How to get out of a diet correctly so as not to gain weight? Exit menu for various diets

What should be the right way out of the diet?

Everyone knows that in order to achieve a slim figure, you need to stick to a diet. And how often it happens that the result immediately disappears after the person losing weight decides not to stick to the chosen diet.

A person losing weight needs enormous willpower in order not to “break down”. Moreover, in addition to this skill, you need to have certain knowledge that allows you to correctly “exit” the diet. Only this will prevent you from gaining excess weight suddenly.

Diet is always a restriction of calories consumed per day

There are several generally accepted rules, following which you can achieve a positive result and exit the diet “with dignity.”

Dieting is a temporary measure aimed at weight loss by limiting calorie intake. You can go on a diet quickly, but you need to get out of it wisely.

The main secrets of the correct way out of the diet:

  • The diet involves limiting the size of food. This means that for some period of time you ate small portions. Quitting a diet should not mean that you can afford to immediately eat a huge dish of even healthy food
  • Give preference to vegetables, increase their quantity in the first few weeks of “coming out” and do not eat excessive amounts of cereals, meat and fruits
  • If your diet included non-fatty fish, feel free to increase their size. Steamed fish is welcome
  • Fats and carbohydrates should be introduced into the diet very slowly. Moreover, this does not mean that you can return to rolls and chocolates! Only 200 extra kcal should appear in your diet
  • Try to engage in gentle physical exercise. Whatever one may say, diet is stress for the body. Excessive and intense training immediately after release can give an unfavorable load. Choose running, Pilates or dancing
  • Don't forget to drink water. The norm per day is two liters, this does not count soups and food.
  • It’s good if you worry about the vitamin complex and buy multivitamins for yourself
  • Eliminate bad eating habits: reading, TV. Watch your food, listen to your stomach in time and understand that you are already full
  • Don't eat at night or before bed. The favorable time for the last meal is four hours before bedtime. If you feel terrible hunger, drink tea with dried fruits

the right way out of the diet will not allow you to gain extra pounds

Important: Quitting the diet should last from ten days to two weeks. After this time, you need to completely switch to proper nutrition.

The main types of diets and ways out of them

Diets based on carbohydrate foods or, conversely, without carbohydrate foods are very common. Such diets are good because the body begins to use proteins and fats for energy needs. Before choosing this diet, you should know that there are two types of carbohydrates, namely fast and slow. Slow carbohydrates include mainly plant-based foods that do not allow you to gain excess weight, and it is not difficult to guess that the enemies of your figure are fast carbohydrates, which people so often want to isolate themselves from, such as flour products, various cereals, and sweets. Exiting a carbohydrate-free diet involves introducing fast carbohydrates into the diet, but, as before, you can limit yourself to sweets.

Products recommended after a no-carbohydrate diet

It is also possible to distinguish among the varieties of diets a group of those that exclude the consumption of animal and vegetable fat. After this, it is not necessary to start taking a huge amount of fats, which the body was so deprived of, you can simply consume a little vegetable oil and get animal fats through meat, because they enrich the body with valuable vitamins.

If the diet was based on liquid or mashed food, most often such diets are called juice diets, then the end period should begin with light boiled food, vegetables are best, porridge and cottage cheese are also appropriate. It is recommended to switch to raw vegetables and flour foods after a couple of days of eating the above products.

The last type of diet can be noted as one that is based only on reducing the number of calories consumed per day, and not on giving up any specific food groups. Following logic, it is not difficult to guess that stopping this diet does not require a strong change in the usual diet, but only an increase in calories consumed. But do not forget about the enemies of the figure, namely fast carbohydrates, due to which you should not increase calorie content; this is best done with the help of carbohydrate-free foods.

How to get out of a diet without harming your body?

The main problem when leaving a diet most often becomes overeating. It is this problem that most people face; the reason for this is that the stomach has adapted to a small amount of food over a certain period of time, but the brain, in turn, does not allow one to refuse it when there is a large abundance of food.

