Talkan - what it is, benefits and harms, recipes and reviews of use

What is talkan

Cereals have high nutritional value and many delicious, healthy dishes are prepared from them. The popular talkan is a product made from sprouted grains of barley, oats, and wheat, which are ground to flour and used to prepare porridge, drinks, and other dishes.

The product "Talkan" has excellent taste and beneficial properties, thanks to the sprouted grains that are included in the composition. The original component of the product was barley, known as the main crop in Altai settlements even before the 19th century. In Khakassia, barley was called talkan and they learned to cook hearty, light dishes based on it.

What is this product

Talkan entered everyday life thanks to the Bashkir nomads.
This is a live and healthy food without artificial additives, made from roasted wheat or barley grains. It is believed that dishes prepared from it gave unusual strength to warriors; their wounds healed literally in a matter of days. Women who consume this product have thick hair and slim figures.

Such a useful product is used as a therapeutic food during diets and in a normal diet. Absolutely no harm to people involved in physical activity.

This healthy dish is widespread among the following peoples:

  • Bashkirs;
  • Buryats;
  • Kyrgyz;
  • Kazakhs.

Served during celebrations:

  • Bishektuya;
  • Sabantuy;
  • kyakuk syaya.

Drinks made from this flour are called zharma or maksym.

  • Bashkirs,
  • Buryats,
  • Kyrgyz,
  • Kazakhs.
  • Bishektuya,
  • Sabantuy,
  • kyakuk syaya.

The benefits and harms of talkan

What are the benefits and harms of talkan? Cereal dishes are rich in fiber and dietary fiber, so their intake is recommended to improve digestion. Vegetable protein, contained in large quantities in cereals, is better absorbed by the body than animal protein, and microelements and vitamins help restore wasted energy and maintain health. The use of sprouted grains is useful, because the nutrients contained in them acquire a biologically accessible form: amino acids are formed from proteins, glucose from starch.

The use of this healing flour helps solve not only digestive problems, but also improves the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Its use helps to effectively cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, rejuvenating the body. Therefore, “Talkan” is recommended both for dietary, medical nutrition, and everyday consumption by people leading an active lifestyle.

The potassium contained in flour improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system, normalizes blood composition, helps remove salts from the body, and dissolve cholesterol plaques. People with allergies should use the product with caution; it is better to try sprouted grain flour in small portions. Flour contains a large amount of fiber, so consuming dishes made from it can cause flatulence. It is worth refraining from taking the product if there is an exacerbation of stomach diseases.

Talkan barley

The benefit of barley talkan is that the prepared decoction contains a lot of mucus, which envelops the stomach and intestines, protecting against irritation. Lysine and vitamin B3 contained in barley have an excellent effect on the skin, participating in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines, and tissue respiration. Women appreciated this, especially since the beneficial properties of barley are manifested in regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing the negative manifestations of menopause, and losing weight.

Wheat talkan

No less popular is wheat talkan, which looks like ordinary cereal. Sprouted wheat is a recognized champion in the content of vitamin E, so the product is indispensable for diseases associated with metabolism, including obesity. Often wheat porridge from sprouted grains is produced with seasonings - cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, which not only improves its taste, but also increases its beneficial functions. The high content of vitamin B contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

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Other recipes with talkan

Doctors constantly insist on the need to introduce various cereals into the daily diet of children and adults. Such well-known cereals as millet, rice, barley and buckwheat have the most beneficial effects on the body, helping to improve the functioning of the digestive system and many other organs. However, few people have heard of another cereal – spelt. Meanwhile, this culture was a constant guest on the table in ancient times.

What kind of cereal is this?

Spelled is considered a wild-growing naked relative of wheat; visually it looks like a red-brown ear, and when cooked it has a spicy taste with unobtrusive nutty notes. This whole grain cereal has several names - spelled, kamut and einkorn, although this is not entirely correct. These plants are very similar to each other.

A little history

The first mentions of wild emmer date back to the times of Ancient Babylon and Egypt - then this product was included in the daily diet of both rich nobles and the poor. In Rus', this unique product was most popular at the end of the 18th century.

Then it was believed that those who regularly eat spelled porridge will definitely be the strongest and strongest. This is not surprising, because cereals are rich in fiber and protein, which contribute to the development of muscle tissue and restoration of the body's strength.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the product was also quite famous; for several decades it was believed that it was just a separate type of wheat. However, later scientists found out that this was not true - in the Soviet years, in the famous collection “Cultural Flora of the USSR”, emmer appeared as an independent plant. To be precise, it is rather the ancestor of modern wheat; it was from it that most of the known varieties were bred.

For many years, spelled was forgotten by our compatriots - this is due to the peculiarities of its cultivation. The plant produces very few grains, and in addition, they are very difficult to clean and thresh, which is why the plant has ceased to be grown at the state level - the place of the grain has been taken by more productive “relatives”.

Nowadays, active work is underway aimed at reviving this unusual culture. Breeders from Bashkiria and Dagestan are working to change varietal characteristics in order to increase yield while maintaining maximum nutritional value. Today, the product can be found on the shelves of large supermarkets – the cereal is sold under the designation “kamut”.

