Which foods contain high quality protein with a full range of amino acids?

Products containing protein

When it comes to protein, two of the most frequently asked questions are “how much protein does the body need?” and “which foods contain large amounts of protein?” Protein or protein is the main element of our body and it is especially important for people actively involved in any kind of sports.

Of all the nutrients, protein is the most essential for the healthy functioning of the body. More than protein, your body needs only water.

During active strength training, a sufficient amount of protein foods in the diet is the key to muscle growth.

At the stage of active growth, the body takes the material necessary to “build” lean muscle mass from protein. That is why at this stage it is so important that the diet contains high-quality food rich in protein in sufficient quantities.

The big question is how much protein does the body need for optimal growth?

Experts note that the recommended daily intake is 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. This norm is designed for the average person, whose goal is neither weight gain nor weight loss - in other words, no active physical activity is present.

Recent studies have shown that for people who are actively involved in strength training and strive for impressive muscles, it is necessary to eat much more protein per day.

On average, experts suggest increasing the norm to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight (sometimes more, sometimes less). Of course, the optimal amount of nutrients for your body can be calculated through trial and error.

In order to determine the “starting point” you just need to multiply your own weight by 2. For example, you weigh 80 kilograms, you are actively training and want to gain muscle mass. Multiply this number by 2, so your daily protein intake is 160 grams.

The amount of protein you need is determined based on your physical activity. A person whose goal is only to slightly tone his muscles (by doing strength training from time to time) will need several times less protein than a professional bodybuilder competing in competitions.

However, the fact remains that in order to get large, well-defined muscles, it is important to eat enough high-protein foods in addition to working out.

Conventionally, protein-rich foods can be divided into 5 categories:

  • Pure protein;
  • Healthy protein;
  • Vegetable protein;
  • High protein foods;
  • Dairy products.

How much protein do you need?

In this article you can get answers to all your questions about proteins (or protein). Here you will learn how much protein you need per day, what foods you need to eat and which protein supplements are worth your time.

People don't eat enough protein. Every day I see at least one patient who could reduce their consumption of certain foods if they simply ate more protein. This may seem too simple, but it is a real fact that is often overlooked by most athletic trainers, trainers, sports doctors and other health professionals.

There is a 98% chance that a young athlete does not consume the required amount of protein. I will not discover America if I say that our body consists mainly of protein and water. We all know how important water is, but very often we forget about protein. Our body uses them for most internal chemical reactions. Its consumption is directly related to the nervous system, hormones, brain function, blood production, immune defense, digestion, and tissue growth and repair.

A lack of dietary protein may initially manifest itself as muscle strains and tendon irritation, but can then lead to more serious sprains and sprains. Their deficiency can cause poor sleep, chronic colds and flu that cannot be completely cured, as well as pain that occurs in various parts of the body.

How much protein should you eat?

The American College of Sports Medicine originally recommended 1.5 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight, but in 2011 this number was halved for any school-aged athlete. This number remains essentially the same for people ages 21 to 62, but for a more specific answer to your question about consuming the right amount, read on. If you are over 65 years old, then you need to consume less, since the body does not recover at the same pace as a young body.

Which foods contain the most protein?

The best sources of proteins are eggs, fish, poultry, lean meats and protein supplements. Real foods are much better than any protein supplement because the micronutrients they contain help promote proper digestion.

Foods such as nuts, beans, rice, cereals, cheeses, dairy products and soy products are not complete proteins and are not completely absorbed by your body.

  • Here is a list of 8 high protein foods

How and when should you consume protein?

On average, a person cannot eat more than 20 grams of protein at one time. This means that you need several meals a day. Is that a problem? Yes!

You have no choice but to organize several small meals a day, on average 5-8 times. It also helps stabilize blood insulin levels, which is important for both weight loss and muscle building.

Your eating regimen depends on your training regimen. Proteins typically take 60 minutes to digest, but individual supplements can be digested in less than 30 minutes.

If you are gaining muscle mass, then the article “How and how much protein you should consume to gain weight” will answer many of your questions regarding protein consumption.

Avoid drinking drinks immediately before exercise and eating within an hour before exercise. If you want to lose weight, always exercise on an empty stomach. This forces your body to convert stored fats into energy, rather than using circulating sugar in the blood for fuel.

Eating immediately after training is the best choice. Choose foods that have a combination of simple and complex carbohydrates and contain small amounts of protein, such as fruits, grains and dairy products. Avoid post-workout drinks unless you have other options.

What protein supplements can you buy?

