Excess weight correction clinic

Mukhina’s diet has gained popularity on the Internet, which involves eating a limited amount of food and using acupuncture techniques to further stimulate weight loss.

Let's figure out together what you can and cannot eat on a diet, get acquainted with its basic rules and menu for weight loss. We will also consider reviews of those losing weight on the Mukhina diet without earrings. You will find out whether it is necessary to wear a needle in your ear in order to get results.

Mariyat Mukhina is a nutritionist, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Her weight loss method is popularly called the “Golden Needle” or “Golden Earring”. The diet, designed for a month, was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is considered safe for health. It includes the installation of an implant that affects the excitability of the appetite centers, adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition and Mukhina’s original menu.

Needle for weight loss

A key feature of the weight loss program is the installation of a needle implant in the tragus area of ​​the auricle. Acupuncture affects certain points of the ear and affects the condition of the body. It is believed that Mukhina's golden needle in the form of an earring, attached to the points of hunger and thirst, promotes weight loss. A specially designed diet will help increase the effectiveness of the needle.

The journal “Medical Acupuncture” conducted an experiment in which 20 women took part, divided into 2 groups. The first part of the subjects only attended acupuncture sessions, the second additionally adhered to proper nutrition and did fitness. After 8 weeks, the total weight loss of participants in the second group was 70 kg more than in the first.

Our clinics in St. Petersburg

Structural subdivision of Polikarpov Alley Polikarpov 6k2 Primorsky district

  • Pionerskaya
  • Specific
  • Commandant's

Structural subdivision of Zhukov Marshal Zhukov Ave. 28k2 Kirovsky district

  • Avtovo
  • Avenue of Veterans
  • Leninsky Prospekt

Structural subdivision Devyatkino Okhtinskaya alley 18 Vsevolozhsk district

  • Devyatkino
  • Civil Prospect
  • Academic

For detailed information and to make an appointment, you can call +7 (812) 640-55-25

Make an appointment

At our center, doctors provide the following services:

  • Auricular acupuncture (placement of needles into biologically active points on the auricle).
  • Corporal acupuncture (placement of needles into biologically active points on the human body).
  • Su-jok therapy (placement of special needles on the hand and foot).
  • Vacuum therapy (using vacuum cans).
  • Warming biologically active points with wormwood cigars.

Acupuncture, unlike drug therapy, has virtually no contraindications or side effects. To prescribe acupuncture, a preliminary consultation with a neurologist-reflexotherapist is necessary, who will choose a rational technique and select the necessary recipe for placing needles. If for some reason it is impossible to place needles, the doctor can use various methods of influencing biologically active points (reflexotherapy).

There are several methods:

  • classical,
  • Falev method,
  • Mukhina's golden needle.

Falev's method . When using this technique, the ear is subjected to acupuncture. It is at the tips of the ears that biologically active points are located, including those that block appetite. This method requires constant medical supervision.

Mukhina's golden needle technique . With this method, a special earring is inserted into the saturation zone. The advantage of this technique is that the session is carried out once, and the needle can be worn for about six months.

It is necessary to take into account that if after the session you return to your previous lifestyle, the effect of the procedure will not be noticeable. Does an acupuncture session help?

Based on Chinese techniques, there are about a thousand biologically active points on the human body. By correctly influencing these points, a specialist can start or stop any process in the human body. There are a number of diseases that can be successfully treated with this method:

  • arthritis, polyarthritis,
  • radiculitis and other diseases.

From this we can conclude whether an acupuncture session helps or not. Modern doctors are improving some techniques, our clinic in St. Petersburg is no exception.

The procedure itself is done using special needles, which are longer and thinner than ordinary sewing needles. They are made from special medical steel. Since they are used only once, there is no fear that an infection will enter the body.

Features of the technique

It would be foolish to attribute the stunning weight loss results to needles alone. It only acts on hunger points, thereby pacifying the raging appetite. Mariat Mukhina's diet is based on strict restrictions.

Mukhina's nutritional system and Dukan's protein diet are similar in that they are based on limiting carbohydrates. To stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, both experts recommend taking bran. Only the French doctor insists on oatmeal, and the author of the “Golden Needle” system on granular ones, sold in pharmacies.