The easiest way to solve this problem is for people who live on their own, they cook themselves, and because of this it is easier for them to control their diet. A greater problem is faced by those who live with family, naturally believing that eating at the same table with the family entails temptations to enjoy common delicacies, this problem is better solved by creating a separate diet for yourself and eating separately, such actions are more likely In all, they will prevent overeating. Boiled food, which is devoid of various seasonings, can also help prevent overeating. But fried foods, smoked foods, etc. are not advisable.

It is also worth noting that many people use physical exercises in conjunction with a diet to help achieve their goals. After finishing, do not forget that any exercise, even at home, will benefit the body.

Nutrition after diet

Even after finishing the diet and successfully spending the period after the end, there is a risk, namely, returning to the need for a diet, so that this does not happen, at least when choosing your diet, it is worth remembering the deprivations and abstinence on the diet and balancing your diet. How to do this? It is best to keep a table of calorie content and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for different foods, which will help in correctly calculating your diet. You also shouldn’t get carried away with sweets, of course, don’t give up completely, but don’t allow them in large quantities in your diet.

Sports and ending the diet

In most cases, sports are an integral part of the diet period. During weight loss, fat goes away, but the skin without it loses its shape - it’s like a soft toy from which the filling has been pulled out. On the scale of the body, it is best that this filler be muscles that will give the body a beautiful shape, but do not forget that the absence of fat in the body or its presence in minimal quantities entails risks, namely a large load on the heart, since lipids or In other words, fat is one of the main stores of fluid in the body.

In combination with a diet, dynamic loads are best suited, such as:

  1. Active sports
  2. Jogging
  3. Cycling
  4. Simple walking instead of transport.

Use your time wisely and always be in a great mood!

Feedback from our users

Valentina, 28 years old. I agree with readers and users that the right way out of the diet is the key to excellent health and stabilization of the results obtained. I lost weight 10 years ago out of stupidity, sat for two weeks on just kefir, upset my stomach, seemed to lose about 6 kg, but after incorrectly leaving the limited nutrition system, I not only regained the lost centimeters, but also added a few on top. So think about whether it was worth it to exhaust yourself so much in order to become even fuller. Today I no longer indulge in such relapses, but simply spend fasting days once a week, for example on buckwheat or apples, playing sports, visiting the pool. After all, only in combination with all these procedures can you achieve a stable and safe result!

Video about the correct way out of the diet

How to get out of a protein diet?

The protein diet is one of the most popular. Its success is ensured by its incredible effectiveness, since the products of this diet are saturated with protein and that is why the muscles are able to withstand loads, and satiety comes for a long time.

The protein diet menu is quite varied and a person on it is unlikely to experience any deficiencies in his diet. But the body is able to get used to the same type of food and react sharply to another: fatty and carbohydrate. This is why cases of rapid weight gain are often observed after following a protein diet for a long time.

protein diet

Important: When leaving a protein diet, you need to forget about carbohydrates, since their consumption can cause stress on the body.

A balanced diet over the next two weeks after leaving the diet will help consolidate the results:

  • In the next two weeks after the protein diet, try to forget about sweets and junk food. Give preference to light breakfasts and if you really can’t bear it, season your oatmeal with a spoon of honey
  • Drink only tea without sugar, eat cereals and low-fat dairy products for breakfast
  • Lunch is the perfect time for vegetables and lean meats. Here your soul can roam and choose for itself: fish, chicken, beef, stew, zucchini, fruit. Wash down your meals with herbal or green tea. Eating eggs is encouraged
  • Dinner should be quite light: for example, a piece of boiled meat, vegetable salad and a boiled egg. If you feel very hungry before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir
  • Sweets for you are: fruits, yogurt, honey. They should be allowed in limited quantities and preferably in the first half of the day.

carbohydrates entering the body after a protein diet always cause stress

Important: Try to eat often, but in small portions. With this condition, it will be easier for the body to adapt to a proper diet.

Basic rules for quitting the Japanese diet

The scourge of all fast diets is weight gain. If a person does not want to be slim for only a month, then it is important to follow the way out. In terms of time, it should last no less than the weight loss stage itself. It takes two weeks to come off the Japanese diet for 13-14 days.

