From a German nutritionist - yogurt diet for weight loss: menu options, reviews and results

The Germans know! A yogurt diet for weight loss will help you achieve the desired slimness.

In a world where a slim figure is considered the standard, weight loss diets are extremely popular. There are a huge number of options for losing weight quickly: these are mono-diets, separate meals, low-carbohydrate and protein diets, and national methods of losing weight. Some are quite soft, others require strict restrictions.

To achieve results, it is important to choose the right weight loss method. In addition, you should know what contraindications this or that method of losing weight has and how to properly exit a particular diet. The yogurt diet is very popular today. Let's figure out why.

Basic principles of weight loss with yogurt

A diet based on the consumption of yogurt was developed by a German specialist, a nutritionist named Seik. The yogurt diet for weight loss was first used in an elite Swiss sanatorium, when patients wishing to lose weight followed certain dietary rules. Later, the technique spread everywhere, winning its fans.

If we look at reviews of the yogurt diet, we can highlight several of its advantages:

  • Losing weight by 4-6 kilograms in a week.
  • A fairly light diet that does not require strict restrictions.
  • It is tasty and healthy.

The essence of the technique

The main rule of this weight loss method is to eat at least 500 grams. natural yogurt with a fat content of less than 1.2% per day. The number of meals per day is 4-5 times.

The most common duration options are 3.7 and 10 days, depending on the amount of extra pounds and the result that the person losing weight sets for himself.

Depending on the duration, various options for the yogurt diet menu are suggested. Let's look at the main ones.

Approximate diet for three days

The yogurt-based diet, designed for three days, has variations:

  1. Swiss principle.
  2. Model version.
  3. Russian version.

The Swiss variation involves eating the same food for three days. The daily diet is:

  • 500 g of natural yoghurt without sugar;
  • 500 g of any vegetables (you can make a salad from them with a dressing based on vegetable oil or stew them);
  • 400 g of fruits and berries (you can prepare a fruit salad dressed with yogurt);
  • 100 g white fish.

You distribute your meals yourself.

Important! During the diet, give up coffee and give preference to tea and plain water to reduce the load on the nervous system.

The option for models is more strict and involves the following meals:

  • Breakfast – 200 g of natural yogurt;
  • Lunch – one apple and one egg each;
  • Dinner – a small portion of salad.

It is permissible to replace an apple with 1/2 grapefruit. This option allows you to drink tea and coffee without sugar and water.

The domestic version of the short-term yogurt diet involves consuming 600 g of yogurt per day. Ideally, it is recommended to take 120 g of food 5 times a day. It does not indicate that the yogurt should be live, etc., but for best results, preference should be given to a natural product without additives. You can drink any kind of drink, the main condition is that there is no sugar!

Compliance with these requirements will allow you to get rid of 1-3 kilograms of excess weight. This option is optimal if you need to slightly adjust your figure in anticipation of an event.

Read about the magic diet.

And here is information about Kovalkov’s diet.

Follow the link for recommendations on fractional diets.

Seven day option

The yogurt diet menu for 7 days has a composition similar to the short-term diet. So, during the day you are allowed to eat:

  • 500 g of main product;
  • 400 g of fruits and berries;
  • 400 g vegetables;
  • 150 g – dietary meat or fish;
  • 2 glasses – fresh juices;
  • Greens - in any quantity;
  • Water, herbal infusions, green tea - the more, the better.

These foods should be divided into 4-5 parts, the last meal should be at least 3-3.5 hours before bedtime.

During this time you can get rid of 4-6 kilograms.

Diet for ten days

To lose up to 8 kilograms, you will have to limit yourself for 10 days. On these days it is recommended for consumption:

  • 500 g of yogurt (or 1 liter of drinking product);
  • Lean meat or fish, steamed;
  • Vegetables (will be an excellent side dish);
  • Greens - in unlimited quantities;
  • Fruits – 300-400 g.

It is recommended to divide the entire volume of food into 4-5 times and eat it in equal portions.

You can drink any drinks, except for adding sugar to them.

Main conclusions

The advantages of the yogurt diet far outweigh the disadvantages. If you want to lose weight quickly, then use the emergency 3-day nutrition program. For stable, simple and safe weight loss, it is recommended to opt for a weekly or 10-day diet.

For the yogurt diet to be beneficial, you need to follow these rules:

  • Before following a diet, consult your doctor.
  • Natural yogurt without sugar or additives, prepared at home, is ideal for weight loss.
  • Divide the daily portion of the product (about 500 g) into 3 doses.
  • Supplement your diet with vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, berries, herbs, a small amount of lean meat and fish.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
  • Avoid the yogurt diet if there are contraindications.
  • Smoothly increase your daily caloric intake after a fast.

If you follow these rules, this nutritional system will help you get rid of 3–6 kg, improve digestion, increase immunity, restore intestinal microflora, cleanse the body of toxins, and improve your health.

If you have tried the yogurt diet, then tell us about your experience in the comments. Share your recipes for preparing the product at home.

How much can you lose by losing weight on yogurt?

A diet based on natural fermented milk products is gentle and does not belong to the strict category. Therefore, it gives good results, but not the most powerful. To significantly reduce weight, for example by 10 kg, a yogurt diet is not suitable for weight loss.

This system is more suitable for people who want to get their figure in order by getting rid of a few extra pounds. On average, on a yogurt diet you can lose from 2 to 8 kilograms if all the conditions of the system are correctly followed.

