How not to break off from a drinking diet and get out of it correctly

  • February 24, 2020
  • Diets for weight loss
  • Olga Simchenko

Losing weight with fluids is quite simple. At the same time, the drinking diet is characterized by quick results and effective action. The big advantage of this method of losing weight is that the drinking diet does not have a negative impact on human health. If you follow the diet correctly, you can lose 1.5 kg of weight in just 1 day.

However, it is important to know not only what rules you need to follow in order to lose weight, but also how not to break off your drinking diet and what to do if you fail.

What is a drinking diet?

Before you understand how not to break off from a drinking diet, it is important to understand what exactly it is, what its main pros and cons are. First of all, this technique is aimed at cleansing the entire human body at the cellular level. Its essence is to reduce the load on the digestive system. Thanks to this, the functioning of all organs and systems is normalized, and weight loss occurs.

Cleansing the body occurs smoothly and is divided into several stages. In the first week, superficial cleansing occurs. In the second week, the internal organs and digestive system also begin to cleanse.

In the third week, a general cleansing of the body begins at the cellular level. The duration of the diet can be up to four weeks. It is important not to break down so that the cleansing is completely completed.

The drinking diet is very useful for people who like to snack constantly. If this technique is followed correctly, you need to exclude solid foods and dishes. In this case, the body will receive the required amount of calories and vitamins from liquid food.

Nutritionists advise sticking to this diet for a month and consuming food every 2 hours. The number of such techniques must be at least 5.

The principle of this diet is that you need to eat only carefully chopped foods. Such food is well absorbed by the body and does not overload the digestive system. At the same time, crushed products saturate the body much faster.

After grinding, all food is diluted with liquid until it becomes fluid. Thanks to this, saturation of the body occurs much faster than when consuming solid foods.

Sample menu for a month

The undeniable advantages of the diet include the variability of the menu, where it is possible to combine and alternate products based on your well-being and taste preferences. The technique is subject to only one firm rule that cannot be broken - the diet must consist of liquid food. The menu includes low-fat drinking dairy and fermented milk products, natural juices, jelly, cocoa, smoothies, and, of course, blended soup, the preparation of which does not take much time and can be done by the most inexperienced housewife.

Vegetable puree soup

Add vegetables to a liter of boiling salted water: potatoes, small carrots, ½ onion, bell pepper, broccoli or cauliflower. Once the vegetables are soft, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a separate saucepan. Gradually adding vegetable broth, chop the vegetables with a blender. Add liquid until the product has a thin consistency. Before use, add 1 tsp to the mixture. olive, flaxseed or sesame oil.

Menu for 30 days

For more variety, you can add some berries to the yogurt - strawberries, raspberries or blueberries. In this case, the products are whipped with a blender. It is also allowed to change the order of dishes. Between meals, drink plain water. In case of a strong feeling of hunger, experts allow “snacks” - black tea with milk, green tea with a few spoons of honey, weak coffee without sugar.

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Several times a week you can prepare soups cooked with chicken breast or with a piece of lean fish - cod or hake.

Particular attention should be paid to bowel function. If the urge to evacuate does not occur within several days, or, conversely, persistent indigestion occurs, then the drinking diet should be stopped immediately!

Mechanism of weight loss

The mechanism of weight loss with a drinking diet is very similar to the mechanism of weight loss with a regular low-calorie diet. With a low-calorie diet, the body begins to receive fewer calories, which results in weight loss. So the maximum amount per day is 400-500 calories.

Such a sharp decrease in calories entering the body forces it to use liver glycogen initially as a source of nutrition, and then muscle tissue. Her body begins to use the very last thing. That is why, when eating a diet, extra pounds are lost due to water and muscle reserves.

The fat itself does not disappear. It remains in the human body. However, by reducing the amount of fluid in fat cells, a person appears slimmer.

