How to quickly lose weight by summer: unbearable work or pleasant chores

If you've been sitting at home all winter, hiding from the cold and eating candy and mayonnaise salads, it's time to stop and think about proper nutrition . Spring is approaching - a time of warmth, youth and transformation. Only a month left to get your body in shape. We have collected 7 simple but effective diets for you. And remember that physical activity has not been canceled either.


Let's start with a diet, the rules of which are not very difficult to follow, which makes the process of losing weight more enjoyable.
Unlike strict diets, the Mediterranean diet does not promise quick results. But it is effective in the long term and allows you to improve not only your weight, but also your health. The diet is based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, cheese and yogurt. You can eat them every day. You need to drink six glasses of water daily, and occasionally you can indulge in red wine. It is recommended to consume fish and poultry at least twice a week. Red meat, eggs and sweets are allowed to be eaten as rarely as possible, and it is better to completely exclude them from the diet. Butter should be replaced with olive or rapeseed oil.

Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet is also beneficial for heart health. For example, Dr. Ramon Estruch studied the health of 7,447 people and showed that the risk of stroke and heart disease in people on a Mediterranean diet is reduced by 28-30% compared to people on a low-fat diet. There is also evidence that this way of eating may be beneficial for depression or its prevention.

Regarding well-being, the whole family noted a surge of strength and improved performance, not to mention high spirits. There were no problems such as heaviness of the stomach or food intolerance. Well, the main thing I want to say is that after a week of eating this way, my clothes became much looser, and my skin, hair, and posture began to look much healthier. – gretaqwerty

Preparing for rapid weight loss

Magic won't happen. To achieve any result, you will have to give up a lot, sweat and follow a daily routine. If you know how much you gained during the autumn-winter season, then first of all get rid of this number of kilograms.

Any express method is effective, but does not guarantee stability. It reduces body weight due to excess fluid and accumulations in the intestines. Fat deposits simply do not have time to dissolve. This means an almost immediate return of kilograms after finishing the diet. To enjoy positive changes all summer long, you need to take a comprehensive approach to the weight loss process.

You can prepare for effective weight loss with the help of cleansing procedures. Herbal teas with a laxative effect, a short diet of fruits and vegetables, cleansing with raisins and mineral water are suitable.

  • Herbal remedies help cleanse the intestines, liver, blood, and also remove excess fluid and toxins from the body. In folk medicine, corn silk, peppermint, birch leaves, rose hips, celandine, and linden blossom are widely used for these purposes. You can make tea from burdock and dandelion roots, currants, oregano, chamomile, and fennel. Senna leaf, buckthorn bark, and ginger root have a pronounced laxative effect. Take a handful of herbs and brew them like tea. It is recommended to take a freshly prepared drink 2-3 times a day, half a glass.
  • It is easy to maintain from 3 to 5 days on a kefir-apple diet or a variant of boiled eggs and grapefruit. On the one hand, you will ensure the supply of necessary nutrients, on the other hand, you will activate your metabolism and set your body up for weight loss.
  • Raisins with medicinal mineral water perfectly cleans the intestines, bile ducts and the entire digestive system. You need to buy a bottle of Narzan or Essentuki in advance, and soak a glass of seedless raisins in warm water. Immediately after a night's sleep, fill a heating pad with hot water, and remove the bubbles from the mineral water by vigorous stirring. You need to lie on your right side and place a heating pad on your liver. Eat raisins and drink mineral water. Spread the procedure for an hour. Soon the effect will reach the intestines.

Be sure to read: Intermittent fasting will get rid of excess weight in a short time

A short cleansing diet should contain proteins and fast carbohydrates to minimize stress on the body.

You can also prepare the intestines with a cleansing enema. It is carried out in the evening, adding a little lemon juice or chamomile decoction to the water.

Atkins diet

This diet was created back in 1960 by cardiologist Robert Atkins. It consists of four phases and aims to change eating habits to healthier ones. What's interesting is that you don't have to count calories or control portions. However, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is strictly determined here.

