How to lose weight with water, how to do it quickly, safely and effectively

We can lose 10 kg in a week with water without harming the body, is it realistic?

We can lose 10 kg in a week with water without harming the body, is it realistic?
The desire to lose weight pushes overweight people to look for effective diet options. One of the most effective and simplest is losing weight with water.

Is it really possible to lose weight by 10 kg in a week in this way without harming your health? Yes! By setting a goal, studying and choosing options for a water diet, and following exactly simple recommendations, you can achieve the desired results.

How to train yourself to drink water

As stated above, there is no need to force or force yourself - get used to it gradually. Drink in small sips, with breaks. Train yourself to drink at least 1 glass before breakfast, 20-30 minutes before. After eating, you can drink at least an hour later. To remember to stay hydrated, set an alarm on your phone. It will beep at a certain interval. Include watermelons, strawberries, cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, and eggplants in your diet. Juicy fruits and berries will help in forming a healthy habit.

How to lose 10 kg at home with water in a week

There are several options for losing excess weight with water. The desire to lose more kilograms in a short period of time (a week) requires choosing a more strict diet.

Water diet options:

  1. Lazy (weight loss up to 3 kg).
  2. Simplified (weight loss up to 7 kg).
  3. Full (weight loss up to 10 kg).

Each option requires introducing a large amount of liquid into the diet.

Filling the stomach, it causes a feeling of fullness, stimulates the production of gastric juice, promoting rapid digestion of food, cleanses the body of toxins, removes toxins and decay products.

Lazy version of the water diet

Lazy version of the water diet
In a week, a light version of the water diet will give you the opportunity to lose about 3 kg of weight. Further weight loss will take more time.

What is the principle of a light water diet:

  1. 2 additional fluid intakes are introduced into the normal diet. Drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes in the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening (before dinner).
  2. For greater effectiveness, the liquid can be diluted with citrus fruit juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit), replaced with an infusion of fresh mint.

Simplified version of the water diet

A simplified version of the water diet does not require giving up food, but the amount of liquid consumed is increased.

To get the planned results, you must:

  1. During the day, 20 minutes before meals (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner), as well as after dinner, drink plain purified water.
  2. Do not drink food. This will force you to chew food thoroughly, promote quick satiety, and complete digestion of food.
  3. Drinking liquid (tea, compote, fruit drink, herbal infusions or plain water) is allowed 2 hours after a meal, but 20 minutes before a snack.

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Drinking liquid gives a feeling of fullness, appetite disappears, as a result of which a small amount of food is eaten. It is important to reduce the consumption of salt and sweets, and include more fresh vegetables, fruits, and salads in the menu.

A complete water diet

A full water diet will help you shed extra pounds. Its essence is the complete replacement of food with water. By following such a strict but effective diet, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in a week.

The first day is the most difficult. In the second, it is easier to withstand restrictions, and in the third, the body does not require food.

The first day is a test day. At its end, after analyzing your well-being, you can judge the rationality of continuing the hunger strike. Adding 1 teaspoon of natural honey to water per day will support the body without affecting the results.

How many days should you follow a water diet?

The duration of a complete diet at home is limited to 7 days . We need to weigh the pros and cons of such extreme weight loss. People with kidney disease, heart failure, or a weak immune system should consult a doctor.

These same kilograms can be lost with easy and simplified fasting options, but it will take a longer period - at least a month, but without any health risks.

Table of water consumption by weight

The percentage of water in the human body depends on gender and age. An infant’s body is filled with fluid up to 81%, an adult’s body ranges from 60 to 80%, and for older people – up to 70%.

Water is consumed, participating in all vital processes of the body

Water is consumed by participating in all vital processes of the body: biological, biochemical, physiological.

It requires constant replenishment. The amount of fluid consumed depends on a person’s weight: the greater the body weight, the greater the need for water.

Fluid consumption table by weight:

Weight (in kg)Daily consumption rate
In litersIn glasses
90, 251

*1 glass = 250 ml.

