Workout: training programs and effective complexes

Workout is street training with your own body weight.

Athletes of this direction train on sports grounds, using parallel bars and horizontal bars, or simply on the ground.

You can choose a training plan depending on the athlete’s goals, for example, weight loss, mass, relief or endurance.

Such training is suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes.

Basic exercises for every day for beginner workout athletes

Training for beginners differs significantly from that of experienced athletes. At the first stage of training, it is necessary to work on ligaments, joints, and strengthen the body a little. Basic exercises recommended:

  • pushups. Different positions of the arms and legs are used, but it is better to start with the classic version, when the arms and legs are on the same plane;
  • squats. At the first stage, it is better to squat on two legs, without any weights;
  • parallel bars push-ups. If the exercise is difficult, first it is better to work with the help of a belayer - the second person helps when climbing up, lifting the beginner by the legs;
  • pull-ups. You can also get help if you can’t pull yourself up on your own.

At the first stage, you can perform these movements in 3-4 sets of up to 20 repetitions or use the circuit training method. You can also add running, jumping rope and other aerobic exercises to the program.

Be sure to check out: Which muscle groups can be trained together in one day: rules and exercises Details about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s training: evolution and features at different stages Warm-up before training: a set of exercises before a strength session to warm up all muscles Recovery after training: the key to constant progress and growth muscles

Street training[edit | edit code]

Below are several workout training programs that you can use in your practice. Build the workout exactly as described or complicate it if you see the need.

As you can see, there are a large number of training programs. Which one is the best? Try them all and see what suits you best.

Start with me[edit | edit code]

This is a workout program for beginners and a great option if you are new to strength training. It includes all the basic strength exercises in the volume that a beginner athlete can handle.

If you've just started training, rest as long as you need between sets, performing the required number of repetitions of each exercise before starting the next one. Once you are comfortable enough with the program, try to rest no longer than a minute or two between sets.

Once you achieve a certain form, you can combine the program in different ways and perform exercises in a circle. Do one set of each exercise, consistently and without breaks. Aim to eventually complete three sets of each exercise. This method includes active recovery and does not allow the training process to become stale.

After a few programs, you can move on to full push-ups, unsupported squats, and straight-legged Australian pull-ups.

  • 3 sets of 10 reps of hand-supported push-ups on an elevated surface
  • 3 sets of 10 reps of bench-supported squats
  • 3 sets of 10 reps of Australian pull-ups with bent knees
  • 3 sets of 10 reps of bent knee raises 3 sets of 10 reps of double leg bridges

Challenge: 50 reps[edit | edit code]

The essence of this workout training program is to perform 50 repetitions of fairly complex exercises during one workout. It doesn't matter how many sets it takes to reach 50 reps, even if it's just one rep per set.

For example, you could start with a set of 10 reps, continue with a set of 8 reps, a set of 7 reps, then do two sets of 5 reps, three sets of 3 reps, two sets of 2 reps, and finish with several sets of 1 rep. At first this may seem quite difficult, but over time the number of approaches required will decrease.

Choose an exercise that you can perform 5-15 times in one set, and focus on the quality of its execution. You can take breaks of any length between approaches. In fact, we recommend taking long breaks to rest and recover. Stretch, breathe and understand the beauty and simplicity of street sports.

This method is great for increasing the maximum number of repetitions of basic exercises such as squats, push-ups, and pull-ups, although trained athletes can use this method for more complex exercises (power-ups and pistol squats). Don't forget to do the last exercise on both legs!

At the very beginning, we recommend doing this program only once a week and on a specific part of the body, because it can be a shock to the body. Ultimately, you can train yourself to perform this workout program on a regular basis.

By the way, if 50 reps is unrealistic for you right now, then do fewer reps (maybe 30?).

When the number 50 ceases to be a challenge for you, then move on to more complex exercises and increase the number of repetitions to 100 or more.

Three comrades[edit | edit code]

Workout Program
This is a very simple workout workout based on the pyramid principle that will work every muscle in your body, including your heart!

Start by performing one squat, then immediately grab the bar and pull yourself up, lower yourself down and push up. Next time, do each exercise twice. Add one repetition of each exercise until you can complete a full circuit of three exercises. Then begin reducing the number of repetitions per exercise and return to the beginning of the program.

Try to keep the number of breaks to a minimum, but rest enough time so that the quality of the exercises does not suffer. If you're not strong enough to do a full push-up or pull-up, do knee push-ups and Australian pull-ups instead until you get into proper form.

Static electricity[edit | edit code]

This isometric workout combines strength training and skill training into a varied combination of static stances. Obviously, people will encounter very different strengths and weaknesses when performing this group of exercises. For each exercise that you cannot perform as much as required, we recommend breaking it down into simpler steps. For example, if you cannot hold the corner position for more than 10 seconds, then do 4 sets of 10 seconds.

Many of these exercises require mobility in addition to strength and skill. If you have limitations that prevent you from performing the exercise properly, then return to a simpler sequential exercise. For example, if performing a bridge with emphasis on the head is impossible, then replace it with a bridge on the hips.

  • Plank (90 seconds)
  • Side plank (30 seconds per side)
  • Crow Stance (90 seconds)
  • Balance with elbow support (40 seconds)
  • Corner (40 seconds)
  • Bridge with head support (90 seconds)
  • Handstand with wall support (90 seconds)

Training the upper[edit | edit code]

Since we advocate full body muscle training as our core philosophy, using split routines is a viable way to train as long as your training regimen allows it. After all, it's simply not possible to do a full-body workout every day; it will exhaust you. Moreover, variety in approaches can be a valuable tool in the training process. This is a basic upper body workout that will leave you swooning.

