Bananas: composition, calorie content, benefits and harm to health and beauty

Benefits and beneficial properties

1. Bananas are the only fruit that can be eaten with gastritis.

2. Useful for cardiovascular failure, hypertension, kidney, liver and gall bladder diseases.

3. Due to their high potassium content, ripe bananas have a tonic effect, strengthen the heart muscle, and quickly restore strength after physical and mental stress.

4. Banana is a good remedy for spasmodic pain. The thing is that spasms and cramps are often caused by a deficiency of potassium in the body, and bananas have a lot of it.

5. Also, by eating a banana, you will receive a powerful boost of energy - due to the glucose entering the blood.

6. Banana will help banish depression. If you want to cheer up, eat a banana.

7. Banana is healing for stomatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysentery, enteritis, ulcerative colitis. In addition, banana has an anticonvulsant effect.

Note! Bananas should be washed well before eating. The skin of the fruit contains phenol pores, which can cause cancer.

You will improve your heart performance

Maintaining proper sodium and potassium balance is also important for cardiovascular health. A recent study found that subjects who received at least 4,069 mg of potassium each day had a 49% lower risk of death from coronary heart disease than those who received less than 1,000 mg.

This is no small number! But bananas help support heart health in other ways. Fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C all work together to keep your heart rate normal.

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What are the benefits of bananas for women?

The fair half of humanity benefits from eating southern fruits:

1. Eating bananas improves skin condition. Rubbing the face with the soft side of a banana peel eliminates warts, age spots, and acne.

2. Eating bananas helps eliminate toxins from the body. They stabilize hormonal levels, which are sometimes disrupted before menstruation.

3. Bananas calm the nervous system during depression and reduce pain before and during menstruation.

4. Thanks to the content of vitamin B and carotene, the risk of cancer is reduced.

5. Fruits reduce the frequency of headaches. Thanks to the tryptophan content, it normalizes sleep in humans. But eating too many bananas can cause bloating.

6. Bananas prevent the development of atherosclerosis. They improve memory and increase visual acuity.

7. After an insect bites the white soft side of the fruit, you need to rub the bite site to relieve burning, itching and pain.

Banana hair mask

It will restore beauty to hair that has become dull and brittle over the winter. Mash a banana, mix with egg yolk and apply to hair.

In 20 minutes. rinse with warm water and wash with shampoo. And so 2 times a week.

Face mask with banana and honey

Mash 1 banana, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream and beat. Apply the resulting mass to your face for 15 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

This mask will help to significantly improve your complexion, as well as get rid of micro-inflammations if they bother you.

Dried bananas

How many bananas can a child eat per day? Useful tips about bananas for little ones

When a mother decides whether to give her baby a banana or not, she is faced with a number of other questions: how much fruit will be safe for him, in what form they are better absorbed by the little body, what kind of bananas to choose for children and many other nuances. To relieve a woman of tension and headaches, we offer some very useful tips on how and how much banana to give a child in different years of his life.

  1. The banana that you choose for your baby’s diet should be ripe and bright yellow. The greenish fruits are not yet ripe and can cause stomach upset in the baby. Black spots indicate that the product has begun to overripe, which means it contains a lot of glucose - these are the bananas that most often cause allergies.
  2. Do not buy bananas for baby food at the market. In a couple of years, when the little stomach gets used to the fruit, please, but not now. At this stage, it is better to do this in a supermarket or any store where all goods are certified and tested. Of course, this does not provide a 100% guarantee that it is of high quality, but the chances of buying good fruit in the store are still higher than in the market, especially when the healthy nutrition of the baby is at stake.
  3. In a specialized store you can buy ready-made banana puree for baby food. You can cook it yourself. For the first time, it is recommended to process the peeled, cut into pieces fruit in a steam bath, mash it with a clean fork (or beat it in a blender) until puree and give it to the baby. Over time (a couple of weeks after the first time), heat treatment can no longer be carried out. In a month, the child can be given a banana without kneading it: he will happily suck it, try to gnaw it, sharpen his teething teeth on it and scratch his gums.
  4. The first time you introduce your baby to a banana is the most important. Firstly, do not go too far with dosages, even if the child liked the food and asks for more. Give him a small (teaspoon) of banana puree first. Secondly, carefully monitor the body’s reaction to the new product: whether a rash has appeared, or whether the stool has become too loose. If there are any deviations in the baby’s condition, it is recommended to give up banana for a while and return to it, say, in a month. If you suspect an allergy, be sure to consult a doctor.
  5. If everything goes well the first time, after a week you can give your baby a tablespoon of banana puree a day and gradually increase this dosage. By the age of 1, a child, without any fear, can eat half a banana a day, and not a grated one, but a whole one. A one and a half year old toddler can safely be given a whole fruit. Schoolchildren who need bananas to maintain mental and physical activity are recommended to eat 2 bananas a day. Add fruit to porridge - this breakfast will charge your child with energy for the whole day.
  6. To prevent your child from getting bored with the banana, you can add coconut flakes or crushed cookies to the baby’s puree: a varied diet will help make the dish even more tasty and valuable. For the very first time, in order to adapt a small stomach to a new dish, it is recommended to add specially expressed breast milk or the nutritional formula that you give to the baby to the banana puree.