**The average amount of water consumed per day is given.

How to drink water and in what volumes

Each person has a different amount of water consumption. It is very easy to calculate. To do this, determine what your weight is. For every 15 kilograms of weight you need 0.5 liters of water. This norm is necessary for those who are not overweight. If it is available, then for every 20 kilograms of this weight you need to add another 250 milliliters of water. If you smoke or drink a lot of coffee during the day, increase this dose by another 20 percent, since caffeine and nicotine contribute to dehydration. The dose is increased by one and a half times for nursing mothers and those who like to spend time in the gym.

As you can see, water is a very serious aid in losing weight. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly. Indeed, if used incorrectly, water can lead to the opposite effect and disruption of the body’s functioning.

Benefits of a water diet

The water diet is called “lazy” because it does not bring any additional hassle.

Its advantages and advantages:

  • does not require certain foods, for example, kefir, or the preparation of any special dishes or drinks;
  • does not change the usual diet;
  • there is no need to count calories;
  • the load on the digestive system is reduced;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • accompanied by healing of the skin, hair, mucous membranes;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • there is no feeling of hunger.

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The conditions of the diet are simple - drink water correctly in the right amount and at a strictly designated time.

The benefits of high-quality water for weight loss

By drinking the required amount of water while following a diet, you will see noticeable changes. Namely:

  • The condition of your hair and nails will improve. The fact is that almost any diet leads to dehydration. Because of this, the hair becomes dull, begins to split and fall out. Nails are also improving. Drinking clean water changes the picture for the better.
  • You will begin to feel more alert and energetic. Water improves digestion. And a lot depends on its quality: whether we get enough sleep, whether we can withstand prolonged physical and psychological stress, how quickly we get tired, and so on. If there are no digestive problems, it will be easier for you to get up in the morning and work until late at night. In addition, water removes toxins well, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

In addition, you will see that the skin has become more elastic and tightened, and the unpleasant smell of sweat has disappeared. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Water for weight loss: how to drink correctly

It is important not only to drink water regularly, but also to know what kind and in what quantity.

Boiled or raw?

Weight loss with regular purified water. It contains microelements necessary for the body. Boiled water is dead, although clean; everything living and useful is killed by high temperature. The tap water is contaminated and contains chlorine.

Water should be warm or room temperature

You can use bottled water from springs . Read the label carefully. Mineralized water is not suitable for use when losing weight. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones with gas. They increase thirst and appetite.

The liquid should be warm or room temperature (cold slows down metabolism). You need to drink it in small sips.

Liquid drunk slowly is better absorbed and is not immediately thrown away with sweat. You can enjoy sipping it through a straw.

How much fluid should you drink?

The exact amount of water consumed can be calculated individually. It depends on body weight and lifestyle.

Formula for daily minimum water intake : 20 x body weight = amount of fluid. Example. Body weight 80 kg. Insert into the formula: 20 ml x 80 kg = 1,600 ml (20 ml is the amount of water per 1 kg of body weight)

With an active lifestyle, increased physical activity, and playing sports, the coefficient increases from 20 to 30. Then the need for fluid increases: 30 ml x 80 = 2400 ml.

For those on a water diet, the amount of water per 1 kg of weight increases to 40: 40 ml x 80 = 3200 ml. While on a nutritious diet, it is advisable to give up exercise. In hot weather, the body will require more water due to intense evaporation.

What kind of water will help you lose extra pounds?

Only clean. The slightest addition of anything to water (for example, freshly squeezed lemon juice or fruit syrup) makes it a drink that requires processing of metabolic products. And this leads to disruption of water balance. Therefore, you can use water when losing weight:

  • bottled. Give preference to well-known brands;
  • I'm melting. Snow can only be collected in an ecologically clean area;
  • from the tap. Such water must be filtered and only then boiled;
  • from sources. If there are any in your area, you can take them into the water. But before that, it’s better to take a water sample, take it to the SES and ask to analyze the composition. The fact is that the water in many sources has an excess of salts. This can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

How to increase the effectiveness of weight loss

By drinking a calculated amount of water, you can quickly lose weight with a water diet.

