Comprehensive weight loss program and Kamensky diet: how did the singer manage to lose 20 kg?

Nastya Kamenskikh really lost 20 kg. She thinks that First of all, you need to understand what exactly causes weight gain, and eliminate these factors from life, even after working with a psychologist.

The second important step to losing weight is playing sports. According to Nastya Kamenskikh, since childhood she did not like any physical activity, so even a 10-minute run on a treadmill terrified her and made her sad. But it is important to set an accurate goal. The singer admitted that she forced herself to exercise only for the first 2-3 days, and then she found her old dress and realized that she simply wouldn’t fit into it. Literally a week later, 60-minute workouts became a pleasant experience for her, and not hard labor.

The third step is diet correction . For meat, Nastya eats only boiled or grilled chicken, eats oatmeal, buckwheat porridge and a lot of fiber (vegetables, fruits). She believes that you just need to completely eliminate sweets, baked goods and fast foods, and the weight will begin to decrease. In order not to lose her temper, she does not buy forbidden products.

The Kamensky diet includes the following rules: eat small portions, but often - at least 5 times a day, every 3 hours; complete refusal of sweets, flour, salty and fatty foods, alcoholic drinks; all food is prepared only on the grill or by boiling; on the menu, 70% are vegetables, 30% are proteins and fats, it is advisable to exclude carbohydrates, but they still come with cereals.

Menu for weight loss:

  • breakfast - oatmeal, cooked in water without sugar and butter, but with the addition of a small amount of raisins and almonds;
  • second breakfast – boiled eggs (hard-boiled, no more than 3 pieces) + salad of any fresh vegetables with vegetable oil;
  • lunch – rice or buckwheat porridge + boiled/grilled chicken;
  • dinner – grilled fish (white, lean) + fresh vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes).

An important nuance: Nastya eats 100 - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese every evening and does this at 21 - 22 (second dinner). The fermented milk product does not lead to obesity; during a night's rest, it “requires” energy for digestion. The result is no hunger in the morning, weight loss while sleeping.

Fasting day – at least once a week. It is tough and can provoke a breakdown, so you should stay at home and rest at this time. You need to boil 6 hard-boiled chicken eggs and buy 3 medium-sized grapefruits. Getting up at 7 - 8 in the morning, you need to eat the whites of 2 eggs, after 2 hours - one citrus fruit. Follow this regimen three times a day. It turns out that every 120 minutes, either egg whites or grapefruits enter the body. On a fasting day, you should not drink coffee or tea; clean water should be consumed without restrictions.

Nastya Kamenskikh’s diet and fasting days are a single nutrition system ; after a fasting day, weight decreases faster. Those people who have a history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will have to exclude aggressive, hard unloading.

Nastya does 30-minute exercises every morning: standard exercises + running on a machine or fast walking at an accelerated pace. Just a couple of minutes of stretching, a few bends and squats, but a “jog” takes at least 20 minutes. In the evenings, Kamenskikh does yoga, visits the gym at least 3 times a week, or swims in the pool.

Read more in our article about Nastya Kamensky’s diet.

How Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight

According to Nastya, it is impossible to lose weight by doing only sports and without revising your diet. First of all, you need to understand what exactly causes weight gain and eliminate these factors from your life.

Many people, having rummaged around in their heads, understand that uncontrolled food consumption is a consequence of some kind of psychological problem. And this could be anything - the lack of strong relationships with the opposite sex, disappointment in the profession, failures in raising children, constant conflicts with parents, and so on. The body subconsciously surrounds itself with fat deposits and protects itself from external stimuli.

When a person becomes too fat, he receives a new portion of caustic remarks from those around him and... continues to consume sweets, chips, and desserts with renewed energy. It turns out to be a vicious circle, which can only be broken after realizing the true cause, and if you can’t find it on your own, then you need to seek qualified help from psychologists.

The second important step to losing weight is playing sports. According to Nastya Kamenskikh, since childhood she did not like any physical activity, so even a 10-minute run on a treadmill terrified her and made her sad.

And here it is important to set a goal for yourself - not the cherished numbers on the scales, but something more tangible: put on an evening dress by a certain date, restore health for conception and birth of a child, strengthen family relationships.

The singer admitted that she forced herself to exercise only for the first 2-3 days, and then she found her old dress and realized that she simply wouldn’t fit into it. This gave her strength; literally after a week, 60-minute workouts became a pleasant activity for her, and not hard labor.