What is possible

Recommended Products:

  • lean meat, fish, seafood;
  • soy dry food in cooked form;
  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, milk);
  • sour cream (no more than 1 tsp per day);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 2 times a week);
  • eggs (no more than 2 per week);
  • low-fat hard cheese (up to 30% fat, no more than 100 g per week);
  • vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, mushrooms, bell peppers, cabbage, greens, green beans;
  • berries and fruits;
  • peas, beans.

Mukhina's method accepts the use of natural yoghurts, so you can season salads with them (instead of butter or sour cream).

What not to do

“Golden Earring” excludes from the diet:

  • protein foods: sausages, crab meat and sticks;
  • dairy products: sweet yoghurts, cheese curds with fillings and glaze;
  • all flour products without exception;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, corn;
  • sweets (including ice cream and chocolate for diabetics), only sweets with sweeteners are allowed;
  • from vegetables - a taboo on potatoes (the diet does not prohibit the consumption of beets and carrots in their raw form; and garlic and onions, including green ones, only when cooked);
  • pickles;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • fruits: bananas, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits, canned fruit pieces.

Good news for those who don't like steamed dishes. All foods are allowed to be fried, boiled, or stewed. You can add gelatin to the aspic. The diet does not prohibit the consumption of kebabs and steaks.

Invisible needle

In the last 9-10 years, special acupuncture needles for long-term fixation at two adjacent acupuncture points have become very popular for weight loss. Such needles are installed for periods ranging from several months to a year with the goal of constant long-term impact on acupuncture points. Prolonged exposure of acupuncture points with needles has been used before, especially for diseases that are difficult to respond to conventional methods of treatment. A special feature of such needles is their small size, which is why they are called microneedles. The material from which microneedles are made, both now and in ancient times, is most often gold or gold-plated metal. This is understandable - gold does not oxidize when left in tissues for a long time, and gold also enhances the electrical conductivity of biologically active points. These are the so-called GOLDEN NEEDLES (there is a lot of information about them and photographs on the Internet). The peculiarity of such needles is that they are attached to the skin in the form of a piercing; these needles are noticeable to others and therefore cause associations with either piercings or earrings. Their difference from earrings is that they are located on acupuncture points. All. Microneedles, which were used by specialists earlier before the advent of the piercing boom, were fixed with a special patch and changed more often, which is justified, because according to the laws of physiology, addiction develops to the effects of needles on the same points of the body. Doctors tried to make the patient’s needles invisible to others (after all, piercing was not in fashion), and special ultra-thin flesh-colored patches for fixing the needles were brought from China and Japan. Nowadays the fashion for piercing is passing, and patients often ask to do it so that it is not noticeable. Some people don’t want to be seen or discussed at work, others don’t want to inform their family – there are many reasons. What to do in this case?

There is an exit! These are the old proven “INVISIBLE NEEDLES”! Golden invisible needles have a number of advantages: - the ability to use more than 2 biologically active points for weight loss, which is justified for the treatment of associated disorders: - when “eating” against the background of a stressful or neurotic state - obesity and other changes in internal organs - for endocrine disorders, - with the adaptation of the body, which developed due to repeated weight loss - fatigue from diets and other complaints

The so-called invisible needle, or gel needle, strictly speaking, is not a needle. The needle is used to insert a biodegradable implant into biologically active points. These substances gradually, over a long period of time, dissolve, providing a prolonged effect on biologically active points. Implantation into biologically active points of catgut can be used as an invisible needle. Since the presence of the implant is invisible, we can say that the effect of an INVISIBLE NEEDLE is also present here.

Since reflexology is quite complex and varied, we do not recommend following fashion or advertising. In our center, a specialist with extensive experience, who is familiar with the whole variety of acupuncture methods, will be able to choose a technique that is right for you, and will also take into account all your wishes.