Drinking diet for 14 days

The products are the same, but they should be ranked slightly differently. Combinations of different types of dishes on the same day are acceptable. Since 2 weeks of following a diet is a long time, it is important to constantly add fruit juices and vitamin teas to your diet. Dairy products can be drunk at least 3 hours apart. At the same time, you are allowed to consume no more than 750 kcal per day. The result is getting rid of 15 kg in 2 weeks.

Read also: Effective diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides: menu and recipes

So, the rules:

  1. Days 1 and 8: dairy products.
  2. Days 2 and 9: vegetable and meat broths, soups.
  3. Days three and 10: fruit and vegetable juices, mixes.
  4. Days four and 11: teas.
  5. Days five and 12: compotes.
  6. Days six and 13: jelly.
  7. Days seven and 14: juices.

Don't forget to drink clean water.

Attention! A correct exit from the drinking diet for 14 days .

The measures are only gradual. You will have to leave within a month. No heavy meals or fatty foods. More liquid, and it is also important to consume soups and borscht.

Types of drinking diet

There are 4 main types of diet, namely:

  • chocolate drinking;
  • fruit and drinking;
  • apple drinking;
  • on the water.

On the chocolate-drinking diet, the main rule is that you need to stop chewing. The technique implies that you only need to consume cocoa, hot chocolate and water.

To get rid of 5 extra pounds, you need to follow this diet for 7 days. With this method of losing weight, you can consume no more than 7 cups of cocoa without adding sugar.

With a fruit-drinking diet, it is allowed to consume fresh ripe fruits of one type, freshly squeezed juices, still mineral water and green tea. This method is designed for 3 days. During this time, you can lose 4 kg of weight and cleanse your body of toxins. For three days in a row you need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day.

The essence of the apple-drinking diet is to consume apple juice for 2 weeks. Fresh juice should be drunk daily, 400 ml every two hours. On the third day, you need to drink another glass of apple juice, and after 30 minutes - 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, and fresh again.

This scheme must be repeated without changing anything in it. Using this technique you can get rid of sand in the kidneys.

The chocolate diet is a sweet tooth's dream

The chocolate-drinking diet is a technique that combines drinking and chocolate diets. Reviews about the method are contradictory, but the facts are stubborn and indicate that the shock diet promotes intensive weight loss of up to 1 kg per day, and following it for a week will help achieve the desired results and significantly reduce volumes.

In addition, lovers of exotic products will receive real gastronomic pleasure, which will contribute to a great mood and excellent metabolism!

During the course of the drinking chocolate diet, it is recommended to drink cocoa without added sugar instead of coffee and tea - 5-6 cups during the day.

Cocoa recipe

Making a chocolate drink is not difficult. Three tbsp. l. Mix cocoa powder with a small amount of water until smooth. Add the mixture to boiling milk (1 l), stir well. The chocolate drink is prepared without sugar, and to improve the taste, vanilla, cinnamon or other spices are added to the cocoa as desired.

Based on the recommendations of nutritionists and based on reviews of those losing weight, natural cocoa powder, without additives, is used for dietary purposes. Ready-made mixtures containing cream, milk, sugar and flavorings are not suitable for preparing a chocolate drink!

Clean water will help maintain a sufficient level of fluid in the body, which experts advise drinking at least 1.5 liters. If you have passed the shock diet test and achieved the desired result, then the interval between the next weight loss course should be at least 30 days. Otherwise, metabolic processes in the body can be seriously disrupted, and then the question will not be about a shock diet and weight loss, but about the long-term treatment of the consequences of the event.

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Pros of the diet

The main purpose of the drinking diet is to reduce the load on the stomach and cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances. During the diet, you must avoid consuming any solid food that needs to be chewed. That is, all food must have a liquid consistency.

In liquid form, food is much easier to digest, and the size of the stomach is reduced. This allows you not to overeat too much immediately after completing the diet and consume a minimal amount of food.

With a drinking diet, weight loss occurs at a fairly rapid pace, and removing the load from the stomach provides lightness. A large amount of liquid helps restore water balance.

