Exotic Indian diet for weight loss: reviews and results of those who have lost weight

Diet as self-restraint in the consumption of certain foods is usually used for two purposes - to restore health and maintain a slim figure. Try Indian - no need to torture yourself!

Both of these goals are interrelated because overweight people tend to have poor health. Every diet, especially strict and long-term, necessarily affects the condition of any person. That is why it is so important to know the specifics of the impact of one or another restriction on a particular organism.

Diet features

The nutritional system called the “Indian diet” was formed as a culture of therapeutic nutrition over many years of the development of traditional medicine.

India is a multifaceted and diverse country. Different regions have their own traditions, lifestyles and food consumption cultures. Some tribes adopt vegetarianism, others eat animal foods, but everywhere the use of spices, which tropical nature supplies people in abundance, is widespread.

Spices are parts of plants containing a large amount of biologically active substances that have a stimulating effect on the human body. In addition, the strong aroma of such substances suggests that they can be used as antibacterial and antifungal agents. Perhaps this is why Indian tribes managed to survive in the face of widespread infectious diseases.

Indian diets for weight loss have entered the lives of people with a European mentality as a diet that includes only vegetarian dishes. The basis of the Indian diet is:

  • rice;
  • tea;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • curry;
  • cinnamon;
  • pepper;
  • eggs.

Combinations of such products will provide the body with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals in quantities sufficient to ensure all body functions. However, a small amount of fats and fast carbohydrates does not allow you to accumulate fat reserves. At the same time, a person does not feel a loss of strength, since active metabolic and oxidative processes occur in the body, forming an optimal energy balance.

The essence of the Indian diet is to take certain foods according to a pattern that allows you to change the state of the body gradually, reducing the stress of switching to an unusual diet.

There are the following options for Indian diets:

  • anti-aging or nine-day;
  • for seven days;
  • protein;
  • with curry;
  • rice

All of these diets help you lose excess weight, which is why they fall into the category of weight loss diets.

We recommend that you read the article “Paradise for perfectionists or a green diet for weight loss”

And here are recommendations for the correct way out of the oat diet and daily menu options.

Diet -10 kg in 7 days. Basic Rules

Any effective diet “minus 10 kg in 7 days” implies severe food restrictions. This applies to both the amount of food consumed and its variety. To maintain a diet, you need not only a positive attitude, but also great self-control and willpower.

For clarity, we list the basic conditions that must be observed when losing weight. So, “diet minus 10 kg per week”, important points:

  • Psychological aspect. The slightest changes in the usual lifestyle, including nutrition, do not pass without leaving a trace. Every person experiences a feeling of discomfort from the restrictions and prohibitions placed on him. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right approach to the process of losing weight. Just imagine how much better you will look after just one week. And besides, the food you will consume is absolutely healthy and wholesome. The incentive is true?
  • Helpful tricks. Scientists have proven that when replacing standard plates with dishes of smaller volumes, the amount of food consumed will decrease. The same goes for cutlery.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. A mandatory rule for any diet. In order not to cause harm to the body, you need to drink a lot, replenishing the reserves of fluid removed from the body.
  • Prohibited products. Those that are not very useful for the human body. Salt, sugar, flour and alcohol are your enemies in the fight against excess weight!
  • Compliance with the regime. Eat more often, but in smaller doses, this will speed up the digestion process.
  • Strict compliance with the diet stated in the diet.
  • Sports and other physical activities can improve your well-being and speed up the weight loss process.

Menu options

With a rejuvenating diet, a person eats only boiled vegetables and fresh fruits. Its maximum duration is 9 days. The universal daily menu looks like this:

  • a glass of orange juice;
  • grapefruit – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • oranges – 5 pcs.;
  • boiled vegetables of one type;
  • a fresh vegetable salad;
  • tea.

Important! The main thing in this diet is the same type of daily diet. What exactly to consume in the morning, afternoon and evening, a person decides for himself.

With the Indian diet for 7 days, the duration of self-restraint is not so long, but the daily menu contains foods that are simply impossible not to lose weight.

