sports activities and the frequency of sports activities, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds or not having enough strength.

How many calories should a man consume per day?

This figure depends on several factors, the main ones being:

  • floor;
  • age;
  • activity level (high, moderately active or sedentary lifestyle).

The figures we present below were recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of the United States in 1997, and they are calculated for people of average weight and height, so we emphasize that these are approximate figures.

At the age of 19 to 30 years, experts advise taking as the norm:

  • sedentary guy - 2,400 kcal;
  • moderately active - 2,600-2,800 kcal;
  • leading an active lifestyle - 3,000 kcal.

At the age of 31-50 years it is recommended:

  • sedentary man - 2,200 kcal;
  • moderately active - 2,400-2,600 kcal;
  • leading an active lifestyle - 2,800-3,000 kcal.

After 51 years, you should consume:

  • sedentary man - 2,000 kcal;
  • moderately active - 2,400 kcal;
  • leading an active lifestyle - 2,400-2,800 kcal.

So, what conclusions can we draw from this table? Firstly, the number of calories should not exceed three thousand. And secondly, with age, the number of calories needed decreases.

The fact is that over time, our metabolism slows down and we need less food (energy) to fuel our bodies. In addition, your metabolism may slow down due to decreased muscle mass or a change in lifestyle towards a less active one.

What determines the number of calories per day?

Experts say that the average norm is 2500 kcal per day. But, every man’s body is individual. If a sedentary lifestyle is acceptable for a man, then this amount of calories per day will be too high. Athletes and active men need more - 4000-5000 kcal per day.

So, the number of calories primarily depends on the age of the man. A young body experiences rapid metabolism. Accordingly, the number of calories should also be higher. All calories are burned very quickly, there is practically no excess fat deposits. So, young people under the age of 25 can eat almost any food. The last meal should be taken before 19:00-20:00. But after 25 years, it is worth limiting the amount of baked goods, sweets, baked goods, and fatty meats consumed.

Already from the age of 55-60, a man should include more foods with high fiber levels in his diet:

  • Sea fish;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • White meat.

The average daily calorie intake has been established for men of different ages: 18-25 years old - 4500 kcal, 26-45 years old - 4000 kcal, 46-60 years old - 3000 kcal. Over 60 years of age, calorie content should not exceed 2000 kcal. The second criterion is weight. The bigger a man is, the more energy he needs. But this fact only applies to those men who do not suffer from excess weight. If you are obese, you should stick to a diet that is prescribed only by a nutritionist or fitness trainer.

You can calculate your ideal weight using the following formula: IV=P-100. IW is the ideal weight that a particular man should have. R is his height. So, for example, a man with a height of 180 cm should weigh 80 kg. Exceeding this norm will indicate the presence of excess body weight. Nutritionists, when calculating daily calories for a man, must take into account the physical activity index. In general, the number of calories varies for each man. But, knowing the general rules and principles, you can easily calculate your optimal level.

Daily calorie intake for a man who wants to gain weight

If you want to gain muscle mass, then it is logical to assume that you need more calories. But there are several nuances here.

According to the American Council on Exercise, increasing caloric intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day should result in a positive energy balance and help a person increase their body weight by about a pound per week. But whether he gains fat or muscle will depend on his exercise habits and the macronutrients he consumes.

To gain muscle rather than fat, you should focus on eating more protein and less processed foods (any food that is highly processed) with added sugar, and limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates. And, of course, don’t forget about regular training!

To gain weight, a man should consume per day:

  • 20 year old - 3200 kcal;
  • 30-year-old - 3123 kcal;
  • 40-year-old - 3045 kcal;
  • 50 year old - 2968 kcal.

Why do men need more calories than women?

The female and male bodies are fundamentally different from each other. It is much easier for women to give up certain foods in order to lose weight. Girls can eat a large amount of vegetables, fruits, and salads. Men are unlikely to be able to follow such a diet. As a rule, a man’s professional activity is associated with physical activity. And the energy obtained from fruits is not enough. Therefore, men need more calories per day.

In addition, male muscle mass is more developed than female muscle mass. In this regard, the male body needs more protein. So, 100 g of protein contains 40 kcal. If a man leads a sedentary lifestyle and is inactive, the number of calories per day should be less than 2500 kcal. Otherwise, large amounts of fat will be deposited.

With normal hormonal levels in a man’s body, fat deposition is concentrated in the abdominal area. It's not difficult to get rid of it. In most cases, it is enough to simply pump up your abs and increase physical activity. If a young man abuses alcoholic beverages or beer, the deposition of fat spreads to the hips, sides of the waist, shoulders, and face. So, the process of losing weight will be protracted. It is imperative that a man stop drinking alcohol and change his lifestyle.