In the first stage, which lasts less than two weeks, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to 20 g per day. You are allowed to eat a lot of protein from poultry, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, but it is important to completely avoid fruits, sweets, pasta, and grains. In the second phase, you can add nuts, seeds and berries. You move on to the next stage only when approximately 4.5 kg remains to your goal.

In the third phase, you are allowed to eat fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains. You need to stay in this phase until the weight reaches the desired level. At the fourth stage, you can eat any food, but you need to remember the principles of the diet. If you start to get better, move on to the previous phase.

Research shows that diets with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load allow you to lose more pounds than others and have a positive effect on your cholesterol levels. At the same time, the Atkins diet is not recommended for people with kidney disease, pregnant women, or those undergoing high physical activity.

In the first month of the diet, I lost 4.5 kg, while eating tasty and, most importantly, filling food. Then the weight began to come off more slowly, but my initial weight was not very critical, only 78 kg with a height of 167 cm. Now I can say that in six months of the diet I lost 11 kg of excess weight. – wwwashadd

When to start losing weight for summer

The sooner you think about preparing for summer and getting your body in shape, the better the result will be.

A normal, non-health-threatening rate of weight loss is a loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. Calculate how long it will take you to lose those unnecessary pounds by summer.

If there is little time left, and there are a lot of extra pounds and you want to lose weight quickly, you will have to make every effort, acting simultaneously in two directions: significant adjustments to your diet and high physical activity.


During the winter, beautiful ladies often gain a couple of extra pounds. The spring diet, as the name suggests, was created just to get rid of them. It is quite easily tolerated, makes the body healthier and makes it possible to burn up to 3 kg in a short time.

First of all, you need to give up sugar and flour products. The diet includes any vegetables and fruits, except bananas. Vegetable salads are seasoned with lemon juice or a small amount of olive oil. You can eat dairy products with a fat content of up to 3%, for example, cottage cheese or kefir. Before each meal you need to drink a glass of still mineral water. Allowed foods also include eggs, light bread, chicken breast, squid, cod, shrimp, coffee and tea.

The duration of the diet is 10 days. This eating regimen does not apply to the hungry and “tough”. By following the key rules of healthy eating, you will not feel hungry. If the diet is extended to a month or a little more, it will help you get used to a balanced diet, rid your body of toxins and activate your metabolism. The extra pounds will leave you and won’t remind you of themselves for a long time.

How to lose weight without dieting in a short time

If there is no desire to adhere to strict diets in the struggle for ideal parameters, those losing weight can slightly adjust their own diet, in accordance with the principles of a healthy diet:

  1. Most of the daily intake of carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in the first half of the day, leaving as much protein food as possible for the evening.
  2. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime, not after 18:00.
  3. Change the method of preparing the majority of dishes on the menu to boiled, baked and steamed.
  4. Include fermented milk products in your diet, which regulate metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Avoid “junk” foods and drinks high in sugar, as well as artificial flavors and colors.
  6. Minimize consumption of flour products.


Your favorite diet allows you to lose up to 10 kg in 7 days. During this time, various food groups are offered, which allows you to diversify your diet and make it easier to tolerate restrictions. Every day in the diet is a fasting day. The body gets the opportunity to take a break from hard-to-digest foods.

The first, third and sixth days are called drinking days. At this time, you are allowed to drink any natural drinks: chicken broth, fresh juice, fruit drink, compote, tea, kefir, 0% fat milk, coffee, yogurt.

The second day is vegetable day. There are five meals of three hundred grams each. The fourth day is fruity. In total, it is recommended to eat 2.5 kg of fruit. On the fifth day, only protein foods are allowed. The last, seventh day is provided for leaving the diet. On this day you can eat vegetables and fruits, as well as add familiar dishes to your diet, but with a minimum salt content. The diet is contraindicated for high blood pressure, diabetes, diseases of the digestive system, kidney and liver failure.


The buckwheat diet requires neither money nor time. Usually lasts one or two weeks, during which you can get rid of 4-8 kilograms. This is how the diet gained popularity among representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Buckwheat is rich in micro- and macroelements and vitamins. It satisfies well and satisfies hunger for a long time. Vegetable protein in its composition can replace animal protein as a “building” material for muscles and bones. In addition, it is much better absorbed and does not cause a feeling of heaviness, unlike meat.