This workout workout is divided into two phases, focusing on one movement pattern with slight variations, allowing you to target the muscles in different ways.

  • STAGE 1: 2 sets of 20 push-ups
  • 2 sets of 8 push-ups
  • 2 sets of 15 dips
  • 2 sets of 10 wide-grip Australian push-ups
  • 2 sets of 10 hanging bent knee raises
  • STAGE 2: 2 sets of 15 push-ups with wide arms
  • 2 sets of 8 pull-ups with reverse grip
  • 2 sets of 15 push-ups with feet on an elevated surface
  • 2 sets of 10 Australian pull-ups with close grip
  • 2 sets of 10 hanging knee raises with flexion/extension

We train the bottom[edit | edit code]

This is a basic lower body workout that includes several basic movements. The first exercise is a lower body "push" where you remain static and plant your feet on the floor, while the next two exercises involve linear or up-and-down movements. In this next exercise we will use some of the body's muscles that are often neglected. Finally, the last movement is a pulling or “loop” movement and a balance exercise that is a great addition to the beginning of your workout. This versatile workout is sure to rock you.

  • 2 sets of 20 squats
  • 2 sets of 20 walking lunges per leg
  • 2 sets of 20 steps on the platform on each leg
  • 2 sets of 20 swallows on each leg
  • 2 sets of 20 calf raises

Training the front part of the body[edit | edit code]

This intermediate workout targets the muscles of the front of the body, including the quads, chest, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Although it should be noted that some of these exercises require a lot of tension in the muscles of the back of the body, particularly the lower back muscles and the muscles of the hamstrings, the muscles in the front of the body will be tensed even more.

  • 3 sets of 20 squats with narrow legs
  • 3 sets of 10 Bulgarian split squats per leg
  • 3 sets of 15 push-ups with arms wide apart
  • 3 sets of 15 push-ups with feet on an elevated surface
  • 3 sets of 10 pike push-ups
  • 3 sets of 15 hanging leg raises
  • 3 sets of 20 lying wipers (10 on each side)

Training the back of the body[edit | edit code]

As we now know, the muscles in the back of the body are often neglected. Our culture prioritizes muscles that make us look good in the mirror (or selfies) rather than focusing on the overall health of the body. This workout aims to combat this misconception and targets muscles such as the latissimus dorsi, back muscles, hamstrings and buttocks. Be prepared for a challenge as you may be forced to work muscles you have never worked before.

The first four exercises should be done for sets and reps, while the last three are static stances. Feel free to break down static racks into their component parts if you can't complete them all at once. For example, three 20-second bridges replace one 60-second bridge, if that's appropriate for your level. Try your best.

  • 3 sets of 10 wide grip pull-ups
  • 3 sets of 10 wide-grip Australian pull-ups
  • 3 sets of 10 candlestick bridges per leg
  • 3 sets of 10 swallows on each leg
  • Back hang with knees to chest (20 seconds)
  • Bridge with support on the head (60 seconds)
  • Full bridge (60 seconds)

Witch's Cauldron[edit | edit code]

In this intermediate/advanced level of training, we'll explore a little of the magic of calisthenics, which is the use of a core exercise and a lead-in exercise. Having warmed up with simple exercises, you can begin more complex ones; your body and nervous system will already be ready for them. Since these exercises are aimed at developing maximum strength, we recommend taking long rest and recovery breaks between sets. About 2-4 minutes is enough, if that’s what you need, of course.

WARM-UP: 20 walking lunges per leg
TRAINING: 3 sets of 5 pistol squats on each leg
WARM-UP: 20 push-ups with narrow arms
TRAINING: 3 sets of 3 one-arm push-ups on each arm
WARM-UP: 10 pull-ups
TRAINING: 3 sets of 3 archer pull-ups on each arm
WARM-UP: 10 hanging leg raises bent at the knees
TRAINING: 3 sets of 5 leg raises to the bar
WARM-UP: 10 hip bridges
TRAINING: 3 sets of 3 exits to handstand against a wall

Hell Danny[edit | edit code]

Introducing an elite bar workout workout for the upper body muscles. This program is very short, but at the same time very intense. You get maximum effect in minimal training time. Make sure you put in hours of regular pull-up training before starting this program.

Perform all exercises without removing your hands from the bar. Release the bar only after you have completed all 25 repetitions. Rest 2-3 minutes and repeat the workout. Try repeating the entire chain 3-5 times. Feel your muscles burn!

  • 5 forceful exits at point-blank range
  • 5 push-ups on the bar
  • 5 front hanging crunches
  • 5 pull-ups
  • 5 leg raises to the bar

Numb legs[edit | edit code]

This lower body workout program is short but powerful enough to get your legs smoking when you don't have much time to spare. The program begins with a warm-up consisting of three consecutive exercises. They need to be performed once to prepare the legs for the load both on a muscular and psychological level. The workout includes 15 repetitions of three different exercises on each leg. After completing the exercise on one leg, rest for 3 minutes before repeating the exercise on the other leg. Aim for 3-5 steps, depending on your fitness level!