By drinking a calculated amount of water, you can quickly lose weight with a water diet

There are factors that enhance the process of losing weight:

  • Psychological mood . The most important factor for achieving your goal. It will make it possible to easily perceive the need for a diet, accept the inconveniences associated with it, and consume water as the most delicious drink in the world.
  • Age. A young body responds faster to changes in diet.
  • Strict adherence to timing. Don't miss your next fluid intake. How to do it? Set an alarm clock, program a reminder into your cell phone, place glasses filled with water around the rooms.
  • Visiting a bathhouse or sauna. The procedures enhance metabolic processes and promote weight loss.
  • Physical activity. Intense exercise with a strict diet should be avoided. But walks in the forest, park, and streets are welcome.
  • No breakdowns. To avoid being tempted by food, trust your loved ones to do the cooking. Limiting visits to cafes, shops, and festive feasts will help you avoid ruining your diet.

Advice! It is better to maintain a strict water diet during vacation. The body weakens, minor ailments, lethargy, and a desire to lie down and rest may occur. This is impossible at work.

Why drink a lot of water

Doctors have determined that in order to correctly calculate how much a person needs to drink, one must proceed from one’s own weight. The norm is 30-40 g per 1 kg of person. Even small sips within an hour will speed up metabolic reactions and satisfy your growing appetite. When figuring out the exciting topic of how water promotes weight loss, do not overdo it in maintaining the norm and balance. Excessive fluid intake removes calcium, iron, and other vital trace elements.

In addition to this, since the body is mostly made up of water, it helps in the functioning of the organs. Kidneys, liver, stomach, heart, brain - everything helps to work with a sufficient amount of fluid. Cases of dehydration occur even in countries where natural sources are not a problem. A person simply does not attach due importance to this. A properly established drinking regimen reduces the risk of:

  • diseases associated with brain activity;
  • obesity;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • nervous conditions, depression;
  • tumors;
  • blood pressure disorders.

Water for weight loss with ginger, lemon and cucumber: reviews and results

Sassi water
Sassi water, which is prepared using lemon, ginger and fresh cucumber, is not only tasty and healthy, but also promotes rapid weight loss, improving metabolism, accelerating metabolism, burning fat.

Be sure to read: How to drink water correctly to lose weight: vitamin drinks, how much and what kind of liquid you need to drink

It can completely or partially replace the intake of plain water for those losing weight on a water diet.


The recipe for making a vitamin cocktail is so easy and simple that anyone who wants to lose weight can prepare it themselves.


  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Grated ginger – 1 tsp.
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc. (medium size).
  • Fresh mint – 7 leaves.
  • Water – 2 l.


  1. Cut the lemon and cucumber into thin rings, place in a 3-liter jar, add mint leaves.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of finely grated ginger into a jar.
  3. Pour the contents with 2 liters of purified plain water and place in the refrigerator overnight.

It is recommended to drink the drink freshly prepared. Each time you drink it during the day, you should prepare the next portion at night. In order to lose weight, you should drink liquid for 4 weeks.

Reviews of Sassi water

Reviews about the drink are in most cases positive: people actually lose weight by drinking the recommended amount of the cocktail per day. The liquid tastes good, although it has a specific smell of ginger.

As a result, not only does weight decrease, but also digestion, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improve, and swelling is relieved without exhausting diets and strict dietary restrictions.

The water diet, regardless of which option is chosen, gives effective results - losing weight from several kilograms to 10 in a short time. No harm to health, only benefits, beauty and lightness throughout the body.

What kind of water should you drink?

Choose mineral, still water. Look at the label - to maintain drinking balance, it needs to be low-mineralized - 0.1-0.3 g/l. If this indicator is higher, then the drink is considered medicinal, and its intake should be dosed. Carbonated and sweet drinks stimulate appetite, increase sugar, and provoke the appearance of cellulite.

