Pugachev's rebellion: how Alla Pugacheva took revenge for Soviet women

What Pugacheva looks like now after losing weight

Pugacheva’s weight loss is always under the radar of television cameras. The whole country is watching the prima donna’s transformations. This is what Alla Borisovna looks like now.

Alla Borisovna with her husband Maxim Galkin

With daughter Kristina Orbakaite

Let's find out how Alla Borisovna achieved such amazing results.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Ilyina L.F. – nutritionist

Of all the proposed methods that Alla Borisovna practiced, I would call the USSR the safest. In essence, it is a system of proper nutrition. It is only necessary to develop a balanced menu so that the body does not experience a deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements. At the same time, if you reduce the calorie content of your meals, you will even be able to lose weight without harm to your health, but remember that your diet must contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. I also think Alla Pugacheva’s fish diet is good, because fish contains a lot of useful things. But as for cucumber, I would not recommend abusing it.

Herbal diet of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva

This system is suitable for busy people who do not have time to prepare complex dishes, eat strictly according to a schedule and count calories. It allows you to lose up to 6 kg per week without compromising your health.

The only “dish” is a light, nutritious drink, which is drunk throughout the day as the feeling of hunger arises in such quantity as to satisfy it:

  • grate 4 medium-sized fresh cucumbers;
  • mix with 1.5 liters of kefir with the lowest fat content;
  • add chopped cilantro, parsley and dill.

Salt and other spices are not included in the drink. It is prepared every morning; you should not make a “stock” for several days, storing it in the refrigerator.

Cucumber Diet

The nutrition system is in many ways similar to the “herbal” one: it is also a salt-free mono-diet and leads to rapid weight loss (up to 5 kg in a week and a half).

The basis is the salad:

  • a kilogram of cucumbers, chopped relatively large;
  • dill, basil, parsley, celery greens;
  • mayonnaise (no more than 30 g).

Along with the salad, you can eat a slice of slightly stale black bread, drink a cup of coffee or a glass of tea in the morning, and in the evening eat one orange or apple (preferably green).

Another option for the cucumber diet is a combination of a kilogram of cucumbers and two boiled eggs per day (this allows you to avoid a lack of proteins). The specified amount of products must be distributed evenly throughout the day. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids - green tea or boiled water.

Menu options

If you believe the words of the Diva, she prefers to adhere to the above recommendations rather than go on strict diets. However, the singer has several proven techniques in her arsenal, with the help of which she gets her body in shape.

On kefir

The singer’s favorite weight loss program, known as kefir or herbal, gives a simply amazing effect - you can lose up to 1.2 kg every day. The essence of Alla Pugacheva’s diet is that every day you have to eat only a kefir cocktail created according to a special recipe.

The maximum duration of the event is 5 days.

To prepare a miracle drink, take one percent kefir, cucumbers and your favorite herbs (cilantro, celery, dill, parsley are suitable). The daily norm is one and a half liters of kefir, a kilogram of cucumbers and a bunch of greens. Grind the greens and cucumbers in a blender, add kefir and mix thoroughly. The fat-burning cocktail is ready, but keep in mind that it cannot be stored, therefore, it must be prepared before each meal.


There is another Pugacheva diet, which the star of the domestic show business resorts to if she needs to lose a few kg - cucumber. From the name it is clear that the diet is based on cucumbers. They contain vitamins B and C, proteins, organic acids, including tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. The system is tough, but in a week you can lose up to 10 kg, and most importantly, you will be able to give your skin a healthy look, cleanse your joints, intestines and kidneys.

There are several types of diets.

On salad

Every day at strictly defined hours you will have to eat cucumber salad. To prepare it, chop a kilogram of cucumbers and a bunch of your favorite greens, season with 30 grams of kefir, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt without additives. It is not forbidden to complement the salad with a slice of black bread. It is extremely important to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Approximate meal schedule:

  • 8:00: black coffee, sandwich or porridge with water;
  • 12:30, 16:30, 19:30: salad;
  • 21:00 orange or apple.

The maximum weight for this program is 8 kg. It is forbidden to follow it for more than a week!

