How long to stick to the 10-glass “Eat and Lose Weight” system?


Eat and lose weight is a 10-glass system, the weekly menu of which includes different foods. You will not feel acute hunger, because you can eat almost anything. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible portion sizes and drink water according to the plan. You will need to drink a glass of clean drinking water 20 minutes before each meal. The point of the weight loss system is that a liquid-filled stomach becomes full much faster, and you eat less. You should not drink water for two hours after eating, so as not to dilute the juice secreted by the stomach.

The desire to lose weight for most of us is inextricably linked with the desire to eat whatever we want and limit ourselves to the minimum amount of portions. It is not always possible to quell our appetite; as a result, we eat much more than we should and gain excess. What to do? There is a solution - try the “Eat and lose weight 10 glasses” system. It will cleanse the body, regulate metabolic processes and allow you to lose extra pounds. The main secret of the menu is to drink a large amount of clean water, of which at least 80% is present in the human body. If there is little fluid, metabolism slows down, nutrients are absorbed much less well, the intestines stop, and feces accumulate in it.

Not only does your well-being deteriorate, your blood and lymph become clogged, and the mode of operation is turned on to accumulate, not energy and vitamins, but waste, toxins and other debris. In principle, to maintain beauty and health, it is enough to drink 1.5-2.5 liters of clean water a day, but few adults do this. The 10-glass diet will help you quickly remove everything unnecessary and cleanse your body from the inside. Meals according to the system are four times a day. There are no special restrictions in terms of the foods consumed and their quantity, but do not forget to count calories.

Flushing the body

Drinking a lot of water every day is not harmful, but beneficial. The exception is those cases when there are serious kidney pathologies - here reasonable restrictions are needed. Hypertensive patients and heart patients with experience should also consult a specialist before radically changing their drinking diet so as not to harm themselves. For other people, a 10-glass diet system will only be beneficial, especially if there was previously a history of overeating, and the norm of drinking clean water was very far away.

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In the process of losing weight using the “Eat and Lose Weight” system, you will not only lose weight, but also activate the excretory system, water reserves will begin to melt - along with swelling, toxins, and excess weight. Drinking plenty of water saturates, helps reduce appetite and reduce the usual portion sizes, cleanses the intestines, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, activates blood circulation, improves the condition of the skin and complexion. You don’t have to follow a strict regime, nor do you have to radically change your diet or buy “tricky” expensive products. If, after leaving the diet, you continue to adhere to the original restrictions, the lost weight will not return.

How to drink correctly

When we drink water, the stomach is full and sends a signal to the brain that it is full and there is no need to eat more. If you constantly drink water before meals, satiety will require eating less food, and the corresponding information will arrive in the brain much earlier than with a regular “waterless” diet. Additionally, water accelerates metabolic processes, involves “old persistent” fats in the digestive process, which are deposited in the waist, on the sides and do not respond to any diet. Drinking a glass of liquid at a time is not so difficult - even if you were previously far from correct drinking habits.

To achieve maximum weight loss results, drink correctly:

  1. The water should be at room temperature - hot or cold will not give the desired results. Also focus on your personal feelings - you should feel comfortable drinking.
  2. Do not use mineral water for dieting - you need regular purified water. Mineral water in large quantities leads to disruption of the alkaline and acid balance of the stomach.
  3. Chew your food very thoroughly and do not drink it with water - this can disrupt the normal digestive process. You can drink only half an hour before meals and a couple of hours after. You can’t exercise immediately after eating - take a break.
  4. Don’t force yourself - if the amount of fluid you can get in only through force, reduce it by a third or half.
  5. As soon as you feel full while eating, stop eating - your body is telling you that it has received everything it needs.
  6. Packaged juices and carbonated drinks are prohibited during the diet. Remember that juice and sweet water are not a drink, but a food, and “empty” in terms of composition, but high in calories. If there is something liquid, then kefir or milk is better.
  7. Snacks are allowed between meals - one sandwich, a couple of cookies. Drinks – coffee, tea.

If you drink and eat according to these rules, you will lose 6 to 10 kg per month using the 10-glass system.

Basic principles

As you know, the human body consists of 4/5 ordinary water. It was this circumstance that the diet developers took into account. If you limit yourself to liquids, then:

  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • beneficial substances supplied with food are less well absorbed;
  • the intestines begin to work improperly;
  • stagnation develops.

Most people are aware that they need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. However, in reality, quite often this rule is ignored. The result is regular digestive problems, obesity, deterioration of skin condition, etc.

“10 glasses” makes it easy to lose weight and at the same time remove accumulated toxins from the body.

The basic rule of the diet in question is to drink 2 glasses of still water half an hour before each meal. This requirement must be strictly observed throughout the entire time required to lose weight.

Among other things, only after 2 hours after eating can you drink. The diet should be four meals a day, therefore, in one day, a person losing weight drinks from 8 to 10 glasses of liquid. Thus, the total volume of water is from 2 to 2.5 liters. There are no more restrictions.

How long to stick to the diet

There are no strict recommendations regarding the duration of the diet - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, but in most cases the process of losing weight is quite long. “Soft” weight loss involves gradual changes - active loss of kilograms will begin only after a couple of months of proper drinking regimen and reducing portions. At first, it will be unusual for you to take such breaks, drink before meals, and you may not want to drink large amounts of water, but then you will get used to it. According to the 10-glass “Eat and Lose Weight” system, you can, in principle, eat for life, although doctors say that 2-3 months is more than enough. Focus on how you feel and don’t overuse it.

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How much water should you drink?