Dried bananas: benefits and harms

Dried bananas are healthy for humans to eat, although their calorie content exceeds 300 calories. Women who want to lose weight will have to take this into account.

1. It is better to treat kids with dried bananas than other sweets.

2. Fruits will enrich the body with vitamins, potassium, magnesium, fiber, iron and other microelements.

3. Fruits improve the health of hair, nails and epidermis.

4. They quickly restore strength after hard mental or physical labor.

5. Dried bananas lift your mood and help cope with depression.

6. Dried fruits from bananas help cope with constipation, due to their iron content, and eliminate anemia.

7. They are useful for stomach or intestinal diseases.

Note! People suffering from diabetes should not eat dried bananas because dried fruits contain a lot of sucrose.

Patients with thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting, or after a stroke or heart attack do not need to eat dried bananas.

Information for you:

How to dry bananas at home

Bananas for children

You will saturate your body with potassium

Many of us do not understand how important potassium is for the body because we are not informed about its role in metabolic processes. This trace mineral is actually one of the most important nutrients because it is used by every cell in the body to generate the electrical charge it needs to function properly.

Potassium also plays a role in maintaining a steady heart rhythm by maintaining healthy blood pressure. It also stimulates the production of insulin when needed to regulate blood sugar levels.

The daily potassium intake for a healthy adult ranges from 3500 mg to 4700 mg per day. However, several factors may affect the recommended amount. If you are concerned about your health or lifestyle and think you are not getting enough vitamins, consult your doctor.

Two medium bananas contain about 900 mg of potassium, so they're good for your body. This important micronutrient is also found in white beans, potatoes (and sweet potatoes too), beets, spinach, watermelon and tomatoes.

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When can you give your baby a banana?

You can treat your baby to a banana from six months of age, but it is better to wait until one year. If your child develops a rash or bloating, you will have to temporarily stop eating bananas.

The first dose of banana, like any other product, should be minimal. It should be increased gradually. Soft bananas are recommended for baby food.

Eating bananas improves a child’s concentration, strengthens his bone tissue, muscles and activates the brain. It is allowed to eat bananas daily, but not more than 1-2 pieces. They will provide the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements for the day.

How many bananas can you have per day? How many bananas can you eat a day?

I personally understand very well those who love bananas so much that they cannot stop eating them.
These delicious tropical fruits are so smooth and satisfying that it can be quite difficult to eat them in moderation. It is for people like myself, who are ready to consume bananas morning, noon and evening, that I decided to find out how many bananas can be eaten daily without damage (and preferably with benefit) to one’s own health. So, in order to find out how many bananas can be eaten daily, we determine those substances in these fruits, an overdose of which can pose at least a potential danger to our body - these are, first of all, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6.

In an article about the beneficial properties of bananas, I already briefly talked about what percentage of the daily dose of certain vitamins and minerals is contained in a banana. Most of all, one banana, the average weight of which is pure pulp is 200 grams, contains vitamin B6 - up to 56% of the daily requirement. Based on this, we can conclude that the maximum number of bananas per day is 2 (at most 3) pieces. Considering that this vitamin can be contained in other, even simple foods that we eat during the day, one banana per day can be considered optimal in terms of the amount of B6.

As for the content of other substances, an excess of which can be harmful to the body, the daily dose of potassium is contained in about 3 bananas, and magnesium in 4.

Of course, if you once eat a whole kilogram of bananas in a day, then most likely nothing bad will come from it. However, systematically eating three bananas daily can do more harm to the body than good. After all, many scientists are sure that an excess of potassium and magnesium in the body is much more dangerous than their deficiency.

How many bananas can you eat per day? This question is very relevant for all sweet fruit lovers.

In addition to the content of various substances, when determining the rate of consumption of bananas for every day, three more factors must be taken into account:

  1. Bananas are very high in calories. One piece contains about 180 calories (for comparison, the average daily calorie intake for a woman is 2200; three bananas is a quarter of the entire daily diet). An excess of them in the diet will almost inevitably lead to problems with excess weight.
  2. Bananas are a rather heavy food for the digestive system. They take quite a long time (about 4 hours) to digest. Based on this, it is better to eat bananas in the morning or afternoon.
  3. Research has shown that eating more than three bananas per day increases the risk of developing headaches. These products contain a lot of phenylethylamine and tyramine. Their excess causes migraine attacks.
  4. A large amount of bananas in the diet can cause a laxative effect. This is by no means certain to happen, but such cases have been clearly documented by science. Apparently, this depends on the individual characteristics of each organism.

