How Alexandra Bortich managed to gain weight and then lose 20 kg for her role in the film “I’m Losing Weight”

Imagine that you have been offered the main role in a film, but to do this you will have to gain 20 kilograms! Would you agree? But Alexandra Bortich gained weight for the role without hesitation. The Russian actress did not spare her slender body and easily gained excess weight. However, the girl quickly returned to her previous forms. Let's figure out how Alexandra managed to instantly lose weight and become slim, as if she had never turned into a fat one.

Alexandra Bortich is a talented actress who recently appeared on the big screen. She managed to interest the audience, and also prove that she really does have willpower. Not every girl will decide to gain 20 kg. However, the actress was not afraid of the difficulties, and she boldly put on excess weight, and then quickly got rid of it. Whether it was worth the effort is up to you to decide. Watch the movie “I’m Losing Weight”, evaluate the acting and appearance of the newly made fat girl.

The birth of a new star on Russian television screens

Alexandra Bortich appeared in the world of cinema several years ago, so many may not know her. To fix this, we will briefly talk about how a simple girl became a promising actress.

The future celebrity was born outside of Russia, in a neighboring country - Belarus. When Sasha was a child, her parents divorced, and she and her mother moved to Moscow. Here, in addition to regular school, she attended music school and also studied in an acting studio. As you might guess, after school the future artist planned to enter a theater university, but did not qualify for the competition. And instead of the stage, a waitress job awaited her.

But the girl did not give up and began going to various castings, which bore fruit. In 2014, she received the lead role in the drama What's My Name. After participating in this film, Alexandra’s demand increased. She starred in a number of such famous films as “Spiritless 2”, “The Elusives”, “Viking”, and in the series “Policeman from Rublyovka”.

Despite Bortich's young age, she is only 23 years old, she is growing quickly and reaching career heights.

Role in the film “I’m Losing Weight”

Let's step back from previous film works and talk about the recently released comedy “I'm Losing Weight,” where Sasha played the role of fat Anya. The film is dedicated to friendship, love, female complexes and body image problems. Before filming, the scriptwriters surveyed passers-by on the street to find out if they were concerned about the topic of losing weight.

Initially, the authors wanted to see Irina Gorbacheva in the leading role, but she refused and played the fat woman’s best friend.

Sasha has admitted more than once that the comedy genre is not her thing, she is the queen of drama.

How to gain excess weight

Alexandra transformed beyond recognition, she had to gain weight and become a notorious girl for the main role. According to the terms of the agreement, Bortich gained 20 kg. in just 1.5 months. This is, indeed, a short period of time, and with a sharp change in weight, the body experienced a shock, which the artist herself later spoke about.

As the star admits, she constantly sent photo reports to her management, who tracked every gram added to her figure. The artist managed to recover, but the directors were worried because the girl did not look plump.

Bortich had to put on a lot of weight, and the most high-calorie food helped her with this. Alexandra’s diet during such a “diet” looked like this: burgers for breakfast, fast food for a snack, pizza for lunch, and a calorie bomb from the day’s dishes for dinner. The actress had to sweep away all the food in her path. This menu would be the envy of those on a diet. However, Bortich quickly got tired of this regime, and she began to turn away from fatty, sweet foods. But there was nowhere to retreat, she continued to eat and gain weight.

Alexandra had to become plump in a short time, so she could not avoid health problems.

As a result of all efforts - plus 20 kg. The artist achieved her goal, and in the frame we see a really plump girl. First of all, the star’s excess weight began to accumulate on her stomach, then on her legs and arms.

Sasha had to get used to her new body, because from a slender beauty she turned into a 70-kilogram fatty.

However, as Alexandra herself says, it didn’t take long for her to get used to it, because there was a stage in her life when the mark on the scale reached 70. At the age of 16, the girl lost weight due to unrequited love. To stay in shape, the actress constantly takes care of herself, as she easily gains weight.

After rapidly gaining weight, the girl began to be compared with Hollywood stars, for example, Charlize Theron or Renee Zellweger, who also had to gain 15 kg. for filming a film. The uniqueness of Alexandra’s case is that no one has ever gained weight or lost it so quickly. The history of cinematography does not yet know of films in which the actress would shed pounds in real time.

Sasha's weight loss on screen is a unique case for the film scene.

Fast transformation

Losing weight turned out to be not so easy, since all the excess goes away for a very long time. But for the star, the timing meant a lot. She had to recover 1.5 months before the start of the film. But she also had to lose weight just as quickly, because the process of her transformation was being filmed. Therefore, in just over a month, Alexandra got rid of all the excess weight. Sounds unreal? No, it's quite possible!

“I didn’t take anything. Don't trust charlatans. Strict diet and gym!” - writes Sasha Bortich on his Instagram.

Sample menu for weight loss

The slimness of the body directly depends on a properly structured diet. To get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time, the girl forgot about all the junk food that she ate to gain weight. Fatty foods have been replaced by a menu with the right diet, aimed at quickly burning accumulated calories.

In all interviews, Alexandra carefully emphasizes that she has no secrets in losing weight. Only sports and proper nutrition - no magic.