  • WARM-UP: 1 set of 20 squats
  • 1 set of 15 split squats per leg
  • 1 set of 10 archer squats
  • WORKOUT (repeat 3-5 times): 5 pistol squats on each leg
  • 5 shrimp squats per leg
  • 5 Hawaiian squats per leg

Destroyer of Worlds[edit | edit code]

This workout is not for the faint of heart! Try to complete each exercise in as few approaches as possible, maintaining perfect execution technique. A truly dedicated street warrior can attempt every exercise with no rest and virtually no rest between sets. But you definitely have to let yourself recover. Make sure to give yourself a rest day before and after your first attempt at this grueling program.

  • 100 squats
  • 50 push-ups
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 10 pistol squats per leg
  • 30 dips
  • 20 Australian pull-ups
  • 10 hanging leg raises
  • 5 handstand push-ups
  • 5 forceful exits at point-blank range

Weekly training for men and women

The training program will depend on the athlete's goals. So, if we are talking about gaining weight, men can use the following training program for a week:

Workout 1. Legs and biceps Squats. At the initial stage, regular squats, 5 sets of 15 repetitions, will be enough. Then you can add single leg squats to increase the load.

Lunges. 4 sets of 15 reps. Do regular lunges or with walking, when each next step goes forward, the leg does not return to its original position.

Jumping on a bench. 3 sets of 20 repetitions are enough.

Reverse grip pull-ups. Great for working out the biceps and forearm. 5 times maximum.

Workout 2. Chest and back Push-ups and parallel bars are used to train the chest. 5 sets of push-ups with a medium grip and 3 with a wide grip, 15 times each. Next, 4 sets of parallel bars, to the maximum.

You can train your back at home with pull-ups. Do 4 approaches to the maximum of the regular version and 3 with a wide grip behind the head.

Workout 3: Shoulders and Triceps Perform 4 sets of pull-ups, then medium-grip push-ups. This will work your shoulders. Number of repetitions - up to 20. Then move on to reverse push-ups and close grip. 4 sets of 1 repetition.

Women can use the principle of circuit training. Several exercises are performed in a row, one after another. After this, the circle repeats. Alternatively, you can do squats, pull-ups, push-ups, then reverse push-ups and parallel bars. At the first stage this will be enough, then the program is complicated by new elements.

Workout exercises

The imagination of workout athletes is limitless; there are so many exercises that it would not be easy to even list them. Let's talk about the basic exercises, these include:

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar in the classic style. An athlete of any skill level performs this exercise. It is impossible to build a powerful base without it.
Classic push-ups. This exercise is great for building strength and building muscles in the shoulder girdle. Not a single self-respecting workout worker can do without it.
Pushups. Experienced athletes do not perform this exercise because of its ease, but it is advisable for a beginner not to forget about it, especially if it is not possible to do push-ups on the uneven bars.
Single leg squats. Workout athletes are often accused of having small and weak legs. Squats on one leg won't build up your huge legs, but you can keep your muscles toned.
Horizon. From the outside, the exercise seems simple, but it is not. To perform the horizontal correctly, you need developed muscles of the shoulders, arms, back, abs and front of the thigh. Advanced athletes do horizontal push-ups, but achieving this level is very difficult, it takes years of training.
Australian pull-ups. The exercise is perfect for athletes who cannot perform classic pull-ups due to weak muscles, ligaments and lack of proper technique. Exercise helps strengthen muscles and ligaments.
One and two arm strength exercises. The exercise can be performed by athletes of average training level. To do one power-up with both arms, you need to do at least 15 pull-ups.
Leg raises to the bar. An abdominal exercise that has migrated from the sports field to the gym. Perfectly pumps the entire abdominal muscle area.

What elements should you start with in workout?

As already mentioned, there are many exercises in workout; there are about 50 types of pull-ups alone. The most popular and simple exercises that a beginner can master, albeit not right away, are described above.

100-day complex for mass

The best way to achieve results is to draw up a clear plan that must be strictly followed. A well-known method is to draw up a plan for 100 days. The athlete will need to perform the assigned exercises and record the result, and then analyze the result before drawing up a new program.

There are many options for a hundred-day training. Many workout training programs are designed for a specific period of time. But if you plan to work for the masses, you need to take into account all the necessary factors. It is important not only to train according to plan, but also to eat right and follow a daily routine.

Important! The hundred-day program is always divided into stages. The exercises themselves may vary, but the system always becomes more difficult each time. The principle of gradual progression of the load remains necessary, otherwise it will not be possible to progress.

Conditionally, training can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Work on ligaments and joints, general physical training.
  2. Increased strength.
  3. Work for the masses.

The second and friction stages will change periodically, that is, first the work is done on force, then on mass.

At the first stage, several standard exercises are performed, approximately as in the plan for beginners. Three workouts a week will be enough. It lasts two weeks.

For the next two weeks, work is also carried out according to the principle of a three-day split, but more complex training programs are selected, for example:

Day 1. Legs Squats - 5 to 15.

Lunges - 5 to 15.

Jumping - 4 x 20.

Calf raises - 4 x 20.

Day 2: Arms and shoulders Push-ups with narrow arms – 5 to 15.

Bars - 4 to 12.

Reverse push-ups - 4 to 15.

Reverse grip pull-ups - 4 max.

Day 3. Chest and back Wide grip push-ups - 5 to 15.

Pull-ups by the head - 5 maximum.

Dips - 4 to 15.

Classic pull-ups - 4 to the maximum.

Next 2 weeks the work is on strength or strength endurance. You can use the same exercises, but add some weights to them, for example, a backpack with cylinders filled with water. The number of repetitions decreases.