Let's be honest. There are mainly 4-5 companies involved in the wholesale sale of supplements around the world. All the big companies buy their protein from these wholesale manufacturers. And then they overproduce and sell all kinds of protein supplements. It's very confusing, and to put it simply, some protein supplements have a coating that helps them digest faster. But, as a rule, such additives are more expensive to produce. However, they are worth it.

The higher the actual protein content per serving, the better for you. When a serving weighs 20 grams and the protein content in it is 19 grams, then the actual proportion exceeds 90%. If a serving weight is 20 grams but the protein content is only 10 grams, that means the supplement only contains 50% protein and the rest is mostly filler. Buying higher quality protein supplements means you're getting more protein for your dollar, and less filler.

For more information about protein supplements, see the article “Whey Protein | Expert Guide"

Buy supplements from reputable companies that have self-funded university research to certify the quality of their products. Companies like Labrada, Gaspari, Cytotech and several others conduct top-notch research to prove that their products are complete proteins that are highly digestible.

And finally, the most important thing: taste and appearance. You wouldn't consume something that has an unpleasant taste and texture. Proteins that do not have a “grainy” structure are the most enjoyable to eat.

A final word on total calories

Calorie balance is still the golden rule. Eating more food makes you gain weight and less food makes you lose weight. The problem is that your muscles, ligaments, tendons and internal processes are depleted.

No-carb diets are dangerous because they promote the production of ammonia, which is toxic to your nervous system. Eat the amount of carbohydrates that matches your muscle mass. Thus, a safe diet consists of consuming equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates. Finally, your diet should consist of 10% saturated fat. Diets that eliminate even minimal fat intake can lead to medical problems, particularly in children.

Simply put, if your muscle mass is 80 kg, then you need 160-180 grams of protein per day. The same amount of carbohydrates, as well as 16-18 grams of fat, and you get a well-balanced sports diet.

Of course, in reality everything may turn out to be much more complicated. But believe me, you are on the right path. If you follow my advice on how much protein you need, you will be less likely to get injured and suffer from diseases caused by a lack of it.

Pure protein

These products are maximally rich in protein with minimal amounts of other nutrients. This food is the most effective option for people trying to build muscle mass.

These products are acceptable in the diet of professional bodybuilders, weightlifters and other athletes at any time. If the goal is not only to gain muscle mass, but also to actively burn fat, then most of the protein should come from foods whose calorie content is at least 70% protein.

If the goal is to gain muscle mass, then the products included in this list can be eaten in any quantity and at any time.

However, remember that protein is not the only thing needed to build muscle. An integrated approach with sufficient amounts of carbohydrates and fats is important. Muscle growth depends not only on the amount of protein eaten, but also on total calories.

Product nameRecommended Serving SizeCalorie contentAmount of protein per serving (grams)
Whey Protein1 serving, according to manufacturer's directions10024
Egg white170 grams10224
Turkey breast85 grams9020
Tuna115 grams12026
Chopped turkey85 grams11024
Chicken breast85 grams9018

We all know that even a meager intake of protein for a person who does not engage in sports is enough to maintain vital functions.

Having gone in for sports, switching to the mode of gaining muscle mass, you need to increase your protein intake, BUT, at the same time increasing everything else - fats, carbohydrates , water, and vegetables and fruits. If there is a deficiency of something, all the excess protein will simply go past the muscles.

There is a wide range of recommendations, from 0.5 grams to 3 grams per 1 kilogram of lean body mass.

In total, protein (amino acid) metabolism in our body reaches 500 grams per day, some of which are irretrievably lost. In case of severe damage to internal organs, protein losses can be colossal, measured in hundreds of grams per day; normally, protein losses are not so great.

Where does protein go in a person who doesn’t exercise?

  • Skin peels, hair falls out, nails get cut.
  • Every few days the intestinal walls are renewed.
  • Protein amino acids participate in reactions inside cells and are parts of enzymes.
  • Protein is excreted in the urine.

And 15-30 grams of protein per day is quite enough to maintain homeostasis when not training, 0.5 grams per 1 kg without fat body mass.

If our goal is to gain 1 kg of muscle mass in a month, how much protein should we prepare for the month? 200 grams for at least a month on top !

But we also need to repair damage to muscles, tendons, skin (bruises, scratches) that arise from training, the rate of renewal of the same skin, hair growth can increase significantly, synthesis throughout the body is sharply accelerated . This is at least an extra 5-10 grams of protein per day, but it is better to include 20 or more grams per day here.

And with a successful combination of circumstances, not 1 kg, but 2-3 kg of muscle can grow in a month, if the whole body is trained and you have just started training, the gain can be very fast in the first years of regular You need at least 600 grams of protein per month, that’s 20 grams per day.

of complete animal protein per 1 kg of lean per day , i.e. 200% of the norm for a non-trainer. It is better to count the protein of cereals as 0.