Today I prepared talkan according to a traditional recipe.

Talkan - 2 teaspoons

Fermented fireweed tea - brew 1/2 cup.

Milk 1/3 cup

Honey - 1/2 teaspoon

Ghee butter - 1/3-1/2 teaspoon.

For my first talkan drink, I chose barley talkan with vanilla and cinnamon.

I separately brewed fireweed tea, which I then added to the talkan. Stir quickly and add another 1/3 cup of hot milk. At the end I added honey and a pat of village ghee.

The package says that you can add salt to taste, but I would not add it since the flour is already salty.

To be honest, I doubted the need to add ghee; I had never used it in this form, but I didn’t regret adding it. This is exactly what was needed for the talkan to fully develop its taste. Ghee gave such an interesting aroma to the drink and a rich, rich taste.

I really liked the talkan drink. I love discovering new healthy tastes and am always glad that I can diversify my diet even more and make it unusual and special.

There are many more recipes for making talkan, but so far I have only tried the traditional recipe that I wrote about above.

Talkan can be added to kefir, yogurt - any fermented milk product you like, or simply mixed with hot milk and honey.

Talkan porridge

You can cook talkan porridge with milk, although it is healthier not to cook it, but simply brew it with milk and tea.

Mix the mixture with pine nuts, add honey and a little boiled water. The result is a mass from which you can sculpt various animals with your children and then eat them.

Another interesting dessert made from talkan is to mix butter with condensed milk, add talkan, roll into balls, place a nut inside, and roll the balls in coconut flakes on top. You will get “rafaello” from talkan.

Cupcakes - mix 350 g talkan and the same amount of butter, 250 g sugar, 200 g raisins, 4 eggs and baking powder. Form the cupcakes and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Brew 200 g of talkan with 3 glasses of boiled water or broth. Then add vegetable oil, 3 eggs or flaxseed flour instead, chopped onions and garlic. Roll the cutlets and fry them on both sides.

Soups with talkan

You can add talkan to any soup instead of cereal. For soup, choose coarsely ground talkan.

So, you can experiment, discover new healthy dishes and find your favorite recipes with talkan. And in the next few days I’m going to cook cutlets from talkan and rafaelka, which raw foodists call talkanello.

Previously, I drank only tea from drinks all day, sometimes I cooked compote and made fruit juice. And now in my house there is such a variety of healthy and tasty drinks that I drink tea only once a day after dinner.

For breakfast I like to brew jelly without starch or, now, talkan, for lunch - sesame or cedar milk, and before bed I really like to drink kefir with flaxseed flour and honey.

Eat the right food and be healthy!

In our store in Yekaterinburg you can buy talkan of several types, as well as all the other ingredients for preparing the traditional tasty and healthy talkan drink - ghee, fireweed, honey.

You can also order a sample of any type of talkan.

Talkan for weight loss

Due to the high content of minerals, vitamins, and fiber, talkan is used for weight loss. Properly prepared dishes from sprouted grains at home will help improve peristalsis, reduce hunger, and speed up the recovery process of muscle tissue. To reduce weight, the product is consumed according to the following scheme: 1 tsp. dissolve in a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Useful recipes from talkan

• Lose weight: On an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast, 2 tsp. Take TALKANA with one glass of water. Both breakfast and dinner are from TALKAHA in the form of any dishes (at least 8 tablespoons of dry TALKAHA per day). Any lunch.

• For constipation: On an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast, 2 tsp. Take TALKAHA with one glass of water. For breakfast - any dish from TALKAN (at least 4 tablespoons of dry TALKAN per day.) Lunch and dinner any

• For weight gain: Supplement breakfast, lunch and dinner with cocktails and desserts from small TALKAN with sour cream, nuts, raisins, honey, any oil (at least 4 tablespoons of dry TALKAN per day).

• For anemia, gastritis, peptic ulcer, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction: Any dishes from TALKAN are recommended (at least 5 tablespoons of dry TALKAN per day). In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, it is better to use small TALKAN.

• For diabetes mellitus. Any dishes from TALKAN are recommended. Instead of sugar, add sugar substitutes to dessert. Happy are people with diabetes: after all, they need protein nutrition, they are tired of buckwheat, but here is a complete protein product, and so many delicious dishes can be prepared.

• During pregnancy and after childbirth: Any dishes from TALKAN (at least 5 tablespoons of dry TALKAN per day)

Delicious recipes from TALKAHA


Stir half a teaspoon of gentle TALKAN in a glass of kefir or drinking yogurt. To get rid of excess weight, you can replace breakfast or dinner with 1-2 glasses of this cocktail - you will be energized and will not feel hungry.

First course

Large TALKAN can be added to soup instead of cereals. Pour TALKAN into the pan just before cooking, or directly into the bowl of soup.

Second course

Brew 3 tablespoons of large TALKAN with boiling water and leave for a few minutes to swell. Add canned fish or pieces of meat to taste (in this case, TALKAN can be brewed with broth).

Sweet porridge

Brew 3 tablespoons of large TALKAN with boiling water and leave for several minutes to swell. Then add butter, condensed milk, honey, nuts and dried fruits to taste. Unlike muesli, TALKAN is easier to digest, since it is already thermally processed.

