What is whey protein and how to take it

Effect on the body and properties

We have already figured out what it is - protein isolate, now let's talk about its effect on the body. Its main advantage is its high absorption rate. The supplement also helps slow down catabolic processes, while anabolic processes, on the contrary, accelerate. Over 90% of the substance is absorbed within 40-60 minutes, that is, taking the supplement shortly before training, it will begin to be absorbed just during the training and will continue to fuel the body after it.

The use of protein isolate as a sports nutrition in bodybuilding is recommended not only for experienced athletes who have reached their “plateau”, but also for beginners. This supplement gives the muscles the necessary amount of protein, but the main thing is still the regularity and intensity of the training.

Making whey isolate

Protein isolates are differentiated by the source of the protein. The following are distinguished:

  1. Whey
  2. Soy
  3. Egg
  4. Beef

Every year, manufacturers come up with a new type of this additive from different raw materials.

To summarize, in the sports nutrition industry, an isolate is considered a protein that has been purified from foreign impurities.

As a result, it contains a high concentration of protein (85-90%) and practically does not contain ballast substances in the form of fats and carbohydrates.

A classic of the genre is whey protein isolate. It has the most optimal set of characteristics in terms of price, quality and efficiency.

The largest sales volume comes from this type of supplement. Due to its high popularity, the further story will be about it.

The raw material for the production of this protein is milk. More precisely, whey, which is obtained during the production of cottage cheese.

This whey is dried using spray drying method. The result is a powder concentrate that contains 40-80% protein with a low degree of purification from additional impurities (fats and carbohydrates). This is the first level of production.

Making whey isolate is the next step.

To increase the bioavailability of the product, it is further processed using various types of microfiltration (ionic, membrane, cross-filtration).

The main goal of these manipulations is the maximum purification of protein from fats and carbohydrates (milk sugar, lactose, is removed).

The result is a highly concentrated protein product containing 85-90% protein and almost completely free of foreign impurities.

This is a higher quality type of protein (compared to concentrate), which has a number of advantages.


  • Milk protein isolate is a protein product made from skimmed milk powder.
  • Manufacturers often add it to protein supplements to boost protein content, perhaps because it has a neutral taste and is relatively inexpensive.
  • Due to its high protein content, milk protein isolate may have several beneficial properties, such as promoting muscle growth, fat loss, and strong bones. It also has high levels of casein, which helps fight muscle breakdown, especially at night.
  • Its neutral taste makes it very versatile and easy to incorporate into your diet. You can add it to many dishes such as smoothies, soups, casseroles and cereals to boost their protein content.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Tags: Protein, Protein

About the author: Anastasia Sheveleva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, therapist, registered dietitian, nutrition consultant. More about the author.

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Possible harm

Although milk protein isolate has many beneficial properties, it can cause problems for some people.

First, milk protein isolate is not suitable for people with a cow's milk protein allergy ().

Consuming too much milk protein isolate can cause digestive problems such as bloating, flatulence, cramping and nausea. However, most people can tolerate a moderate intake of 1-2 scoops in one sitting.

Although milk protein isolate is relatively low in lactose, some lactose intolerant people may experience unwanted side effects when taking milk protein isolate.

Additionally, milk protein isolate is not as widely available as other protein supplements such as whey, casein, egg, pea, hemp and brown rice protein, so it may be more difficult to obtain.


Milk protein isolate is unlikely to cause side effects in most people, but it is not suitable for people with a cow's milk allergy. In excessive doses, it can cause digestive problems.

Top 10 Best Whey Proteins

We offer you an objective rating of proteins for 2021, taking into account both the opinions of professional experts and ordinary consumers. For convenience, the proposed selection is divided into three groups according to the types of whey proteins: concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates.


100% Whey Gold Standard (Optimum Nutrition)

100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition is a long-time leader and holder of the top line in the ratings of the best whey proteins. Over the years of its existence, this product has become the manufacturer’s calling card. In fact, it is not a concentrate, but a mixture of different types of whey protein: ultrafiltered concentrate, microfiltered and ion exchange isolates. The product also contains whey peptides that improve absorption and anabolic effect.


  • good amino acid composition, the amount of protein per serving does not seem to go off scale - it turns out to be less than 80%, but it is really high quality;
  • various tastes, there are many of them and they are all quite pleasant, while the manufacturer does not overdo it with flavorings.
  • the composition is enhanced with enzymes, BCAAs and digestive enzymes;
  • dissolves well (although it does produce some foam).


  • the price of this concentrate is at the level of isolates, and it is gradually increasing.


  • 50-60 rubles per serving

Elite Whey Protein (Dymatize)

Elite Whey Protein from Dymatize is a very good product from a reputable manufacturer. An economical protein that includes a high-quality concentrate prepared using cross-air processing technology, ion-exchange isolate and, again, milk peptides are added.


  • good solubility;
  • more comfortable price compared to protein from Optimum Nutrition;
  • there are “3 in 1” combination flavors;
  • contains a large amount of BCAA.


  • for some reason, genetically modified soybean oil has been added, to the credit of the manufacturer, all this is truthfully stated on the label;
  • not all flavors turned out well; cocoa in the chocolate flavor settles in grains to the bottom;
  • there are some ambiguities with the determination of the exact % of protein - despite the fact that the protein itself is still of good quality.


  • 40-50 rubles per serving

100% Prostar Whey Protein (Ultimate Nutrition)

Ultimate Nutrition's 100% Prostar Whey Protein is again a blend of isolate and concentrate with added peptides. It costs a little more than the previous product and has a limited range of flavors (some of which, according to many buyers, are not for everyone). However, the protein from Ultimate Nutrition is quite worthy of sharing second and third place with the product from Dymatize. Both of these proteins are on par.


