Star diets: how Valeria, Alsou and others eat to stay in shape

Valeria's diet: the veil of secrecy is open

Singer Valeria has been the standard of beauty and sexuality for more than two decades. Her voice is admired. She is worshiped. And the figure is envied and inherited. In her numerous interviews, Valeria has repeatedly said that the key to the beauty and slimness of her body lies in a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. For the last ten years, the singer has not adhered to dubious diets from glossy magazines, but strictly follows a methodology developed especially for her,
and at the same time, a lifestyle.

However, 20 years ago, diets were not at the peak of popularity among people. But the stars often used them. Valeria was no exception. Among dozens of tried and tested methods of dealing with extra pounds, the singer singled out five special ones for herself.

. Only they, in her opinion, helped her in the past to appear on stage in an invariably perfect form.


According to doctors, Valeria’s diet is not suitable for long-term use and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Reviews from people who have lost weight prove that the technique is effective in the fight against excess weight. It is necessary to gradually exit the diet. Calorie intake should be increased daily by 150-200 kcal.

Alexandra: following Valeria’s example, I arrange a fasting day on kefir every week. Surprisingly, you can lose 1 kilogram in just a day.

Ekaterina: The rice diet is a tough diet, but it gives excellent results. I lost 10 kg.

Galina: I liked the menu with kiwi, I lost 2 kg in 3 days.

The diet of singer Valeria helps to get rid of fat deposits, cleanse the body of harmful accumulations, and maintain a normal figure. The Russian pop star also calls for constant adherence to the rules of a healthy diet, and not to forget about fasting days and physical activity.

Valeria's diet

“The human body, one way or another, requires goodies. And I’m not without sin either: sometimes I indulge in sweet dishes or delicious pork kebab. But I pay a big price for this the next day or even the whole next week. I'm on a diet."

The singer told this secret to journalists from a Russian music channel in 2021. And then she told me what diets help her lose weight.

Valeria’s favorite ways to lose weight include five diets: rice, protein, buckwheat, honey and a diet based on activated charcoal.

Sports exercises to complement Valeria's diet

Valeria's sports exercises

Sports have always been in this singer’s life, but she chooses yoga as a supplement to her diet. This gymnastics not only helps you lose weight, but also makes the body flexible, improves body tone, activates the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs, which is very important when losing weight.

Sports complex for weight loss from Valeria includes

  • Regular morning jogging
  • Daily classes for 10-15 minutes,
  • Visit the gym if possible.

The singer does not hide the fact that she does not have time to physically work out in the gym regularly, due to her being very busy, but she takes a mat for performing yoga exercises with her everywhere, and even on tour she does not deviate from the principle - she works out for a quarter of an hour a day.

Valeria wrote a book about yoga, where she described in detail which exercises (postures, asanas) help to lose weight and maintain certain body parameters. Their list included the poses “mountain”, “lotus”, “eagle”, “snake”. In addition, she herself developed several yoga-based exercises that help her stay slim.

Rice diet from Valeria

The mother of three children uses the rice diet in emergency situations when she needs to lose 3-4 extra pounds in 2-3 days. The principle of operation of this method is to consume only rice cereal daily. Before going to bed, Valeria pours water on the rice in a ratio of 1:2 and leaves it overnight. After waking up, she washes the rice and cooks it until done. Valeria consumes cereal 5-6 times a day without salt. During the rice diet, drinks 2-2.5 liters of water.

If you want to lose more than 3 kg, from the fourth to the sixth day inclusive, you eat only boiled chicken without salt and skin. She allows herself to eat 800 grams of brisket per day. From 7 to 9 days he completes the diet with one and a half liters of one percent kefir. According to this charming woman, in 9 days of this diet she managed to lose up to 8 kg.

Honey diet from Valeria

The essence of this diet is the daily (morning and evening) consumption of a drink made from honey. She dilutes 1 tbsp in 100 ml of water. l. honey and 3 drops of lemon. At the same time, Valeria is required to count the calories consumed in food. Its daily intake does not exceed 1220 kcal.