Afterwards, the mass stage is repeated, and then for two weeks the work goes on explosive strength, various jumps, jumps and other exercises are performed that contribute to the development of this quality. The movements can be performed every other day, divided into two days:

Day 1 Jump squats - 5 to 15.

Jumping push-ups - 5 to 15.

Jumping on a bench - 5 to 15.

Day 2 Pull-ups. Perform 50 pull-ups, the number of approaches is not important.

Bars. You need to do it 50 times, the number of approaches is not important.

Push ups. The total number is 100 times, the principle is the same.

In general, the program will be cyclical. It is performed for about three months, the principle changes every two weeks, but so that every second cycle is devoted to working on the mass. This principle will allow you to constantly shock the muscles, giving them a stimulus for growth.

Workout training program for mass and strength

Do you want to build muscle mass and become stronger, but for some reason you can’t go to the gym and don’t have sports equipment? Then this article will be very useful for you. It describes in detail all the subtleties of the training process, observing which, you will confidently progress and rise to a new level in 2-3 months. All you need is a horizontal bar and parallel bars, which can be found in almost every yard.

Attention! We have released a new updated workout program for training on parallel bars and horizontal bars. It can be used as an alternative to the program below. We advise you to familiarize yourself with it, because... It's very effective and quite versatile!

Most inhabitants of sports grounds or simply horizontal bars and parallel bars have always been tormented by one question: “How to pump up?” Many of you have been training for more than one month/year and the muscles have already become quite accustomed and adapted to such loads, so giving them new stress and stimulus is extremely difficult, especially if you do not use weights and train only with your own weight (calisthenics). It is for such people that this Workout training program for mass and strength without weights is intended. By doing it, you will give your muscles a greater load and additional stress, which will subsequently have a mirror effect on the response of your muscles and give hypertrophied supercompensation. In this article, we will take a detailed look at and analyze a training program that is specifically designed to help you gain muscle mass and strength without the use of weights, working out only with your own weight (calisthenics).

The road to building a strong, healthy, and beautiful body rests on three pillars: nutrition, training and rest. If you adhere to a proper and balanced diet, exercise extensively and intensively, and also get regular and quality rest, the results will not be long in coming. But as soon as one of the three components falls out, your result can immediately stop, or even slide down completely. Therefore, always remember the “three pillars” and constantly adhere to the regime.

And we’ll start with perhaps the most important aspect that everyone who wants to build muscle mass should know. We will talk about proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass. Because Since this article is devoted exclusively to the training program, we will not dwell on nutrition for long. If you are interested in this question, all the information is described in the article “Nutrition for gaining muscle mass“. In this article, we will highlight only the most important and basic points:

  • -Consume more calories than you burn (on average 300-500 Kcal).
  • -Eat often (5-8 times a day).
  • -Consume an average of 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  • -Consume 6-7 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight.
  • -Consume an average of 0.9 grams of fat per 1 kg (give preference to mono and polyunsaturated fats).
  • -Drink an average of 2 liters of water per day.
  • -Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • -Add omega 3,6,9 fats to your diet.
  • -Main sources of protein: chicken, beef, milk, eggs, cottage cheese and fish.
  • -Main sources of carbohydrates: porridge (rice, buckwheat), durum pasta.
  • -At every meal where there is meat, add herbs and vitamin C.
  • -Your diet should include at least 1 serving of fruit.
  • -Also include vegetables or salads in almost every meal.

Now we need to clarify the issue regarding rest. This is the next and very important aspect for building a strong and healthy body. Rest should be long and of high quality, this applies to sleep. Sleep 8-10 hours a night, and also allow yourself to take short naps during the day (at least 15-20 minutes). Your night's sleep should be sound and long. It is also recommended to do stretching before going to bed; it will stretch your muscles, as well as calm and prepare the central nervous system for rest.

Now we come to the most important part of this article. Before going straight to the main program, I would like to say a few more words. Your workouts should be 120%, that is, you should push yourself to the maximum (even more) in every workout. Only in this way and only in this mode are real changes possible. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and especially your muscles, because you can mock them to the fullest, if this really makes sense.

Workout training program for mass and strength without weights

In this program we will use approaches for a specific muscle group alternating several (different) exercises. Those. we will alternate two exercises (not to be confused with supersets) for one muscle group or muscle with a short rest interval. The essence of this combination is to perform two typologically different load rating exercises. The first exercise will be difficult (basic), and the second will be somewhat lighter in terms of load and impact on the muscles. In the first case, you should perform a small number of repetitions (strength work), and in the second, 2-3 times more repetitions than in the first exercise, but not less than 12 (endurance work). Training in this style allows you to target different muscle fibers (fast and slow). Also, this combination allows you to adapt to different stimuli and loads at the same time, which is extremely difficult for the body, and it receives an additional portion of stress, and as a result, an exaggerated response.

Goal: gain muscle mass and increase overall strength indicators. This Workout training program is designed for those who want to gain muscle mass and become stronger without the use of additional weights.

Number of repetitions . For each muscle group, do two paired exercises that differ in the type of load. The 1st approach is performed on average up to 6 repetitions (heavy), and the 2nd approach is performed from 12 to 20 repetitions, respectively (light).

Rest. Rest between paired approaches (heavy-light) for up to 20-30 seconds, and rest between main exercises (switching to another muscle group) should last within 1-2 minutes (only 1 time per workout).