Preparing for a drinking diet

In order for the body to adequately accept a new type of food intake, it is rational to prepare. Over the course of a week, you should gradually change the list of dishes and products. The diet should be light. You need to give up sweets, especially pastries, pies, and sweets. It is advisable to drink tea without sugar or significantly reduce its amount.

There is no need to eat buns and bread, as well as other flour products, for example, pasta. One rule should be learned: excessively tarred food is harmful. It is advisable to eat porridge, soups, vegetable purees, fruits, salads without sour cream and mayonnaise all week.

Cons of the diet

The drinking diet is one of the most difficult, since you not only have to reduce the caloric content of food, but also go against your nature. Due to the absence of the usual chewing process, hunger will only increase, since there is no usual feeling that food has been eaten. The likelihood that you can break loose and break the rules of the diet increases.

In the first days, weakness, irritation and a strong feeling of hunger are possible. Despite the fact that liquid food reduces the load on the stomach, its effect can be negative, since such food is quite unusual. Fermentation processes, irregular stools, and spasms in the intestines and stomach are possible.

The drinking diet is contraindicated for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, as well as people with weakened immune systems, nursing women and pregnant women. While following a drinking diet, physical activity is usually reduced, since a feeling of weakness can lead to fainting. Consultation with a doctor is required before starting the diet.

How to get off the drinking diet correctly

Exiting the drinking diet must be properly planned, as there is a possibility of regaining lost weight. In addition, improper exit can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. The drinking diet is designed for 7 days, and during this time you can lose up to 5 kilograms. After this, you need to properly return to your normal diet. Here are some options for a smooth exit.

If the drinking diet was calculated for 7 days, the exit lasts 15 days. On the first day you need to add oatmeal to your diet. It should have a liquid consistency. Then you need to gradually introduce solid food, 1-2 products daily. It is recommended to eat protein only in the 2nd week.

Coming off a 14-day diet will take about a month. The exit principle is similar, only you need to introduce solid foods once every two days. If the drinking diet took a month, then the period for exiting it is 2 months. Throughout this time, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily.

In the future, you need to eliminate salty, fatty, fried and spicy foods from your diet. In addition, periodically you need to do fasting days in the form of an exclusively drinking regime.

How long does the drinking diet last and what will be the effect?

The amount of weight lost depends entirely on how long you stick to this type of diet. There are many options for drinking rations. For some, one “fasting day” is enough, while others need a month to fight extra pounds. Assess your weight, create a menu and plan your meals. Still, the best option is a two-week fast with a gradual exit from the diet.

It is worth remembering that this type of weight loss is often called one of the most difficult. And if you are determined to quickly and effectively fight extra pounds, then you are on the right track.

Reasons for breaking the diet

Before determining how not to break off your drinking diet, you need to understand what a breakdown is and for what reasons it occurs. Diet breakdowns can be one-time or systematic.

In the first case, we are talking about eating something that is not on the menu. Systematic failures are much more dangerous than one-time failures. In this case, a person regularly overeats or consumes prohibited foods, although he believes that he is on a diet. As a result of this, the weight does not go away, but, on the contrary, it only increases.

There are several reasons for diet failures.

These include:

  • lack of motivation or lack thereof;
  • incorrectly set goal;
  • choosing the wrong power system.

If you are determined to lose weight, then you must understand that your usual daily routine must be adjusted. You should view diet as entering a new life. You need to learn to set short goals for yourself, the achievement of which will bring joy and incentive to diet for as long as possible.

Breakdown from drinking diet

The drinking diet is based only on liquid food, and it is not suitable for everyone. In this case, you can reduce the risk of a breakdown only with the help of motivation. Everyone who switches to a similar nutrition system should know how not to fall off the drinking diet and what to do if a breakdown occurs.

To do this, you need to buy an item you like that is a couple of sizes smaller than your clothes and periodically try it on to evaluate the result. It is also recommended to record the number of kilograms lost and try to maintain it.