How to cook talkan

You can prepare talkan in different ways; if you wish, you can even make delicious desserts. Talkan porridge is prepared from a medium-ground barley mixture:

  1. Boil 0.5 cups of water, slowly add 1.5 cups of cereal.
  2. Add a little salt, cook until soft, the cereal will swell.
  3. If you are preparing a non-diet version of porridge, then add milk or cream, and add butter to the finished porridge.
  4. Leave the porridge, wrapped in a towel, to steep for 5-10 minutes.

Altai tea is prepared from barley mixture:

  1. Add 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture to 100 ml of warm water.
  2. After brewing, let it brew for 5 minutes. Consume with honey or milk.

How to use it correctly

Talkan is a unique flour, its use helps:

  • normalization of metabolism, weight loss, improvement of skin and hair condition;
  • reducing blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular diseases;

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to know the secrets of its use. As a rule, “live food” does not require long-term hot processing. Mongols, Bashkirs, Tatars, Kyrgyz and other peoples, for whom talkan is a national product, prepare quick and tasty dishes from it with honey, milk, nuts, tea, and spices.

For example, in Tibet you will be offered tsampa - nutritious balls made from barley flour. To prepare them, use strong black tea, talkan, salt and butter. All ingredients are mixed and small balls are formed from the resulting mass. In Bashkiria, the same recipe was varied with honey: the result was a tasty and healthy dessert.

Talkan can be added to the soup by adding a few tablespoons of flour at the end of cooking. Dumplings and cutlets, porridges, pancakes and pancakes, cocktails and jelly are made from “living food”. But those who consume healing flour in its raw form will receive the maximum benefit.

We offer our readers recipes for healthy dishes:

  • porridge with nuts and honey. Pour four tablespoons of oat talkan with hot water and let it brew. After a few minutes, add nuts, honey, dried fruits to the mixture;
  • chok-chok (Altai recipe). Mix pine nuts with wheat talkan. Add honey and boiled water. Make balls or figures from the resulting mixture;
  • cocktail for a slim figure. Mix a teaspoon of talkan with a glass of low-fat kefir. This drink will completely replace a light dinner or snack;
  • cottage cheese with talkan. Mix 150 grams of cottage cheese and two spoons of talkan, adding sour cream or honey to taste. You can diversify the recipe by including jam, nuts, and berries in the list of ingredients;
  • tea with talkan and spices (Tibetan recipe). Brew strong black tea, add hot milk, a spoonful of butter, salt, ground cinnamon and a couple of spoons of “live food”.

For weight loss

As already noted, unthreshed sprouted grains are rich in fiber and microelements. This determined the effect of talkan as an eterosorbent, effectively cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Dishes with “living flour” are perfect for fasting days, and a smoothie with yogurt or juice will replace an office snack.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, take 2 tablespoons of talkan and drink a glass of water. For dinner, prepare a cocktail with kefir or yogurt and 2-3 tablespoons of “live flour”. The daily dose of talkan for those losing weight is no more than 8 spoons.

To lose weight and improve tone, you can include talkan in any dishes. But it is worth remembering that the combination of healing flour and fatty foods (for example, butter) with a sedentary lifestyle will have the opposite effect, and the body will gain weight. Therefore, any diet for weight loss should be part of a health system.

Doctors advise how to use talkan correctly - this is to eat it raw. This way, nutrients are better absorbed and the body’s metabolic processes are activated. Stir two teaspoons of powder in a glass of water or kefir, and drink the resulting thick drink in the morning on an empty stomach. This breakfast or dinner is low in calories, containing only 295 kcal. To get rid of excess weight, doctors advise eating porridge or a shake made from cereals instead of a full breakfast and dinner.

In order to fully perceive and absorb all the beneficial substances contained in talkan, it is better to eat it raw. To do this, thoroughly stir two teaspoons of the product in a glass of water or kefir. Use in the morning, on an empty stomach. Such a regimen can be considered universal, because in this case talkan effectively works as a prophylactic against a whole range of diseases and promotes gentle weight loss.

An important bonus: talkan prepared according to this recipe has absolutely no calories, but is very nutritious. It is quickly absorbed, charges the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, but does not have the treacherous property of being deposited on the waist in the form of extra centimeters.

Talkan price

A comparison of prices for talkan shows that this product can be bought from 135 to 150 rubles per package (400-500 grams). Prices for products are higher in specialized eco-stores. Some manufacturers add additives and spices to the composition, which also slightly affects the cost:

Name of shop Price (rubles) Notes
Talkan 150 Without additives, 400 g
Russian roots 145 Without additives, 400 g
Alltai 145 With cinnamon, vanilla or anise, nutmeg, 400 g

Selection and storage of talkan

It is recommended to buy a natural product in pharmacies and health food stores. Manufacturers usually pack it in paper or plastic bags. It is not recommended to buy at retail counters. It is unknown where it was produced and what was added.

It should be stored for no more than 10 months so that the food does not lose its beneficial properties. You can keep it at home in food containers with lids. It is recommended to keep in a dry and cool, preferably dark, place.

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