Duration . On average, you need to train with this program for 2-3 months, but if your progress does not stand still, then you can safely continue training with it.

Recommendations. When you do heavy exercises, try to use forced repetitions. Let's say you did 4 repetitions yourself with all your might, ask your partner to help you do 2 more repetitions with little help (helping you a little). From such a blow, your muscles will definitely be in shock. As for light exercises (for quantity), here you can do a second delay at the peak of the contraction. This will allow more blood to flow into your muscles and, accordingly, the pump effect will improve; it will feel as if your muscles are about to burst.

Warm up. A prerequisite before performing the first approach in this program and more is a warm-up. Warm-up should be done always and everywhere, as the risk of injury is very high. Start with a regular run (within 5-10 minutes), you can finish the warm-up with the usual warm-up movements, and then you can start the main program.

MONDAY – (Biceps + Back)

  1. One-arm pull-ups (reverse grip) – 3 to 6
  2. Arm curls to parallel bars (reverse grip) - 3 15-20 times

+(additional*) — Arm curls to parallel bars (“Hammer” grip) 2-3 8-12 times

  1. Wide grip pull-ups (explosive tempo) – 4 x 6-12
  2. Pull-ups to parallel bars 4 to 12-15

+(extra*)- Pull-ups along the bar 2-3 max

Tuesday (Legs + Abs)

  • Light cardio 3-7 minutes (to warm up joints)
  • Sprint race 10-20 meters (uphill) – 3-5 races

*(in a week) Sprint race for 20-50m. (in a straight line) – 3-4 runs

  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar (heavy) – 3 x 6-12 times
  • Twisting or leg raises on parallel bars (light) – 3 x 12-20 times

WEDNESDAY (Triceps + Chest)

  1. Push-ups on one arm - 3 6-8 times
  2. Bench push-ups - 3 x 12-15 times

+(extra*) – Standing parallel bars push-ups 2-3 at max.

  1. Dips (with corner) 4 x 6-10 times
  2. Push-ups from the ground (wide arms) 4 to 12-15 (at speed)

+(extra*) Pull-ups from the horizontal bar (wide grip from above) – 2-3 to failure

FRIDAY (Legs + Shoulders)

  1. Single leg squats 4 to 6-8
  2. Speed ​​squats – 20 sec

+(extra*) Lunges 3-4 x 15-20

Calf raises in support 3-4 x 20

  1. House push-ups 4-5 6-12 times
  2. Abduction of the arm to the side (with an expander) 4-5 12-15 times

+(extra*) Standing parallel bars push-ups “House” 2-3 to max

As you may have noticed, some of our workouts start with small muscles (biceps and triceps), rather than with large ones. This is done in order to pre-tire the arm muscles so that they are less involved in working the large muscles (back and chest). After all, without additional weights it is very difficult to load large muscles, and this method also allows you to pump up your arm muscles well. If, on the contrary, your arm muscles are well developed, but your back and chest are lagging behind (which is extremely rare), then you can change the order of the exercises and start your workout with those lagging behind.


(extra*) is an additional exercise that is used at your discretion to “finish” the muscle if you feel that you have not pumped up the muscle enough, and the additional exercise can be used as a replacement for the previous exercise. Those. in the first case, you perform an additional exercise in order to push the muscle to complete failure (if 2 exercises were not enough for you). In the second case, you can alternate exercises weekly, so that the muscle does not get used to one exercise so quickly.

If you manage to perform more than 6-8 repetitions in the first (heavy) exercise, then ask your partner to help you complicate/weight the exercise.

1- One arm pull-ups

Perform this exercise slowly and under control. If you do not have an elastic band or expander, then you can help yourself with two fingers, which will allow you to do the exercise correctly while maintaining your balance.

2- Bar curls

Try to lower yourself smoothly and under control (in the negative phase), and also pause for a second at the peak of the contraction. If it is difficult for you to do a large number of repetitions with one hand, you can perform this exercise with both hands, while changing the grip each new workout.

3- Hammer grip curls

In this exercise (as in the previous one), it is important to work exclusively with the biceps in order to maximally load the biceps and brachialis (the muscle under the biceps). What matters here is not quantity, but quality.

4- Pull-ups

Try to feel your back and work by straining your back muscles as much as possible. This is a great exercise to add thickness to your back. You can also perform it with your feet on the bars, which makes the exercise much easier.

5- Pull-ups along the bar with a neutral grip

When you pull your body towards the bar, try to arch your lower back, this way you can work the bottom of the latissimus muscles well.

6- Leg raises on the horizontal bar

The picture shows a heavy version. You can only lift your legs slightly above the horizon. When you raise your legs all the way to the bar, the lower back and auxiliary muscles begin to take on the load. But if you are not looking for easy ways and want to show your skills to others, then you can safely do it as in the picture. With this execution, the abs will receive maximum load if you do not lower your legs all the way.

7- Leg raises on parallel bars

This is a simplified version, you can replace it with regular crunches or a Roman chair. Here it is also important to keep your abs in constant tension and not lower your legs to a vertical line.

8- One-arm push-ups

A difficult exercise that can be done by helping yourself with your other hand, using only two fingers. Lower yourself smoothly and push up faster, while maintaining proper technique.

9- Bench push-ups

This is a relatively simple exercise that allows you to work out almost all three triceps bundles. It should be performed under control, tensing the triceps as much as possible and lowering smoothly, this way you will work the pushing muscles well.