For breakfast, you can eat two tangerines, one banana, orange or grapefruit, cucumber salad with grated carrots and unrefined oil, two eggs, ten almonds, sweet pepper salad and tomato with butter.

For lunch you can have a serving of rice. On the first day, the serving is 3 tbsp. l. and about 100 g of vegetable stew from eggplant, carrots, and tomatoes. The stew must be simmered for 15-20 minutes. 1 tsp is added to it. curry and 2 cloves of garlic. On the second, third, sixth and seventh day, he eats 6 tbsp for lunch. l. rice, seasoned with 1 tsp. curry. On the fifth day of the diet, lunch consists of 100 g of boiled green beans. You can drink tea or milk.

For dinner on the first day, only 200 g of vegetable stew is allowed. On the second, third and fifth days, you need to have dinner with a dish of rice (5 tbsp) with curry (1 tsp). On the sixth day you need to eat milk rice soup (40 g of rice per 1.5 cups of milk). On the last day, the entire dinner should consist of one banana and one grapefruit.

All dishes can be moderately salted. If necessary, drinking mineral water is allowed. The essence of the protein diet is to replace animal proteins with plant proteins. In this case, the diet should contain products such as:

  • legumes in young pods;
  • nuts;
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • bananas.

Curry, a popular Indian seasoning, helps burn excess fat. It is recommended to use it with:

  • brown rice;
  • pumpkin;
  • chickpeas;
  • lentils;
  • vegetable stew.

With such a diet, a person does not need to starve. As follows from the description of the seven-day diet, you need to eat at least three times a day. Between main meals, fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed.

Important! The Indian diet without meat helps to unload the diet and improve the health of the body. Find out more about summer weight loss with fruits and vegetables.

What is special about the Indian diet?

When we hear the word “diet,” we immediately think about restrictions on the consumption of certain foods. But it's not quite like that. The basis of this system is the separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.

The Indian diet includes dark rice dishes, a large amount of vegetables and fruits (oranges, apples, lemons, grapefruits).

  • It is recommended to eat 3 full meals a day, as well as snacks to satisfy your hunger. A snack could be fruit or low-calorie yogurt.
  • Food should be chewed well (up to 100 times) to prevent digestive problems and to help food move through the gastrointestinal tract faster.
  • It is important to drink up to 2 liters of water or unsweetened green tea throughout the day.
  • Don't forget about exercise: a 40-minute walk is enough. And, of course, yoga is ideal.

Digestion like a clock - Ardha Matsyendrasana asana

Is this diet suitable for everyone?

The state of his body depends on what a person eats. It would seem that the diet is so “dietary” that there can be no prohibitions here. However, this is not the case. It is not recommended to follow this diet for those who:

  • there is a lack of weight;
  • have diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system, especially the pancreas and liver;
  • there is a protein deficiency.

Thus, people who do not have diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems can afford the Indian diet. If a person has chronic diseases, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

What can and cannot be consumed

The Indian diet allows the consumption of animal proteins. Meat products, bakery products, and any sweets are completely prohibited. Carbohydrates in the body should come only from the products described here. Even honey is prohibited, since it is a source of fast carbohydrates. A person who decides to correct his body with the help of an Indian diet can afford to lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, it is precisely this lifestyle that should be combined with a diet where there is little fat, but enough fat burners.

Some people may experience a loss of energy at first. This is due to changes in the body. In this case, you don’t need to give up your diet, but you shouldn’t forcefully exercise either. Wait until you feel light and want to move.

It is strictly forbidden to take special drugs to burn fat during the diet. This is very dangerous for your health.

What effect can you expect

The effectiveness of this diet depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Any person who does not suffer from the diseases listed above will lose weight from such a diet.

Usually, results begin to be noticed after the first three days of the diet. However, it is fixed only on the seventh or tenth day.

The Indian diet is not just for weight loss. After it, the condition of the digestive system usually improves, headaches go away, blood pressure normalizes, and joint pain decreases. All these “secondary” phenomena are associated with cleansing the body of toxins and waste.