Sample menu for 2 days, which the singer adheres to.

Day 1.

BreakfastGrapefruit, muesli
DinnerBroth made from lean poultry meat. Spinach. Chicken schnitzel 100 gr
Afternoon snackKefir
Dinner250 g cabbage rolls (minced beef)

Day 2.

BreakfastSteamed omelette. 2 eggs. 50 grams of cheese
DinnerLentil cereal with about 100 grams of veal goulash
Afternoon snack1 orange
DinnerSalad based on seaweed. 200 g shrimp

The diet is designed for 14 days. But the singer follows it for 2-3 days. During this time, she managed to lose up to 3 kilograms.

Valerie's diet for 7 days

When the need arises for weight loss, the singer uses an effective seven-day diet that allows her to lose 3-5 kg.

The menu of this weight loss diet from Valeria is based only on natural products, which include:

  1. lean meat,
  2. bird,
  3. Fish and seafood;
  4. cereals;
  5. vegetables and fruits.

Meals should consist of 5-6 meals, the serving size per serving should not exceed 300 grams. At the same time, only vegetables and fruits should be present on the plate in half of the meals. The volume of water drunk per day is 1.5-2.0 liters.

The menu for the day may look like this: breakfast - oatmeal with water; lunch – vegetable salad with a portion of boiled meat; dinner - vegetable stew. For 3 snacks between meals, unsweetened fruits are suitable.

Buckwheat diet

One of the diets that the singer resorts to from time to time is the buckwheat express diet. The duration of this diet is only 3 days, but during this period you can significantly lose weight if you follow all the rules.

The main dish in the diet, as its name suggests, is buckwheat, prepared without sugar and salt. You can simply boil it, but it is best to steam it in a thermos in the evening (for a glass of buckwheat, 3 cups of boiling water), then in the morning you will have a delicious porridge ready, which you can eat all day without restrictions in 4-5 servings.

In this case, 30 minutes before each meal you should drink a glass of water. The total amount of water consumed per day should be 2 liters or more. Cooking porridge in a thermos is convenient because it will remain warm all day, eliminating the need to waste time heating it.

You can’t eat in this mode for too long, a maximum of three days. During this period, up to 5 kilograms of weight will be lost. It is important to understand that these “losses” are explained only by the removal of excess fluid from the body, and not excess fat, so the result will not be permanent

Following a diet allows you to quickly get your figure in shape before any important event, and for stable long-term weight loss you will need a different nutrition system and mandatory physical activity.

Express diet from Valeria

A week before an important event (concert or photo shoot), Valeria adheres to the following menu:

  • breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese and green tea;
  • second breakfast – 2 boiled eggs;
  • lunch - cocktail salad of shrimp, cucumber, herbs, apple and avocado with whole grain toast;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of fermented milk drink;
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast or fish fillet without side dish.

Valeria's other diets

In addition to the diets listed above, which the singer resorts to, according to some reports, she sometimes uses diets such as honey and charcoal.

Valeria's honey diet for weight loss can rather be called two fasting days, following each other.

These days, only a special drink is consumed as food, prepared from 70 grams of natural honey, juice of 15 lemons and 3 liters of water (serving for 2 days). In addition to this drink, you can drink pure water and green tea without sugar.

The charcoal diet from singer Valeria consists of taking activated charcoal for 10 days in a row, in the morning before breakfast.

On the first day you need to take one tablet, on the second - two, and so on until the 10th day in increasing order. These days you need to stick to the vegetable diet menu and drink 2 liters of water. The singer is confident that proper nutrition, a positive attitude and regular, feasible physical activity can work wonders even in the most advanced cases.

Buckwheat diet from Valeria

The three-day buckwheat diet allows Valeria to get rid of 3-4 kg in 3-5 days


This mono-diet involves having only one steamed, unsalted buckwheat in your daily diet. Valeria uses it in any quantity throughout the day.