10- Standing dips

The essence of this exercise is technique; only with the right technique can you work your triceps well. The extensor muscles of the arms should work exclusively, and the whole body should be static. This exercise can also be performed on low-level horizontal bars, while lowering yourself deeper (behind your head), so you can well load the main working beams.

11- Dips with corner

An exercise for the pectoral muscles, so in order to load them as much as possible (without additional weight) you need to:

  • -Spread your arms to the sides
  • -Tilt your body forward slightly
  • -Raise your legs with a corner
  • -Work and feel exclusively with the chest
  • -Do not fully extend your elbows (option B)
  • -At the lowest point, stretch the muscles
  • -Lower slowly and rise quickly.

All this together will allow you to load your pectoral muscles quite strongly for their growth.

12- Pull-ups

In this exercise, it is important to maintain balance and be in a half-bent position. This exercise will allow you to trim the lower part of the pecs, which will make them more expressive. You can also perform these push-ups on low horizontal bars or parallel bars.

13- Calf raises

This exercise will allow you to work out your calf muscles well. Perform this for up to 20 repetitions or until the burning sensation is complete. It's important to do a lot of resistance with your shoulders and arms to load your calves.

14- House push-ups

Quite an old exercise. It is quite difficult to penetrate the deltoids with this exercise, so you should perform this exercise as efficiently as possible, feeling the front and middle beam. Usually 3 approaches are not enough for such an exercise, so you can safely increase this number to 5-6 approaches.

15-Moving your arm to the side

This exercise allows you to work out the middle bun, giving visual width to your shoulders. It is important to focus on the middle fascicle and work exclusively with it, without allowing yourself to be helped by other muscles (in particular the triceps).

16-Standing parallel bar push-ups

An unusual exercise that you can add to your training process. You need to do push-ups behind your head while creating maximum resistance with the help of your whole body. Almost all beams work well.

Preparation for classes

The training process will consist of performing various exercises. Before starting classes, you need to prepare, which is done through the following points:

  • establish nutrition. It must correspond to the goal, for example, if you need to add weight, then the amount of protein and carbohydrates increases, and so on;
  • establish a daily routine. Without providing the body with time to recover, there is no talk of any muscle growth. The regime is very important in this matter;
  • make a lesson plan. The training must be planned for a certain period of time in advance. Classes are built on the principle of cyclicity.

This is the basis that must be completed without fail. Without observing these principles, there is no point in talking about achieving results.

Features of the workout program: where to start for a beginner

In Russia, athletes who train directly on street sports grounds are called turnstile men or stick spinners. The popularity of workout is growing every day, more and more people want to join the sports fraternity. This sport gives you the opportunity to practice at any time, regardless of the opening hours of the gym. In addition, you will not have to pay for a subscription or purchase expensive equipment or exercise equipment.

Experienced people say the main feature of workout programs is variety and ease of access. Anyone can practice this sport. Moreover, you can start almost from scratch, gradually improving your skills and improving your fitness. For experienced athletes, it will also not be boring, because there are complex exercises that not everyone can do.

Workout sports equipment

To begin with, it doesn’t hurt to understand the details and features of this sport. An important role in this is played by the equipment that is used most often or even exists at all. General information on all the features of street sports and its origin is already available on our website. Usually, all the necessary equipment for training can be found at the nearest site near the house.

A simple classic horizontal bar . This is a well-known piece of equipment, consisting of a crossbar on two reliable supports.

Wide horizontal bar . It differs only in that the supports are placed at a greater distance from each other.

Cascade of horizontal bars . It can be used for various purposes by both beginners and experienced athletes. It is designed for various types of push-ups and pull-ups.

Street or standard bars . They differ from gymnastic ones in that they are made of metal, which does not spring or bend. There are also elongated projectiles that have a length of more than three meters.

Bent beams and double bent beams . They became popular after a motivating workout video of the American Hannibal For King appeared online, which can be seen below.

Swedish wall . This equipment migrated to outdoor areas from the gymnasium. By the way, in Sweden the projectile is called ribbstol, which means “frame with crossbars.”

Handlebar. The main highlight of any obstacle course is this simple projectile. The longer and more intricately shaped it is, the better.

Hexagon (low or high) . This projectile consists of six horizontal bars connected into one figure around the circumference. They can be placed at different heights, which will allow you to diversify your exercises.

Pillars . Additional equipment for which workout workers around the world can also safely thank Hannibal. This equipment is designed for a long-time user; a beginner is unlikely to cope with such a load.

Abdominal bench (incline or straight) . Despite the fact that abdominal exercises can be performed on almost any apparatus, benches of this type are becoming increasingly popular.

Learn how to breathe while doing ab crunches

Snake . It is designed for pull-ups with different grips, jumping from one side of the horizontal bar to the other and other, more sophisticated exercises.

Elevator . It is a horizontal bar with crossbars placed on the same supports, spaced one meter apart. Initially, it was meant to perform pull-ups with a jerk upward and transition to the upper bar, and then back. Today, street athletes have come up with many more interesting movements using such equipment.

There are still quite a few different modifications of equipment that are generally not used by athletes. Their purpose sometimes turns out to be vague and uncertain. Therefore, there is no point in describing them, and a real enthusiast can easily come up with a purpose for any equipment on the site.

Basic elements of workout

The main difficulty of workout complexes for beginner girls and boys is that they usually use those muscles that we almost never use in life. Moreover, these muscles are also bypassed when training in the gym. In this sport, they are sometimes forced to work at the most incredible angles and inclinations, which further complicates the training process. It is they who subsequently help to hold the body in different stances at unimaginable angles.

