How long can you stay full? 14 products that experts recommend

The mistake of many who want to lose weight is refusing to eat foods with high nutritional value. Low value meals contain few calories, but they are also empty, meaning they do not provide any beneficial elements. As a result, losing excess weight becomes a painful ordeal and brings health problems. In fact, to lose weight you need the most nutritious foods; they supply the body with everything it needs and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. Here you will find a list of what must be included in a balanced menu.

Not all low-calorie foods help you lose weight, and not all high-calorie foods lead to weight gain. A hearty meal is one that satiates you, allowing you to forget about hunger for a long time. A menu for losing weight and maintaining a stable weight must meet several criteria:

  • fill the stomach to create a feeling of fullness;
  • digest slowly so that this sensation lasts as long as possible;
  • contain elements important for the body.

How long saturation lasts depends on a number of factors, one of them is fluctuations in blood glucose. The faster this level rises, the more rapidly it will decline, causing a repeat outbreak of hunger. The following are foods that do not provoke sudden spikes in sugar and satiate you for a long time. For convenience, they are divided into categories.

Vegetables and spices


Valued for its nutritional value with a low amount of calories and carbohydrates. Suitable for diet, as it is easily digestible and provides a whole range of important substances. Contains iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamins C, A, E, K and B.

Bell pepper

In our country, any sweet pepper is usually called Bulgarian, even those that have nothing to do with Bulgaria. The flesh of this juicy, crunchy vegetable is filled with liquid, making it filling. It contains many antioxidants, including vitamin C, the concentration of which bell peppers exceeds citrus fruits.


The most versatile variety is broccoli; it retains its quality when frozen. It contains protein, a huge amount of fiber, vitamins C and K. In second place you can put cauliflower, it is also worth noting kale, it also contains omega-3 acids. All varieties have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, help cleanse the digestive tract, and prevent peptic ulcers.


Some avoid carrots, believing that the sweetness indicates an increased concentration of fructose and calories. They forget that most of the carbohydrate compounds in this root vegetable are fiber. Carrots cannot be ignored; they are a source of carotene, which is essential for the eyes and skin.


Cucumbers are often considered empty and useless vegetables, arguing that about 95% of the pulp is water. They are really low in proteins and carbohydrates, but contain many valuable elements, especially potassium.


It is needed not only during the period of flu and colds. When the cells that make up garlic cloves are broken down, allicin is released, a powerful antioxidant. It not only has antifungal and antibacterial effects, but also improves overall health.


Ginger root contains not only minerals, but also essential amino acids, which are difficult to obtain from foods of plant origin, essential oils and a small amount of fat. With regular moderate consumption, it normalizes digestive processes, strengthens the immune system, improves brain function, suppresses inflammation and even fights toxicosis in pregnant women.


Like garlic, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, but unlike garlic, it retains its benefits even after heat treatment. You can get a lot of vitamins C and group B, potassium and iron from onions.


A source of the most powerful antioxidant lycopene, which is preserved even after freezing and prolonged boiling. This substance has a powerful anti-cancer effect. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, E, K, B2, B6.

Sweet potato

One of the few products that have a sweet taste, but at the same time stabilize the concentration of glucose in the blood. These root vegetables are completely free of fats, but contain complex carbohydrates and proteins in higher concentrations than regular potatoes.

Fruits and berries

Those who want to lose weight often refuse fruits, depleting their diet. There is no need to completely give up sweet fruits; it is better to give preference to the most nutritious ones:

  • apple. Convenient because you can carry it with you to use as a quick snack. The main value of apples is their high content of dietary fiber, which fills the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness, as well as antioxidants;
  • avocado. It is often equated with vegetables, but it is still a fruit. A unique feature is that 77% of avocado consists of fats, it also contains fiber, ascorbic acid and potassium;
  • bananas. The fruit is quite high in calories, but you shouldn’t give it up even on a diet. Bananas are high in potassium and fiber and can be used to replenish energy after a workout;
  • blueberry. The most valuable of all berries, the leader in the amount of antioxidants among all foods. Regular consumption of blueberries makes a tangible contribution to eye health and the prevention of early aging;
  • oranges. Citrus fruits were once considered leaders in the concentration of vitamin C, but now this opinion has been refuted. However, you shouldn’t give up oranges; they contain a lot of dietary fiber and antioxidants;
  • strawberry. This sweet berry is low in carbohydrates and calories, while being very high in ascorbic acid and manganese.