  • high protein content, in terms of cost and protein content - this is generally the best option;
  • absence of unnecessary fillers in the composition;
  • contains immunomodulatory factors;
  • the amino acid profile is very good, enhanced with soy lecithin (as much as 24% BCAA of the total protein content - that’s really cool).


  • according to many practitioners, the flavor line is not entirely successful (which is, of course, subjective);
  • when dissolved, the consistency is watery, lacking “thickness”.


  • 45-55 rubles per serving

100% Pure Titanium Whey (SAN)

100% Pure Titanium Whey from SAN is another long-term participant in the “top five” ranking of the best whey proteins. This is also a blend of concentrate (containing valuable microfractions) and undenatured whey protein isolate.


  • good solubility;
  • general level of quality;
  • pleasant tastes.


  • one gets the impression of being somewhat overpriced, despite all the positive properties.


  • 45-55 rubles per serving

Impact Whey Protein (Myprotein)

Impact Whey Protein from Myprotein is an economical, but quite high-quality protein from an English manufacturer. Due to its low cost, it is well suited for large athletes who consume sports nutrition in large quantities. Unlike previous positions, this is a pure isolate without the addition of concentrates. Protein content is a respectable 82%.


  • many different tastes;
  • nice price;
  • protein contains 23% BCAA.


  • average solubility;
  • very laconic composition, but for such a price this is normal.


  • 35-45 rubles per serving


Titanium Isolate Supreme (SAN)

Among isolates, the leader in the 2021 protein ranking is Titanium Isolate Supreme from SAN. Powerful 93% protein, which is a mixture of high-quality whey isolate and hydrolysate (sometimes even classified as hydrolysates), contains a complex of whey peptides. An excellent option for terrain training.


  • zero lactose and fat content;
  • highly soluble, high level of absorption;
  • additionally enriched with BCAA and glutamine;
  • There are few flavors - only 4, but they are well balanced, without going overboard with flavors.


  • Quite an expensive product.


  • 70-80 rubles per serving

Iso Sensation 93 (Ultimate Nutrition)

Iso Sensation 93 from Ultimate Nutrition is interesting because it contains colostrum, a substance found in breast milk, and a mixture of high-quality enzymes. The manufacturer claims that ultra-low temperatures were used during production, which provides additional purity of the product.


  • high quality;
  • interesting composition;
  • good solubility, although it produces a little foam;
  • enhanced with glutamine (and in different forms).


  • nothing special, except that the price is a little high.


  • 55-65 rubles per serving

ISO-100 by Dymatize

ISO-100 from Dymatize also contains a hydrolyzate in addition to the isolate. The manufacturer positions it as a “hydrolyzed isolate.” It has near-zero fat and lactose content.


  • general level of quality;
  • dissolves well and is absorbed.


  • the price is noticeably inflated, although once upon a time Dymatize products were almost among the most budget-friendly;
  • reviews on taste are mostly cool (that’s why this product dropped to third position).


  • 65-75 rubles per serving


Platinum HydroWhey (Optimum Nutrition)

Platinum HydroWhey from Optimum Nutrition, a well-known American manufacturer, is again at its best here. This is a traditional leader in the hydrolysates category. When producing the product, the company specially developed a new enzyme system. Exclusively hydrolyzed whey protein isolate is used.


  • very high quality;
  • additionally enriched with BCAA;
  • Available in seven flavors – that’s quite a lot for a hydrolyzed product (there’s even a “red velvet cake” flavor);
  • dissolves well, although it may produce some foam.


  • practically none, even the price cannot be considered a disadvantage, since one cannot expect a budget price from a hydrolyzate.


  • 100-110 rubles per serving

How to take whey protein?

In order for whey protein to have a successful effect on muscle gain, it is important to take it not only in sufficient quantities, but also according to the rules described below. Otherwise, it is much more effective to invest money in improving your regular diet, rather than hoping that a once-weekly scoop of expensive isolate will provide any tangible benefit.

Drink protein before your workout

To increase the energy of strength training and provide muscle nutrition, you need to take half a serving of whey protein 30-40 minutes before training (about 12-17 g of protein), then a serving immediately after its end (about another 20-30 g) to close the carbohydrate window .

Mix protein with juice

If your goal is to gain muscle mass quickly, add juice, which is a source of simple carbohydrates, to your post-workout protein shake rather than water. The resulting mixture is close in composition to a gainer, but its cost is much lower.

Follow your protein intake regimen

There is no need to wait for instant muscle growth - taking whey protein will show effectiveness only after 3-4 weeks. During this time, it is important to accustom yourself to consuming protein before and after training, as well as during long breaks between meals.

Add Creatine to Isolate

Adding 3-5 g of creatine to a protein shake will help enhance the effect of the isolate by optimizing metabolic processes in the muscles. Let us remember that taking creatine not only enhances strength, but also leads to an increase in muscle volume.

Study the protein composition

Cheap isolate is most often a mixture of low-quality protein and suspicious additives - including flavors, sweeteners, sweeteners, defoamers and thickeners. Sometimes you can even find taurine in protein.

Take isolate with food in the evening

Instead of taking casein (a slow protein) at night, which costs twice as much as regular isolate, you can simply drink a serving of whey protein before dinner - it will mix with the food in your stomach, which will physically prolong its absorption time.

Follow a sports diet

Protein is only a supplement and not a substitute for regular food. If your diet does not contain enough calories and nutrients, no amount of sports nutrition will be able to affect the growth of muscle mass. Read about how to determine your calorie intake.

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