Any disruptions greatly reduce the effectiveness of the diet. To reduce the likelihood of weight gain, you need to determine the category of prohibited foods and follow several important rules.

Pros and cons of a drinking diet

The effect of the drinking diet may not be obtained immediately: according to those who have tried it on themselves, a clear change in figure and weight loss can be expected in about a month. During this entire time you cannot eat, you can only drink, which means that the person losing weight will need maximum effort and endurance. At the same time, both positive and negative aspects of this method of weight loss are noted. The advantages include:

  • cleansing the body for quite a long time, when it is freed from poisons, toxins, and fecal debris;
  • feeling of lightness, improved mood;
  • reduction in the size of the stomach in the absence of discomfort;
  • weight loss.

Like any diet, this is not a panacea and has its disadvantages:

  • many believe that a too strict drinking diet does not relieve the constant feeling of hunger, which is a severe stress for the body;
  • a long period of time can lead to loss of energy, weakness, and increased fatigue;
  • there is a danger of a “lazy stomach” effect;
  • the diet is poor in vitamins, so you have to take them additionally;
  • Weight loss results are difficult to maintain.

Preparing for a drinking diet

This type of diet cannot be started at any time. The complexity of its course requires a serious preparatory period, which must begin at least a week in advance. Entering a drinking diet is marked by bans on the consumption of a number of foods and a transition to a different diet. Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu, but liquid cereals, soups, soft fruits and freshly squeezed juices should be included. The transition to a new diet should be carried out gradually, since any sudden change leads the body to stressful situations.

How much can you lose on a drinking diet?

Naturally, with so many restrictions and strict implementation, those who use a drinking diet have the right to count on significant weight loss, so many people have a very reasonable question about how much weight can be lost on it. Practice shows that if you strictly follow the requirements, you can get rid of more than 15 extra kg in a month, and “lose” about five within a week. However, the consequences of a drinking diet, if carried out without prior consultation with a specialist, may be unpredictable.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

The drinking diet is designed for a course of 30 days, although those who were on it claim that the effect can be obtained as early as 3-4 days. When starting a drinking diet, you need to understand that only a few will be able to cross the finish line in thirty days. Full course options have been developed, which are designed for three days, a week, ten days and two weeks, depending on the state of health and willpower of the person who decided to lose weight on this diet. Its creators insist that if you know how to properly follow a drinking diet, you can get excellent results without serious losses to your health.

How not to fall off the drinking diet?

If we do not take into account the difficulties that those who still decide to use this method will have to overcome, it is worth noting that in a reasonable time, depending on individual characteristics, you can lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. To do this, you need to use dishes that are close in consistency to the state of thin sour cream and can be used in nutrition.

The drinking diet allows liquid porridges, fruit and berry jelly, low-fat cottage cheese, whipped in a blender with the same kefir. That is, the choice of dishes on the diet menu for drinking is not at all small, so it is not necessary to starve here, but the main driving force of any nutrition system is the desire to lose weight and the confidence that this will definitely happen. In this case, there will be no problem with how to maintain a drinking diet.

Drinking diet - what can you drink?

Since the diet is related to liquids, the question reasonably arises of what you can drink on a drinking diet. The answer was received not only from its creators, but also from those who sat on it. You can drink everything except sweet soda and alcohol, regardless of its strength. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is possible to transform solid products into liquid and semi-liquid states. During the diet it is recommended:

  • clean drinking and mineral water without gas;
  • low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products;
  • chicken and vegetable broths and fruit (sugar-free) soups;
  • natural clarified juices;
  • black, green and herbal teas;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • jelly-like drinks, compotes;
  • coffee with milk, cocoa (without sugar).

Breakdown over sweets

Various treats are the most common cause of diet failures. Even if you are not a huge fan of sweets, when you eat a poor diet, your glucose levels drop sharply, so your body often craves sweet foods.