Basic rules of nutrition after a diet:

  • We continue to exclude sugar; for the first two weeks we also refuse very sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, tangerines). These foods cause fluctuations in blood glucose and sudden attacks of hunger.
  • For the first 2 weeks, you should not indulge in carbohydrates. Baking should still be excluded, but porridge is allowed in the first half of the day. It is better to give preference to buckwheat, pearl barley, and brown rice. A serving of 30-50 g of dry cereal is enough.
  • We drink water and don’t think about sweet drinks. If you are already tired of coffee during the diet, then you can drink black, green, hibiscus tea, and rose hip decoction.
  • We begin to introduce salt, do not rush, add in small quantities. You can also use soy sauce, but look at the ingredients. If it contains sugar, it is better not to use it.
  • We exclude fatty animal products, no processed foods, smoked meats, stewed meats or other canned food. We cook our own food.

During the diet, my taste buds became very clean. Now you need much less salt and sugar. Even an ordinary carrot or bell pepper seems really sweet and lives up to its name. Therefore, you should not rely on harmful additives and spices again.


How to get out of the buckwheat diet, menu for the week?

  • The buckwheat diet has become extremely popular lately. Its success is so great because in a short period of time the diet can rid a person who is losing weight of the hated extra pounds. It's happening fast
  • But what is the secret of the buckwheat diet? The fact is that while eating only buckwheat, the body uses up not only fat reserves, but also protein accumulated in the muscles
  • If the exit from the diet is not adjusted correctly, it is quite possible that your body will react to this with great stress and will want to replenish lost reserves doubly

buckwheat diet
It is safe to say that the buckwheat diet is a real “hunger strike”. You need to get out of it correctly and carefully:

  • Keep track of all the calories you consume during the first five days. Their total amount should not exceed 600 kcal per day
  • For the next 10-14 days, also monitor your diet and try to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day
  • For the first two weeks, your diet should include lean meats, vegetables and fruits.

Approximate menu for exiting the buckwheat diet for a week:


  • Breakfast: reduce the usual portion of buckwheat by half, add an apple and an orange to breakfast, wash it down with a glass of kefir
  • Lunch: reduce the usual portion of buckwheat by half, add 100 grams of boiled lean meat and one egg to the menu. Make a fresh salad and wash down your lunch with green tea
  • Dinner: a small portion of buckwheat and fresh salad. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir


  • Breakfast : half a portion of buckwheat, low-fat yogurt, fruit, boiled egg, tea
  • Lunch: soup, a slice of bran bread, fresh vegetables, juice or tea
  • Dinner: half a portion of buckwheat, steamed fish, a glass of kefir


  • Breakfast: half a portion of buckwheat, cottage cheese or kefir, fresh fruit, juice
  • Lunch: low-fat first course, half a serving of buckwheat, vegetables or stew, herbal or green tea, fresh fruit
  • Dinner: half a portion of buckwheat, fresh vegetables, kefir


  • Breakfast: half a serving of buckwheat, fresh fruit, yogurt, granola or dried fruit
  • Lunch: first course, stew or stewed cabbage, kefir, fresh fruit
  • Dinner : boiled egg, fresh salad, steamed fish, kefir


  • Breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat, low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit, juice
  • Lunch: first course, vegetable stew or lean meat, boiled egg, kefir
  • Dinner: boiled egg, fresh lard, tea with dried fruits


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruit, fresh fruit and yogurt
  • Lunch : first course, cereal with boiled fish, fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits


  • Breakfast: oatmeal or any other porridge with fruit and yogurt
  • Lunch: first course, vegetable and cereal second courses, lean meat and fish
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salads, boiled eggs

What are the dangers of low-calorie diets?

I have already covered the topic of metabolism in detail, but I will touch on the main points again. So, there is such a thing as basal metabolism - this is the amount of energy that the body needs to maintain its vital functions at rest.

It depends on age, weight, height and gender. Basal metabolic rate can be calculated by plugging your data into the formula.

How to determine basal metabolic rate

Of course, this meaning will be different for all of us. But if we take as an example a 25-year-old girl, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 55 kg, then after doing the calculations, we get the figure 1370 kcal. Those. for a given person, this amount of energy per day is necessary for the body to function normally, provided that it just lies and does nothing.

