Rating of the healthiest cereals, their benefits and harms


Lately, porridge diets have become increasingly popular among those losing weight. What is the reason for such a love of those who want to lose hated kilograms for such methods of losing weight?

Firstly, these diets are quite effective and quickly achieve the desired results. Secondly, by following such diets, those losing weight are protected from sudden attacks of hunger, since they do not have to constantly experience hunger. Thirdly, diets based on cereals are tasty and healthy food. Fourthly, these methods of losing weight do not harm the body.

general information

The energy value of both buckwheat and oats is undeniably high . Both crops are inexpensive, affordable, very tasty and widely distributed throughout Russia. Buckwheat is often called the “queen of cereals” due to the amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. Oats are also a valuable source of nutrition. It is eaten using flakes, flour or simply refined cereals.

Most often, porridge is consumed by people who watch their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle .
The advantage of porridges is that they do not take much time to prepare and have a soft, pleasant taste. They are ideal for those who are forced to go on special diets or just want to lose a couple of kilograms.

Why is porridge healthy?

Porridge is a slow carbohydrate. This means that the body spends a lot of energy, that is, calories, on its digestion. This type of carbohydrate is also good because saturation occurs quickly and hunger disappears.

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In addition, all cereals are rich in microelements, fiber, and improve intestinal function. And porridges such as buckwheat, oatmeal and barley are considered the most healthy, as they have a low glycemic index and contain B vitamins and amino acids.

No sugar needed. Why do you want to sleep after eating?

The benefits of buckwheat

  • Relatively long shelf life . A dish made from buckwheat will last longer than others. It is better protected from souring, and the taste will not deteriorate during long-term storage. This unique feature of buckwheat is provided by the phenolic compounds of the cereal and their antioxidant properties, which significantly distinguishes buckwheat from other types of grain crops.
  • High digestibility . The paradox of buckwheat is that with a high calorie content, the substances are completely absorbed by the human body. It is this quality of buckwheat that allows it to be recommended to children and the elderly.
  • Energy value . To fill up, a person will only need a medium portion of buckwheat. The energy value of buckwheat is such that carbohydrates, and this cereal contains a lot of them, take a long time to digest, proteins are contained in unusually high quantities, but there are practically no fats. It is not surprising that buckwheat is a major part of the diet of athletes.
  • "Brothers Builders": rutin and quercetin . Buckwheat contains two substances at the molecular level that are extremely important and beneficial for the body - rutin and quercetin. The first of the “brothers,” rutin, helps strengthen blood vessels, reducing the risk of their rupture. Buckwheat is especially useful for people who have undergone surgery - to prevent the risk of internal bleeding. Also, for the same reason, buckwheat should be consumed more often by pregnant women in order to prevent hemorrhages in the fetus and bleeding during and after childbirth. Rutin is vitamin C's best friend, supporting and enhancing its strengthening effect. The second substance, quercetin, cleanses blood vessels and, like rutin, strengthens their walls. Experts say that high levels of quercetin in the body can prevent the risk of cancer.
  • Cleansing the body . Buckwheat can normalize the functioning of the digestive system, prevent “breakage” of one of the most important organs - the liver, as well as cleanse the blood and put the body in order. Those who regularly eat buckwheat are less susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Assistant to expectant mothers . Buckwheat contains folic acid. It has a beneficial effect on the development and health of the fetus, ensures the normal course of pregnancy, and also maintains the woman’s body in good condition.

Benefits of oatmeal

  • Easy awakening . Most often, oatmeal is served for breakfast, and this is no coincidence. Oatmeal helps fight depression and drowsiness, awakens the body and puts you in a good mood. An oatmeal breakfast provides the body with energy and vigor.
  • Gentle cleansing . Hercules easily copes with stomach problems: constipation, bloating, cramps and indigestion. Frequent consumption of porridge helps normalize metabolic processes.
  • Fighting serious diseases . Thanks to its nutritional properties and some substances in its composition, oatmeal will be very useful for people suffering from allergies and dermatitis.
  • Strong bones . Rolled oats contain fluorine and calcium - something that strengthens the human body and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Engine of the body . Oatmeal normalizes the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, and is very beneficial for blood vessels and the heart. This cereal helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • No harmful substances! Oatmeal carefully and without harm to the body removes all unnecessary and harmful formations that accumulate during a person’s life.
  • Benefits for diabetics . A distinctive feature of oatmeal is its exceptional benefits for people suffering from diabetes. It contains low glycemic levels.

What has more calories: buckwheat or oatmeal?

The porridge diet is considered an effective way to lose weight and is deservedly popular.
In just 1-2 weeks you can lose about 5-7 kg of excess weight. The fact is that cereals contain complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy and satisfy hunger for a long time. The leaders among them are oatmeal and buckwheat. When choosing between them, you need to figure out which is higher in calories, healthier and contributes to the fastest weight loss. The benefits of buckwheat

The buckwheat diet is probably already known to many. She is popular even among stars, for example, Larisa Dolina, Lolita Milyavskaya.