If you do eat something forbidden, then you shouldn’t blame yourself and try to stay away from treats, as this is the first step to a relapse. The best solution to the problem is to allow yourself to sometimes consume natural sweet foods, for example, dates and honey.

Breakdown for fried

The desire to eat something fried, fatty or filling during a diet is quite understandable, but you should not allow yourself to do this.

If you still can’t resist, it is recommended to add a small amount of baked foods to your diet: poultry or vegetables. You need to cook them without adding salt and oil in order to minimize the calorie content of your diet and not harm your figure.

If you can reduce your cravings for junk food, you will reduce your risk of relapse. If a woman has been on a drinking diet for a week and breaks down, and no positive dynamics are observed, then she needs to temporarily abandon strict restrictions. Initially, you can switch to a healthy diet, thereby preparing the body for a leaner diet.

Drinking diet for 1 day

This is shock relief. The result is possible if you suddenly switch to it and do not break within 1 day. No preparation is required for the one-day drinking diet. There are many diet options available.

One of them prescribes eating one of the types of broths from morning to dinner: fish, chicken, or beef. Only 2 liters required.

Another option: a couple of liters of juice. For each dose, and there are 5-6 of them, squeeze out a new portion. Juices can be either fruit or vegetable, or even a mixture.

A one-day milk diet involves consuming low-fat (below 2.5%) yogurt, Varenets, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yoghurt, kefir, and even milk. You are not allowed to drink sour cream.

Regardless of which option for a one-day drinking diet the fair half chooses, the diet should be supplemented by drinking clean water. It is recommended to take up to 2 liters per day.

So, in just a day, many women lose up to 2 kilograms. But there is also a very strict fasting option for a one-day diet: drink only clean, still water. A couple of liters in the morning and afternoon is enough. If there are brave ladies who can hold out in this mode for 12-15 hours, the effect will be even better. When you don’t drink anything at all, your body will suffer irreparable harm. You should be careful in choosing your diet, even for a day.

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You can choose mineral water without gas or just clean water. By the way, it is advisable to prepare a special drink.

To do this you should take:

  1. A couple of lemons.
  2. 1 pod cayenne pepper.
  3. A little fresh parsley.

The above ingredients need to be crushed, passed through a meat grinder, and poured with drinking water in an amount of 2 liters. Leave for 12 hours. It is better to prepare the drink at night. Then drink the first serving in the morning. In total there should be no more than 6 receptions, except for evening hours. It is especially dangerous to drink water before bed for those whose urinary system does not function well.

Another option: chop the ginger root. Do the same with cucumber, lime and a pinch of peppermint. Without diluting with water, leave the mixture in a cold place for a couple of hours, and then add 3 liters of water. Then keep it in the cold.

How to return to a diet after a breakdown

Many people wonder how not to break off the drinking diet, but it is also important to know how to return to it again after a break. The sooner you return to the established power system, the better. It is advisable to do this on the same day.

It is worth playing sports or just going for a walk. You need to additionally add fat-burning foods to your diet. It is better to continue losing weight than to start the whole process all over again.

If possible, the next day after the breakdown should be a fasting day. If you can’t return to the diet again, then you should think about a radical revision of your diet.

What not to do after a diet break

It is important to know not only what to do if you fall off your drinking diet, but also what not to do. If a breakdown occurs, then you definitely shouldn’t dramatize the situation. While dieting, many people weigh themselves daily. After a breakdown, it is also worth checking your weight to make sure that nothing bad happened.

Sometimes the scale shows more kilograms due to fluid retention in the body. When following a diet, special attention should be paid to your diet. If you feel that you are consuming enough fluid and not enough salt, but the fluid still manifests itself in the form of swelling, then you should take a mild diuretic.

Women should not start a diet during menstruation, as this can lead to health problems and also significantly increases the likelihood of failure. In addition, on the days of the cycle, due to fluid, the weight increases by 1-2 kg, and this upsets many, since the woman believes that the diet does not give the required result.

