Creatine - what is it and how to take it, side effects and benefits

What it is?

Creatine is an important element for the body; it is essentially a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid.
First of all, it is a source of energy. The main property of the substance is the saturation of cells with water molecules. Creatine is found in meat and fish, and is also partially synthesized from amino acids. According to experts, the daily requirement for an athlete is 2-4 g. Note that in order to get this amount of the substance with regular food, you need to eat at least 200 g of beef or other red meat per day, which is quite difficult. In addition, this will lead to additional stress on the internal organs, which will receive not pure energy, but a whole set of protein and fats. Therefore, creatine is recommended for absolutely all athletes, especially since it is easy to purchase and its prices are quite affordable. This sports supplement is especially popular among representatives of strength and speed disciplines. They noted significant increases in maximum bench weight, number of repetitions, and peak velocity over a short period.

Iron Health

Creatine is a nitrogen amine, the content of which in the daily diet is approximately 1 gram. Foods such as meat and fish are rich in creatine. In addition, this substance is produced by the liver, kidneys and pancreas by breaking down glycine, arginine and methionine.

Below we present you a table showing foods rich in creatine.

Food product (1 kg)Creatine content (g)

Looking at this table, we can conclude that to get enough creatine from food, you need to eat a fairly large amount of food. In addition, due to the heat treatment of these products, the creatine content in them also decreases.

Now you can conclude for yourself that in order to get enough creatine from food, you need to consume a very large amount of food. In addition, we must take into account that when food is cooked, a significant part of creatine will be destroyed.

It is clear that the sedentary lifestyle of people for centuries has adapted the body to creatine deficiency. That is why, when an athlete is just starting to visit the gym, physical activity seems serious, and the recovery process takes a lot of time. But over time, when the training experience becomes solid, and creatine is supplied additionally in the form of supplements, there will be problems with load and recovery. Despite the fact that the human body is accustomed to a chronic lack of creatine, taking large doses of it does not lead to metabolic disorders, but puts the body into an early functioning mode, returning it to more favorable conditions. Very often you can hear talk about how instead of sports nutrition you can simply increase your food consumption. However, this is a misconception. An attempt to increase the consumption of staple foods will lead to the development of obesity and overload of the organs and systems responsible for the breakdown and absorption of other food components. For example, excessive consumption of meat will not only not bring any results, but will also be harmful to health, since the body is simply not able to safely process such an amount of meat.

Therefore, the best way to replenish the supply of creatine or protein is to use sports nutrition, which contains only the nutrients and elements that the athlete needs and have a high absorption rate.

see also:

  • Side effects from taking creatine

Why do you need creatine?

It is this substance that helps us cope with pain and physical discomfort. In addition, the element helps strengthen joints and tendons and replenishes energy.

Creatine consumption has an effect on:

  • Strength and endurance . During heavy training, the body primarily turns to this source of energy. In this way, ATP and glycogen are saved, which increases strength indicators and allows you to quickly move on to increasing the load. Greater efficiency is observed in the example of short-term sports indicators.
  • Muscle volume . With constant intake of creatine, muscles increase in size and become round due to the accumulation of fluid in the cells. In this case, an increase occurs exclusively in dry mass, without fat.
  • Rate of recovery and growth of muscle tissue . The element improves the quality of the muscle nutritional environment, thereby providing a supply of glycogen and building material.
  • Vessels . The use of this substance helps reduce cholesterol levels, which prevents the occurrence of myocardial infarction and other vascular diseases.
  • Heart . Creatine naturally regulates the correct rhythm of contractions.

The supplement helps avoid muscle breakdown during drying. For weight loss, it can be used to increase the intensity of training. Otherwise, it is useless for fat burning. Despite the fact that the effect of the substance is associated with the production of testosterone, women are not prohibited from using it, however, the result is not as good as in men. Creatine is a natural source of energy that is not a dope, and therefore is also used in team sports.

What is keratin?


It is a natural element that includes hair, skin and nails. It is a fibrous protein that is the main building material for all these cells.

In the animal world, keratin

It is also found in hooves, horns, feathers and hair, which are the equivalents of animal hair, skin and nails.

Two main keratin types


Species found in human skin, hair and nails. alpha keratin

It is called.
Tüm keratin
cells contain large amounts of cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

Beta keratin

found in animal skins, on external parts of the body such as the beak and paws.