This cereal came to us from Greece, which explains the name. Even in ancient times, its benefits were known, and today scientists have scientifically proven this fact. It’s not for nothing that they call her the queen of cereals. It contains such a quantity of micro- and macroelements, as well as proteins and iron, which you will not find in any other product. In addition, it contains vitamins B, PP, fiber, iodine, and in terms of protein composition it can easily replace meat or fish.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • Calorie content – ​​77.8 kcal
  • Proteins – 12.61 g
  • Fat – 3.4 g
  • Carbohydrates – 62.0 g

Buckwheat cleanses blood vessels, helps eliminate bad cholesterol, relieves fatigue, eliminates depression, and improves the general condition of the body.

Despite the enormous benefits, cereals should be used with caution by those who suffer from hypertension and kidney failure.

Mono-diet on buckwheat

You cannot sit on a mono-diet for a long time. Just one week is enough to reduce your weight to 7 kg.

To prepare it, you will need a glass of cereal, steamed with 2 tbsp. boiling water or pour low-fat kefir (yogurt). Eat during the day. During this time, all foods, as well as salt and sugar, are excluded from the diet. You can drink herbal tea, kefir and clean water without gas.

Benefits of oatmeal

Nutritionists recommend including oatmeal in your daily diet. In some countries (Scotland, England) it is traditionally consumed for breakfast. Regular consumption of porridge helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol and sugar, muscle growth, strengthens the immune system, and improves metabolic processes. In addition, it stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation, and promotes rapid saturation.

It contains vitamins B, K, E, as well as copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and iodine.

This cereal is not recommended for those who are allergic to gluten.

The nutritional value of oatmeal is almost the same as buckwheat per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 88 kcal
  • Proteins – 11.7 g;
  • Fats – 6.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 65.1 g.

Mono-diet on oatmeal

If you want to lose weight and cleanse your body, but not starve, an oatmeal diet is just what you need. You can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight in a week.

Traditionally it is prepared with water. It should be noted that for weight loss you should buy regular oatmeal, not instant oatmeal, since there is practically nothing useful left in it.

To make the diet easier, you can add various fruits, low-fat cottage cheese (kefir or yogurt), and grated carrots to the finished porridge. If you want to enhance the weight loss effect, add a pinch of cinnamon to the finished porridge. Do not forget that butter, sugar and salt cannot be used.

As you can see, each of these cereals has an almost similar set of vitamins and microelements, so it is quite possible to alternate them. Buckwheat is more suitable for a mono-diet - it is quite filling, but contains slightly fewer calories, so the effect of losing weight will be noticeable a little faster. However, you should always base your decision on your own preferences and health.


Buckwheat can be harmful! Incorrectly cooked porridge (too cool, most often) is difficult to digest and can lead to the formation of gas and constipation . Buckwheat should be consumed with caution by those who suffer from diabetes and kidney failure. Before you go on a buckwheat mono-diet (a mono-diet is a diet in which one product is consumed), it is important to remember: its duration should not exceed 4-5 days .

Oatmeal is a disaster for the body: first of all, oatmeal is contraindicated for people who cannot eat gluten . It is found in several crops, including oats. Celiac disease does not immediately show signs of “life.” It can only be detected in an advanced form, when intestinal absorption becomes one of the painful symptoms. Secondly, oatmeal is a source of phytic acid, which leaches calcium. Eating rolled oats daily can harm your bones.

Which diet is better and more effective: buckwheat or oatmeal?

Buckwheat and oatmeal are food products that are equally beneficial for the body when losing weight. They are tasty, nutritious, have a positive effect on the body, and help you lose weight quickly and effectively. The result of diets on these cereals is weight loss of up to 7 kilograms. This is primarily explained by the fact that buckwheat and oatmeal contain large quantities of fiber, thanks to which the body is saturated with minimal amounts of food consumed.

An important advantage of these two cereals is also their availability and low price. During a diet on these cereals, those losing weight are protected from sudden hunger attacks, because they can eat when the desire arises.

Preparing such cereals is also quite easy: it is recommended to simply brew them with boiling water and leave. These cereals are hypoallergenic, so every healthy person can follow such a diet. In terms of its positive properties, in terms of the content of useful substances, buckwheat is somewhat superior to oatmeal, but this advantage is insignificant.

Therefore, if you choose between these two cereals, you must first rely on individual taste preferences. Even diet options have been developed in which it is recommended to alternate these two types of cereals, and, for example, eat oatmeal in water with dried fruits in the morning, and steamed buckwheat porridge throughout the day.

In the event that the choice is made in favor of a mono-diet, the best option here would be the choice made in favor of buckwheat. This can be explained quite simply: buckwheat is a nutritious cereal and at the same time higher in calories than oatmeal, but it is a catalyst for processes that allow you to lose more weight than you gain when consuming it. During a diet, the most important thing is to reduce calories and effectively burn fat.

A mixed buckwheat-oat diet or a mono-diet based on these cereals is not only weight loss, but also an effective cleansing of the body.

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