If there is not a strong enough motivation, then the results of the drinking diet will be minimal, and breakdowns will occur regularly. It is worth remembering that you are losing weight primarily for yourself, to feel better, always stay in shape and enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

Alcohol on a drinking diet

The rules of the drinking diet strictly prohibit the consumption of alcohol. Wines and champagne have a lot of sugar, and beer has a lot of calories. Drinking stronger drinks leads to breakdowns and severe hunger. By the way, during a good feast, it is important to have an intensive snack, and not take mini-doses of broth.

Therefore, alcohol is contraindicated for those on a drinking diet. But what about special occasions, Birthdays, New Year, holidays with friends and relatives? For those ladies who adhere to a drinking diet, will they seem like real hard labor? Not at all. Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol in large quantities every day and especially while a woman is on a diet. Small celebrations can be arranged. Moreover, if a lady decides to sit on soups for a couple of days, it is advisable to plan a period of diet that does not coincide with the feast.

But it’s worth remembering that if you can relax a little on a holiday, then you need to drink just a little alcohol. Doctors recommend abandoning it altogether so as not to harm the body. This is especially true for people who have chronic diseases of the circulatory system, blood vessels, heart, digestion, stomach, and kidneys.

Those who want to lose weight and get rid of excess fat for a long time or even forever should forget about alcohol completely. He is the cause of addictions and breakdowns. To get a decent result, you need to remember that everything should be consumed in moderation.

How not to lose your temper

The drinking diet is the most stringent of all existing ones, and not every person can withstand it. It is very important to know how not to fall off the drinking diet. Motivation is important as it helps prevent relapse.

You need to review the things that are too small for you and paste on them photographs of the figure you want to have. You need to constantly think about what good results await you ahead. For example, you can wear the things you like and not feel embarrassed on the beach.

From time to time you need to give yourself gifts and also encourage yourself. This will make it much easier for you to go through the diet and go through the process of losing weight. You need to mentally imagine your ultimate goal and gradually approach it.

With the help of these simple recommendations, you can go through a weight loss course quite comfortably.

How to save the result

Nutritionists say that after losing weight, excess weight can come back. To maintain the results of a drinking diet and not return to your previous weight, you need to use the following recommendations from experts:

  • ensure smooth entry and exit from dietary nutrition;
  • exercise;
  • Avoid salty and high-calorie foods.

This will improve metabolic processes in the human body, as well as burn consumed calories.

What can you do on a drinking diet?

You need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This involves moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, a balanced diet, supplemented with vitamins and mineral complexes.

If the question remains about what you can drink on a drinking diet, then these are only teas, compotes, jelly, fruit drinks, and very preferably without sugar.

Taking care of her health, a woman must make the only correct decision about the number of days during which she will adhere to a given diet. You have to start from one day. Long term can harm the body.

Diet results

You can see the results of the drinking diet in the photo and decide for yourself whether it is worth switching to a similar nutrition system. The drinking technique has gained great popularity due to its effectiveness. It helps women lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, but this diet can be followed no more than once a year.

Many women leave positive reviews. The result of a drinking diet depends largely on the duration of the course, that is, the longer it is, the more excess weight you can lose. By organizing just 1 drinking day for yourself, you can get rid of 1.5-2 kg. After following such a diet for a week or two, this figure can be increased 3 times.

If you set yourself up for a course lasting 30 days and stick to it firmly, you can get rid of all excess weight.

Additionally, you will notice this result:

  • lightness and energy boost after completing the course;
  • significantly reduced stomach volume;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive organs.

To verify the effectiveness of the technique, just look at the photos before and after the drinking diet.