To be strong keratin

is an important building material for healthy hair.

When hair is brittle or lifeless, your body may need to keep it healthy. lack of keratin


Is creatine dangerous?

Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of the supplement. Children, asthmatics, allergy sufferers, diabetics and people with kidney failure should consult a doctor first. No side effects from consumption have been identified in the entire history of the drug. This is not surprising, since the substance itself is natural. As a rule, its excess is eliminated from the body without having a detrimental effect on internal organs. However, significantly exceeding the norm can cause a number of negative consequences, such as edema, dehydration, digestive disorders and cramps. All these manifestations are extremely rare and can be prevented immediately by stopping the drug. They may also be associated with the use of an expired product. The main conditions for comfortable use of the product: an active lifestyle or regular training, as well as drinking enough water. In addition, many supplements contain a number of other substances along with creatine, so you need to carefully study the composition of sports nutrition before purchasing and give preference to reliable brands.

A lack of creatine in the body threatens to slow down physical activity. In the absence of physical activity, the need for the substance may arise in vegetarians. Contrary to popular myths, taking the supplement does not affect reproductive function in any way.

Is it possible to get the required dose from food?

It is quite possible to get some portion of the substance from a regular diet. For these purposes, athletes use combinations of cereals with red meat, fish dishes, nut and cereal snacks. Such food will not only be a source of creatine, but will also provide the athlete’s body with a large amount of nutrients.

However, there is one drawback to natural sources: to get the required portion of creatine, you need to eat a lot of high-calorie food.

This option is not suitable for those losing weight, athletes who are cutting, and those who are preparing for competitions with elements of weigh-ins.

For this reason, it is worth using sports nutrition as an additional source of creatine. Purified and concentrated supplements will help harmonize your menu and make your workouts more effective.

Among the top additives:

How to take it correctly

The daily dose is 3-5 grams. We are talking about creatine monohydrate, the most effective supplement with the highest content of this substance. It may be in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. This compound is also often found in pre-workout supplements, so if you use one of those, you may not need to purchase anything extra.

It is recommended to take creatine on an empty stomach, for example, immediately after training. When entering the body during the digestion of other food, the substance can be destroyed without fulfilling its final purpose. Caffeine-containing products can also neutralize the effect of the drug. On the days between workouts, eating every two hours, it is appropriate to drink a serving before one of your meals. Creatine dissolves well in warm water, juice, milk, and it is appropriate to add it to protein shakes.

An interesting feature of creatine is that it is better absorbed at elevated insulin levels, so it is advisable to use it with fast carbohydrates. And this is mainly sweet, which all people who watch their figure fear like fire. Honey and molasses can be used as a healthier substitute; in addition, many creatine products already contain glucose.

How much to drink creatine

The amount of substance taken depends on the chosen approach. Creatine for men can be taken during the saturation phase and to maintain the level of the substance in the body. The first phase involves daily intake of 4-5 servings of creatine, 5 grams each, for one week. This approach allows you to increase the total concentration of the substance in the muscles. After this, it is enough to take 5 grams once a day. This will help maintain high levels of creatine in muscle tissue.

Some studies claim that there is no need for a loading phase. During testing, it was revealed that after two weeks of taking the supplement, the level of creatine in the muscles was the same both in those who took the supplement with a loading phase and in those who immediately began consuming 5 grams of the substance once a day.

Previously, it was believed that periodization was necessary for taking creatine. Recent studies have shown that this dosage regimen is outdated, and creatine can be taken without interruption for any amount of time necessary to achieve sports goals and objectives.

With long-term use, it is important to consider that 1.5-2 months after use, the concentration of creatine phosphate in muscle cells reaches a maximum, and it must be constantly maintained at such a high level. Daily intake of 5 grams of creatine allows you to keep the depot as full as possible and ensure the efficiency of creatine.

How to choose creatine

Over time, the popularity of the supplement only increases. You can purchase it at any specialized store. If you decide to buy creatine, keep in mind that:

  • The most effective are drugs from the USA and Germany;
  • For beginners, tablets are better;
  • The effectiveness of the product does not depend on the form of release of the supplement (bars, powder, capsules, etc.);
  • The packaging usually contains instructions for use. If it is missing or written in a language unknown to you, contact the store consultants or trainer.

Creatine is a useful and quite potent supplement, so you need to approach its purchase and use responsibly. Proper use will allow you to achieve impressive results in a short time.

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