This is a controversial issue – you can find a lot of conflicting opinions on the Internet. Moreover, all these tips do not take into account weight, amount of physical activity and other individual characteristics of each of us. If you are an athlete or just an active person who moves a lot, drink more. If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system or kidneys, on the contrary, it is better to limit the amount of water.

The most common recommendation is to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. These do not include soups, coffee, teas, juices and soda - only ordinary drinking water is taken into account (after all, you don’t water flowers with tea or coffee - so the body does not perceive these liquids as real water).

It is useful to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach (first thing, as soon as you get up, even before breakfast) - one or two glasses replenish the moisture lost during the night, help the body wake up faster and start the metabolic process.

The effect of water on health

Since a person consists of 80% water, it is the most important building element and regulator of metabolic processes. If little fluid is consumed, organs and systems do not work correctly, cells do not regenerate as necessary. The “Eat and Lose Weight” system involves consuming significant amounts of fluid, resulting in:

  • The processes of assimilation of nutrients entering the human body with food are improved;
  • Toxins and waste are actively removed;
  • The condition of hair and skin improves;
  • A feeling of lightness appears;
  • Heartburn goes away.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

The 10-glass menu has many advantages - you don’t need to adhere to a special diet, give up your favorite foods, or constantly go hungry. Over time, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, you get used to eating less, and portion sizes are reduced in principle, body weight stabilizes. There are no objective shortcomings, but not everyone likes to drink regularly and a lot, just like keeping track of time or constantly going to the toilet. In case of pathologies of the kidneys, urinary system, or heart, this system may be contraindicated.

How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Water Diet

In the basic version, the 10-glass diet does not involve menu adjustments - eat what you want, most importantly after a glass of water, and do not drink during meals. But if you plan to achieve maximum results, you can make additional adjustments to your nutrition system. Among them:

  • Minimizing the consumption of sweets, fatty foods, and starchy foods;
  • Increasing the volume of fruits and vegetables;
  • Replacing sugar with fructose;
  • Refusal of fried foods;
  • Eat no more than a handful of candied fruits, nuts, and seeds per day;
  • Meat is only dietary.

The rest of the diet can be arbitrary. It is best to eat vegetables and cereals for breakfast; meat with a side dish and soup for lunch. The afternoon snack should be light - protein, salad, dessert. For dinner, eat meat with vegetables. The volume of water before each meal can range from 200 to 400 ml - whatever is more convenient for you. Before going to bed, you can drink water, green tea, rosehip decoction or kefir.

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General rules

One of the most important principles of dietary nutrition aimed at correcting body weight is reducing the amount (volume) of food consumption. This can be achieved using various methods, including the method of pre-filling the stomach cavity with water. The 10-glass diet is based on this principle, which involves drinking two glasses of purified water 20-30 minutes before each meal, which contributes to a faster feeling of fullness. In addition, in the vast majority of cases, people mistake the feeling of hunger for a feeling of thirst and begin a false “urge” to eat, which contributes to uncontrolled weight gain.

Thus, water taken 30 minutes before a meal partially fills the stomach cavity, reducing the feeling of hunger and appetite. You cannot drink anything while eating. You are allowed to drink water again only 1.5-2 hours after eating. Some people find it difficult to drink two glasses of water before meals. In this case, you can start with a smaller volume of water (for example, one glass) and gradually increase it. And after a short period of time, you will easily drink 2 glasses of water.

What water is best to use? There are various options: unboiled filtered, spring or mineral (table) still water with a mineralization level not higher than 1 g/l. It is better to drink slightly chilled water and drink it in small sips. Also, it is necessary to reduce your usual portion of food by approximately half and after a while your body will be saturated with less food.


The water diet always works, and the results depend on the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of excess weight. The 10-glass system is most effective if you adhere to a diet and exercise. Everyone without exception talks about improving their well-being and appearance - cleansing the body has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails, and stomach function.

Losing 10 kg in a couple of months is more than possible, if you maintain healthy eating habits, the weight will not return.

In general, 10 glasses of water per day is the optimal norm for beauty and health, useful for everyone, regardless of age.

Essence and principles

The essence of this diet is to make your diet fractional and so that each serving does not exceed the volume of a glass. Thus, eating in glasses allows you not to overload the body so that it does not expend extra energy on digesting food.

  1. Each serving should not exceed a volume of 200 ml.
  2. There can be at least 5 meals a day.
  3. This technique has no serious limitations, however, in order to get a more significant result, it is necessary to eliminate fried, salty, flour and sweet foods from the diet.
  4. The maximum duration of the course is no more than 3 weeks.

There are two varieties of this technique - the 5 and 10 glass diet. The first option involves 5 meals. The 10-glass diet is divided into 4 meals, but before each of them you need to drink 2 glasses of water and two more at night. As a result, 10 glasses of water come out.


Alexander “The menu is suitable for those who are determined to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and do not expect quick results. I wanted to lose ten pounds of weight, but still my priority was health. The nutrition system suited me perfectly - of course, you can lose more weight, but your health has improved, and there is no hunger."

Nina “A good diet that gives long-term results. I drank a lot anyway, but I wanted to achieve more significant results in terms of weight loss, to systematize everything. Indeed, the intestines work well, but you want to eat much less. I recommend the 10 glasses menu to anyone who wants to lose weight without chemicals, laxatives and pills."

Anya “At first it was hard to pour so much water into myself, so I started with half a glass, over time I switched to a whole glass, and then even two. Water is truly powerful, you just need to get used to drinking as much of it as possible. My weight loss is average, but I’ve definitely lost 5 kilograms.”

Lena “I eat plus or minus according to the system all the time, sometimes giving myself concessions. Vigor is high, well-being is excellent, small but still plummets are pleasing - in general, I advise everyone who does not want to go hungry and takes care of their health.”

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