How Olga Buzova lost weight before and after. How Olga Buzova lost weight


Most celebrities at least once resort to the services of nutritionists who develop individual nutrition systems. When compiling a dietary menu, the intensity of life is taken into account - for stars it is very high: flights, meetings, social events - all this takes time, energy and requires a certain caloric intake. Olga Buzova’s diet is based on the golden principles of proper nutrition, so it is suitable for many who want to lose weight.

The path of life will not lead to success and recognition if you do not work on yourself. Like many people, Olga was prone to obesity from childhood and had poor eating habits.

Trainings and menu

Looking at Buzova, one wouldn’t even think that she is genetically predisposed to being overweight. But there was a time when the presenter had curvy figures. To get rid of extra pounds, the star decided to play sports and visit the swimming pool. Constant physical activity allowed the girl’s figure to tighten up and acquire ideal shape. She became slender and graceful. And now the girl regularly goes to the gym and plays sports. In addition, she adheres to a special diet, which also allows her to constantly maintain excellent shape. Many dishes are based only on organic products. Some of them consist only of fresh fruits and vegetables.

How Olga Buzova lost weight before and after. How Olga Buzova lost weight

In fact, Olya began losing weight at the age of 16, when she made a conscious decision to be slim.
And now, when they ask her how you lost weight, she replies that this is a lifestyle that helps you lose weight. Olga is not only a follower of proper nutrition, but is also constantly involved in dancing and sports, so she manages to maintain her figure in perfect condition. Olya tried different diets, so now her experience allows her to say how best to lose weight. All the diets that she tried, including starvation, did not bring the girl any benefit. Now Olya believes that there should be no debilitating diets, much less refusal of food. It is necessary to make a diet a way of life and so as not to deny yourself anything.

Quick tips from Olya:

  • To lose weight quickly, the first thing you need to do is not eat anything after 6 pm. Weight loss results will come very quickly;
  • If you like sweets, then it is better to eat them in the first half of the day;
  • Enrich your diet with low-calorie foods.

Among low-calorie foods, Olya prefers to eat fruit and vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil. They can be eaten without restrictions, and the vitamin content in such dishes is off the charts. And recently, Olya prefers exclusively healthy food, so she removed such foods from her diet:

  • Everything is fatty, fried and smoked;
  • Pasta;
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Oil;
  • Canned foods;
  • Instant food and fast food.

Surely Olya loves to jump rope. Find out at this link how to jump rope correctly for weight loss. The Health Disc is becoming a very popular exercise machine. See how to do exercises on a disc for weight loss.

From diet to diet

Before she lost weight, Olga Buzova tried many diets. She started adhering to them at the age of 16. She found details of their observance on various sites, the main target audience of which are girls and young women.

Note: But today she believes that strictly following various restrictive diets during adolescence and young adulthood was not entirely prudent. Fasting at such an early age, when the body continues to grow and form, can only weaken it, slow down its formation, without bringing much benefit.

Today, the TV presenter believes that every girl can keep herself in great shape, without depriving herself of some small pleasures and without starving for weeks and months.

General rules

One can argue for a long time about who Olga Buzova is - the TV presenter of “House 2”, the princess of Russian pop music, a social star. networks, an interesting designer or a successful writer? But only one thing is clear - she is a phenomenon, an idol of millions and simply a person who led the crowd. Therefore, she is now not only a celebrity personality, but also a recognized ideal of female beauty and style, which many want to follow.

Advice from Olga Buzova

The most important thing is that Olechka is an open person who is ready to share all her beauty secrets. She had a thorny path to an ideal figure, but she doesn’t want others to repeat her mistakes and happily gives advice:

  • Never eat after 6, and dinner is best replaced with a workout.
  • You should forever give up unhealthy and high-calorie foods, which Olga Buzova included sausages, smoked foods, various salty snacks in the form of chips, crackers, semi-finished products, etc.
  • Even if you have a sweet tooth, you can only pamper yourself with high-quality dark chocolate; the star cannot deny himself this.
  • The diet is dominated by complex carbohydrates due to the abundance of cereals, vegetable and fruit salads.
  • Do kefir fasting regularly, 1.5-2 liters per day will remove excess swelling (due to the lack of salt), cleanse the body and saturate it with proteins, calcium and other useful substances.
  • Mandatory daily exercise, it doesn’t have to be a gym, jogging, a swimming pool, and dancing classes will do.

Fundamental principles of a balanced diet

The basic principle of nutrition, which will allow you to maintain your figure in excellent condition, to be slim and fit, is to completely avoid eating after six o'clock in the evening. The body will always store for future use those calories that it receives immediately before a night's rest, the TV presenter believes. But most people, returning from work tired in the evening, dream only of a hearty, tasty dinner and relaxing on the couch in front of the TV. This is where excess weight starts.


According to the popular TV presenter, eating after six is ​​strictly forbidden. Strict adherence to this and some other rules can make the path to slimness and beauty easier. The elimination of evening meals will be clearly visible after two weeks. The shapes will begin to lose their roundness, and the weight will begin to go away.

Practical advice: In addition to observing the strict ban on eating after six, Olga believes that the menu should contain as many low-calorie foods as possible.


Eating according to Olga Buzova’s diet gives results if you follow all the recommendations. In addition, the diet has a number of other positive qualities:

  1. You can notice the first results, namely the loss of a couple of extra pounds, after 2-3 days.
  2. The condition of the body improves: it is cleansed, all systems function easily, no complications arise, and the general physical condition improves. But, if you still experience some discomfort while following a diet, it is better to supplement it with a vitamin-mineral complex.
  3. If you combine Olga Buzova’s diet with exercise in the gym, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also your skin will become more elastic and toned.