And don't be surprised - it's not much. It’s just that the “wretched authors” of popular diets have taught us to think that a thousand kilocalories are enough to “survive.” To survive is enough, but not to live.

For very slim girls, the basic metabolic rate can be about 1100 kcal. Therefore, conditionally, we can assume that this is the lowest calorie threshold that can be considered for a diet (once again, it will be different for everyone). But when trying to lose weight, we usually act on the principle “the fewer calories, the better.” And what happens in the end?

Let's return to our example. If we consider that this girl still at least goes to work and performs minimal household movements, then she will need approximately 1646 kcal per day in order to cover her energy costs. If she chooses the strictest 800 kcal diet, she receives 2 times less energy than she needs and begins to lose weight very quickly. Of course, she is happy and proudly endures hunger, thinking that she will quickly get rid of excess fat and return to her usual diet. But the body has a different view of things.

Not receiving the necessary energy, he first uses the existing reserves of carbohydrates, which quickly run out under this regime, and switches to muscles. And only then, fat will be used as energy. Accordingly, while on such a diet, our girl will rapidly lose weight, but due to the loss, first of all, of muscle mass.

If a low-calorie diet continues for a long time, the body will begin to reduce its metabolic rate because sources such as carbohydrates and muscle protein are already depleted and it is necessary to use fat in large quantities. To reduce the metabolic rate, the body switches to emergency mode and “turns off” functions that are not vital. You begin to think more slowly and, accordingly, your performance will decrease, you want to sleep and you feel lethargic and weak, which means your physical activity will also be less. And the longer this diet lasts, the more your metabolic rate will decrease. The body literally “screams” that it is in an emergency state and it’s time to stop.

And so our girl lost the required amount of kilograms and decided to stop the diet. At the same time, she “came to her senses” and began to count the calories of her diet so that it did not exceed the required norm. Those. its daily calorie content now amounts to the previously required figure of 1640 kcal. And here’s the paradox: now she’s starting to rapidly gain weight. And if you don’t count calories and eat everything in a row, then the speed of this process will increase even more. It is quite possible that she will regain her lost, for example, 6 kg in 1.5-2 weeks. Of course, not all of them will be fat; a few kg will be caused by fluid retention, but visually these differences are not visible.

This is because her basal metabolic rate is no longer 1370 kcal, as it was before. It has decreased, which means the previous 1640 is now a surplus. And the main problem is that no one knows exactly what the kilocalorie norm is now for this girl, at which she will not gain weight.

And the more often such diets are repeated, and the lower their calorie content, the more the metabolism will slow down and the faster weight gain will occur, because now the body will try to store all the energy obtained from food as fat.

Exit from the Favorite diet, menu for the week

It’s not for nothing that this diet has the name “Favorite”. It is extremely popular and enjoys great success due to the fact that it can quickly get rid of extra pounds. Since the diet menu is quite strict, the exit from it must be correct.

components of the “Favorite” diet

Important: Leaving your “favorite” diet should be a smooth transition to a proper diet. A competent “exit” guarantees the consolidation of the effect.


  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs
  • Second breakfast: fresh apple
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with water, boiled piece of meat
  • Afternoon snack: orange or grapefruit
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables
  • Second dinner: kefir

How to return to normal eating:

  1. Try to introduce one new food into your diet every day
  2. Calorie content should not exceed 1000 kcal per day
  3. The portion of food consumed should not be larger than your palm
  4. Take a fasting day once a week

Strategy for a gradual exit from a position with partial profit taking

Another exit option involves gradually closing the position. If you are not confident that the price will continue to move in your direction, you can close part of the position, thus taking part of the profit. The remaining part of the position can bring you additional profit if the price continues to move in the same direction. And if at the same time you move the STOP LOSS order to breakeven (at the position opening level), then even if the price reverses and closes at it, you can still remain in profit.