Saturation Factors for Common Products

The higher the satiety factor score, the more likely the food will make you feel full after eating it.

Food product Saturation factor
Bean sprouts4,6
Fish, fried3,4
Chicken breast, fried3,3
Boneless steak, fried3,2
Baked potato2,5
Low fat yogurt2,5
Pasta with cheese2,5
Brown rice2,3
White rice2,1
Ice cream1,8
White bread1,8
Snickers bar1,5
Sugar (sucrose)1,3
Potato chips1,2

General observations

Foods that contain high amounts of fat, sugar and/or starch have a low satiety factor and are much easier to overeat. Foods containing high amounts of water, dietary fiber and/or protein have the highest satiety factors. These high FN foods, which include most vegetables, fruits, and lean meats, are better at curbing hunger.

Important Note

The table above is an example of saturation factors for several products and is not intended to be a complete list of products. Use the ND search engine to find the foods you currently eat and determine their specific satiety factors. This is an English-language site, so you will need to enter the names of the products you are interested in in English. “Saturation factor” in English - Fullness Factor . Different products of the same type can have many different functional factors, depending on their composition. For example, regular popcorn (without butter) has a higher FN than popcorn popped with butter.

A short guide to using the ND

Step one : Go to the SELF Nutrition Data website (link above) and enter the name of the product you are interested in in English.

Step two : Select the most interesting product option, for example, pineapple (raw, canned, frozen, pineapple juice, etc.).

Step three : Find its Fullness Factor on the page with the product you are interested in.

Saturation factors for liquids

Although all of the foods in the table above are solid foods, the satiety factor can also be calculated for liquids, including soups and drinks. Most liquid foods will have a higher than average saturation factor due to the large amount of water they contain.

Liquid foods do have a relatively high satiating effect, at least in the short term. However, liquids with low viscosity (such as water, juice or soft drinks) leave your stomach quickly, making you feel hungry sooner. Keep this in mind if you use the satiety factor when choosing foods for weight loss.

Satiety Factors for Mixed Meals

The satiety factor can be calculated for mixed dishes (that is, a combination of several foods) in the same way as it is calculated for an individual food. In fact, this is the most appropriate use of FN since almost everyone consumes many different foods during meals.

The Satiety Factor can be used in conjunction with almost any type of diet or approved food list. Simply by choosing foods with a higher FN, you will improve your chances of consuming fewer calories while reducing your hunger.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: Weight loss

About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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Cereals and legumes

Green beans

Young green beans in their pods don't have as much protein as the larger seeds, but they do have a lot more dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium and magnesium. This complex can not only improve digestion, but also stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels.


Valued by vegetarians as it is one of the best sources of vegetable protein. It is high-quality protein in combination with complex carbohydrates that allows you to feel full and maintain this feeling for a long time. Few people know, but lentils are a prebiotic; they provide nutrition for beneficial bacteria in the intestines and help increase their numbers.

Brown rice

The most valuable of all types of rice and one of the most nutritious grains. Brown or brown rice is practically not processed, so it retains everything provided by nature: magnesium, B vitamins, especially B1, dietary fiber. With regular use, it helps normalize blood pressure and prevents certain types of cancer.


To get the most benefits, you should choose oatmeal that has undergone minimal industrial processing. Whole oats will be the most beneficial. This cereal leads in fiber, accounting for more than 30% of the total, as well as in the amount of beta-glycans, which reduce bad cholesterol.


Some may argue that nuts are a fatty and high-calorie food. However, the fats and proteins found in nuts cause the body to release hormones that help you feel full. In addition, the fats in nuts are unsaturated and help maintain normal cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You just need to watch your portion size. You should eat no more than a handful of nuts per day.