As with any sport, strength, endurance and skill will increase with practice. There are certain workout standards that must be met. It doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the basic elements in order to understand what exactly you need to focus on.

  • Pull-ups.
  • Swinging on the horizontal bar.
  • Lifting by revolution.
  • Captain's (officer's) rise.
  • Angle under the horizontal bar with a wide or narrow grip.
  • Exit with force on one or two hands (upper, lower grip).
  • One arm pull-up.
  • Horizontal hang from behind (swallow) or from front.
  • Checkbox.
  • Handstand.
  • Towel in front.
  • Planche, horizontal push-ups.
  • Horizontal emphasis on straight arms or push-ups from this position.
  • The gait of a god.
  • A spear.
  • The exit of the prince and the angel.

You need to master all elements of the programs step by step, not forgetting about repeating those that you have already studied. This gradually increases strength endurance, strengthens ligaments and tendons, and significantly increases the explosive power of the athlete.

What a beginner needs to learn

First of all, the athlete must master the basic push-up movement, without which it simply will not be possible to move forward. To make the fight against excess weight at home effective, you need to approach the issue thoroughly.

  • Pull-ups are another basic exercise that you need to learn how to do right away. Only after this can you move on to something more complex, because all outdoor activities are based on it.
  • Hanging leg raises. This movement trains the abs and shows readiness to move on to more complex elements.
  • Dips will help develop many muscle groups, for example, chest, triceps. Its own weight is used as reinforcement.

A very important point is the development of the vestibular apparatus. Even highly trained athletes encounter imperfections in its performance. They are expressed in loss of orientation during training, which is fraught with serious injuries. Therefore, any beginner should definitely devote enough time to working on swings on the horizontal bar, hanging head down, as well as inversion lifts.

Useful tips for a beginner

Many novice athletes make the same mistake, trying to complete the entire set of workout exercises for beginners on the first try. This is the wrong approach. There is no need to rush, it is better to gradually move from one element to another, without losing sight of advice from experienced ones.

  • It's better if you have a minimal range of motion at first. Then you will be able to avoid injuries from all kinds of mistakes. Unfortunately, there are no people who do everything perfectly, and even without preparation, so be careful.
  • Don't forget about your school physics course and use the help of inertia in your exercises. This will make the task much easier and help you learn new elements faster.
  • Working with a partner is very important, as some movements will be difficult to master alone. Ideally, you need to ask someone more experienced, already familiar with this sport.

As a last resort, you can choose and hire a coach who will help you cope with even the most difficult elements. However, it will no longer be free, and the beauty of street sports is that you can do it for free.

How to Avoid Injury

Injuries are the result of an incorrect approach to exercise. The following tips will help you avoid them:

  • warm up well before starting classes;
  • increase the load gradually;
  • Before performing new exercises, first master their technique;
  • eat right, as a lack of certain substances can lead to problems with muscles, joints and ligaments;
  • If pain occurs, stop performing the exercise.

Attention! It is worth checking the body for the presence of certain ailments. For example, hernias in the spine are very dangerous; if they are present, exercises must be performed carefully, and sometimes even limited to physical therapy. It is better to clarify such points with your doctor.

Workout training program for home

Since you most likely do not have suitable equipment at hand at home, such as a horizontal bar, parallel bars and a bench for crunches, you will have to be content with simple exercises performed with your own weight.

You can train your pectoral muscles and triceps using classic push-ups. The wider you place your arms, the more your chest will work; the narrower you place them, the more your triceps will begin to engage. To focus the load on the upper or lower part of the pectoral muscles, use push-ups with your head down and up, respectively. Also use elements of plyometrics (explosive style of exercise). This will help you make your arms and chest muscles stronger and increase your potential. Explosive push-ups or push-ups should be performed in every workout, then you will quickly achieve results and prepare your body for more difficult work.

Handstand push-ups (against a wall) are great for training your deltoid muscles. In fact, it is anatomically similar to the standing barbell press. The exercise is designed for trained athletes; beginners will find it difficult to maintain balance in it. In addition, intracranial and intraocular pressure greatly increases, so not everyone will benefit from this exercise.

To tone the muscles of your legs and buttocks, use regular bodyweight squats. When it becomes easy for you to perform more than 50 repetitions in one approach, add to them lunges in various variations (forward, backward, sideways, etc.), stepping on a bench, jumping, squats with jumping or on one leg, gluteal bridge. Calf raises are great for training your calves.

For the abdominal muscles, working with your own weight is perfect. Crunches lying on the floor are one of the best basic exercises for developing the abdominal muscles. You can also perform leg raises (together or alternately), “bicycle”, and oblique twisting sit-ups while lying down. You can increase your abdominal strength with static exercises, such as planks.

You won’t be able to fully train your traction muscles (back, biceps, rear deltoids, trapezius, hamstrings) at home. However, to maintain tone in them, end each workout with a small set of stretches.

For a home workout, 30-40 minutes is enough without taking into account the warm-up complex. The most important thing in this matter is regularity of classes. If you only find time to workout once a week, don't expect much results. It is better to train more often, but do less work at a time, then it will be easier for the body to recover and adapt to the load.

Pro Tips

Professionals have different opinions about the effectiveness of workout. Some say that it will not be possible to achieve the results possible in the gym, others give examples of successful athletes who are in good shape and who only train with their own weight. However, everyone agrees that it is possible to tone your body, develop muscles, or lose weight.