The woman plays a big role. If a girl wants her boyfriend to lose weight, she will have to calculate the calorie content of her meals herself. After all, for men the word “diet” sounds like a sentence. Determining your daily calorie intake is not difficult. You can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from fish and meat. It is worth using dietary types: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Men also need more calories per day because metabolism in the male body occurs twice as fast as in the female body.

How many calories does a man who wants to lose weight need per day?

Now let's see how the recommended numbers change for those who want to lose a few kilos, depending on the person's activity and age.

If you are overweight, it is recommended to consume per day:

  • a sedentary 20-year-old man—1,808 calories;
  • a moderately active 20-year-old man: 2,481 calories;
  • a sedentary 30-year-old man—1,748 calories;
  • a moderately active 30-year-old man: 2,404 calories;
  • a sedentary 40-year-old man—1,688 calories;
  • a moderately active 40-year-old man: 2,326 calories;
  • a sedentary 50-year-old man—1,628 calories;
  • For a moderately active 50-year-old man, 2,249 calories.

How to cut calories and not feel hungry: 3 tips

Simply starting to eat less is not the most effective way to lose weight. By sharply and significantly reducing portion sizes and the number of meals, you may experience a loss of energy, worsening mood and a constant feeling of hunger, which can ultimately trigger a “breakdown” and refusal of the diet.

Therefore, instead of a hunger strike, we advise you to pay attention not only to how much you eat, but also what exactly. And also use these three simple tips.

Eat more protein

The University of Maastricht in the Netherlands conducted a study, the results of which suggest that protein simultaneously speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite. The fact is that this element requires significant energy consumption for absorption, so a high-protein diet can increase calorie consumption by 80-100 kcal per day.

Another study conducted by the University of Missouri found that when protein made up 25% of daily calories, it reduced obsessive thoughts about food by 60% in 27 overweight men aged 44 to 50 and reduced the desire to snack late at night by 60%. 50% .

Avoid (or at least reduce your consumption of) sugary soft drinks

Another relatively easy dietary change you can make to lower your calorie count without making yourself faint is to eliminate liquid sugar calories from your diet. Namely, carbonated drinks, fruit juices (they are healthy, but only natural and in moderation), chocolate milk and other drinks with added sugar.

Drink more water

Research from the Humboldt University of Berlin showed that drinking 500 ml of water increased the metabolic rate by 30%, and this increase occurred within 10 minutes and reached a maximum after 30-40 minutes.

A 12-week study conducted by Virginia Tech's Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Exercise Science found that drinking half a liter of water half an hour before meals caused people to lose 44% more weight.

The role of calories

The main source of energy for the human body is food. The number of calories required is calculated based on gender, lifestyle and professional activity, and age of the person. Calories are units of energy that are formed when a particular food product is absorbed. As a rule, the number of calories of products is indicated on the packaging. Based on this, you can independently choose the optimally balanced diet for yourself.

A person needs calories to maintain normal activity throughout the day and normalize weight. Immediately after consumption, the body begins to consume this energy. It is converted into nutritional components. If calories are not consumed, they begin to accumulate in the body. Excess calories are stored as excess fat.

Meals must be eaten at least three times a day. You need to consume food wisely, taking into account calorie content. The daily calorie intake is very easy to calculate. The main source of energy for the human body is carbohydrates. If there are not enough carbohydrates, the body begins to consume fats and proteins. During the cold season, the body requires more energy to maintain normal body temperature. Energy is also spent during rest. Mechanical energy is required to maintain posture and develop the bone skeleton.

Top 3 Calorie Counting Apps

So, we told you about how many calories a man needs per day. The only thing left to do is check how well your diet corresponds to these indicators.

Fortunately, counting calories is very easy these days, and you don't need to get any special notebooks or get out an abacus. There are many useful calculator websites and apps that can help you track your calorie intake.

Here are a few of them. All are available online and have apps for iPhone, iPad and Android, and registration takes less than a minute. Last but not least, they are free (but have premium versions).


MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular calorie counters that tracks your weight and calculates your recommended daily calorie intake. It also has a well-designed food diary and exercise log.

The nutrition database in this app is very extensive and contains over five million foods. You can also download recipes from the Internet or add your own products and dishes.

Lose It!

If your English is very well, you can try this app, which includes an easy-to-use food diary and workout log. You can also sync it with a pedometer or other fitness device.

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