Sample menu for the day:

BreakfastOatmeal porridge steamed in water.
DinnerLean chicken broth, sliced ​​vegetables.
Afternoon snackApple.
DinnerVegetable stew.

The actress ate small meals, her last meal ended at 18-19 hours. All the dishes that Bortich ate were low-calorie - these were vegetables, fruits, berries, lean meats and fish.

The actress’s diet consists of only proper, but strict nutrition, which limits any consumption of sweets, flour, and fatty foods. It was this kind of food that helped Bortich lose weight in a short time. She had to forget about everything tasty and harmful, although the star was happy about it.

Tips from Sasha

Alexandra gives some useful and simple tips for losing weight:

  • don't be upset if you gain weight. During this period, motivation and a positive attitude are important;
  • learn to accept yourself in any body;
  • try not to overeat and follow a routine.

It was these principles that bore fruit during emergency weight loss.

Now Alexandra’s menu includes only the right dishes, because the girl knows that any indulgence will affect her figure. She envies her co-stars in films; they can afford any food while maintaining their chic shapes.

The filming of the comedy “I’m Losing Weight” consisted of 2 parts. First they filmed the plump Sasha, and then took footage of her gradually losing weight. It was difficult for the actress both physically and psychologically. But the work paid off with great success!

Sport as a blow to excess weight

At the gym, Alexandra Bortich became a regular client, because she visited it as many as 6 times a week. Without daily training, the actress would have to forget about her slim figure, so she gathered her will into a fist and began to achieve her goal.

The workouts helped her burn fat faster and transform her figure. The actress did not forget about the loads even during filming, so she squatted during breaks. She tried different types of exercises - cardio, strength training, fitness and running. All together gave quick results. As the girl admits, the main tool in the fight against excess weight is sports, and Sasha tries to lead an active lifestyle.

Before this, exercise and healthy eating were not a constant part of Alexandra Bortich’s routine. She admits that she was not friends with sports and was not a fan of a healthy diet.

The star gained her maximum weight by the beginning of filming, when the mark reached a record 75 kg.

Nutrition principles of Alexandra Bortich

  • Small meals: eat little, but often. Ideally every 2.5–3 hours. This way you will minimize sudden jumps in blood glucose levels and smooth out hunger pangs. It will be easier to stay on track.
  • The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eat at the same time. A strict regimen is the key to successful weight loss.
  • To clear your blood of metabolic products faster, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Tea, coffee, soups do not count.
  • The maximum daily calorie intake is 1500 kcal , subject to additional physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, the amount of calories should not exceed 1200.
  • Eliminate any processed foods: sausages, canned goods, semi-finished products. Skip frying in favor of steaming, stewing and baking. All sweets, alcohol, pork, lamb, and high-fat dairy products are also prohibited.
  • The diet should be balanced: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Nothing can be ruled out so as not to harm the metabolism.

Spiteful critics accused the actress of going to the surgeon and using diet pills . But Alexandra assures: “It seems to everyone that there is some kind of magical way, but in reality there is none. I switched to proper nutrition, worked out 6 days a week, went for painful massages... And I still continue to work on myself. The standard scheme is proper split meals and training.”

about her work in cinema : “Our film is about accepting yourself. People around you impose standards, you must not pay attention to them and not project onto yourself other people’s ideas about beauty. It is important to know and love yourself. Everyone has the right to live at the weight they feel comfortable with. If there is no health issue, no one has the right to prohibit you from doing anything.”

Well, the film turned out to be truly motivating. The determination and willpower of the lead actress is inspiring!

Would you have the nerve to do something like that? Perhaps you have your own transformation story?

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Fans' reaction

The girl shared with fans the process of “eating” excess weight on her Instagram profile, where she received numerous reviews. Sasha's transformation turned out to be an A+. As the actress said in an interview, her friends could not recognize her at first sight.

Alexandra Bortich gained weight and posted a photo in a swimsuit, which emphasized all the acquired flaws in her figure. Fans were divided in opinion. Someone was perplexed and horrified by the experiment on their own body, saying that such a weight difference would have a detrimental effect on the celebrity’s health.

There were also those who doubted the reality of the photographs, mistaking them for Photoshop. But the image is indeed real, since even special makeup was not needed to create the image.

People emphasized that the actress managed to lose weight easily only because she received a considerable fee for her work.

Among the fans there were those who supported the actress, finding her attractive in a new image. They admired the work done, as well as Sasha’s endurance.

Weight loss

Problems associated with weight gain (a new, not very attractive figure, fat folds, shortness of breath, etc.) are one challenge, but losing weight back in just a month and a half is a completely new challenge, which turned out to be much more difficult for Alexandra. Her contract stipulated a huge fine if she failed to lose weight within the required time frame.

I would not agree to first remove the block where I am thin, and then gain weight and remove the first block, because I would never have lost weight if I had not had such a fine in the contract.

In addition, the director of the film believed that it would be more convincing if the actress, together with her heroine, went through the entire process of losing weight. However, what was shown in the film was far from reality.

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