Low-calorie and low-fat yogurts

Regular low-calorie yogurt is a fermented milk product with a minimal percentage of fat content, having an average calorie content of 60 to 110 kcal/100 g, but not all of them can be drunk for weight loss. In the store you can choose and buy low-calorie fermented milk from several manufacturers:

  • Frugurt (70 kcal);
  • Neo Imunele Natural (63 kcal);
  • Activia natural (75 kcal), regular (90 kcal);
  • Miracle (99 kcal);
  • Danone thick thermostatic (49 kcal);
  • Greek from Ehrmann (66 kcal).

People seeking to lose weight believe that it is better to drink low-fat yogurts, but their usefulness is very questionable. At the same time as the fat content in drinks is reduced, the amount of salt in drinks is reduced, replacing it with potassium chloride, and water and sugar are added instead of fat. Low-fat products are more liquid, so to obtain a thick consistency, a thickener such as starch is added to it, which prevents the breakdown of fats. It turns out that some ingredients are replaced by others, no less harmful, which will not contribute to weight loss.

Despite all the above factors, you can drink fermented milk drinks while on a diet. The main thing is to pay attention not to the name or brand of the manufacturer, but to the energy value and composition of the purchased product. If there are no harmful components in it, then the beneficial properties of low-fat and low-calorie yoghurts are the same as those of natural ones:

  • strengthening the immune system, teeth, bones;
  • assistance in digesting food;
  • prevention of constipation, osteoporosis;
  • lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.

Such fermented milk can cause harm only if it contains dyes, various food additives, sweeteners and fats. The last component will certainly become an obstacle on the path to a beautiful slim figure and flat stomach. In addition, people who have an individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the drink should drink yoghurt with caution.

Who is this technique suitable for: contraindications

This option for losing weight is quite easy, since a person does not feel hungry, and the main product of the diet contains a number of beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body’s gastrointestinal system. Contraindications for the use of the yogurt diet are based on large amounts of a substance such as calcium. Despite its usefulness, the trace element in large doses is not recommended for people with kidney disease, liver disease, and those who suffer from frequent gastrointestinal disorders.

Which yoghurts are healthier?

Yogurt is a product of milk fermentation after pasteurization, during which all potential pathogens are killed. At the second stage of the preparation technology, a culture in the form of a starter is added to the milk and its fermentation occurs in a warm environment. The longer the heating time, the more sour and thicker the final product will become due to bacteria producing lactic acid.

The best option for a yogurt diet would be to use homemade natural fermented milk treats, because its benefits directly depend on the shelf life: already on the second day after preparation, the number of beneficial bacteria drops by half, and so on in arithmetic progression. Therefore, it is best to drink yogurt that is no older than 3 days. You can prepare it at home using a yogurt maker or in a slow cooker. Sometimes without the use of special equipment, simply maintaining the desired temperature in a carefully wrapped container or thermos. Using a homemade product, you can be sure of its high quality.

Store-bought products with bifidobacteria do not always meet these requirements. In order to increase their shelf life, special components are added to the fermented product - stabilizers, preservatives. Pieces of fresh fruit are not used because this would immediately cause souring. Instead, they use canned berries or fruits, or in the worst case, just syrups or flavorings. This makes them not so useful, and sometimes even causes allergic reactions.

User opinions

To understand how effective the diet is and how it is tolerated, let us turn to the opinions of those who have tried the yogurt diet. User reviews and results:

Alina, 24 years old: “I planned to get rid of 6 kg, so I spent a long time looking for an option that would suit me. I decided on a yogurt diet. I love this product very much, so I decided that such a system for combating excess weight would be easy for me. However, in reality everything turned out to be not so simple. Firstly, I lost only 3.5 kilograms in 10 days. Secondly, these 150 grams of fish or meat turned out to be very insignificant for me, and I felt that I was limiting myself. Thirdly, the diet is quite monotonous. Probably, it is more suitable for people with culinary imagination who know how to cook. In this case, they will be able to diversify their diet with different vegetable dishes!

The diet also has its advantages: the functioning of the stomach is normalized, you feel light, and most importantly, there is no drowsiness or headaches. In general, a good option if you need to lose 1-3 kilograms.”

Anna, 39 years old: “The diet is just great! No feeling of hunger, and only delicious dishes! True, for the first three days I didn’t notice any changes at all, and then the weight began to gradually melt away. As a result, after ten days I got rid of 5.8 kg! The goal was exactly 6, but I think the result achieved was good! The main thing is that you don’t spoil your stomach, but, on the contrary, yogurt has a good effect on it. And you feel cheerful! I recommend".

Let's sum it up

The yogurt diet, according to experts in the field of weight loss, is one of the most delicious and healthy. During it, the body does not experience stress, and the diet is light, but at the same time satisfying. This is confirmed by reviews of the yogurt diet for weight loss.

To achieve maximum results and not cause harm to the body, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Drink water or freshly squeezed juices between meals.
  • Do not eat less than 3-3.5 hours before bedtime.
  • When choosing fruits, avoid sweet pears, watermelons and grapes, give preference to apples and various citrus fruits.
  • Avoid choosing high-calorie vegetables.
  • Consume at least one and a half liters of plain water per day.

By following these simple tips, you can easily “survive” the diet and make your figure slimmer and your body healthier!

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

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