Nuts and seeds


In fact, quinoa is not a cereal, it is not a grain, but a seed, however, it is consumed in the same way as a cereal crop. This is a very satisfying product with a rich composition, in which vegetable protein is combined with many microelements, especially magnesium. Unlike many grains, quinoa does not contain gluten, so it is approved for consumption by people with gluten intolerance.


When cooked, chia has a jelly-like consistency, so they are rarely associated with seeds, but rather with a grain. Despite their softness, they contain a lot of fiber. The richness of their mineral composition allows us to call chia seeds a superfood. Eating them regularly is a way to get many valuable elements from just one product.


Filled with antioxidants, including tocopherol, important for the beauty and health of skin, nails, and hair. According to the findings of nutritionists, almonds promote weight loss due to the high percentage of dietary fiber and the effect of accelerating metabolic processes.


Coconut meat is a source of fiber and fat. These fats are important not only for satiety, but also for weight loss. The most valuable product produced from this nut is coconut oil, which will be discussed further.


Relatively recently, macadamia became available to residents of our country. These nuts are no more expensive than hazelnuts, but for some reason they are not very popular. Macadamia is the leader in the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, while the presence of not very healthy omega-6 fats in them is quite low.


It is very high in calories, so you should not eat more than seven nuts a day. However, this amount will be enough to reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, increase immunity and stimulate brain activity.


In fact, these are beans, but throughout the world they are equated to nuts. Only raw peanuts have nutritional value; roasted peanuts do not have any pronounced beneficial qualities, just like peanut butter.

Leguminous crops

Chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, and red beans are hearty foods that are easy to prepare. You just need to cook them. They lower blood cholesterol, eliminate cravings for sweets, and lower blood pressure.

Regular consumption of these crops improves intestinal microflora. Quinoa, beans and lentils are rich in protein, and chickpeas are high in iron and folic acid.

Sweets and baked goods

Dark chocolate

Sweets can be nutritious too, the best example being dark chocolate. It is able to reduce high blood pressure and provides the body with high amounts of magnesium, iron and manganese. Among other things, this unique delicacy contains antioxidants that destroy free radicals, the main cause of aging. These compounds are found in cocoa beans, so you should choose chocolate with a high concentration of them.

Despite its value, you should not get carried away with it; the maximum daily consumption is 25 grams.

Whole wheat bread

Whole grain products are far superior in nutritional value to traditional white bread. It is better that the composition includes several types of cereals. The only healthier option than multi-grain baked goods made from whole grains is bread made from sprouts.



It is rightfully considered the most useful in the whole world. Cold-pressed olive oil is a remedy for lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. It cannot be subjected to heat treatment, otherwise instead of the benefit from its use there will be only harm.


Its difference from others is that the composition is 90% represented by medium-chain fatty acids. Because of this, it can be consumed in any form; it is one of the few oils that can be subjected to heat treatment without fear for health. Consuming coconut oil has been proven to aid weight loss. Recent research has revealed new properties: it has benefits for people with Alzheimer's disease.


This is also a very fatty fruit, but if you eat it in moderation, you can reduce your body fat levels. Part of the reason is that if you eat avocado, you'll likely be eating a lot of vegetables. Portion size is key. One-third of a medium-sized avocado contains about 106 calories. This is enough for a thin slice of whole grain toast.



From the point of view of satiety, cheese is much more profitable than the milk from which it is made. Just one slice contains as many amino acids and minerals as a glass of whole milk. In terms of protein concentration, cheese is superior to meat and fish.


It has the same properties as milk, but is much more valuable for digestion due to lactic acid bacteria. Yogurt not only improves the state of flora in the intestines, it strengthens the overall immune system.


Natural butter is very high in calories, but it is an indispensable component of the diet. It not only contains saturated fat, but also vitamins A and K.