However, the singer warns everyone who is also planning to follow this diet that, along with buckwheat, drinking 2.5 liters of water a day is vital. You can drink green tea three times a day. Sugar is prohibited.

“Activated” diet from Valeria

Occasionally, she indulges herself in her favorite diet based on the consumption of activated charcoal. Her star adheres to when carrying out preventative measures for the body or cleansing it of toxins and waste.

The essence of the method is that charcoal is taken 3 times a day, but in different “portions”. Every day, for every 10 kg of weight, the singer takes 1 tablet of coal. She drinks the maximum share of the total amount in the morning, a smaller share in the afternoon and the smallest in the evening. Charcoal is drunk on an empty stomach an hour before meals.

During such a diet, Valeria allows herself only poultry, seafood products, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes lean fish.

Valeria follows the diet for 7 days. As she admits, during this period of time she managed to lose from 3 to 6 kg.

Basic nutrition rules

To maintain an ideal body shape, the singer tries to think positively and not be sad about the little things. She recommends giving up bad habits and taking separate meals as a basis.

Important rules:

  1. Eat more often, but in small portions.
  2. Eat meat products once a day.
  3. Play sports.
  4. Drink up to 2 liters of purified water daily.
  5. Don't mix proteins and carbohydrates.
  6. Once a week, have a fasting day.
  7. The menu should consist of healthy products.
  8. Prepare meals without adding fat.
  9. Have dinner before 6-7 pm.
  10. Snack on unsweetened fruit.

Protein diet from Valeria

“A Russian pop star should look decent at any time of the day or year. If I urgently need to lose weight, but I can no longer look at buckwheat, then a protein diet comes to my aid.”

Valeria admits that for her, 6 kg per week on such a diet is not the limit. Moreover, in this case she does not count calories.

The essence of a protein diet is eating healthy foods rich in protein: seafood, fish, lean meats, eggs, low-fat dairy products. At the same time, fractional meals are a priority. Serving volume 250 g.

Advantages of the diet

Valeria's diet helps you lose up to 3 kg in three days. A diet based on protein foods does not lead to muscle loss. Complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals are a source of energy. In addition, cereals stimulate intestinal function and help avoid constipation.

The menu is hearty and varied, so the dishes don’t get boring. Despite its effectiveness, it is not recommended to follow Valeria’s protein diet for more than two weeks.

Otherwise, kidney function may be impaired.

“Dietary” tips from Valeria

For her fans, the singer gave several general recommendations on the basic principles of nutrition that she adheres to.

  1. The diet for the day needs to be thought out in advance. Divide meals into 5-6 times, which will reduce the load on the digestive system.
  2. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before meals, and fruit and vegetable smoothies in between meals.
  3. Start your main meal with vegetables or a salad made from them for better digestion.
  4. Completely forget about foods harmful to the body, including fried, smoked, sweet and canned foods.
  5. Drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day.
  6. Sleep should be at least 10 hours.
  7. Limit each serving of food to 300 grams.
  8. Eat meat and fish only after steaming or boiling.
  9. Dress salads with low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.
  10. Eat greens and cabbage daily as they are rich in fiber.
  11. Brew tea from natural large-leaf varieties without adding flavorings. If desired, you can add cinnamon, ginger, cloves.
  12. Include sports loads at least 3 times a week.
  13. It is advisable to visit beauty salons once every three months for anti-cellulite massages and honey wraps.

The singer wishes all those who decide to follow Valeria’s advice success on the path to becoming more graceful in their body and shape.

