What is casein. Benefit, harm. How to take casein

What is casein

Translated from Latin, caseus means cheese, but we use the English version of pronunciation. Casein is a protein that, along with albumin and other types of animal proteins, is the main component of milk, where it is combined with calcium (calcium caseinate) and performs a storage function. Precipitation of casein, during which milk coagulates, occurs due to the action of enzymes of lactic acid bacteria, rennet enzymes, and acids. Casein is absorbed extremely slowly, and for this it needs the presence of a sufficient amount of pepsin in gastric juice.

This complex protein containing a phosphate group, which experts often call caseinogen, is produced in the mammary glands of female mammals from free essential amino acids in the blood. Caseins differ from each other in the combination, quantitative and qualitative content of polypeptide chains of amino acids - fractions α, β and γ, and each of them also has varieties. Casein breaks down when heated to 130 ℃.

Do ordinary people need casein?

Those who do not engage in physical activity do not need to take casein. As we have already said, a casein shake is necessary to prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown). But ordinary people do not have excess muscle mass, like bodybuilders, so they do not need to take “long-term” protein.

The only situation in which such a supplement can be used by “non-athletes” is for weight loss. Due to the absence of carbohydrates, casein shake can be taken instead of an evening snack. This will muffle the feeling of extreme hunger and will not cause a sharp surge in insulin, which inhibits fat burning processes.

Where is casein found?

Casein is found only in milk and dairy products. Let us list in what % of the total volume and in which products casein is contained:

  • 1.9–2.3% - sheep, mare, donkey milk;
  • 2.8–3.5% - goat and cow milk;
  • 13–15% - cottage cheese, soft and unripe cheeses;
  • 18% - hard aged cheeses.

Let us separately clarify that the % of the specific gravity of casein in fermented milk products coincides with the % of the milk from which they are made. For example, in kefir, which is made from cow's milk with 2.5% fat content, the casein content will be 3%.

There are 2 types of casein - technical and food. Technical casein was the first to be isolated. In 1892, casein glue began to be produced in Switzerland and Germany. Today, technical types of casein are also used in other building materials and paints, in the production of cardboard and coated paper, during the hardening of natural leather, to stabilize rubber, and in the production of artificial wool and silk. This animal protein can also be found in cosmetics and hair care products, soaps and dishwashing detergents.

Dietary casein can be found in foods such as:

  • baby formula;
  • modified dairy products;
  • bakery products;
  • breakfast cereals;
  • marshmallows, candies such as toffee, caramel, nougat;
  • carbonated sweet drinks, drinking chocolate;
  • sauces;
  • liqueurs.

Today, food casein is the basis for experimental imitations of chicken, beef, bacon and ham, and even fish. Separately, we highlight that casein is part of the space diet.

In recent years, preparations with casein have become especially popular among athletes, and are also included by doctors in various types of diets for adults and children, both for weight loss and weight gain. Casein-containing diets for children with autism are also being promoted.

Casein: application

The use of edible casein is gaining increasing popularity throughout the world and is increasingly used in food production. It is used in the preparation of reconstituted milk, whipped cream, various drinks and confectionery products.

Several areas where casein :

  • Suitable for athletes who want to lose weight but maintain the quality of muscle tissue.
  • Included in the diet of people who struggle with excess weight.
  • Used to reduce appetite.
  • Casein contain lactose, so it can be used by people allergic to it.

Technical casein has found its application in industry: as a binder in adhesive paints, as a stabilizer in various emulsions and in other industries.

Manufacturing technology

Modern technologies for the production of edible casein make it possible to obtain high-quality pure milk protein. In addition, 2 new production methods have appeared.

The first method allows the production of micellar casein. Using gentle microfiltration technology, as well as without the participation of acid and high temperatures in the process, it is possible to isolate caseinogen with an undisturbed molecular structure, qualitatively purified from lactose, carbohydrates, fats and other impurities. Unlike regular casein protein, micellar casein lasts not 6-8, but 12 hours, dissolves well in water and does not create a sticky consistency in the drink.

The second method allows you to obtain hydrolyzed casein. which also does not contain any foreign impurities. It is absorbed quickly and easily, since in the process of hydrolysis with water and special enzymes, protein molecules are broken down into separate short-chain amino acid bundles. Unfortunately, this innovative technology is still too expensive. Therefore, casein hydrolyzate is still added in small quantities to protein complexes, since it itself is too expensive.

What is the difference between micellar casein

Micellar casein protein is a type of casein protein. It is more modern, which is confirmed even by the new technology with which the additive is produced. Regular casein is produced by denaturation, part of which is heating. But it does not provide any benefit to the protein. On the contrary, heating only has a negative effect, which consists in destroying the structure of the protein and changing its properties.

Eliminating the heating step allowed casein to be improved. Microscopic filtration methods help preserve the properties of the protein to the maximum. As a result, the supplement received several benefits:

  1. Increased absorption time – 11-12 hours.
  2. Improved solubility.
  3. More pleasant taste.
  4. No adhesive structure.
  5. Reduced impact on digestion.

Thus, the difference is an increased duration of action, a more convenient dosage regimen and better absorption. Many more users notice that micellar casein as a protein is much less likely to cause functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Manufacturers strive to reduce the dose of lactose in the composition whenever possible. As a result, the supplement can also be used by athletes who are lactose intolerant. This is another reason why, when choosing between micellar casein or calcium caseinate, many people prefer the first variety.

Why does micellar casein take longer to digest?

The production of micellar casein using a special technology allows us to achieve a special form of such an additive. In the stomach, it forms micelles - microscopic particles, which are characterized by slower and better absorption.