Chris Luera, workout artist

A well-known workout athlete on the Internet claims that to develop strength, work on mass, or lose weight, your own body and available means are enough. Workout helped him build a figure that he is happy with, and he continues to work on increasing his strength and strength endurance. He advises you to pay attention not only to training, but also to your lifestyle in general, which includes your sports regimen and nutrition. In this case, the result will be even more impressive.

Adam Rau, workout artist

The workout artist from the Czech Republic also prefers working with his own weight and on horizontal bars with uneven bars. In his opinion, training with these equipment can be very effective and will help build mass and increase strength. Classes will allow you to be agile, your body will gain natural flexibility, and your health will only improve.

Valerie Waters, trainer

Trainer Valerie Waters has worked with many popular personalities and knows how to achieve success in the shortest possible time. She believes that you can work both in the gym and at home, it all depends on the athlete’s capabilities. Training must follow a predetermined plan; the regimen will play a fundamentally important role. Particular attention is paid to nutrition.

What is workout?

Street workout is a fairly new, but rapidly developing sports discipline. It is based on exercises that can be performed with your own body weight, and not only strength, but also acrobatic movements are used. Essentially, it is something between classical fitness and artistic gymnastics. This was the main reason for the popularity of workout. Its advantages are obvious:

  • Availability;
  • High efficiency;
  • Entertainment;
  • Variability of exercises.

This sport has one disadvantage - seasonality. Few amateurs would dare to conduct a full-fledged training session outdoors in severe frost, icy conditions and snowfall.

The main equipment used in workouts: horizontal bars, parallel bars, benches, gymnastic rings, benches for the press. It is allowed to work with additional weights in basic exercises such as pull-ups, muscle-ups and push-ups. The set of exercises does not end there; it is often limited only by the athlete’s imagination. Also, when doing a street workout, flexibility of muscles and fascia, joint mobility and elasticity of ligaments and strength endurance play a fundamental role. These are the key factors for your long-term progress in street workout, and this parameter needs to be constantly developed.

Usually the training duration does not exceed 45-60 minutes. Three to four workouts per week will be enough for athletes of any fitness level. You can exercise both on the street and at home, but with some restrictions, which will be discussed below.

Main conclusions

Workout allows you to engage in physical activity without visiting a gym. Some people don’t have time for this, others don’t have money, and still others prefer workout for other reasons. But it is obvious that with the help of such physical training you can effectively and fully work out your entire body and achieve impressive results.

Workout is convenient due to its accessibility. With its help you can work on mass, strength, relief, weight loss and endurance. It all depends on the needs of the athlete and the goal set for him. Classes will be effective only if you adhere to the regime and proper nutrition.

Calisthenics program

Mass workout involves performing deadlifts on one muscle group, but in different ways. Exercises should be alternated with the beginning of the approaches.

In this kind of calisthenics there is a rule: first of all, a heavy basic exercise is performed, and secondly, a lightweight finishing exercise aimed at refining the muscle.

The base is performed with a small number of repetitions, 6-10 times will be sufficient. In this case, the weight should be selected in such a way that on the 6th or 10th time “failure” occurs, that is, the inability to squeeze the given weight again. Upon failure, a burning and cracking sensation should occur in the muscles, which is a good sign of muscle fiber growth.

Three to four approaches for the basic exercise will be enough, and after a minute’s rest you should move on to the finishing exercise for endurance and muscle definition. To do this, you need to change your body position in such a way that the load on this muscle becomes 1.5-2 times lighter. In this case, it will be possible to do two or even three times more repetitions.

In lighter versions for relief and endurance, you should also adhere to the rule: work until “failure”.

Classic strength training involves performing only basic exercises, but a combined load allows you to work on different muscle groups of the same group. Such tension turns into stress for the body, which is so necessary for the release of beneficial growth hormones, in particular testosterone.

If you do workout with a partner, it becomes possible to do forced repetitions that can be performed after “failure”. Ask your partner for a little help, and with his help do a couple more presses. Thus, the body will experience not just stress, but a real shock, after which it will begin to build new muscle fibers to build muscle.

By doing this program for three to four months, you will gain significant weight, and your body shape will look noticeably sculpted. These are the key points of any weight training program.

A little about cool-down and nutrition

Proper completion of training is an important task for any athlete, including turnstile athlete. To relax, you need to pull them slightly.

Nutrition plays an important role in the muscle growth of a workout athlete. A street bodybuilder consumes a lot of protein to grow muscle mass (meat, egg whites, fish), calcium for the integrity of bones and ligaments (cottage cheese, chicken broth), and fats to restore the nervous system (olive oil).

Vitamin complexes are no less important. It is advisable to obtain nutrients directly from vegetables and fruits.

Following the program suggested above in combination with proper nutrition and recovery will bring amazing results to the beginning turnstile athlete within 3-4 weeks.

Nine main advantages of workout

How is workout useful?

Here are 6 reasons why this activity is useful and necessary:

  1. During the training process, all muscle groups take part and develop.
  2. The cardiovascular system is systematically strengthened.
  3. No financial costs or special conditions are required.
  4. The body is harmoniously strengthened and excess weight is lost.
  5. Your mood improves.
  6. The nervous system is strengthened and stress disappears
  7. Willpower develops, we learn to overcome ourselves.
  8. Appetite is regulated: the magical power of the refrigerator and the irresistible desire to eat loses its power.
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