Star diets: how Valeria, Alsou and others eat to stay in shape

Modern stars of Russian show business always look at their best. What is the secret of celebrities with many children who managed to maintain a slim figure, healthy skin and sparkle in their eyes? Russian nutritionist, gastroenterologist, developer of weight loss methods Nuria Dianova commented on the food preferences of stars, reports

Kristina Orbakaite - proper nutrition and dancing

Instagram @orbakaite_k

The singer looks so much younger than her age that she can easily be mistaken not for the mother of three children, but for their sister. The secret of Pugacheva’s daughter’s youth is proper nutrition. The artist adheres to one of her favorite diets: green, which involves eating only green vegetables, Tibetan and salt-free. In addition, the star devotes quite a lot of time to physical activity and dancing.

Nutritionist Nuria Dianova believes that there is nothing harmful in such diets if you do not follow them constantly. However, the expert warns that you can only eat vegetables for no more than a few days in a row. Therefore, the best Orbakaite diet is Tibetan.

“It assumes the presence of milk, a source of animal fat. I like this diet better than the “green” one, because there are no strict restrictions in it,” said the nutritionist.

A salt-free diet is also good, as it allows a person to better feel the natural taste of foods. However, the specialist believes that it is healthier not to go on a diet, but to arrange vegetable fasting days for yourself.

“The best option is one fasting day a week. On other days, the body needs proteins, fats, and carbohydrates,” the doctor emphasizes.

Alsou - minimum portions

Instagram @also_a

Singer Alsou is also a mother of three children, like Kristina Orbakaite. The habit she has adhered to since a young age helps her maintain her figure - being content with small portions of food. In addition, the star takes into account the principles of a healthy diet: she tries to drink two liters of water a day, supplementing them with several cups of black tea. She also performs a certain set of physical exercises. The only thing Alsou can’t refuse is sandwiches.

Nutritionist Nuria Dianova is delighted with the celebrity’s nutrition system.

“Small portions, a lot of water - this is exactly what I advocate and what is close to me. Alsou looks amazing, which means her nutrition system works! She can afford her favorite dishes without giving up tasty things, the main thing is to know when to stop. She has a regimen, she’s doing great,” said the doctor.

Valeria - no sugar

Instagram @valeriya

Another mother of many children is singer Valeria. To maintain her figure, she spends a lot of time in the gym. In addition, the celebrity strictly adheres to certain nutritional rules. She eliminated sugar and flour from her diet, and also gave up butter, pasta, soda, fatty meats and many other foods. The star gives preference to chicken, turkey or veal. In addition, the singer welcomes vegetable soups, dairy products, fish, seafood, and likes nuts, honey and fruits as dessert.

The doctor emphasizes that Valeria adheres to a reasonable diet and approves of her replacing sugar with honey and fruit.

“The World Health Organization recommendations are no more than 50 grams of sugar per day, or even better – 25 grams, which is about a tablespoon. I, like Valeria, am for a complete rejection of added sugar,” said the specialist.

Anna Sedokova - interval nutrition

Instagram @annasedokova

After each pregnancy, Anna Sedokova successfully lost the weight she had gained and returned to her previous parameters. The secret is in the interval diet, developed by American specialists. Its essence is to abstain from food for 16 hours in a row. During this time, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

The nutritionist is categorically against this diet, since it threatens the human body.

“It is unnatural, it breaks the normal rhythm of human life. Gallstones may form in the gall bladder and pancreatic diseases may worsen. It is natural to eat within the first hour after waking up,” Nuria emphasized.

Natalie - food in folded palms

Instagram @natali_star74

Performer Natalie, mother of three sons, is convinced that the optimal portion of food for a person who wants to maintain a normal weight should fit in folded palms. At the same time, they can contain any food, the main thing is not to exceed the portion and eat at regular intervals.

The specialist notes that she recommends this diet to everyone without exception.

“Natalie is great, she doesn’t overload her stomach, every three hours she eats as much as is guaranteed to be absorbed by the body. Even if you allow yourself something high in calories, but in small quantities, there will be no harm. I like!" — the expert summarized.

Earlier, wrote that German oncologists spoke about the best diet for cancer prevention.

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