The main advantage of this exit strategy is that it psychologically relieves the trader. By taking part of the profit and transferring the rest of the position to breakeven (or setting a trailing stop on it), the trader ceases to experience emotional discomfort caused by the fear of losing the achieved paper profit.

The disadvantage of this type of approach is the reduction in the mathematical expectation of profit. Although, it would seem, how can it be reduced, since the trader takes the profit and moves the position to breakeven? But, nevertheless, it is so. Simple math suggests that this is a potentially unprofitable strategy. Let's do the math.

Mathematical expectation = probability of making a profit x average profit from one transaction – probability of receiving a loss x average loss from one transaction

Let's assume that the trader initially sets the TP value to be twice as large as the SL value (let the SL value be equal to 50 points and the TP value to be equal to 100 points). We will also assume that the ratio of profitable and losing trades in such trading for our hypothetical trader will be 50 to 50. That is, the probability of a losing trade is 50% and the probability of a profitable trade is 50%.

Now let’s consider two options for exiting a position:

  1. The first option is when the trader closes half of the position upon reaching half the TP level and moves the remaining position to breakeven.
  2. The second option is when the position is closed completely according to the initially set TP and SL values.

Let's calculate the mathematical expectation of profit for the first case:

The average profit from one transaction in this case is (100 points + 50 points)/2 = 75 points (half of the position is closed at 50 points and half at 100 points of profit).

The average loss from one transaction will be equal to SL=50 points.

The mathematical expectation will be 0.5*75-0.5*50=12.5

Let's calculate the mathematical expectation for the second option:

In this case, the average profit from one transaction will be the TP value and will be equal to 100 points. And the average loss will still be equal to the SL value and will be 50 points.

The mathematical expectation will be 0.5*100-0.5*50=25

Thus, we have proven that partial taking of profit reduces the mathematical expectation of profit by half (25/12.5=2).

However, I repeat that sometimes emotional relief is more important to a trader, so in some cases, the use of this closing strategy is completely justified.

How to get out of the Maggi diet, menu for the week?

The Maggi diet is also called the “Egg diet”. To consolidate the results, the exit from it must be correct:

  • include in your diet foods that were rich in your diet: eggs, grapefruits, oranges and cottage cheese
  • After the diet, you should follow the rules of proper nutrition
  • do not consume carbohydrates after 12 noon
  • do not eat food at night and before bedtime
  • drink enough water

components of the Maggi diet
Weekly exit menu:

  • Breakfast: boiled eggs, citrus fruit, low-fat cottage cheese
  • Second breakfast: fruits or vegetables
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, slice of cheese, chicken breast
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, fruit, tea
  • Dinner: boiled eggs, fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese
  • Second dinner: fermented milk product

How to get out of the chocolate diet, menu for the week?

The chocolate diet is one of the most “hungry” and the correct exit from it guarantees the effectiveness of the diet itself. The diet of the chocolate diet is meager: half a bar of dark chocolate, coffee and skim milk. Exiting the diet should meet all the body's needs.

The chocolate diet does not involve eating anything other than chocolate.

Exit from the chocolate diet:

Monday: Since the stomach is weaned from food, it needs to find food that will not damage its walls. On the first day of release, introduce shredded cabbage and carrots into your diet. Season the salad with lemon juice. Chew your food thoroughly.

Tuesday: Since the body did not receive beneficial microelements during the chocolate diet, on Tuesday fill it with fruits and berries for breakfast and dinner. For lunch, drink a glass of lean broth without salt

Wednesday: Replenish the protein lost in the body: eat boiled chicken breast for lunch, and a fermented milk product for dinner

Thursday: Try to eat small, frequent meals. Fill your menu with fruits, berries, vegetables and lean fish and poultry

Friday: Eat 6 times a day, include a new product in your diet every day. Allow yourself some light sports.

Saturday and Sunday: these days will be the transition to proper nutrition. Do not introduce harmful foods into your diet. Try to replace fatty foods with vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Exit from mono-diet

If you have persevered through the entire mono-diet, congratulations to you. They are especially difficult for the body, and the breakdown that occurs after them leads to many health problems and the extra pounds immediately returning.

The main rule is that you need to get out of such a diet by adding one new type of product to your daily diet.