If you want to have breakfast so you don't have to think about food until lunch, eat eggs: they have much less calories than a bowl of cereal - there are only 78 in one hard-boiled egg and a lot of protein.

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This breakfast will help you eat less throughout the day, making it a great breakfast choice for overweight people.

Eggs and meat


A decade ago, eggs were considered harmful and were credited with increasing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Modern research has shown the opposite, that eggs are needed for heart and vascular health. However, if you have cardiac diseases, it is recommended to limit yourself to one per day. The eggs of any bird have high nutritional value, but quail eggs are considered the most useful; they are less allergenic than chicken eggs.

Chicken and turkey

It is not for nothing that white meat of chicken and turkey is the basis of the diet of athletes and supporters of a healthy diet. It really contains a lot of balanced protein with a complete amino acid composition, while being low in calories and fat.


Unlike other animals, sheep are still raised primarily on grass. For this reason, this meat is high in omega-3. Lamb is usually fatty, so it is better to give preference to lamb.


Lean parts of beef are one of the valuable sources of protein; among other things, it contains a lot of iron. Some diets even use fatty beef, mostly low-carb methods.

Can't get enough candy?

— Most often, foods high in simple carbohydrates increase appetite. These include confectionery products, rich pastries, i.e. all those products that we call refined sweets. The same can be said about semi-finished products, such as instant noodles and mashed potatoes. By the way, fruits, which also contain simple carbohydrates, do not belong to this category, since most of them are low in calories - about 50 kcal per 100 g (except for bananas, grapes and avocados). This means that if you try to satisfy your hunger with something sweet, such as chocolate, a bun, cookies, etc., this will lead to a short-term increase in glucose levels (when it decreases, we will feel hungry). After this, insulin will perform its function, reduce this glucose level, and the feeling of hunger will come again. At the same time, the calories received from these products will not have time to be used up. And, as a rule, there are a lot of them there. For example, in chocolate - 500-600 kcal per 100 grams, in cookies, pastries and cakes - about 400 kcal. Because, unlike fruits, these sweets also contain fat in excess, which is why they have such a high calorie content. It turns out that the feeling of hunger has already arisen again, but the calories have not yet been spent. If you eat something sweet and fatty again, then after an hour and a half you will feel hungry again. This is how you gain more and more extra pounds.

Moreover, all of the listed products practically do not create a feeling of sufficient filling of the stomach or satiety. If our stomach is sufficiently full (but not full), we will not experience hunger. And all carbohydrate products begin to be digested in the oral cavity, and continue in the stomach. They were quickly digested and left the stomach. As a result, there is no bulk food left in the stomach, the feeling of hunger intensifies, and unspent calories go into reserve. This is where the danger lies. And she usually lies in wait between the main meals, when there is a temptation to drink tea with something sweet or just grab something. In this case, it is better to give preference to fruits - they will also be sweet and tasty, but at least they will fill the stomach due to their volume. The feeling of fullness will last longer.

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Fish and seafood


The most valuable species are considered to be red fish; the leader in nutritional value in this group is salmon. It contains record amounts of omega-3 and vitamin D, as well as protein. Eating salmon will have a positive effect on all body systems.


These small fish are superior in calories to any other white meat breed. At the same time, they contain much more phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. According to many experts in the field of healthy nutrition, the saturated fats in sardines are healthier than any other animal origin.

Oysters, snails and mussels

Any shellfish can replace meat in the human diet without losing its benefits. The protein present in them is very easily digestible, and in terms of the amount of microelements they are much superior to meat and fish combined.


They are as dietary as chicken breast, they are low in fat and calories, but very high in protein. Shrimp is healthier than chicken breast because it also contains omega-3 essential fats.


In terms of nutritional value, trout is close to salmon. It is noteworthy that this family lives only in clean and cold water. As a rule, these are mountain rivers in ecologically clean areas.


Not a very common breed in our country, although tuna is rightfully included in the list of the most satisfying foods. Protein accounts for more than 22% of the composition, this figure is closer to fish caviar than to fish. The value is also due to the presence of vitamins A, E and D, omega-3.

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