It is important how you prepare the dish. The cereal cannot be boiled; it must be poured with boiling water in advance and left to steam for 3-4 hours. You can eat it only in this form, without adding anything to it.

There was no feeling of hunger, only at first there was weakness in the body. Not only did I lose 6 kg in a week, but my facial skin also cleared up slightly, because buckwheat also helps remove toxins from the body. The only thing is that if someone wants to lose weight with the help of this diet, they CANNOT immediately after the diet is over, gobble up everything you see. You need to gradually introduce a variety of foods into your diet. Just reduce the amount of buckwheat and add something new every day. The effect of the diet will be better if you exercise yourself physically. –Anches


The English diet is based on alternating protein and vegetable days. It starts metabolic processes in the body and allows you to lose extra pounds. They leave in English, without saying goodbye for a long time. The calorie content of the diet is small, but there should be no painful attacks of hunger. The first two fasting days may be the most difficult.

The diet lasts 21 days – a lot, which increases its effectiveness. During this time, you will be able to lose 5-10 kg, depending on your initial weight. What is important is that the process will not cause harm to health. The diet itself takes nineteen days, and two days - fasting, which gradually adapts the body to the change in diet.

On fasting days you can only drink kefir. Proteins include steamed meat and fish, cheese, grain bread and butter for breakfast. On vegetable days, the menu may consist of apples, oranges, vegetable soup or stew (without potatoes), and salad. Plan your menu for the day in advance to avoid trying prohibited foods.

An excellent, non-hunger and effective diet. I tried many different things, nothing helped. My friend and I decided to make it less boring. Result: 21 days – minus 12 kg. Then another 5 kg went away on their own within 2 months. Six months later I decided to repeat it again - minus 8 kg. And again, after finishing the diet, another 5 were lost. Result: initial weight - 96 kg, at this time - 66. A year has passed, the weight has not returned. I want it one more time, for complete satisfaction. – alloha15

Ducan's diet

The Dukan diet is the result of 40 years of work by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. He developed a diet of 4 stages: 2 initial stages involve the loss of extra pounds, and 2 subsequent stages should consolidate the results. According to the method, you can eat any of the 100 allowed foods in any quantity until you feel full.

During the first stage - attack - 72 products with a high protein content are allowed. The second stage - alternation - involves alternating days of pure proteins and protein-vegetables. The menu includes 28 recommended vegetables. During the consolidation stage, foods with higher energy value are gradually allowed during holiday meals. Pure protein Thursday appears to be able to adjust your weight every week.

During the stabilization stage, you eat any food without restrictions, subject to three simple conditions for the rest of your life: pure protein Thursday, 20 minutes of walking a day and no elevator, 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day.

With the help of a diet, the body is cleansed and lightness is felt. Always in a good mood and full of energy. The diet really works. The kilograms go away quickly. Diets always have contraindications; you should consult your doctor if you decide to take this step. Of course, you need to study all the information about the diet and think 20 times. But I decided for myself that I needed it. And I don’t regret it at all. After the diet I feel great, I look at myself in the mirror with pleasure, and I’m even more proud of myself than before. – MashaK91

Why am I doing this?

I don’t weigh astronomically much, my weight at the beginning of the experiment was 69 kilograms (before that I had already managed to lose 2-3 kilograms after shocking winter gluttons), my height is 165 cm. I DO NOT look fat if I dress according to my figure and not in a sweatshirt with a bun in a fashionable “oversized” style, not at a single meeting of graduates with classmates did I hear a phrase like “Oh, woman, you’ve eaten your fill.” But since my move to Moscow, during a hectic student life with a lot of moving, KVN until I was blue in the face, a disrupted life schedule and stress, I have put on 15 extra kilos.

And this is where the failure begins. I’m preparing for a triathlon or going for a run, it’s so simple - I put on heels, and at these moments I feel every extra kilogram that prevents me from doing it faster, easier and simpler.

I meet powerful resistance from my body, which simply screams that excess weight is bothering me from the inside, and not so much from the outside.

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