The most energy-intensive exercises in the gym - which machines are the most effective for training to burn fat and lose weight, how long to exercise to lose weight, exercises and programs without training

Universal exercise - burpee

Burpees for a complete body workout

It is difficult to imagine a more complex load, because the muscles of the arms, chest, biceps, thighs, buttocks, abs are involved and the core muscles are developed. At first glance, it seems that performing the exercise is not difficult, until you try it.

  1. Sit down, place your hands on the floor.
  2. Push up and extend your legs back into a push-up position.
  3. From this position, sharply pull your legs towards your arms.
  4. Stand up and jump up.
  5. Finish the exercise with an overhead clap.

After just 5 repetitions, you will feel a burning sensation throughout your body. Work on a timer, alternating 30 seconds of active action with 2 minutes of rest. To achieve results, perform 2-3 approaches.

Effective exercises for weight loss. Fat burning workout

Maya Jamaican
Scientific Approach: 5 Highly Effective Exercises for Weight Loss

Fat burning combo. The most energy-intensive exercises to include in your workout.

October 17, 2021, 16:00 Lifestyle / Fitness There is still ongoing debate in the scientific community about what is more effective to include in your fat-burning workout: cardio or strength exercises.
Most proprietary coaching programs are based on the principle of combining these two approaches. The benefits of combination training are confirmed by a study by Suling Ho
from Curtin University in Australia. 12 weeks of combined training helped subjects reduce weight and body fat more effectively than either cardio or strength training alone. In our selection, we have collected the 5 most energy-intensive exercises that anyone can include in their functional training. Doing cardio in combination with strength training will help not only lose weight, but also increase muscle mass.

Double wave rope

Initially, rope training was popular with American football players and MMA athletes. But if you're looking for an effective exercise to improve strength, power and endurance, rope training is a great addition to your regular gym routine. You'll be surprised how a few seemingly simple swings can quickly raise your heart rate.

The video can be viewed on the Lifeinhockey YouTube channel.


start with 3 sets of 30-second intervals with a 45-second break.


Burpee is one of the most effective static bodyweight exercises for losing extra calories and toning muscles. You can independently control the load, choose the rhythm of the exercise, monitor your pulse.

The video can be viewed on the Sports Bro YouTube channel.

Jumping rope

Classic jumping rope, familiar to us from school, is one of the most energy-intensive types of training. For example, according to American studies, this type of fitness allows you to burn up to 1000-1200 kcal per hour of exercise.

In addition, jumping is a great cardio workout and an alternative to the treadmill.

Exercise “Climber”

The “Climber” exercise is very common among professional athletes. It perfectly keeps the whole body in shape, including the muscles of the abs, buttocks, legs and shoulder girdle. The exercise does not require additional equipment, effectively burns calories and is recommended for weight loss.

The video can be viewed on the Womwn's Health Russia YouTube channel.

Medicine ball throws against a wall

Medicine ball throws are a functional CrossFit exercise. The main muscle targeted is the quadriceps femoris. Other muscles are also included in the work: abs, hamstrings, glutes, biceps, mid-back, shoulders, trapezius, triceps.

The video can be viewed on the Markanych YouTube channel.

Exercises for the abdomen and waist

To lose weight in your stomach and sides, start with the twisting exercise.

Lifting the body with a rotation against excess weight on the sides

During the task, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are worked out. Excellent for those who have excess volume in this area, as well as people with sedentary work, as it reduces lower back pain.

The technique is simple:

  • Sit on the floor/yoga mat with your knees bent so that your heels are planted.
  • Lean your back back and keep it straight.
  • Clasp your hands and place them behind your head, elbows should be apart.
  • Then begin intense crunches, alternating sides.

Do at least 30 repetitions.


Ab scissor exercise

This method will help pump up your abs and legs. There are several levels of difficulty, the easiest is when the legs are at an angle of 90°. The picture shows the most difficult of the options. The body tenses as much as possible and requires concentration of strength and breathing.

  1. Lie on your back. The head, back and lower back are pressed to the floor.
  2. Inhale, raise your straightened legs to a height at which you feel comfortable performing (from 10 to 90°).
  3. Start crossing your legs in the air without touching the floor.

Repeat 3 sets of 30 swings.

If you want more examples, check out this article that describes exercises exclusively for the waist and abdomen.

Types of energy-intensive exercises

Energy-intensive exercises can be found among both basic and plyometric exercises.