  1. Drink 300-400 ml of purified water on an empty stomach.
  2. Eat 3 times a day with a four-hour break. Between meals you are only allowed to drink still water or tea.
  3. Dinner must be served before 18:00. If the feeling of hunger cannot be quenched, you can drink 150 ml of kefir.
  4. During the Mukhina diet, you should not eat fruits and vegetables together.
  5. Follow the diet (you need to eat at the same time).
  6. Do not eat while reading, watching TV, or chatting on social networks.
  7. Chew each piece thoroughly.
  8. Try to reduce the amount of salt and spices in your diet.

Since Mukhina's diet is not entirely balanced, take vitamins throughout the diet.


A properly formulated diet together with acupuncture will allow you to lose up to 30 kg of excess weight. The result depends on the duration of the diet, the initial weight and physical activity of the person. Nutrition according to this system is based on the following principles:

  1. You need to eat 3 times a day.
  2. Do not eat after 18:00. If you don’t have time to eat, you will have to fast until the next breakfast.
  3. It is important to maintain a drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters per day.
  4. If food needs to be thermally processed, then boil or steam it. You can also bake in the oven.
  5. If foods can be eaten raw, then do so.
  6. Avoid salt and spices. Or keep them to an extreme minimum - they stimulate the appetite and attract excess fluid.

It is not necessary to choose only clean water for drinking. You can drink compotes, fruit drinks, unsweetened juices. It is very important to eat mindfully: do not read or watch TV while eating, otherwise you will eat much more than you planned and will not feel full for a long time.

It is advisable to eat at certain intervals. So the optimal time for breakfast is before 10:00. It is better to have lunch between 12:00 and 14:00. And for dinner, set aside time from 17:00 to 18:00. After six in the evening all meals are prohibited. However, if you become unbearably hungry, you can drink a glass of low-fat milk or kefir before bed.

Prohibited Products

  • Alcohol, especially strong and sweet;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • chips, nuts, fast food;
  • potatoes and cereals;
  • saltiness and smokedness;
  • chocolate, sweets, butter, sugar;
  • pastries and bread;
  • boiled beets and carrots;
  • sausages, sausages, sausages;
  • dried fruits;
  • raw onions and garlic.


  • Lean fish and poultry meat;
  • unsweetened juices;
  • fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • peas, beans, mushrooms;
  • skim milk and fermented milk products, fat content no more than 2.5%;
  • cheeses with a fat content of no more than 30%;
  • eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day);
  • cellulose.

Since the diet seems rather meager, Mukhina advises chewing every piece of food thoroughly. This will improve digestion and make you feel full faster. If it is not possible to completely give up sugar, then it is allowed to use sweeteners and add them to drinks: tea, coffee or compotes. Eat slowly!

Sample menu

While following Mukhina’s “Golden Needle” nutrition system, try sticking to the following weight loss menu. We offer an alternative to every dish. Therefore, you can vary and replace foods while following the diet for a month.

Day 1Breakfast100-150 g low-fat cottage cheese with tea or coffee (you can add a little 1.5% milk), 200 g fruit. Alternative: 100 g of meat or fish with a portion of vegetables, tea or a glass of juice without sugar (the Golden Earring diet allows the consumption of such drinks).
DinnerFish with salad dressed with a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream. Or you can eat cottage cheese with fruit and unsweetened tea (a sweetener may be added).
DinnerLarge portion of vegetables or fruits. Before going to bed, drink 100 g of milk or kefir.
Day 2Breakfast2 eggs, 30 g hard cheese, coffee. You can replace eggs with 100 g of seafood.
DinnerVegetable soup, a portion of fresh salad. As an alternative - skinless chicken drumstick and stewed assorted vegetables.
DinnerLecho, vitamin salad of carrots and radishes. Lecho and vitamin salad from carrots and radishes.
Day 3BreakfastBaked chicken fillet with apples and pumpkin, a cup of tea. Can be replaced with cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin.
DinnerCreamy mushroom soup with chicken fillet or fish soup.
DinnerBeef with vegetables.
Day 4Breakfast100 g pink salmon with vegetables, coffee.
DinnerRabbit meat with a vegetable side dish or chicken with cucumber and tomato salad.
DinnerBaked apples, a glass of kefir.
Day 5BreakfastCottage cheese with apple and pear, unsweetened tea.
DinnerVegetable stew (without potatoes), turkey fillet.
DinnerFruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt.
Day 6BreakfastFish with cabbage and apple salad. The salad can be seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.
DinnerVegetable soup with chicken broth, 100 g of vegetables.
DinnerDrinking yogurt, a portion of salad.
Day 7BreakfastFish casserole with fresh vegetable salad.
DinnerTurkey or beef stewed with vegetables.
DinnerFruit salad dressed with sour cream.