With eggs

Alla Borisovna practices the strict cucumber system only as a last resort, preferring its more gentle variety. The essence of this diet option is that you need to eat a kilogram of cucumbers and a couple of hard-boiled eggs every day. Divide the food into 4-5 equal portions and eat throughout the day. Don't forget to drink plenty of water and green tea. Despite the fact that the menu includes other products in addition to vegetables, the complex has not lost its effectiveness.

With tomatoes

Another complex that is ideal for weight correction, which the Primadonna tested on herself, is cucumber-tomato. Its maximum duration is 7 days. The daily portion of food is half a kilo of tomatoes and 3 times more cucumbers; if desired, you can eat them separately or prepare a salad from them, seasoned with a minimum amount of olive oil. And of course, while losing weight, do not forget to follow the drinking regime.

In case of deterioration of health and/or attacks of hunger, it is allowed to supplement the daily diet with a pack of low-fat cottage cheese.


Each of those who have at least once struggled with extra pounds knows that salt retains fluid in the body and thereby prevents weight loss. This is why salt-free diets are so popular today. Pugacheva also has a proven version of a similar technique, which Kristina Orbakaite shared with her. The essence of the fifteen-day marathon is a complete abstinence from salt. During this time, some manage to become 5-7 kg lighter.

A little secret: adding onions, garlic, herbs and soy sauce to dishes, you can add a piquant taste!

Menu option

  • Breakfast: oatmeal steamed with milk, with the addition of dried fruits, cinnamon and honey.
  • Lunch: a couple of nuts; apple.
  • Lunch: boiled buckwheat – 150 g; boiled white meat – 100 g; leafy vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt – 125 ml; pear.
  • Dinner: assorted tuna, sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions with lemon juice; green tea.

Salt-free diet Pugacheva

The diet is useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people suffering from kidney disease. Complete rejection of salt and spices is the main, but not the only rule:

  • exclude fatty foods;
  • steam or boil foods, but do not fry or eat smoked foods;
  • the basis of nutrition is soups and stews;
  • eat more fresh berries and fruits;
  • For dinner, drink natural yogurt.

The diet involves split meals: 4-6 times a day. The total weight of a serving is limited to 200 g.

General rules

The position of public people and close attention to them obliges them to constantly monitor their appearance and weight - this becomes a component of their life. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is an example of this. Having a tendency to be overweight, she constantly resorted to diets over the years. Watching her work, everyone noted changes in her figure - she managed to significantly reduce weight, then gain weight again. In recent years, the singer has been especially careful about her weight and health, and admirers of her talent could not note this. This issue is being vigorously discussed on social networks and a figure is given - minus 51 kg.

Of course, she had figure correction operations, but to maintain the results, constant proper nutrition and, if necessary, periodic use of special dietary programs are necessary. According to her loved ones, at the festive table, Alla Borisovna can allow herself to eat an extra piece (even cake), but after that she takes two fasting days.

Everyone knows Pugacheva’s buckwheat diet , which she used at the beginning of her artistic career. This diet helped her lose 8-10 kg. Buckwheat porridge was prepared according to a special recipe - without cooking. If you steam a glass of buckwheat with 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos or saucepan in the evening (then it needs to be well wrapped), add a spoonful of vegetable oil and a little salt, then crumbly porridge will be ready in the morning. The entire portion is divided into 5 portions. In addition to this, you need to consume a glass of kefir.

You need to eat this way for a whole week - a maximum of ten days. After this, you can switch to eating protein foods (meat, fish) and vegetables (vegetable soup, salads, stewed vegetables). Considering this nutrition option, we can say that the diet is unbalanced and it is difficult and undesirable to follow for such a long period. At this time, you can choose a more varied diet. But as an option for a 2-3 day fast, it is quite acceptable.

Among her diets there are also express diets, which the singer used in emergencies. An example would be a kefir diet with the addition of herbs . It is also called Pugacheva’s diet for the lazy, since there is no need to cook food, and it takes very little time to prepare a “green” cocktail based on kefir.