Black tea, coffee, packaged juice - all this is a liquid that, on the contrary, dehydrates the body, and coffee, in addition, causes a slight addiction. Therefore, only clean water is required. If you cannot drink a large amount of water, you can dilute natural juice with it; it will not cause severe irritation of the receptors, there will be no feeling of thirst, and hunger will be slightly “clogged.”


Drinking cold water will give the stomach a thermal effect. This means that the energy depot of the human body will spend more accumulated calories to heat it. After all, your goal is to burn them, which will happen in the process. If we talk about the external effect of cold water, you can try to gradually accustom yourself to a contrast shower. Alternating hot and cold jets will tighten your skin and speed up your metabolism.


Drinking hot water has its advantages. It should not burn your throat. As a means of losing weight, you should drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach. This will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and “turn on” the body. This drink gives you a feeling of fullness. To make it more effective, add ginger and lemon, they promote weight loss and act as a tonic ingredient.


Pearl barley is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for beauty. On diets, it is recommended to eat pearl barley (barley) porridge, but few people know about the life-giving drink. Barley decoction effectively promotes weight loss, is rich in iron and B vitamins, strengthens hair and nails, treats ulcers and bronchial asthma. For the decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. barley (or barley flour), pour 4 glasses of water. If desired, add lemon juice, ginger, honey. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes, strain - enjoy the cooled “lemonade” filled with micro-macroelements.

Water for weight loss. Detox water recipes.

water daily is a good way to cleanse the body of toxins. By adding a few ingredients to water, you can create detox water. Each of the ingredients listed here will provide different benefits. So make sure to choose it according to the specific purpose you have.

Detox water has become very popular. There are many different recipes you can make. Drinking plenty of water helps increase your metabolism. By adding fruits and herbs to water, you increase energy and boost metabolism.

Your weight loss efforts can be difficult. There are many ways to lose weight. Water for weight loss, when consumed in combination with a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains, can help you lose weight effectively. This water can help you lose weight in the long run.

Using detox water for weight loss is very common. If water is used incorrectly for weight loss, many problems can arise. It is necessary to use diet and detoxification in combination. Water for weight loss can provide many benefits for weight loss.

The benefits of melt water

One of the popular ways to lose weight at home is the melt water diet. Why is it healthier than regular? The molecular structure of frozen and thawed water changes: the molecules become smaller, making it easier to penetrate the cells of the human body. In addition, after freezing, the water is freed from harmful impurities.

Please note: It is important to properly prepare melt water. It is not recommended to pour water from the tap; it is more useful to use bottled, spring, filtered water.

For freezing, use a plastic or tin container; glass cannot be used, as it may crack. The water is kept in the freezer until completely frozen, and then thawed at room conditions. You cannot speed up this process by heating the container. Store thawed water in glass containers.

Melt water provides weight loss as follows:

  • improves digestive processes;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • removes poisons and waste from tissues;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • restores energy.

To quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms, you should unload on melt water every other day for a week. On fasting days, you should not eat or drink other liquids (with the exception of green tea). Every day on such a diet you will lose up to 3 kg, and during the entire weight loss course you can lose up to 12 kg.

This is important: there is no point in using melt water for cooking: when heated above 37 °, it loses its valuable properties. It is advisable to use it immediately after thawing.

Rules for effective weight loss

Reviews from women who have lost weight indicate that weight loss is faster and safer if you use the advice of specialists.


The following recommendations will allow you to get rid of 10 kg in a week and not regain your previous weight after finishing the diet.

  • To remember when and how much to drink, set a reminder on your phone with an audio alert.
  • Place bottled water or glasses in visible places in all rooms.
  • Drink exclusively clean water. It is permissible to add half a spoon of honey or 3 drops of lemon juice to a glass. The diet should not include carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, juices, nectars, or compotes. White, green and herbal tea are allowed.
  • You need to drink in small sips. It is better to drink a portion of water through a straw.
  • A positive attitude is very important for losing weight. There will be more benefits for the body if you drink with pleasure. If you drink water forcefully, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of 10 kg in 7 days. To make the process evoke pleasant emotions, you can turn on music while drinking and use beautiful glasses.
  • Do not leave the water diet abruptly. Gradually include skinless chicken, lean beef, and turkey in your menu. Steam dishes and replace sugar with fructose. Eat wholemeal bread.