As for all kinds of banana diets, which recommend eating 10-14 bananas daily, it is hardly worth saying that such experiments with one’s own health are fraught with negative consequences. Even if the authors of these diets claim that you cannot “rape” your body in this way for more than 4 days in a row, then what can we say about the opinion of doctors on this matter. You can try this kind of weight loss methods only at your own peril and risk.

I will add that even in the homeland of bananas, where they are considered the basis of the diet, the average daily consumption of this fruit does not exceed half a kilogram (three pieces). It’s unlikely that we need to strive to outdo people who have been chewing bananas for generations.

So, to the question “How many bananas can you eat daily?” Most experts give the following answer: “One or two bananas is the optimal amount for every day.”

Bananas for coughs for children

1. Children are often offered eucalyptus or mint lozenges to treat a cough. It is better to replace them with <<banana jam>>. To prepare it, grind the fruit pulp to a pulp and mix it with a large spoon of honey. The composition is placed on the stove and, stirring constantly, heated at a minimum temperature.

When the mass darkens, it can be removed and used for treatment. The child should be given ¾ of a small spoon up to 5 times daily for 5 days. The medicine must be kept in the refrigerator, but before use you will have to warm it up.

2. You can simply mash a ripe banana and mix it with a glass of warm milk. Next, put the mixture on the stove and let the composition boil. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, the drink should be drunk by the sick baby before daytime and nighttime sleep. Treatment lasts no longer than 5 days. The drink will also help an adult patient get rid of an unpleasant cough.

Bananas for men

What are the benefits of bananas for men?

1. It is advisable for men who want to get rid of the bad habit of smoking to include bananas in their diet every day. According to official medicine, eating bananas helps men cope with this addiction.

2. Bananas contain tryptophan, which improves potency and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the male genital organs. Bananas improve the quality and quantity of sperm, this is important for married couples who want to give birth to an heir.

3. Fruits should be eaten by men involved in sports or heavy physical work. Trainers advise their players to consume 100 grams daily. bananas

4. Palm fruits lower blood pressure; many men suffer from hypertension.

5. Bananas are a natural aphrodisiac, so they increase attraction to the opposite sex.

6. In addition, eating bananas prolongs a man's sexual performance. However, you should only choose ripe bananas with yellow skin, without dark spots.

7. To relieve irritation after shaving, you can simply rub a soft banana peel over the problem area of ​​the skin.

8. Men often love feasts with friends. To reduce a hangover, they need to eat bananas. They accelerate the removal of alcohol breakdown from the body.

Can pregnant women eat bananas?

Is it possible to eat at night

Another popular question that concerns most vegetarians and the losing weight of the female half of society. Nutritionists advise those who are losing weight to consume bananas in the first half of the day, as they benefit the body - they activate brain activity and fill the body with additional energy, which will last almost until lunch. One tasty fruit is enough for 2-3 hours of work.

For breakfast, you need to combine a banana with other protein-rich foods. The yellow fruit can be an alternative to lunch snacks; just put one in your child’s bag and take it with you to work.

You should avoid eating bananas at night. The average specimen contains about 30 g of carbohydrates, the stomach will work at full capacity to get rid of the presence of food. If you want to enjoy it, it is better to do it as a dessert for dinner, two hours before bedtime. Nutrients help normalize sleep and improve mood.

Can pregnant women eat bananas?

Eating bananas improves the health of the expectant mother.

1. Fruits increase the production of oxytocin. This hormone has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy and enhances the production of breast milk.

2. Bananas enrich a pregnant woman’s body with useful vitamins and essential substances that are very necessary for the woman and the unborn baby.

3. Fruits have a beneficial effect on digestion, thus reducing the troubles of toxicosis.

4. Expectant mothers often suffer from constipation in the second half of pregnancy. The soft texture of banana will help them cope with this trouble.

5. Bananas contain enough iron. It increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood, which is necessary for women and babies.

I recommend preparing:

The most delicious banana recipes

Harm and contraindications

1. Patients with diabetes mellitus and thrombophlebitis will have to refuse to eat bananas.

2. In case of increased blood clotting and ischemia, it is better to limit the consumption of bananas.

3. It is better not to treat babies under one year old with bananas. Babies' digestive organs are not yet fully developed.

4. When feeding a baby with breast milk, the consumption of bananas should be limited. The baby may have stomach problems.

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