Essentially, this is a smoothie - cucumbers (1-2), chopped in a blender, greens (200-300 g to your taste - dill, parsley, celery, cilantro, lettuce) and 1.5 liters of 1% kefir. In total, you get a little more than 1.5 liters of kefir cocktail, which you need to drink per day without adding salt and spices. Parsley is an essential component of the cocktail, since it has a diuretic effect, and due to the loss of excess fluid, weight loss is achieved. Swelling of the face and hands goes away.

It is recommended to cook each serving before consumption. The duration of such a strict diet can be 3 days or more, weight loss can be 2-4 kg. But given the low calorie content and unbalanced diet, it is not advisable to take it for more than three days. While on this diet, many people feel hungry. As with any long-term mono-diet, the body experiences stress, so the most suitable option is a weekly fasting day.

The singer has several cucumber diet options in her arsenal. This vegetable was chosen for good reason: low calorie content, low glycemic index and diuretic effect due to the optimal ratio of potassium and sodium.

First option . Salad from one kilogram of cucumbers with the addition of herbs. To add flavor, the salad can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream (kefir, yogurt). The entire portion is divided into 5-6 meals and eaten throughout the day with three slices of whole grain bread. During the day you need to drink water, herbal or green tea. The time spent on the diet should be limited to three days.

Second option . The daily diet in this case includes 0.5 kg of cucumbers and two soft-boiled eggs. It is advisable to divide the daily food intake into 4-5 meals. If you follow this option, you also need to remember to drink enough water. The daily water intake is also two liters.

Third option . In addition to 1.5 kg of cucumbers, serve 0.5 kg of tomatoes and 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. The products can be eaten separately or combined in one salad and seasoned with olive oil. As in previous cases, the daily food intake is divided into 5-6 times. This option, due to the daily protein content (cottage cheese), can be performed for seven days.

Recently, the singer prefers to eat fish. Pugacheva’s favorite diet is called Mediterranean . Actually, this is a balanced diet that you can stick to constantly. It involves eating fish with a vegetable side dish twice a day. Moreover, lean fish is chosen once a day, and fatty fish (a source of Omega-3 fatty acids ) for the second meal.

The latter are necessary to improve the condition of blood vessels, skin, nails, and to reduce cholesterol . The benefits of such a diet are obvious: fish has less calories than meat, the body receives easily digestible protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements (phosphorus, iodine), which are not found in meat. A true Mediterranean diet involves eating fish in any form, but the singer prefers steamed or boiled fish.

Author's diet "USSR"

Pugacheva compiled a diet with this name in 2015. The name is not “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” at all, but a summary of the principles:

  • sweet;
  • butter;
  • salty;
  • fasting day.

During fasting days, which are held once a week, they eat only vegetable soups and fresh fruits. Not everyone can immediately give up baked goods, sweets and salty foods; you can switch to such a system gradually. If you break your diet (for example, by eating a cake), you should arrange an additional fasting day.

Unlike Alla Borisovna’s other diets, this system can be followed for a long time and even permanently.

General recommendations

The nutritional systems (except for the “USSR”) that Alla Pugacheva used are among the radical diets; their use requires certain precautions. You need to follow such a diet for 7-14 days, no more, while simultaneously taking a vitamin complex.

Activated carbon is used as an additional remedy at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. This amount is distributed evenly throughout the day, taking one hour before each meal.

Diva diets are contraindicated for some people:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children and teenagers;
  • people suffering from diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, and blood pressure disorders.

Even a healthy person should consult a doctor before following such radical diets.

Photo of Pugacheva after losing weight

Diva's Weight Loss Secrets

There are many versions on the Internet regarding how the “woman who sings” managed to lose weight. However, Alla Borisovna herself and people from her circle say that not much is required to lose weight, namely:

  1. Eat right, without overindulging in sweet, salty and starchy foods.
  2. Include fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat fermented milk products in your diet.
  3. Drink a lot; in addition to clean water, herbal infusions and green tea are allowed.
  4. Last meal no later than 21:00.
  5. Play sports, but it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with physical exercises in the gym; it is enough to do exercises and walk in the fresh air.
  6. Go to bed before 23:00. The body will go without food for a long time, so fat burning will accelerate, metabolism will be normalized and hormonal levels will stabilize.
  7. And, of course, enjoy life, see the positive in everything, rejoice in how children grow, love and be loved.
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