Proof of the effectiveness of the diet is the fact that with its help Buzova herself was able to get rid of 10 extra kilograms. Several years ago, the TV presenter weighed 65 kilograms, which gave her a complex about her appearance. And only by developing a diet menu, she was able to weigh exactly 10 kilograms less, without harm to her body.

Main dishes

The favorite and main dishes in the TV presenter’s diet are various salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits.

In addition to being tasty and healthy, salad is a source of huge amounts of:

  • vitamins,
  • microelements,
  • flavonoids,
  • fiber.

Salads are especially good in the summer, when a lot of fruits and berries ripen. In summer, the girl tries not to eat hot, heavy food, preferring fruit salads.

Eating habits that prevent you from losing weight

  1. Tasty but unhealthy food, full of quick calories, has left Olga Buzova’s menu forever. All kinds of smoked sausages, frankfurters, pasta, meat fried in large amounts of oil, hot sandwiches, fast food - Olya has left all this in the past.
  2. The best friends of girls with a sweet tooth are not candies, but dark chocolate. When you want something sweet, the presenter breaks off a few pieces of dark chocolate. In chocolate candies, harmful vegetable fats and “e-additives” are added to the filling, and dark chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which improve blood circulation, speed up the perception of information, activate the intestines and improve overall well-being and mood. Therefore, Buzova’s choice is obvious: only high-quality dark chocolate instead of harmful sweets.
  3. Unsystematic meal schedule. Despite her busy schedule, Olga tries to eat at the same time. There is usually no time to cook something, so her choice is ready-made boxes with healthy and wholesome food. The company delivers already prepared dishes, listed according to calorie content, and the girl only has to open the package. For those who love cooking and homemade food, you can buy five beautiful containers and cook in the evening for the next day. The amount of cooking is not so large, and the results of culinary work will be visible in a month.

Be sure to read: Effective weight loss with a sauna suit

Organic products

More recently, the TV presenter became interested in organic cuisine, finding a lot of useful things in it. Today, it is impossible to find fresh baked goods, cakes, high-calorie cookies, or fried chicken on a girl’s menu. Fatty and fried foods are automatically excluded from a girl’s diet.

In addition, she tries to avoid:

  • various smoked meats,
  • mayonnaise,
  • ketchup.

She dresses all vegetable salads only with extra virgin olive oil.

Sample menu of Olga Buzova

This is an approximate set of products and ready-made dishes that Olga can afford every day. The diet is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will help the body work normally without experiencing hunger, without accumulating fatty tissue and without spending its resources necessary for the restoration of cells and tissues.


  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with finely chopped fresh fruit and a few nuts.


  • two small boiled potatoes;
  • side dish of stewed vegetables or vegetable stew;
  • salad made from fresh seasonal vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • Steamed lean meat or lean sea fish:
  • low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) with the addition of a small amount of raisins.

Instead of dinner, the girl goes to the gym or swimming pool. Right before bed, Olga can eat an apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir or unsweetened yogurt. If she decides that her figure needs to be slightly adjusted, then she arranges for herself to unload. One day he drinks only kefir for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Healthy eating habits

What does Olga Buzova eat? Affordable, fresh and nutritious products that are sold in any supermarket! No black caviar, snails or frog legs: the simpler and more familiar the food, the faster the body gets used to the restrictions.

  1. The morning begins not with coffee, but with porridge. Most often, Olga Buzova prepares oatmeal for herself, to which she adds fresh berries, nuts and fruits - the main thing is not all at once. Olya’s favorite drink is aromatic black coffee with sugar, which is perfect to finish breakfast. Semolina, buckwheat and flaxseed porridge are frequent guests at the singer’s breakfast.
  2. For lunch he eats carbohydrate foods: soups or meat broths, durum wheat pasta, baked potatoes.
  3. For her first snack, Buzova chooses protein products: meat or low-fat cottage cheese, fish. A great idea because proteins keep you full and provide muscle building material.
  4. For dinner, Olga usually has natural yogurt, low-fat kefir with natural sourdough and some unsweetened fruit or vegetable - an apple, orange, carrot. Everything that the body can easily digest before bed. If you overeat at night, the stomach does not rest on its own and does not allow the whole body to rest. This can result in chronic fatigue and digestive problems.

“Proper nutrition will not help you lose weight if you don’t exercise,” says Buzova. And we completely agree with her. To make your body look fit and slim, do physical exercises. It’s better if a fitness instructor creates the program first, or find Jillian Michaels’ cardio classes on the Internet.

Thanks to cardio training, Olga looks great at photo shoots in a swimsuit.

Having found out how Olga Buzova eats, we compiled a rough menu for the day.

Basic rules of Olga Buzova’s diet:

  1. Do not gain more than 1200 calories per day (to create your own menu, use a special application on your phone that shows how many kilocalories a product contains). Without intensive training, caloric intake can drop to 900 kilocalories. After losing weight, add foods up to 1200 kcal;
  2. Do not eat after 18.00;
  3. Do not fry the dish, and use only olive oil and only for dressing salads;
  4. Keep a large amount of fruits at home so that in case of hunger you can eat them, and not bread, smoked meats or sweets;
  5. Supplement your diet with training at home or in the gym using exercise machines;
  6. Sweet foods - bananas, dried fruits, coffee with sugar - should be consumed before noon in order to have time to burn off calories during the day.

Be sure to read: Types and menu of banana-kefir diet - mechanism of action and benefits

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