Basic energy-intensive exercises

Basic exercises or base are those that involve several joints and muscle groups at once. These are squats, barbell presses or deadlifts. In addition to the target muscles, when working with free weights, stabilizer muscles are always activated, helping to maintain the desired body position. For example, when performing a squat with a barbell, in addition to the quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles, the back muscles, biceps femoris, Gemini, gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus and brevis, abdominal muscles, and even finger extensor muscles actively work.

Among the basic ones, the following are considered energy-consuming:

  • Pull-ups;
  • Barbell or dumbbell rows;
  • Army press;
  • Shvung press;
  • Squats;
  • Lunges;
  • Deadlift;
  • Dips.

Energy-intensive plyometric exercises

Plyometric exercises combine endurance, speed and explosiveness. As a rule, during their execution phases of muscle contraction and relaxation often alternate.

The most energy-intensive plyometric exercises include:

  • Jumping Jack;
  • Exercise “skater”;
  • Exercise "skier";
  • Jumping lunges;
  • Plank jumps;
  • Kicks;
  • Jump squat;
  • Push-ups with cotton;
  • Burpee;
  • Running with high knees.

High-intensity cardio can be done by jumping rope, running up the stairs, cycling uphill, or jumping on a high pedestal.

Leg exercises

Squats with swings for slender legs

The simplest and most famous exercise for the hips and buttocks is squats

. You can perform them in the classic version or complicate them, for example, by adding swings.

  • Start with a deep squat, making sure your knees don't go past your toes.
  • Transfer your body weight to your supporting leg, twist your body and make a sharp kick (punch).
  • Return to the starting position and perform the squat again. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Two or three sets of 20 repetitions will be enough.

Lunges forward

Lunges to reduce the size of the legs and hips

It's hard to imagine a leg workout without this exercise. In addition to muscles, coordination also develops.

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bent.
  • Take a wide step forward while keeping your back straight.
  • Shift your body weight to your leading leg.
  • You should have three right angles: in the right and left knee, between the leg and the body.
  • Freeze for a few seconds in this position and take the original position.

For a fat-burning effect, perform 2-3 sets of 20 times. When you get used to the load, use weights - weights or improvised means (for example, water bottles).

What exercises burn fat

Any physical activity will be extremely useful in the process of weight loss, but for fat burning, or in other words, drying the body, you need to choose the most effective and efficient type of fitness. It doesn’t matter where you work out - in the gym or at home, the main thing is to create for yourself the most suitable set of exercises for fat burning that works out all the problem areas, which must be combined with a protein or hypocarbohydrate diet. You should also not forget about rest, because the quality of weight loss directly depends on the quality of sleep.


Fat-burning strength exercises pump up muscles well and speed up metabolism. After such training, the metabolism remains at a high level for a long time, and calories continue to be burned. Strength training to burn fat always gives good results. To enhance the effect, you can consume a little protein after finishing your workout. Let's look at an example of a fat-burning strength exercise to work the arms and lower body:

  • Lunges with dumbbells. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered with 2 kg dumbbells. Sharply push your right leg forward, tilting your body. At the same time, pull your hands with dumbbells to your chest. Repeat for the left leg. Perform 3 sets on each leg, 15 repetitions.

Video: lunges with dumbbells


Professional trainers consider intense training - circuit or interval training for fat burning - the best way to quickly burn fat . When practicing bodybuilding, you need to periodically alternate several blocks of exercises for different muscle groups, performing sets of strength and cardio exercises for 5-8 minutes with short breaks. The mandatory beginning of each workout should be a five-minute warm-up, and at the end you should do some stretching. An interval training program for fat loss may include:

  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • push ups;
  • approaches for the press;
  • shuttle run;
  • treadmill.

Let's take a closer look at one of the types using a jump rope:

  • Jumping rope with high heels. Pick up a sports equipment. Place your feet together and straighten your back. Jump rope, with each jump bending your legs under you and touching your buttocks with your heels. You need to do 4 sets of 20 jumps.


Cardio training is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle, so during aerobic training you need to control your breathing, pulse and heart rate (heart rate). As for the effectiveness of cardio exercise for burning fat, it will be small without an appropriate diet, and to obtain a noticeable result, the duration of continuous training should vary from 30 to 60 minutes. Options:

  • jogging;
  • riding a bicycle or exercise bike;
  • swimming;
  • aerobics;
  • water aerobics;
  • breathing exercises (bodyflex, oxysize).

Using an exercise bike you can get an effective cardio workout. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Take a comfortable position on the exercise bike, keep your back straight and relaxed, relax your arms too, raise your head slightly up, look straight ahead. First pedal slowly, after a minute speed up the pace to medium for half a minute, then pedal as quickly as possible for another 30 seconds. It is necessary to do 6 such approaches alternating light and intense loads.