  1. If the diet did not include proteins, add a boiled egg to lunch. After 2-3 days, add lean meat or fish to your diet.
  2. On the second day, eat a slice of whole grain bread.
  3. Be sure to add vegetables to your diet. At first it is better if they are stewed. Then move on to raw ones.
  4. Drink plenty of water and eat at least 5 times a day.
  5. Under no circumstances give up the foods that your mono-diet included. Gradually diversify the way you prepare them, but consume them in the same mode for now.
  6. Don't forget about fermented milk products. If you have finished your diet, you need to switch to low-fat foods instead of low-fat foods.
  7. You should not actively load yourself with physical activity, because your body is already weakened by a lack of nutrition and energy. Easy walks will suffice for now.

The entire transition should take about 2 weeks, after which you can eat regular food.

Exit from the apple diet, menu for the week

The apple diet promises ten kilograms of weight loss in just one week. A sharp weight loss may not stick if the diet is not followed correctly.

Apple diet “cleanses” the body

Monday: You can't give up apples - they're still an important staple in your diet. On the first day of going out, include low-fat cottage cheese in your diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tuesday: For breakfast, cook yourself unsweetened oatmeal with water. For lunch, you can indulge in low-fat vegetable soup. Dinner: apples and cottage cheese.

Wednesday: Breakfast of your choice: oatmeal or cottage cheese with honey and apples. Lunch - vegetable soup with a piece of meat. Dinner: fermented milk product, one boiled egg and apples.

Thursday: Breakfast of your choice: oatmeal or cottage cheese with honey and apples. Lunch: vegetable stew and boiled meat. You can diversify your food with steamed fish.

Friday: Include boiled eggs and low-fat yogurt in your breakfast. Lunch - be sure to have a first course and lean meat. Dinner - kefir, cottage cheese, apples, dried fruits.

Saturday and Sunday: breakfast should be nutritious, give preference to cereals and dairy products. Lunch should contain a first and second course; steam vegetables and meat. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese and fruit.

Exit from a low-calorie diet, menu for the week

Exiting a low-calorie diet should be smooth so that the body does not react to it with stress. The menu for quitting such a diet is quite monotonous. Try to introduce a new food every day and do not eat too large portions.

This diet limits the number of calories consumed per day.

Daily menu for quitting a low-calorie diet:


  • feta cheese or any other low-fat cheese 100 grams (this is approximately 300 kcal)
  • a slice of rye bread or crispbread, no more than 4 pieces (400 kcal)
  • tomato juice – 40 kcal

Second breakfast: one fruit and a handful of nuts total up to 300 calories


  • borscht without meat or vegetable soup (about 200 kcal)
  • fish or chicken fillet with vegetables (about 200 kcal)

Snack: apple or pear - about 100 kcal

Dinner: boiled buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables or a piece of boiled breast - about 400 kcal

How to get out of a diet: tips and reviews

Each person chooses a diet for himself that can give him relief from excess weight. Of course, it is recommended to first consult a doctor about this, because every diet has many contraindications.

The exit from any diet should be competent and smooth, so as not to frighten an already exhausted body. Each diet is only for a certain part of the time and it is necessary to complete the exit with a proper nutrition regimen.

Important: If you decide to take the path of fighting excess weight with the help of a diet, you must completely give up any harmful foods, fast food, sugary drinks, etc.

How to get out of a diet: low-calorie diet

There are two ways to properly exit a diet based on low-calorie foods. In the first case, the daily caloric intake must gradually be increased by 200 kcal due to the consumption of more carbohydrates than fats. For two weeks, you need to weigh yourself daily; if the weight does not return, you can consume another 200 kcal more carbohydrate foods every day. If you begin to gain weight, you will have to reduce your calorie intake again to the same level until the body is ready to increase the amount of food consumed. The second option is used when leaving the diet by those who have lost 5 kg or more using the diet. In this case, there is nothing to hope for, since you will have to stick to the diet that allowed you to lose such weight in the future, but once a week you are allowed to eat 30 g of high-carbohydrate foods (ice cream, baked goods, etc.).

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