The most valuable information usually comes from those who have experienced all the advantages and disadvantages of the diet. Experience is a reflection of successes and mistakes, on the basis of which the most valuable advice is born. Consider the reviews and results of the Indian diet:

Andrey, 35 years old: “After many years of sports and physical work, I found myself in a job where I have to constantly sit. As a result, he began to rapidly gain weight. I didn’t like it, and most importantly, my young wife didn’t like it. I pulled myself together and went on an Indian diet. I chose it rather for its exotic name. Lasted seven days. I felt light and wanted to move. I stopped driving to work. The time I started spending on walking was not wasted. My health improved, my wife fell in love with me again, and my boss gave me a promotion. In my new position, I can afford breaks for exercise. This is Indian magic."

Anna Vladimirovna, 46 years old: “I knew that at the age of 45 changes begin to occur in the body, as a result of which the processes of fat breakdown are inhibited, but it was extremely unpleasant to experience these consequences. I immediately went on an Indian diet. She lost a few kilograms, was happy, returned to her previous food and began to gain weight again. I had to go back to brown rice and curry. Moral - if you are over 45, then the Indian diet should become a way of life."

Vladimir Petrovich, 55 years old: “I’ve been healthy all my life. However, it was a difficult time for me too. My body became heavy, literally and figuratively. Headaches appeared and my blood pressure began to rise. I used to laugh at my wife’s addictions to all kinds of diets, but now I looked at her quirks differently. Since she was once again on the Indian diet, I joined her. Thanks to my wife – she helped me get through the first days. Now everything is fine. My advice to you is to love yourself beautiful, healthy and slim. Don’t feed your body, because you only have one.”


Now let's talk about foods that help you lose weight on a diet. Indian diet for weight loss excludes meat, so the diet will not appeal to those who cannot live a day without meat products. But the diet includes many other useful and healthy foods; over the course of seven days you will discover new interesting flavor combinations. Let's reveal the secrets of foods that help you lose weight on this diet.


This product forms the basis of Japanese and Chinese diets. It is not in vain that it is so popular, because it contains a supply of useful substances. Rice contains iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamins B and E. Thanks to rice, the body rejuvenates, cholesterol levels decrease, metabolism accelerates, mood improves, performance increases and the quality of memory improves.

  • We recommend reading: how to cleanse the body with rice and a fasting day on rice


Already in ancient times they talked about the healing properties of this seasoning; dishes with turmeric become healthier. Dishes with turmeric help speed up metabolism and remove harmful substances from the body. Surprisingly, this seasoning can fight Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cleanses the blood and helps with arthritis.


Cinnamon is an indispensable product for weight loss. Kilograms disappear instantly if you add this seasoning to kefir, coffee, rice, curry. The seasoning accelerates the metabolic process, removes fluid from the body, and increases vitality. Say goodbye to poor vision, memory, fatigue and weak immunity. Cinnamon is useful for women, it facilitates the process of menstruation and enhances sexuality. Spice has always helped Indian seductresses get what they want.

  • We recommend reading: what to drink cinnamon with for weight loss


Even a schoolchild knows about the beneficial properties of fruits. They replenish the lack of vitamins, provide the necessary vital energy and increase the body's resistance to disease. Fruits have a positive effect on the color and condition of the skin, hair, and nails. Each fruit has its own beneficial qualities, for example, citrus fruits are essential for weight loss, so increase your consumption of oranges and grapefruits on this diet. Banana improves your mood, but don’t get carried away with it, because it’s a high-calorie fruit.


Another leader in the fight against extra pounds. Vegetables strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and increase vitality. Cabbage will help improve the metabolic process, carrots make vision sharp and the skin young, cucumber removes cholesterol and has antioxidant properties, pepper improves potency and stimulates desire, tomato improves sleep quality. On the Indian diet, all vegetables are allowed except potatoes.

Milk with tea

This drink came to us just from India; popular milk tea diets appeared. But drinking this drink alone for five days is harmful to the body, so the Indian diet advises drinking it once a day. The advantage of milkweed is its ability to remove excess fluid from the body and flush out harmful substances that clog it. But along with the harmful substances, the beneficial ones also disappear, so you should not drink milk tea more than once a day.

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