The most energy-intensive

Many people are interested in which of the exercises for fat burning are the most energy-intensive, because it is always better to do several effective approaches and spend a large number of calories than to spend hours doing physical exercise with low energy consumption. Such fat burning exercises exist among both aerobic and strength exercises, and some combine both types of physical activity. For example:

  • Emphasis crouched – emphasis lying down. On a mat or just on the floor, get into a plank position or take a lying position. Sharply pull your legs towards your chest and straighten them back. Repeat 15-20 times, after five minutes perform another approach. To get results you will have to train daily for at least two months.

In the gym

Exercising on special exercise machines helps you lose weight, remove some subcutaneous fat, and tighten your skin . To build muscle mass, athletes go to gyms (in common parlance - rocking chairs) and take different types of sports nutrition. Such a measure in the fight against subcutaneous fat is not at all necessary if you correctly adjust your diet and build an effective workout. There are some tips on this matter:

  • Women will benefit from cardio equipment when exercising at the gym, and it is better to alternate exercise with short strength exercises (lunges, push-ups, hack squats, abdominal exercises).
  • For men, presses, deadlifts, crossovers, and crunches combined with light aerobic exercise (exercises on a treadmill, exercise bike, jumping rope) are more suitable.

At home

Various fat burning exercises can be easily done at home without additional equipment. The execution time does not matter much: you can include approaches for fat burning in your usual exercises in the morning or do them in the evening two hours after dinner. When choosing physical activity for fat burning, you should focus on your problem areas. For women, the following options are suitable for correcting their butts, thighs, and breasts:

  • squats;
  • bar;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • swing your legs.

It is better for men to use exercises with weights in their training to not only remove fat, but also pump up muscles. With dumbbells you can do:

  • presses;
  • walking lunges;
  • traction;
  • rises.

Hand exercise

Push ups

Push-ups for girls from the floor for beautiful hands

Many girls avoid this exercise because they are afraid of getting masculine hands as a result. Rest assured, to achieve such relief, you need to try hard and take more than one year. We know that many people cannot do push-ups at all. There's nothing wrong with that. If it is difficult to extend your arms with your legs extended, do it on your knees. When the muscles get used to the load, try the classic version again.

Start with 2 sets of 10 reps and gradually increase the number of repetitions.

Exercise for chest and back

This area accumulates the least amount of excess fat, but it needs to be pumped up in order to have beautiful posture and maintain harmonious body proportions. Spend a few minutes doing the boat


  • Take your starting position - lying face down on the floor, stretch your arms forward.
  • Inhale and smoothly lift your chest and legs off the floor.
  • As you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Repeat without stopping 20 times (3 sets).

Boat exercise for beautiful posture

All of the exercises listed can be done at home, but let's be honest, in most cases there are 1000 and 1 excuses. There is a lack of magic kicks, the spirit of competition, and sometimes the necessary equipment. We know how to lose weight without suffering and have already written about this in one of the previous articles, take a look.

The most effective fat-burning exercises for the gym: what and how to do

There are a large number of different weight loss programs. Below we list the most popular exercises for working different areas of the body.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, thighs and abs. If you're going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, in the first workout, work your biceps, back, hips and abs, and in the second workout, work your triceps, chest, shoulders and buttocks.

Leg press

Set the optimal weight of the weight and sit down on a special seat, with your feet resting on the platform. Next, remove the side holders and lower the platform towards you. As you exhale, push your legs up without fully extending your knees at the maximum point.

Unusual ways to lose weight with loads on all muscle groups

If the classical methods do not work, and basic exercises are boring, try options outside the home. For example, trampolining. Just not the ones you might see in parks or on children's attractions, but sports ones. You will receive a colossal load on the whole body, but be prepared to spend the next day inseparably with sore throat.

Another option is rock climbing. At first glance, it may seem that only the arms are working there, but this is not the case; the entire body and legs are also involved in the lifting process. Why not diversity?

If you haven't heard of Zumba, then we're coming to you. There is a special magic in this - doing exercises to the rhythm of music. We even have statistics on how many calories you can lose in one dance workout.

Zumba to fight excess calories

Many girls in the process of intensive weight loss are faced with the problem of sagging skin. It loses its elasticity and becomes loose. It would seem that everything possible is being done to avoid this, but in the end another one is added to the problems of the figure. Don't be alarmed, this is a normal physiological process. Continue to exercise and use tips on how to tighten sagging skin after losing weight.

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