An approximate diet from the book “Energy supply and nutrition in sports (Seluyanov)” for rapid weight gain (in strength sports):

  • Breakfast : omelet of 2-3 eggs, a plate of pasta with vegetable oil, 1 piece of fruit.
  • Second breakfast : 200 g of meat or fish, a plate of rice, a glass of yogurt or kefir.
  • Lunch : 200 g of meat, a plate of soup, 300 g of potatoes or rice, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack : 200 g of meat or cottage cheese, a plate of rice or boiled corn, 1 fruit.
  • Dinner : 200 g of boiled meat, 300 g of potatoes, salad, a cup of milk.
  • Evening meal : 1.5-2 hours before bedtime: 2 soft-boiled eggs, omelet or cottage cheese, a portion of vegetables or bread.

And this is for an athlete weighing only 70-80 kg! Almost 1 kilogram of meat a day, every day!

For about half of people, eating a kilogram of meat a day is not a problem, for the other half it is a big problem. But that’s not all - along with a lot of protein foods, you need to consume even more carbohydrate foods, and a lot of salads, drink liters of water, up to 3-5 liters. And it’s a big headache to carry all this with you, and it still deteriorates, begins to smell, fog up (which is a sign of explosive growth of microbes) and ferment in the intestines.

You also need to take into account that not all meat is digested, and not everyone’s gastrointestinal tract is healthy enough to absorb everything - with a diseased pancreas, for example, hydrolyzed protein can be a solution, if the doctor does not mind (there are different views, some believe that less protein is needed, others believe that with a diseased gastrointestinal tract, on the contrary, you need 120 grams of protein every day to repair damage)

Protein consumption of more than 2 grams per 1 kg of lean body mass begins to cause fat-burning effects.

Total - 100-120-150 grams of complete protein per day from all sources is the norm for a person training the whole body.

If you exercise rarely and train only 1 muscle - the lower leg, or the biceps of the arms, then 60-80 grams of protein may be enough.

For those who, simply due to the nature of their work, cannot carry 3-4 or more meals of food with them in a thermal container (and the same eggs should not be kept warm for more than 2-3 hours after boiling), protein bars and Whey Protein.

You cannot replace food with them, it should be 1, maximum 2 doses of supplements in addition to 3-4-5 doses of the usual


Yes, even 3 large meals + 1 supplement can cause muscle growth! Many pro athletes from strength sports do this.

High Protein Foods

There are many other foods that contain protein. The following products contain enough not only protein, but also fat, which makes them an organic addition to any diet.

But be careful. Although high in protein, many of these foods are also high in fat, which is known to be healthy only in moderation.

Product nameRecommended Serving SizeCalorie contentAmount of protein per serving (grams)
Beef steak60 grams11517
Steak60 grams12316
Chicken's leg60 grams11014
Chicken thigh60 grams11012
Lean ground beef60 grams14515
Pork30 grams1058

Healthy protein

The following list of foods contains all the best foods for people looking to gain muscle mass.

In addition to protein, all these products contain healthy fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which, unfortunately, the body often lacks, especially if you adhere to a particular diet. Many weightlifters are wary of these foods, mistakenly believing that they are introducing unnecessary fats into their diet.

However, this is fundamentally wrong. For the health and proper functioning of the body, the presence of healthy fats in the diet is important. It’s better to try to eliminate fast carbohydrates such as sugar and wheat flour from your diet as much as possible.

What to do if you are on a diet? Add the following foods anyway. Omega-3 fatty acids help the body convert carbohydrates into glycogen, the fuel for building muscle.

Product nameRecommended Serving SizeCalorie contentAmount of protein per serving (grams)
Salmon60 grams10014
Eggs1 PC.756
Sardines60 grams12011
Peanut30 grams904
Sunflower seeds30 grams1406
Almond30 grams1706

Provide yourself with protein

Protein as a macronutrient is gaining popularity by the minute. Nowadays everything in the world is advertised as high protein or with added protein. It is an all-around beneficial nutrient without many of the dangers that come with excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats. For the exerciser and anyone looking to improve their figure, 20-30g of protein per day is the ideal amount to kick-start muscle recovery and growth, which will help support a healthy metabolism and improve workout performance. The list gives quick recommendations on how to get that 20-30g of protein from food, but nothing beats a good protein powder for the most convenient and filling source of protein.

Igor July 4, 2015


We've all heard that dairy products are high in fat and should be avoided if you're trying to lose weight.

Foods such as cheese, yogurt and milk are thought to contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. In fact, the calcium contained in such products provides hormonal support to the body and promotes fat burning.