Don't forget to take bran every day with meals. The Golden Needle diet prohibits the consumption of carbohydrates in any other form.

The principle of Mukhina's technique

The essence of the Golden Needle diet is as follows. A tiny golden needle is taken and, with the help of a bodily patch, attached to a certain point in the person’s ear, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

In humans, this needle does not cause absolutely any discomfort or unpleasant sensations, so it can be worn in the ear until the patient reaches the desired weight. Sometimes this device is also called an “earring.”

This needle supposedly sends a stop signal to the human brain, blocking excess appetite, so the patient does not constantly feel the desire to snack on something. Also, the impulses that a golden needle sends to the brain contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and a good mood.

But not only does the patient have to constantly wear the purchased gold needle in his ear, but Mukhina has created a whole list of recommendations that must be followed. If the patient deviates even slightly from following these recommendations, then he is excluded from the weight loss program.

At the same time, according to those who were on this diet, weight loss occurs more precisely due to the implementation of strict recommendations than from wearing a rather expensive gold needle.

"Exit" from the diet

In order not to gain weight when the diet is completed, you must adhere to proper nutrition.

  1. Do not abuse unhealthy foods, alcoholic beverages, sweet treats, and flour products.
  2. Try to eat small portions and avoid stretching your stomach.
  3. Chew your food thoroughly and do not have “belly celebrations” in the evenings.

Only changing your eating habits, loving your body, and taking care of your body’s health will help you maintain the results obtained during the diet.

Not a panacea, but...

For blood pressure, headaches and toothaches, to improve immunity.
The presence of a pile of pills in the home medicine cabinet has long been no surprise to anyone: there is a pill or ointment for any disease. In China, the approach to healing is fundamentally different. Eastern medicine does not deny the advantages of drug treatment, but offers an excellent addition, and often an alternative - acupuncture. The healing technique, which originated in the Middle Kingdom about three thousand years ago, has a remarkable healing effect. It is based on the connection between internal organs and various biologically active points on the human body. Scientists have discovered as many as 3,448 of them, although most often about 200 are involved in the treatment process. There are especially many on the head, face, ears, palms and feet. There are different theories as to how the benefits of acupuncture are achieved. But we can say with confidence that it exists: this has been confirmed in numerous studies. Therefore, acupuncture has gained popularity all over the world, including in Belarus. Mechanical irritation of certain biologically active points normalizes the functional state of internal organs and also contributes to the powerful release of endorphins into the human blood.
“With the help of acupuncture, up to 250 ailments can be cured, mainly diseases of the peripheral nervous system,
” says acupuncturist Valery Molostov.
But there are diseases that you can’t get rid of so easily.
For example, spinal cord injury with complete transection, cerebral palsy, strokes, heart attacks. With this pathology, the needles are powerless. It happens differently. Let's take, say, psoriasis. Sometimes I treat it quickly and effectively, and sometimes, especially in winter, when there is little sun, you can only achieve some improvement in the condition, but not a complete cure. Acupuncture is especially effective for neurogenic disorders.

“Once upon a time, a former military pilot, an Afghan, came to me with esophageal neurosis,”

recalls Valery Molostov.
One day a grenade flew into the officers’ mess through the window.
Exploded. The patient was not even wounded, but received a severe fright, after which ordinary meals for him turned into torture. If a rough piece of food irritated the esophagus, a painful spasm would begin and it would be impossible to continue eating. Therefore, he ate very slowly and washed down his food generously. Each meal took about an hour and a half. Official medicine used all the methods known to it. To no avail. Only acupuncture helped. The method has gained particular popularity among those suffering from radiculitis and osteochondrosis, however, pathology in the form of disc prolapse, disc herniation can only be cured by 70-80 percent, which doctors warn the patient about before starting treatment.

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