The third step is adjusting your diet. “Keeping a diet is an expensive pleasure, but it is quite possible to give up junk food on your own.” — it was on this principle that Nastya Kamenskikh compiled her diet. For example, she only eats boiled or grilled chicken, eats oatmeal, buckwheat porridge and a lot of fiber (vegetables, fruits).

The singer believes that you just need to completely eliminate sweets, baked goods and fast foods, and the weight will begin to decrease. In order not to fail in gastronomic terms, she simply does not buy or bring into the house those products that can reduce all efforts to lose weight to zero.

Only with such an integrated approach was Nastya able to bring herself back to normal and maintain her weight within the achieved limits for a long time.

We recommend reading about the Barnabas Diet. From the article you will learn about how and how much weight Ekaterina Barnabas lost, the star’s diet menu, recipes, nutritionists’ opinions about Barnabas’ diet. And here is more information about how Eva Polna lost weight.


Kamenskikh Anastasia Alekseevna was born on May 4, 1987 in Kyiv. The future star’s mother sang in the National Academic Choir, her father played in the Dynamo volleyball team. The family had above-average income, so Nastya Kamenskikh’s first trip to Europe took place when she was only six years old.

Having grown up, the singer admits that she was often spoiled as a child. Nevertheless, she managed not to join the ranks of girls spoiled by their parents’ money. She studies at a music school and plays sports.

Nastya Kamenskikh with her mother Lidia Petrovna. Instagram @kamenskux

Kamensky diet

Nastya managed to lose weight by following the following diet rules:

  • eat small portions, but often - at least 5 times a day, every 3 hours;
  • complete refusal of sweets, flour, salty and fatty foods, alcoholic drinks;
  • all food is prepared only on the grill or by boiling;
  • in the menu, 70% are vegetables, 30% are proteins and fats, it is advisable to completely exclude carbohydrates, but they still enter the body with cereals.

Doctors call this kind of diet proper nutrition and emphasize that weight will be lost slowly, but for sure - it’s easy to maintain the achieved results for a long time.

The star herself claims that even with these restrictions, there is no feeling of hunger and nutrition will not be as “boring” as it might seem at first glance.

Watch this video on how to cook diet pancakes (Nastya Kamenskikh’s recipe):

Menu for weight loss

Sample menu for one day from Nastya Kamenskikh’s diet:

  • breakfast - oatmeal, cooked in water without sugar and butter, but with the addition of a small amount of raisins and almonds;
  • second breakfast – boiled eggs (hard-boiled, no more than 3 pieces) + salad of any fresh vegetables with vegetable oil;
  • lunch – rice or buckwheat porridge + boiled/grilled chicken;
  • dinner – grilled fish (white, lean) + fresh vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes).

An important nuance: Nastya eats 100–150 g of low-fat cottage cheese every evening and does this at 21–22 (second dinner). The fermented milk product does not lead to obesity, but even during a night’s rest it “requires” energy for digestion. The result is the absence of strong hunger in the morning, weight loss during sleep.

Sample menu for the day

Nastya believes that correct eating habits help achieve your goal. She tries to eat at the same time, does not skip breakfast, and does not refuse dinner. Her sample menu for one day is as follows:

  • For breakfast, the star eats oatmeal and drinks green tea. Porridge contains slow carbohydrates, and therefore it is very filling and healthy. Oatmeal saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements. In the evening, the girl pours warm water over the cereal, and in the morning adds a grated apple, several nuts or berries to the porridge. This dish is called “breakfast of beauty.”
  • Three hours later, Nastya eats a second breakfast, which consists of 2 boiled eggs with salad. Greens can be eaten in unlimited quantities, they have a negative calorie content and are rich in fiber.
  • For lunch, the singer eats brown rice, buckwheat or pearl barley with baked or boiled chicken. For taste, you can add a couple of drops of unrefined olive oil to the side dish.
  • For dinner, Nastya eats a lean steak or fish with stewed vegetables.
  • Second dinner. The girl breaks stereotypes and shows by her example that you can eat after 6 pm. Her last meal is even at 23.00. At this time, you can afford 150-200 grams of low-fat fresh cottage cheese or tea without sugar.
  • During a snack, if hunger overcomes you, you can eat fruits, nuts, biscuits, crackers, and bread.

Fasting day

At least once a week, the star spends a fasting day. It is quite tough, it can provoke a gastronomic breakdown and therefore it is worth staying at home and resting at this time. For daily fasting, you need to boil 6 hard-boiled chicken eggs and buy 3 medium-sized grapefruits. When you get up at 7–8 am, you need to eat the whites of 2 eggs, after 2 hours – one citrus fruit.

