The fattest man in the world: ranking of the heaviest people in the world with photos

John Brower Minnock

John is the first person we want to talk about. Despite the fact that John died more than 30 years ago, he is still considered the fattest man in the entire history of mankind (his weight has been officially confirmed).

With a height of 183 cm, John weighed 630 kilograms. At 37, he was hospitalized due to heart problems. He stayed there for two years, eating a special diet, the ration of which did not exceed 1200 kilocalories.

During this time, John managed to lose almost 500 kilograms - at discharge his weight was 150 kg.

Video selection of the fattest and heaviest people in the world

As you can see, being the fattest man in the world is not easy. All fat people suffer from a variety of different diseases and do not live long. If obesity is caused not by a constant desire to fill the stomach, but by some disease, then it is possible to return a fat person to normal weight. But if increased appetite is caused by mental disorders, then the problem of obesity is difficult to eliminate, and not only nutritionists, but also psychotherapists have to treat the patient for a very long time. Watch the video to see what the fattest people in the world look like:

Carol Yager

Carol Yager is the heaviest woman in history. Her maximum weight has not been officially confirmed, but it is believed to have been 727 kg. With a height of 170 cm.

The cause of Carol's severe obesity was an eating disorder caused by sexual aggression from a member of her family.

On the day of death (07/18/1994) her weight was 597 kilograms.

Manuel Uribe

Manuel is from Mexico. At the age of 20, he moved to the United States, where he rapidly began to gain weight. In 2006, Manuel was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest living person. At that time his weight was 590 kg.

Manuel later sought help from doctors and underwent surgery to reduce his stomach. Thanks to surgery and a special diet, Manuel lost weight to 381 kg (2008).

In 2011, Manuel weighed 187 kg. He continued to diet and exercise.

But soon Manuel quickly began to gain weight again and reached 440 kg. He died in May 2014 in hospital from complications. His weight by that time was 330 kg.

The fashion for thinness dictates its own conditions. Women and men all over the world are struggling with excess weight, hoping to gain slimness and beauty. But for some people, excess weight is an asset that they flaunt. They are ready to appear for newspapers and magazines, television channels and online publications, tell their stories, strive to gain additional weight in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records . They are obese and overweight, they are plagued by illnesses, but they are proud of their extra pounds. There are also those who are in a happy marriage and want to prove that excess weight is not an obstacle to pure and sincere love.

By the way, we would like to note that the unhealthy foods that you allow yourself occasionally do not harm your figure in any way, so sometimes you can safely eat what you want. Many people say that occasionally they want to eat a portion of French fries or Doshirak, and they cannot calm down until they do this. In such situations, you should not strictly limit yourself. In addition, when buying Doshirak, you can take part in the promotion, register the Doshirak code and win one of the super prizes.

The Miracle Diet portal has prepared for its readers a selection of photographs of the fattest people in the world.

Manuel Uribe

The fattest man in the world, who was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was recognized as the Mexican Manuel Uribe . At the age of 43, his weight was 572 kg. However, after a while he broke another record. Having lost 231 kg, he was included in the book of records for getting rid of the most extra pounds. The Mexican claims that his future wife Claudia helped him do this. In 2008, Manuel Uribe got married, and all invitees were prohibited from filming the wedding celebration. You were not allowed to take video cameras, cameras or phones with you. Only the Discovery Channel had the exclusive right to film the wedding. Manuel Uribe was transported to the wedding on a special bed using a forklift. To feed such a giant, you need to send a loan application to all banks, collect tens of thousands of dollars in credit, and this is hardly enough for a year.

Watch a video about Manuel Uribe, his story and his wedding. ("My awful story")

Donna Simpson

Donna Simpson also became famous due to her excess weight. At the age of 43, her weight was 273 kilograms. Her dream was to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest woman in the world, for this she needed to gain weight to 450 kilograms. To achieve her goal, she needs to eat about 12 thousand calories per day (see calorie table). She has been married for about 20 years - she got married when she was 24 years old. My husband's weight is only 68 kilograms. But not so long ago it became known that they broke up.

Donna Simpson was already in the book of records when she became the world's fattest mother. She opened her website for fans who watch her life. She arranges video broadcasts on her website in which she shows how she absorbs large amounts of food. The site brought her an income of 90 thousand dollars a year. As it became known, Donna Simpson has now gone on a diet (see more about proper nutrition) and decided to lose weight.

Terry Smith

Another woman known throughout the world for her weight is American Terri Smith . She weighs about 320 kilograms and has been bedridden for the past few years. She can hardly do anything on her own, not even get out of bed, let alone wash and get dressed. She was very large since childhood (see how to help a child lose weight) and at the age of 7 she weighed 51 kilograms. And at the age of 20 she already weighed more than 100 kg.

The woman also has a husband who is several years younger than her, a daughter and granddaughters. They support Terry as best they can. Doctors told her to urgently go on a diet, otherwise it could threaten the woman’s life. She had already tried to lose weight using untested diet pills (see more about diet pills) that doctors prescribed to her. But the pills did not help her, moreover, other doctors suspect she has serious brain damage. In such critical cases, most often only surgical intervention can help (see about liposuction), as well as the help of qualified nutritionists who can develop the correct individual diet for a given patient.