This is important: after returning to your normal diet, you must continue to maintain a water regime. The liquid will prevent overeating and allow you to maintain the achieved results for a long time.

Water diet options

Losing weight on water does not mean giving up food completely. The daily menu includes light foods that do not affect weight gain. As a result of such a diet, it will be possible to noticeably lose weight, reduce body volume, cleanse the body, smooth the skin and improve its color, and strengthen the immune system.


You need to prepare for a water diet. 4-5 days before you start losing weight, you need to remove meat, fish, salt, fried foods, and confectionery from the menu. You should eat more raw vegetables and fruits. Nutritionists recommend moderate exercise during this period. Gradually you need to drink more water per day.

Please note: The last fluid intake should be taken no later than 17:00. If you drink later, severe swelling and “bags” under the eyes will appear in the morning. If swelling occurs even if you follow the rules of a water diet, your kidneys may not be working properly and you should consult a doctor.

Diet for weight loss by 10 kg

You can quickly lose 10 kg in a week on water at home by adhering to the menu compiled as follows.

  • Day 1: distribute 1.5 liters of still mineral water over 6 doses, drink during the day, do not eat food;
  • Day 2: distribute 800 ml of low-fat milk over 3 daily doses, eat 1 unsweetened apple in the evening;
  • Day 3: 1.5 water in 6 doses;
  • Day 4: during the day, eat 1.5 kg of chopped vegetables from greens, raw carrots and cabbage, do not flavor the vegetables with seasonings and salt (you can add 5 ml of olive oil), it is permissible to drink green tea;
  • Day 5: drink low-fat milk during the day (4 servings of 200 ml each);
  • Day 6: boiled egg in a bag, unsweetened tea, 100 g chicken breast, 100 g canned peas, 2 medium baked apples;
  • Day 7: divide 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 500 ml of 1% fat kefir and unsweetened tea into breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Apple-water diet

Such a diet will not only allow you to lose weight by 6–10 kg per week, but at the same time saturate the body with useful substances. The menu for 7 days is compiled as follows:

  • 1 day: 1.5 liters of clean water, 1 kg of sweet and sour apples, herbal unsweetened tea;
  • Day 2: 1.2 liters of water, 1.5 kg of fruits, herbal infusion;
  • Day 3: 2 kg of apples in any form;
  • Day 4: 1 kg fresh, 1 kg baked apples;
  • Day 5: 1.3 liters of water, 1.5 kg of apples, herbal infusion;
  • Day 6: 1.5 liters of water, 1 kg of apples, herbal tea without sugar;
  • Day 7: 1.5 liters of water, 1 kg of apples, 100 g of baked goods made from rye flour.

If you feel unwell while on a water diet (nausea, severe headache, dizziness, an overwhelming feeling of hunger), you can introduce a little porridge with water or natural yogurt into your diet.


Fat burning drink recipe.

This recipe gives you detox water that will wash away those nasty toxins and really help you shed a few pounds. The water contains apple cider vinegar, which has so many benefits that it is impossible to list them all. There are also apples that are great for fiber. Lemons have cleansing properties, and cinnamon helps reduce appetite.

When it comes to weight loss, this detox water sets the gold standard for effectiveness. The central ingredient is apple cider vinegar. Apples help people feel full for a long period. Likewise, cinnamon is also used to speed up metabolism and stop food intake. By burning off excess sugars, this spicy addition to the mixture prevents the formation of fat.


  • filtered water (about 350 ml)
  • 1-2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (ground)
  • 1/2 tsp. sweetener (optional)
  • 1/2 medium apple (chopped)

Cooking instructions

Place all ingredients (minus the apple) into a blender and blend for about 10 seconds.

Add chopped apple on top. Drink and then eat apple slices. They will be delicious.

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