Benefits of casein

Let us list the beneficial properties of food casein:

  • protecting muscles from destruction by long-term saturation of muscle cells with amino acids, during long breaks or food restrictions;
  • appetite suppression;
  • accelerating the growth of skeletal muscle cells;
  • source of calcium and phosphorus.

We also note that unlike whey concentrates, which inevitably contain a lot of lactose, as well as egg proteins, casein intolerance and allergy are uncommon.

Is there any harm from consuming casein?

Disputes about the dangers of casein are based on the fact that when it is broken down in the stomach, casomorphin is formed - a short-chain peptide that has opioid properties and, most importantly, behaves as a histamine releaser. This means that the body starts producing histamines, which contribute to the occurrence of allergies or the intensification of the manifestations of existing allergic reactions. It is especially emphasized that casomorphin dipeptides can remain in an inactive state for a long time in the intestines and in the cells of the endocrine glands.

In addition, there are authoritative studies that confirm the connection of large doses of some of the β-casomorphins obtained as a result of the digestion of some of the β-caseins of cow's milk with the causes of the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. Hypotheses are being considered that casein deficiency may be a risk factor for autism and schizophrenia.

However, if you follow the dosages specified in the instructions for each casein product and follow the physical regimen recommended by a fitness trainer or attending physician, it is impossible to cause harm to your health.

Are there any contraindications for use and side effects?

Naturally, those who have an individual intolerance to casein do not need to take casein-containing products and sports nutrition preparations. Its symptoms after taking the drug with casein are redness of the face and décolleté, difficulty breathing, hives, nausea, abdominal pain, and upset stool. They can appear individually, in different combinations, or all together.

Contraindications to taking casein:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 18 years and after 70 years;
  • chronic stomach diseases.

If there are problems with the liver and kidneys, the dosage of casein intake is adjusted by the doctor.

Sports nutrition preparations with casein may cause side effects. Possible nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. If these symptoms occur, stop taking it for a few days and then start again, but with smaller doses.

Casein: in the pharmacy

When choosing casein at the pharmacy, unfortunately, instead of benefit, you can get the opposite result. The fact is that, along with casein , the supplement often includes dyes, flavors and other fillers of unknown quality. All this reduces the concentration of the dairy product and can cause allergic reactions.

You need to buy the product only from reputable manufacturers through trusted online stores. A link to one of them is given below.

How to take casein

Usual drink.
Close up of a pleasant strong man holding a scoop with protein powder and making a drink The attending physician should tell non-athletes exactly how much and which drugs with casein protein to take. It will take into account the purpose of admission, age, weight and height, body type and metabolism, the presence of diseases, the prescribed diet and physical activity. But there is a general recommendation for everyone - you need to take casein at night.

Features of the use of casein for athletes

In sports practice, as well as in bodybuilding, the use of casein has become widespread due to the following beneficial effects:

  • maintaining muscle strength and volume during drying or during weight loss;
  • promoting the growth of muscle volume when gaining weight or working on relief;
  • appetite suppression;
  • promoting the burning of subcutaneous fat reserves;
  • normalization of the small and large intestines, their microflora, and therefore strengthening of general immunity.

Another argument in favor of using casein protein is the highest quality of this phosphoprotein, which sets it apart from other proteins of both animal and plant origin.

How is casein taken by athletes? It depends on the purpose pursued and the type of drug:

  1. To increase muscle mass or while working on relief, slowly absorbing forms are taken once at night - either casein protein or micellar casein. Night protein provides muscles with amino acids, and gives them the opportunity not only to recover, but also to increase strength and volume.
  2. Casein for weight loss or cutting is taken in the morning or immediately before a long period of abstinence from food. It suppresses appetite and improves the “well-being” of the intestinal microbiota, even in the absence of food.

The recommended standard dose of casein protein or micellar casein for gaining muscle mass is 30 g, and during the drying period, working on relief or when losing weight - 15 g.

Instructions for use of the additive

How to take micellar casein for weight loss: 15-20 g 2 times a day between meals and in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. Allowed to combine:

  • with dairy products,
  • cottage cheese with zero fat content,
  • BCAAs
  • whey protein concentrate and isolate.

We advise you to study: “Which whey protein is better: concentrate, hydrolysate, isolate.”

How to take micellar casein to increase muscle mass: 35-40 g 1 time before bed. This dose will help prevent catabolism - the process of protein breakdown.

World brands producing the best casein

As a conclusion, here are the TOP 4 best sports nutrition brands that produce the highest quality casein:

  • Optimum Nutrition, USA - 100% GOLD STANDARD CASEIN;
  • Quamtrax, Spain - MICELLAR CASEIN;
  • Rule 1, USA - RULE 1 CASEIN;
  • Scitec Nutrition, Hungary - 100% CASEIN COMPLEX.

When shopping in our online store, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the goods and the possibility of purchasing a fake. We work with the world's best sports nutrition manufacturers, without intermediaries, and are official representatives of their brands in Ukraine.

What is casein for - indications and benefits

When used correctly, high-quality casein protein has many health benefits. Let's dive into some details about the main benefits of using casein:

1. Helps build muscle and lose muscle mass

Casein helps build new muscle tissue. It is commonly known as an "anti-catabolic" protein. What exactly does this mean? Your body catabolizes, or basically breaks down, muscle tissue to produce amino acids, which are stored in muscle protein. It uses these stored amino acids for energy, growth and development.

The more you exercise, the more your body will seek out available protein to keep itself functioning. Does casein contribute to weight gain? Not necessary. However, anti-catabolic supplements provide amino acids that help minimize muscle breakdown.

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