Next, watch a video about the fattest woman in the world. ("My awful story")

We also present to your attention photographs of other fat people in the world:

Next you can watch a story about the fattest children in the world. ("My awful story")

Remember that many problems come from childhood. You should pay attention to your child's weight from a very early age. It is much easier to adjust weight in childhood. For this purpose, there are specially designed children's diets for weight loss.

Khalid ibn Muhsen Shaari

Shari is originally from Saudi Arabia. They began to work on his health and weight loss by personal order of King Abdullah in 2013. The king fully paid for the cost of the plane for transportation and his treatment in a specialized hospital. At that time, Khalid’s weight was 610 kg, and his body mass index was a record high - 204 (with the norm ranging from 18.5 to 24.99.

Thanks to treatment and diet, Khalid lost 320 kilograms and was able to walk on his own.

Jessica Leonard

The title of the fattest child in the world went to Jessica Leonard. In 2007, her story shook the whole world after people learned about the girl from a TV show.

The story of this fat girl is an example of blind parental love. Mom fed Jessica high-calorie foods, the basis of the diet was pizza, French fries, hamburgers, sweet carbonated drinks, fried turkey and chicken - everything that children are not recommended to eat. Immediately after finishing eating, Jessica felt hungry and begged her mother to feed her again, and a mother’s heart could not stand her daughter’s requests. The child’s diet consisted of 10,000 kcal instead of the required 1800 kcal.

This was the reason that, at the age of four, Leonard crossed the 100-kilogram mark and continued to gain weight. With tears in her eyes, the girl recalls how children called her fat, and even adults often said that Jessica was fat. At four years old, the child experienced difficulty moving, as the children’s fragile leg bones began to deform from the weight, and excess fat deposits on the face and neck led to a deterioration in diction.

By the age of seven, Jessica Leonard had stopped walking and had already realized the seriousness of the problem. At this age she weighed 222 kg. After her appearance on television, people flooded the channel with letters asking to help the fat child return to normal life. Doctors prescribed her a strict diet, which helped her lose 140 kg. Then Jessica continued to eat rationally and get in shape at home. To return to normal life, she had to undergo a number of operations on the joints of her legs and to remove excess skin.

Mayra Rosales

Myra's weight was 470 kg. She could not walk and was bedridden. On her own, she could only lift her body a little.

Thanks to doctors, Myra managed to lose more than 80% of her weight. Now you can never tell by her appearance that Myra once had such huge problems with obesity.

Myra after losing weight.

Photos of the fattest people in the world 2021

Why do people become fat? This is explained, first of all, by an increase in the quality of life, in which a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, eating low-quality food. The problem of childhood obesity has become especially serious, which arises for several reasons:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Psychological factors.
  3. Lack of physical activity.
  4. Poor nutrition.

To prevent a person from becoming fat since childhood, parents need to control his diet, limit the time his offspring spends near the computer and TV, make him move more, and talk to him more often about emotional problems. Obese people are sick, because food is a kind of drug that destroys not only human health, but also life.

Donna Simpson

Donna's weight was 290 kg. But it didn't bother me at all. She created her own website, with the help of which she collected money from men for watching her eat.

But in 2011, Donna realized that she could no longer take care of herself. She decided to lose weight and was able to lose weight to 170 kg. Donna is the holder of the title “The Fattest Mom in the World” according to the Guinness Book of Records (for 2010).

Heavy Man: Jessica Leonard

Already at the age of 7, Jessica weighs 222 kilograms. Her mother claimed that she had to constantly buy fast food. If she didn't comply with her daughter's demands, Jessica would become hysterical. After contacting doctors, the weight was reduced by 140 kilograms.

Currently, doctors do not stop providing assistance and continue to help eliminate extra pounds. Jessica Leonard hopes that she can return to normal life and thereby avoid the title of "Heaviest Man in the World."

These are just some of the stories from the lives of people suffering from excessive weight. The sad thing here is that the lives of some of them ended tragically. This is due to incurable diseases and poor nutrition.

Video on the topic

Many people, especially girls, complain about their body. It seems to them that an extra 3-5 kilograms is a real disaster for their appearance, but, as a rule, everything is learned by comparison. For some people, even 20 kg is not a problem, because they need to lose at least 100 kg.

Paul Mason

Paul consumed more than 20,000 calories daily, which brought him to 445 kilograms of his body weight. But Paul came to his senses in time. He didn't want to be bedridden and die of obesity. Paul decided to undergo gastric reduction surgery.

Thanks to surgery and a special diet, he managed to lose 305 kg. He also had to get rid of excess skin, which weighed 21 kg.

Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Bramley (468 kg), like the previous character, was absolutely chained to his own bed, but for a period of more than four years. Once again, firefighters had to break down a wall to get him to hospital. This incredibly fat man was taken to a Texas hospital in serious condition.

The human stomach could hardly cope with 30,000 calories a day. At the hospital, the patient was put on a diet with a nutritional value of 1200 kcal per day, and in 40 days there Kenneth lost 76 kg. Based on his fate, a feature-length documentary film, Half Ton Dad, was shot.

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