This regimen should be followed three times a day. It turns out that every 120 minutes, either egg whites or grapefruits enter the body. On a fasting day, you cannot drink coffee and tea, but clean water should be consumed without restrictions.

The results of such days are really impressive - already next week, if you follow the above diet, your weight begins to decrease faster. Nastya Kamenskikh’s diet and fasting days are a single nutrition system, but those people who have a history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will have to exclude aggressive, hard fasting.

Principles of nutrition

So Nastya Kamenskikh, having tried many grueling diets, came up with her own method of losing weight.

Basic principles:

  • Don't exhaust yourself with physical activity. According to Nastya, only 20% of the result is achieved through hard training. Load yourself with mental work or do what you love. If you cannot imagine your life without sports, sign up for fitness or yoga;
  • Avoid fast diets that will only give temporary results. It is best to adjust your diet and stick to proper nutrition. The result in this case, of course, is not quick, but long-term;
  • Avoid junk food. Hamburgers and hot dogs are the number one enemy of a slim figure. Replace them with plant foods;
  • You can drink in unlimited quantities, but in small portions (1 glass of still water every 2 hours).

Nastya Kamenskikh advises avoiding heavy foods, which are difficult to digest and convert into fat. Namely: complex carbohydrates and fats. If possible, you should limit your intake of salt and sugar. However, you should not completely exclude sweet dishes, especially for those with a sweet tooth. It is enough just to limit their use.

Sports in the life of the Kamenskys

Physical activity on a daily basis is the singer’s motto. Nastya does 30-minute exercises every morning: standard exercises + running on a machine or brisk walking. Moreover, she performs the exercises in an accelerated mode - literally a couple of stretches, several bends and squats, but a “jog” takes at least 20 minutes.

In the evenings, Kamenskikh does yoga - this helps not only improve the physical shape of the figure, but also solve psychological problems, thereby eliminating the factors of a gastronomic breakdown.

At least 3 times a week, the singer visits the gym and either does a session of cardio, strength training, or swims in the pool. According to Nastya, it is absolutely not necessary to adhere to her training schedule, but the body needs to be given loads every day.

This could be a brisk walk in the morning for at least 1 hour, cycling (or, as an alternative, doing the same sports on a simulator), swimming in the pool 3-4 times a week for an hour and a half, daily jumping rope and squats - 100 or more repetitions.

We recommend reading about Skulkina’s diet. From the article you will learn about how Ekaterina Skulkina lost weight, the general principles of the star’s diet, the menu for the week, and effective physical activity. And here is more information about Polina Gagarina’s diet.

Nastya Kamenskikh managed to lose 20 kg in six months not thanks to plastic surgeons, but through her own work. With the right motivation, this is not difficult to do; giving up your favorite treats is not difficult. Therefore, the first step to slimness should be psychoanalysis of yourself or seeking help from appropriate specialists.

Useful video

Watch this video about how Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight:

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Personal secrets of losing weight

Desire and goal. “I became half my size thanks to my willpower and desire. Only a goal can motivate a person. And I'm a fighter. Four years ago I last wore my old jeans, which I wore when I was 20 years old. Now my goal is these jeans, I have to fit into them!”

“The first thing I did was throw away the scale.” When working on your figure, you need to reduce not weight, but clothing sizes. Focus not on kilograms, but on centimeters - on the correct volumes and reliefs of the body. Having started to lose weight correctly, in two months my hips decreased by 10 centimeters, while my weight remained the same. It’s just that the proportions of water, muscle and fat in my body have changed.”

Discipline. The star stopped giving herself concessions. Previously, Anastasia justified her poor diet and less-than-ideal figure by constantly touring. The singer claimed that in this mode it is very difficult to keep track of what you eat. But as it turned out, Kamenskikh showed by her example that there is nothing super complicated about this. “Now every morning I prepare my food for the whole day, counting calories and choosing healthy foods. And I take her everywhere - to filming, photo shoots, interviews.”

Correction of the power supply system. “I also reduced the portions. To enjoy the taste of a banana, you don’t need to eat the whole banana—half is enough. I gave up meat, with the exception of poultry, and completely eliminated the appetite-provoking alcohol. I drink a lot of water - up to four liters a day. And most importantly, I set clear meal times. I don’t snack between them, but if I’m hungry, I can just eat something very healthy.”

Psychological attitude. The psychological attitude also plays an important role. “Every day a woman should say to herself in front of the mirror: “You are beautiful!” And you will become beautiful,” says Nastya Kamenskikh.

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