Weightlifters often include low-fat dairy products in their diet, especially when they are in the process of burning fat. However, be careful, there are a lot of high protein dairy products on store shelves.

If you're looking to bulk up, skim milk, cheeses, and yoghurts that are rich in protein and calcium are great options.

Product nameRecommended Serving SizeCalorie contentAmount of protein per serving (grams)
Skim cheese170 grams12022
Milk230 grams1508
Low-fat cottage cheese115 grams10016
Low-fat yogurt230 grams12013
Cream230 grams909
Low-fat cheese30 grams908

Where can I get 200 gr. protein/day in diet?

littlef0x: I don’t understand how you can eat 200 grams of protein per day? Is it necessary to eat all sorts of rubbish like low-fat cottage cheese with boiled breasts? But this is unbearable. clck.ru/BoKSx

Znatok Ne: Yes, in principle it’s not difficult, all protein, both animal and plant, is taken into account (the recommended ratio is usually 2/3 - animal protein, 1/3 plant).

PERIODIC TABLE OF PROTEINS from Wired! vk.com/wall3065546_672

Well, for example (I take into account my taste preferences, i.e. if you use your imagination, you can choose your own products):

- 3 eggs for breakfast - ~15g Squirrel - Poultry Carpaccio - 200 g ~35g Squirrel - House in the village Cottage cheese Low-fat 0.2% (I write low-fat because I like it that way, but you can take 5%), a couple of jars per day (200 g each) is ~40 g Protein - Post-workout protein shake ~50-60 g Protein - Lean beef steak for dinner, 150-200 grams - ~35-40 g Protein

PS: Well, or you can get proteins from fish, seafood, incl. canned (for example, in its own juice), chicken (not necessarily just chicken breast, you can use other parts of the body, with moderate fat content), turkey, pork tenderloin (it is quite lean), rabbit meat, a wide range of fermented milk products.

So it adds up to 200 grams of protein, and this doesn’t even take into account the vegetable protein.

If you haven’t settled into your eating habits yet, then you can partially get protein from sports nutrition: for example, add another portion of a protein shake before bed.

Oleg Zelensky: I’ll add my life hacks.

  1. In dishes with eggs I often do not use all the yolks. Previously, you had to throw them away, but now the protein is sold in bottles separately. And this is even here in Vladivostok. And some dishes, in general, can only be used with proteins. For example, I add chopped heat-treated protein to vegetable salads. Tasty and lots of protein.
  2. Low fat cheese. It can be melted (President Light, for example). Sometimes it's ordinary. In addition to fewer calories, there is an increased amount of protein. For example, we have low-fat cheese in our stores - 32 grams of protein per 9 grams of fat. And delicious, IMHO. It's very easy to get the norm with him.
  3. Various types of turkey and chicken. For example, this is a very tasty thing. 12 grams of protein per 3 grams of fat - https://www.v-dymov.ru/products/vysokaya-kuhnya/shato/ - chicken does not have to be boiled. You can do it on the grill, for example. Or fry, but with a small amount of oil. Or bake it. I don't like boiled breasts either. Some types of ready-made chicken basturma also have no more than 130 kcal with a high percentage of protein and are delicious.
  4. Tuna. More often I take it canned, occasionally fillet. Just not in oil. Huge amount of protein. There is also pollock caviar. 129 kcal, 28 grams of protein and great on sandwiches. Squid/Scallop is also high in protein and low in fat.
  5. Low-fat soft cottage cheese.

Something like this. https://www.utkonos.ru/item/14/1034600 The consistency is not at all dry, like regular cottage cheese. I sometimes add sweetener or fruit.

The most important life hack is to count the protein in all foods. For example, most flour products contain about 7 grams of protein. Milk contains about 3. If you take all this into account, then you can gain 200 grams (out of my 2500 daily calories) per day.

True, I won’t say that it’s easy. Or it’s nice to have such a diet every day. But taking into account the fact that this is necessary precisely during the diet period, it is quite possible.

This material was published on Dmitry Pikul’s blog, 09/12/2017.

Vegetable protein

Until recently, vegetables and grains were not even considered as a source of protein. However, many plant-based foods are excellent sources of quality protein—an excellent option for vegetarians looking to gain muscle mass.

Another advantage of these products is that they are rich not only in protein, but also in fiber, which promotes better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Product nameRecommended Serving SizeCalorie contentAmount of protein per serving (grams)
Soy milk23013010
Red beans1151138
Pinto beans1151177

If you want to gain muscle mass quickly, make sure your diet contains enough foods high in protein. Select one or more foods from the lists above and be sure to include them in your diet.

Source: https://www.building-muscle101.com/food-high-in-protein.html

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