Main stages of the diet

The strict drinking diet is designed for a month (30 days) and involves three main stages of ridding the body of excess weight and toxins:

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  1. The first stage (10 days) – the load on the pancreas and the entire digestive system is reduced, the intestines are freed from fecal deposits. The period of adaptation of the body to new conditions is characterized by headaches, a feeling of malaise and the formation of a gray-green coating on the tongue, which is regularly recommended to be cleaned with a toothbrush.
  2. The next ten days there is an active cleansing of the liver ducts and kidneys, accompanied by spastic pain, bitterness in the mouth, and frequent urination.
  3. At the third stage, the body gets used to the liquid diet. According to reviews, on the 20-30th day of the diet marathon, discomfort completely disappears, lightness appears, mood and general well-being improve.

Only women with a strong character, pre-motivated and psychologically prepared can withstand the first days of food restriction. After about 4–5 days, the feeling of hunger subsides, and the process of cleansing and unloading the body goes much easier, without presenting much hassle!

Reviews from nutritionists and those who have lost weight

Many girls write how not to break the drinking diet. Reviews indicate that such a nutritional system helps to quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

According to reviews, even if you follow a drinking diet once a year, you can achieve fairly good results and have a beautiful figure. In 3 days, if you follow all the rules, you can lose about 4 kg. If you follow a drinking diet for a week, you can achieve much better results.

Even those who followed a drinking diet for one day leave positive reviews about it, since you can lose about 1.5-2 kg in such a short time. This is not too difficult, but in this way you can further cleanse the body of toxic substances and cholesterol.

The drinking diet is one of the most extreme, since it is precisely the change in the consistency of all consumed food to liquid that is additional stress for the body. While following the diet, you need to monitor your condition and if you feel unwell, severe fatigue, abdominal pain and dizziness, you need to stop the diet.

It is worth going out of the diet very carefully so as not to provoke problems with the stomach and intestines. Looking at the photos of girls before and after the drinking diet, we can say for sure that it gives a positive result.

Menu design principles

A menu for one to three days can be calculated using the principle of longer periods, which I will describe below.

Diet for the week:

  • on Monday we choose any low-fat dairy or fermented milk products;
  • on Tuesday - various freshly prepared broths: meat, fish or vegetables;
  • on Wednesday - any juices diluted 1 to 2;
  • for Thursday you choose teas of any variety;
  • on Friday you cook yourself jelly from berries or fruits;
  • for Saturday - compote without sugar;
  • Sunday - juices again.

According to the creators of this weight loss method, caloric intake should be 1200-1400 kilocalories. In reality it will be even less. Given the lack of variety, you will also lack vitamins and microelements.

“If your butt is like a garage, we reduce your caloric intake. What is this? And how will this help you?

I won’t even mention protein; in this situation, you will get so little of it that your body will have to redistribute its own skeletal muscle proteins in order to obtain amino acids to renew the cells of vital organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. Your brain will be completely in a starving state, because the fats that are required to restore its cells are almost completely absent from the diet.

“What are amino acids for? We destroy muscles and build them again with the help of protein gainers.”

In the menu for two weeks, you can vary the same products without adding or subtracting anything.

For a monthly diet, the following scheme for one day is assumed:

  • breakfast - low-fat yogurt, no more than 220 ml;
  • lunch - pureed vegetable soup and tea;
  • afternoon snack - fruit and berry jelly - also 220 ml;
  • dinner - low-fat kefir, the same amount.

And so on until the bitter end, all four weeks.

Let me remind you: all meals end no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Entering and exiting a given diet is also important. The drinking diet has its own characteristics:

  1. And it takes twice as long to get in and out. For example, for a three-day period, entry and exit are 6 days each, for a monthly period – 2 months.
  1. During the preparatory period, you need to gradually remove foods that need to be chewed from the menu, replacing them with liquid porridges and soups.
  1. During the exit period, you need to gradually introduce fruit purees, porridges, soups into your diet, and very gradually switch to solid food, so that at least ¼ of the entire diet period passes before the first intake.

Everyone can read the details of proper nutrition before and after in the article “Exiting the Drinking Diet.” It is especially important to quit the drinking diet for 30 days, since it is the most extreme for the body.

Quitting the drinking diet: what you can drink for 3, 7 days and how not to break it

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